Connect To Thrive

About Connect To Thrive

Parenting support - Consultations and workshops, Training for professionals (childminders, nurseries and health visitors), Psychological assessment

Connect To Thrive Description

Our mission is to:

Support babies, toddlers, children and young people to reach their full potential. We aim to do this through translating research and knowledge in psychology and neuroscience into practical advice for adults who influence the lives of babies, toddlers, children and young people.

Who we are:

Connect to Thrive was founded by two mums and chartered psychologists who are passionate about supporting parents and professionals who are interested in gentle, respectful and evidence based approaches to relating to the children in their care.

We apply a sound knowledge of psychology and child development to bring about positive change to children and their families.

We bring real world experience through practicing as Psychologists for over 10 years and from the ups and downs of parenting our own amazing and spirited children!

Our services:

Our services falls into four core areas:

Support to Parents and carers of babies and toddlers who are interested in meeting their wee ones’ needs in a gentle and respectful way:
We run workshops and private consultations to support parents and carers through the ups and downs of parenthood. We are currently running workshops across central Scotland.

All workshops are on the events section on our Facebook page.

Support to parents and carers who would like specialist help from an Educational Psychologist:
We offer psychological assessment for children and young people who may be having difficulties with their learning and development. Assessment is always interactive and holistic in approach. Working in this way, we are able to gain a clearer understanding of your child’s needs and to make recommendations on supports and strategies to help your child to learn more effectively.

Support to Professionals:
We offer training on a range of topics for professionals, including childminders and health visitors.

Support to schools:
We offer an Educational Psychology service to schools. We work with schools to gain a clearer understanding of children’s needs, so that they can be included in class, school and community life. We provide consultation to head teachers and to school staff. We offer training to help staff to develop skills to support children with additional support needs and to enhance learning and development for all children.

Through this page we aim to share tips, articles, and research with parents and professionals who want to learn more about effective and empathic approaches to parenting, care and teaching.


A society that has the knowledge to support all children to reach their full potential

A peaceful world through raising compassionate children, whose needs have been met with understanding and connection.