Cllr. David Barratt - Councillor For Ward 6, Fife

About Cllr. David Barratt - Councillor For Ward 6, Fife

Councillor for Ward 6, Fife. Covering North Queensferry, Inverkeithing, Fordell, Dalgety Bay, Hillend and Aberdour.

Cllr. David Barratt - Councillor For Ward 6, Fife Description

Councillor for Ward 6, Fife, covering North Queensferry, Inverkeithing, Fordell, Dalgety Bay, Hillend and Aberdour.



The Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAAMP) for Inverkeithing has been revised following its periodic (5 year) review, to ensure that it is up to date.
Views are requested from anyone with an interest in protecting and enhancing the special historic and architectural character of the Inverkeithing conservation area. This will include residents, businesses and visitors, Historic Environment Scotland, Fife Council, the Community Council, Elected Members and heritage groups.
Consultation Period: 14th January 2019 to 4th February 2019
To take part, go to the following hyperlink on the FifeDirect website: ex.cfm…
A copy of the draft revised CAAMP can be accessed and downloaded from there. There is also a link to a short online feedback form where you can make comments. Alternatively, the draft report is on display in the at the Library in the Civic Centre.
For more information contact : Matthew Price, Planner (Built Heritage) Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 47 69 98
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The council has confirmed that by the end of February, in addition to Bankhead and Fife House, plastic cups, cutlery and straws will now be removed from Brunton House Cowdenbeath, Buckhaven Burgh Chambers, Carberry House Leven, City Chambers Dunfermline, Computer Centre Glenrothes, County Buildings Cupar, Kingdom House Glenrothes, Methil Customer Service Centre, Leven Customer Service Centre, New City House Dunfermline, Rothesay House Glenrothes, Town House Kirkcaldy and Wemyssfield Kirkcaldy.
I’ve updated the original post so it is current.


Coverage in today’s Courier on my motion on plastics from back in December.


Regents Way Carriageway Improvement
Works starting Thursday 17th January lasting 1 Week
The works will consist of the re-surfacing of the existing carriageway on Regents Way from just north of the roundabout on Moray Way to just north of the entrance to Tesco (See attached plan).
... Traffic will be controlled by way of 3 –way temporary traffic lights. Two Traffic Marshals will be on site to monitor potential congestion at the entrance to the Bay Centre and at the entrance to Lade Braes.
This traffic control will be in operation for the duration of the working day 0800 to 1515 hours.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of the work please contact Brendan Stenzel on
03451 55 55 55 and extension 44 46 48
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Officers will be attending tonight’s Community Council meeting.


Surgery schedule for the next few months


This is a very exciting and welcome development from the Scottish Government. I've already got properties in mind.…/new-powers-w ill-allow-councils-t…


The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community do lots of great work like today's litter pick in Rosyth. I had the pleasure to attend the Community's annual peace symposium in Edinburgh back in November.
One part of the day that sticks in my head was the speech given by Rev. Brian Cooper who quoted President Eisenhower's final speech in the White House. Rev. Cooper paraphrased President Eisenhower's words and I'll have to do the same from memory, but the sentiment was that every pound spent... on weapons was a pound stolen from those in need.
Looking up Eisenhower's speech shows the power of what he said then, but sadly we seem to be no further forward and his words are just as relevant, if not more relevant, today.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."…/status /1080084537869324288…
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I just completed my registration as a Dementia Friend by following the link below. It only takes a few minutes and gives you a greater appreciation of those dealing with dementia.
Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer Scotland initiative that aims to raise awareness about Dementia and reduce the stigma, this is not a befriending service and we will not ask Dementia Friends to visit people living with Dementia.
Anybody can become a Scottish Dementia Friend. It’s just about underst...anding a bit more about dementia and the small things you can do to help people with the condition. This could be helping someone find the right bus or being patient in a till queue if someone with dementia is taking longer to pay. Every action counts.
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Following Fife Council's commitment to eliminate avoidable single use plastics, the follow update has been provided. I hope the details below will demonstrate the volume of work underway and the commitment of the council to deliver on this commitment.
Staff survey A survey of staff on the current use and attitudes on single use plastics was launched on 5th December, running until the end December. A follow up survey is planned for March 2019. As well as measuring current sta...
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I'm delighted to have introduced and passed my first motion at Full Council today on the subject of eliminating avoidable single use plastics from Fife Council. The motion was developed in close partnership with Plastic Free Dunfermline and Dunfermline MSP Shirley-Anne Sommerville. In my speech, I made reference to the great efforts of Surfers Against Sewage
You can watch the item from 5 hours and 4 minutes into proceeding,‚ Ķ/e4755102-‚Ķ/player‚Ķ

More about Cllr. David Barratt - Councillor For Ward 6, Fife

Cllr. David Barratt - Councillor For Ward 6, Fife is located at 25 Croft an Righ, KY11 1PF Inverkeithing, Fife