Christian Men Together

About Christian Men Together

Christian Men Together for Scotland exists to encourage and equip Christian men for life at home, at work, at Church and in their communities, and to enable them to share the good news of Jesus Christ. www.



It was good to be with around 200 men at the Commission Event in Glasgow last Saturday. Challenging messages from Tommy McNeil, Kenny Borthwick and John McKinnon and singing led by Al Lightbody and band. The subject ‘The Power of the Cross’


Another date for your diary


The details of this years Commission Event are now to hand, so it is time to book your ticket!


The mystery of the Origin on the Universe



After today's election results, Andy Hunter's Christmas Video seems particularly relevant -


A Date for your Diary! Details to follow. The Commission 2020 is on Saturday 7 March.


Three weeks today we hope to be celebrating Christmas. So here is our friend Andy Hunter talking about that great event and its implications.


Thanks to CMT and MAF for organising a great night out for men in Glasgow, with commedian Steve Legg. Lots of fun, food and fellowship, and great to hear Steve tell how faith in Jesus Christ turned his life arounf for good, and of all his exploits since.


Who created God ? Richard Dawkins and John Lennox -


If you missed the concert in support of the Glasgow Street Pastors, here is a ‘taster’.


Here is a lecture well worth attending!


Here's a special night that everyone is invited to, and you don't need a ticket!


How busy is your diary this week? Personally I have always liked to be busy! Sometimes a busy diary can give us a false sense of self worth and importance. It can almost seem like boasting at times 'I'm out every day AND night this week". For others it's having a 'Fab' time every weekend and just putting up with the weekly slog Mon - Fri! Or perhaps we are busy saving money for this or that, or studying to increase our knowledge, or spending time at the gym to keep fit, or p...ursuing our favourite sport or hobby. Life has so much to offer, and it can be busy! busy! busy! The other thing about life however is its unpredictability, you never know what another day will bring! As Rabbie Burns the Scottish Bard puts it 'the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglee'. In yesterdays daily Bible reading I came across these words of Jesus the Son of God, He was always reminding his listeners that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun, so he asked the question 'For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?' My fathers favourite hymn is attached. It's important to take time to consider, is it well with my soul? Unsure? private message me and I'll try to help.
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Two men that I have respected over the years for their wisdom and insight, especially. when it comes to the big questions of life, are David Gooding and John Lennox. Ive just finished a read of their book 'Christianity Opium or Truth'. Karl Marx is famous for his comment that 'religion was the opium of the people' and in the early 60's Marxism was set on the idea of formating a new man, and creating heaven on earth. In that cause millions lost their lives in the last centur...y, but the promised utopia never came about. Christianity agrees with Marxism at least in this one thing - Man needs to be made a new! Not however in the way, and not the kind of new man that Marxism envisaged. The book I found to be a fascinating read. It addresses many of the criticisms hurled at Christianity and points the readers to the one who can truly make us new!
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Calling all men! Here is a date for your diary!

More about Christian Men Together

Christian Men Together is located at Area 3b1, Challenge House, 29 Canal Street,, G4 0AD Glasgow, United Kingdom
0141 637 3688