
About Coldheartcritique

ColdHeartCritique is all about writings of things I love. Movies, TV shows, and Professional Wrestling is what I enjoy watching most in this world. So, I thought to myself why not write about it? I know there are people out there who have the same interests as me, and have no time for some cunning linguist making Marvel or Star Wars sound like a Shakespearean play! They want to read something like how a friend would describe what they've watch, and that's what I am doing. I hope you enjoy the content I have written about, and if you do follow the site & share with your friends. The Site Donations section is all about helping me grow the website. Donations will help me pay for advertisements and promotions, so anything donated will be unbelievably appreciated. Donations will come with a shout-out in the next content added to the website. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the content!
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www. /coldheart13-com
Keywords: writing & editing

More about Coldheartcritique

Coldheartcritique is located at Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom