Coach Lucy



The Coach Lucy Community Cookbook is full of super simple recipes and ideas, here is our Halloumi skewers
Halloumi skewers
50g cubed halloumi cheese... ¼ red pepper ¼ yellow pepper ¼ green pepper ¼ large red onion 3 wooden skewers
Cut the veggies into similar cube shapes as the cheese and add to a soaked skewer (soak in water for 6min prior to adding food to them) once ready pan fry on each side for 2 min a side until well cooked throughout.
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We offer a class pass option at our evening classes for 10 classes it's £30 saving you £1 per class and £10 every 10 classes.
They don't have a use-by date either so if you are a busy mum or workaholic or just not into commitment you class pass can last as long as you need it to.
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⚠️⚠️⚠️A little reminder that 5 weeks 2 fit is not back until Tuesday this week just for the first week only ⚠️⚠️⚠️


5 weeks 2 fit
Sign up for this block closes tonight at 9pm.
What to expect from the programme...
... These sessions are hard we are not gonna lie and say it so easy, because it's really not. Our programming is hard its designed to challenge you in many elements not just your fitness levels.
The workouts don't get easier either but you get stronger mentally, with the support of so many others on the same journey as you. We create a group of individuals who want to see one another succeed.
Why 5 weeks 2 fit?
When Aeden and I designed this programme it was never about a 5 week transformation, You will not get to the end of the programme and never have to exercise ever again, but we hope that in 5 weeks time you will have started to make some changes that you are now able to sustain, that you now enjoy a little more than what you did 5 weeks ago.
Many of our team they have been here since the start over 365 days ago, I wish I could say its because they love my banter at 6.45am but its a little more than that. These guys have created habits that they have sustained for 12 months now, getting up a little earlier to train and be pushed as hard as they can go.
Not a morning person? Well, you might be in 5 weeks... Change what you thought you couldn't -1/
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Falling in love with you today and nobody else.
Don't wish for anyone else's body other than your own, be proud of yours look after it well and only look to better it for you and not for anyone else. Love the body you have created and love it more than you could love anyone else.
As your coach don't wish for a body like mine or someone else's you see in the media, wish for the best possible version of your own 💕
... Fall in love with your self every single day.
Happy VDay team 💖
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The Coach Lucy Community Cookbook is full of super simple recipes and ideas, here is our pasta salad for on the go...
Pasta Salad
1 cup of pasta... 50g mozzarella 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp oregano hand full of chopped tomatoes 1 cup of spinach
Cook pasta in water for 12 min until fully cooked and cooled, chop up mozzarella and add in tomatoes along with the oregano and olive oil. In a pan lightly cook the spinach to let it wilt and serve.
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A powerful community of like minded individuals 💕
Lifestyle changes are hard to create in isolation, at 5 weeks 2 fit you are never alone during your journey, from our classes to our private Facebook group we are there for you every step of the way. Our classes are for anyone looking to get back into fitness no matter your exercise experience. Once I have a hold of you I’m not letting you go ever 😂
... Let our classes push you and set you up for an awesome day, week and life. We want our classes to change the way you look at fitness and not a way to work off your weekend or prep for your holiday but as a community to keep you fit and healthy not just for 5 weeks but for life.
The more we run our 5 weeks 2 fit the more I find our “why?” Our why, my mission... I want to provide not just a service but to build a community with like minded individuals who are ready to step away from the idea that fitness is only for aesthetics. To step away from the idea that if you miss a class you need to miss the rest.
Our community is for individuals who want to look after them self and support others around them to compete against them selves to push to that next level.
Things never get easier you just get mentally stronger and have more confidence in your own ability. We are creating the building blocks of your new confidence and knowledge on fitness that you can carry on for the rest of your life.
We are down to our last few spaces at our 6am and 6.45am class if this is something for you hit us up via the DMs ✌🏻
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Why Coach Lucy?
I know there are lots of PT’s out there so making the decision as to which one you want to help you with your goal can be difficult. You can read more about me and my qualifications on the ‘About Me’ page but let’s talk about us…
During our personal training sessions we can build the foundations to help you grow your confidence when you are working out in the gym. This means that you will feel able to go into the gym on your own and know that you can still a good work out. Some of my clients are around for a long time, others just a short while but each of you are important and so are your goals.
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Gill’s baby isn’t even out her tummy yet and already is part of the family 🥳


Reason #3 and #4 for joining us at 5 weeks 2 fit 🖐️
Lucy... hi me well I’m qualified in BSc Sport, Exercise and Science. As well as studying Health, Fitness, and Exercise for the last 4 years.
I have the experience and educated and know that if you put the work in with us we will get you the results you are looking for!
... We promise we will keep you motivated when you think you cant keep going.
We are here to give you the support you need at any time of the day. 🙌
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Take a look at what we have on this week at class...
Our awesome poster was created by miss AM at Garnock Campus, we will be using her amazing artwork throughout 2020!


Reason #2 for joining 5 Weeks 2 Fit 🖐️
You'll also get meal ideas and recipes to create changes within your own diet that are sustainable and enjoyable. We have worked hard on creating meals that suit our lifestyle if that’s being a busy working woman or a mum to a new bubba.
We don't eat horrible tasteless food so why would we teach you to do anything different. And so the book was born created by our awesome community 🙌🏻
... Our goal with 5 Weeks 2 Fit is to get results, but we also want to get results that last!
The things you learn cannot be lost after 5 weeks but they can be used all year long. -1/
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Reason #1 for joining us at 5 Weeks 2 Fit 🖐️
It's only 3 times a week Only 3 earlier mornings Only 3x 45min sessions ... Only 2.25 hours out of 168 hours in the week Only 1.34% out of your full week
To create a lifetime worth of changes. A lifetime worth of education and knowledge about looking after your body properly to see changes and real results all year round.
I promise these early mornings are painful on day 1 but by day 2 you are ready for the next. We are creating a community of likeminded individuals who are all there to support and encourage each other.
When your work colleges are heading to the gym after work you know I have already done my work today I can go home and enjoy my night with my family.
If you think you can give up 3% out of your day 3 times a week I guarantee you will not regret it. -1/
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We all want to live our lives in the fast lane.
We never really think of the effect that things will have on us in the future and only think of the know, I know life is short and all that but sometimes your fast actions are doing more damage than good.
The world we now live in nothing is out of reach and nothing takes time to get everything is so instant in this world. Instead of working towards something we can get exactly what we want with little to no work put into it.'s talk about our bodies if there is something that makes you unhappy you can instantly change it from nose jobs to lip fillers and anything in-between. The only stumbling block is money sometimes and let's face it there are 101 options so that money is no longer an issue.
In life we look for instant fixes we don't want to think about the effects of these actions in years to come. It's like putting money away into your pension you don't want to do that now because you can't see the benefit it will have later on in your life when you have worked for all these years.
The same can be said for your fitness goals, you want to lose weight or change your body shape, but you want it now and don't want to wait for it. So you give companies such as skinny tea and sweat enhancers your money because these are fixes that you think you will get overnight. Short term fixes that have no benefit to you at all and will probably really affect what's actually going on inside your body but I mean what you can't see can't hurt you I'm sure?
We all want things fast in life we want to live for the now, but when the now affects then after and forever is it really worth it?
Start investing in your own health rather than funding the capital of other awful businesses that do nothing but feed off the insecurities of venerable individuals such as you and I, the people who think the things they are trying to sell us will solve all of our problems and make us happy.
The fast lane seems fun but the right lane is where you are going to make some life changes that will have a much bigger impact for you and your life. For your own health and wellbeing.
Think if these things will help you tomorrow, next month or next year if they won't then stop them and save yo self some dolla bills.
Actually, invest in something that is going to make you happy for the long run because either road is going to be long fast or slow its how you enjoy the journey between it.
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The countdown has begun!
Registration is now open 🙌🏻 for our new block of 5 weeks 2 fit
Our intense 5-week programme will give you all the support to help you create some great results with the guidance of my self a fully qualified personal trainer with both BSc Sport, Exercise and Science, experienced and educated to give you the results you are looking for along with an epic team of individuals ready to push you through amazing.
... Our programme will share with you our knowledge and tips on how to live a healthy balanced lifestyle to make sustainable life changes.
Our 5- week 2 fit programme gives you everything you need in 5 weeks to use it for the 52 weeks in the year, not just during the programme.
What is 5 weeks 2 fit?
➡️5-week intensive training bootcamp style programme ➡️3 times per week for 5 weeks ➡️Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday ➡️Attendees receive weekly check-ins too ➡️Meal ideas and recipes to create changes within your own diet that are sustainable ➡️Healthy snacks and tips ➡️ Access to all 15 classes ➡️ Fully qualified coach who is there during all 15 sessions along with additional support to keep you on track through the full process to ensure you get the most out of the programme
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I can’t quite seem to put the words together to thank you all.
Last night I opened the second last box of books, 8 boxes arrived last Friday night and a week later I’m down to my last 20 copies of 100.
The support for our community cookbook has been so overwhelming, we have been working on this book for over a year. To finally have 100 copies arrive and selling so fast is something I can’t quite get my head around. This book is made from nothing but love. Love for the proje...ct, love for the community and love for food. If you have or intend to buy the cookbook as a guide to fat loss, this book is not the answer to how you will lose 20lbs in 7 days. It is however a book that is filled with really tasty breakie ideas, lunches, dinners, snacks, 30min meals... the list goes on. The book has over 150 recipes of colourful fun and tasty stable meals that we all love from pancakes to cheese burgers and chocolate cake. Nothing about adding protein powders or the most expensive ingredients from a small shop at the other side of the world. The ingredients are simple, the thought process behind it is simple. I am by no means a chef, a nutritionist, photographer or any of the above but I am the little person who has brought together this amazing community of humans who support one another in a way I’ve never experienced before. I felt that with the amazing creations you made it should be in this book printed. These recipes are made from scratch with love, the photos are all my own and from our members. Every letter, number and colour has been picked by me. My spelling is horrible I have major dislexia but fuck I’ve printed 100 copies of books with words in them thanks to the spelling checking of Taylor. The time and patience from Michelle, to get this idea up and running. And you for your feedback from the first one that was ever printed.
So long story short this book is not going to make you lose weight or change your life in a week, but it will however educate and show you just how simple a balanced diet can be when you realise there’s no food that is good or bad for us. Food is food and it’s there to fuel our bodies and to be enjoyed the quicker you understand that the further you will progress in this journey.
Your kind words bring me to tears but happy ones 💕
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Huge thank you to Annbank Primary School for having me in yesterday for their mental health day 🧠
P1 got to swim with the fishes under the sea with the little mermaid, up the school we played my favourite fitness monopoly and the P7s smashed the day with some boxing 🥊


The Coach Lucy Community Cookbook is full of super simple recipes and ideas, here is one for a nice Sunday brunch...
Breakfast Muffins 1 slice edam cheese 2 smoked bacon medallions... 1 oven bottom muffin (or bun of choice) 2 fried eggs
serves x1
Using a nonstick pan start to fry the eggs, take them off after a few minutes unless you don't want them runny, add the bacon under the grill at 200 degrees turn after a few minutes. Add the muffins into the toaster then build up the muffin, first with the bacon and then the eggs top with the cheese and place under the gill for a few seconds to melt the cheese.
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More about Coach Lucy

Coach Lucy is located at KA10 6SE Troon