Ceòl Is Craic

About Ceòl Is Craic

Ceòl ‘s Craic is a vibrant social hub which serves as a key platform for contemporary Gaelic arts and culture in Glasgow.

Ceòl Is Craic Description

Ceòl ‘s Craic is a vibrant social hub which serves as a key platform for contemporary Gaelic arts and culture in Glasgow.

Our inclusive programme - which is aimed at fluent and non-Gaelic speakers alike - showcases the Gaelic arts as contemporary, lively, creative and inclusive, and inspires debate on what contemporary Gaelic culture is and who it is for.

Air a chur air bhonn ann an 2004, ’s e prògram de na nithean as fheàrr ann an cultar co-aimsireil Gàidhlig a th’ ann an Ceol ’s Craic a bhios a’ dol fad na bliadhna.

Tha na tachartasan againn a’ cuimseachadh air luchd-èisteachd gun Ghàidhlig cho math ri luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig, agus tha iad air an dealbh gus deasbad a bhrosnachadh mu dheidhinn cultar co-aimsireil Gàidhlig agus cò dha a tha e.

More about Ceòl Is Craic

Ceòl Is Craic is located at c/o CCA Glasgow, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD Glasgow, United Kingdom