Comhairle Nan Leabhraichean

About Comhairle Nan Leabhraichean

'S e Comhairle nan Leabhraichean am prìomh bhuidheann a tha a' cur taic ri sgrìobhadairean agus ri foillsichearan Gàidhlig na h-Alba, agus a tha ag àrdachadh ìomhaigh agus ruigsinneachd leabhraichean Gàidhlig ann an Alba agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. The Gaelic Books Council is the lead organisation with responsibility for supporting Scottish Gaelic authors and publishers, and for raising the profile and reach of Scottish Gaelic books in Scotland and internationally.
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Employee Count: 5
Keywords: media

More about Comhairle Nan Leabhraichean

Comhairle Nan Leabhraichean is located at 32 Mansfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G11 5QP, United Kingdom