Clean Water Wave

About Clean Water Wave

We're a social enterprise dedicated to generating entrepreneurship through clean water



Dr Howard Dryden: Technical Director
Howard is the founder of Dryden Aqua Ltd and a #marine #biologist from #Edinburgh. The company was founded from his PhD research on molecular sieve ion exchange zeolitic #sand #filitration systems from closed system #aquaculture #technology. His technology, while developed to improve #animal #health and #protect the #aquatic #environment, is now being applied in numerous #markets where #clients demand effective, #sustainable solutions to d...eliver clean, safe water. Dr Dryden has unique knowledge and experience of combining #biology, #chemistry and #phyiscal technology to address #watertreatment across the spectrum. He is the #inventor of the activated bio and wormhole channel resistent filter media AFM. He is one of the #worldsleading #experts in sustainable water treatment and winner of multiple #international awards in #innovation and sustainability.
Howard is also a big #dog lover like Stephanie.
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Dr. Stephanie Terreni Brown aka Watson's mum.
Stephanie is the managing director for Clean Water Wave. Her PhD research explored small scale #water and #sanitation infrastructures and the relationship with the communities the technology is meant to serve.
Her PhD was an in depth analysis of #toilets and toileting methods in #Uganda and she engaged with policy makers and worked directly with a number of #community based organisations engaged in WATSAN and #education in East an...d Southern #Africa.
Since leaving academia, Stephanie had subsequently build up a portfolio of project management experience with CBO's, NGO's and corporate and has considerable experience working across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. She has recently been nominated as a fellow of the RSA.
#team #cleanaquaforeveryone #technology #research #science #socialenterprise #smallbusiness #Scotland #cleanwater
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May I introduce you to Cody (left) and Watson (right).
Without these waggy friends Clean Water Wave may have never come about. This pair through their love of playing and drinking from the river brought together the human founders of CWW (Stephanie, Howard and Diane) as they too believe everyone and every doggy should have access to clean water.
Clean Water Wave now has a technological solution to providing safe drinking water for all. Get in touch to find out more.
... #cleanaquaforeveryone #dogsofinstagram #waterdogs #cleanwater #nontoxic #savetheplanet #saveourearth #waterpollution #dogoftheday #plasticfree #drinkingwater #watertreatment #socialenterprise #technology
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#Repost @endwaterpoverty • • • • • • [last week] Yesterday, @Unicef /@WHO published the recent Joint Monitoring Programme report. The report found that 1 in 3 people lack access to safe water 💦 & over half of the world's population still lacks access to safe sanitation 🚽. We are four years into the #SDGs and currently off track from reaching #SDG6 by 2030. In order to make access to safe water and sanitation - which is a basic yet fundamental human right - a reality for all, ...governments must take concrete steps today towards a sustainable tomorrow.
In 2015, governments committed to reaching the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It's time to take these commitments seriously and view its achievement as both a necessity and an obligation. Read the full report to learn more [link in bio]. #Water #Sanitation #Hygiene #WASH #WednesdayWisdom #Agenda2030 #WASH4All #Account4SDG6 #HumanRight #SustainableDevelopmentGoals
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Water is a basic necessity, and an important resource for sustaining life. The decline in water quality endangers the health of humans as well as the ecosystems. Clean drinking water, hygiene and sanitation play an important part in maintaining health.
Case study: India... One of the biggest problems in India is the pollution of drinking water. An analysis by the Delhi based centre for science and environment (CSE) revealed that 78% of sewage in India is untreated and flows directly into its rivers.
#cleanaquaforeveryone #environmentallyfriendly #sewage #waterpollution #watertreatment #environment #unenvironment #sustainabledevelopment #human #health
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Do you know what these numbers represent?
These are drinking water wells that have been identified as #contaminated from @lishtotwater global water map.
Although we are a #Scottish based #socialenterprise focused on bringing clean safe water to low income countries, this map alone indicates this is not just a poor country problem.
... #hydrate #safely #cleanaquaforeveryone #waterpollution #watercontamination #plastic #america #watertreatment #waterfilter
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Picture credit @taigarcia.f from the networking evening at @unesco for @emarineboard #eurocean2019
We've been so impressed with the discussions working towards a sustainable future and gearing up for the @unitednations #decadeofocean science.
A topic close to our hearts was #ocean and #human #health. And the importance of a clean ocean on human health and well-being. We are far more connect to our oceans than we pay attention to.
... Let's clean up our oceans and ensure #cleanaquaforeveryone
#oceanpollution #plasticfree #microplastics #saveouroceans #cleanwater
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We'll be working with this awesome group of performers during the Edinburgh Festival in August. They will be putting on shows throughout the Fringe which are all about engaging people with sustainability, climate change, and action. CWW will be running workshops and events too - keep an eye out for our events!


Hot the heels of my first ever FB Live conversation yesterday with The Greenhouse by BoxedIn Theatre (thanks Oli!), my super friend Kate Symons shared this v useful graphic sowcasing just how toxic our sunscreens are. We're gearing up for summer season (not that Scotland knows it 🙄), and most of us will be spending loads of £££ on bottles of it. CHECK OUT WHAT'S IN YOUR SUNSCREEN!!!! Key West, Florida has banned all products containing Oxybenzone (Florida has lost 90% of its coral reefs), as has Hawaii and Palau and Boanire in a bid to protect corals. It's nasty, nasty stuff. And yet we slather ourselves in it and jump straight into the sea or wash it off later in the shower... from where it goes into the sewage system and straight out to the sea... we gotta get rid of this stuff!


Ta da! We had our first ever live chat :) Thank you Oli for the interview. Looking forward to working with you over the next few months 👍


We'll be LIVE! On Facebook! Very soon! With our friends from @GreenHouse_BI @BoxedInTheatre, we're talking #water #climatechange #pollution and what YOU can do to help. We've never done this before... so tune in below because whatever happens it won't be dull!


Have you read the latest research from @uniofyork that shows exceedingly high levels of #antiobiotics found in our world's #rivers? It's one of the many reasons we're investigating the effectiveness of our #CleanAquaForEveryone #water treatment system for tertiary treatment of sewage effluent. The researchers found that concentrations of #antibiotics found in some of the world’s #rivers exceed ‘safe’ levels by up to 300 times. From the #Ganges to the #Thames, this is a major ...worry. Have you ever had to take #Metronidazole, #trimethoprim, or #Ciproflaxacin to treat an infection? Guess what... Between 30-90% of an oral dose can be excreted in our pee! (I learned that from super pharma expert @sharonpfleger.) These drugs are ending up in our #environment. We need to change the state of play... urgently.
Don't take it if you don't need it. Don't prescribe it if they don't need it. Adapt technologies to remove pharma from our wastewaters and our environment.
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This was our first grant achievement and it really helped kick start our journey. If you have a great idea for sustainable, low carbon tech or business service, check out the #ClimateKIC accelerator programme, which in #Scotland is administered by the ECCI at High School Yards.


This weekend we were busy training up the next generation of Clean Water Wave employees 😂 Lil Crawford was very particular about wearing all of his PPE too (safety first folks!) and has even been conducting his own water testing trials at home... in his superhero costume! #thefutureisbright #youthforclimate #safewaterforall Thank you Vic Lavender Mclean & Kenny Mclean for bringing up such a bright lad - our future Professor of Water Quality!


Update! We've been collaborating with The Challenges Group to pilot our #CleanAquaForEveryone water treamtment system in Rwanda. Their teams in Edinbrugh and Kigali have been instrumental in helping us scope out opportunities and partnerships for a trial. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that we can get the go ahead for this, as the opportunity for impact and having a reliable means of achieving clean, safe drinking water, is HUGE.


Did you know that Sustainable Development Goal Number 6 is to 'ensure availability & sustainable management of water & sanitation for all'? Those two words 'sustainable management' often get forgotten.
It's imperative that locally appropriate management practices are in place to ensure that any infrastructure that's implemented actually stays operational.
That might mean working hand-in-hand with local authorities so that they know what's going on & where, training up peopl...e so they know how the stuff works and what to do when something goes wrong, and maybe even developing business models that mean there is a pot of money to help cover costs of maintenance and keeping infrastructure running.
There is huge frustration in seeing well intentioned projects install water/sanitation infrastructure but not also ensuring and enabling the long-term viability of it. Such practices may mean that, a few months down the line, that nice new water pump is broken and no one locally can afford to fix it.
We put sustainability at the heart of our business, and we're always keen to learn from those that have experiences with what works and what doesn't. Get in touch if you want to share your WASH stories :)
#SDGs #SDG6 #GlobalGoals #WASH #water
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