Conor Muir Personal Fitness Training

About Conor Muir Personal Fitness Training

Personal Training Service
1 to 1, 2 to 1 training
Weight loss
Strength and Conditioning development
Sport-specific programming
Nutrition advice



This is a great video outlining the importance of small sustainable changes to your diet. Going on a “diet” is commonly thought as a pathway to losing weight and commonly is thought to be a temporary period of time. There are normally two outcomes of this; 1. The client stops once they reach their goal weight and slowly or completely returns to previous eating habits. 2. They are unable to stick to the diet as it requires a drastic change in the food they intake and the of energy they receive.
First of all “diet” is a universal term for what you eat in general and not a term specific to weight loss. Most diets are aimed for this purpose, however, are sometimes aimed towards specific types of training. For example, a high-fat diet with low carbohydrates is often viewed as a “ketone diet” and allows for higher utilisation of fat as energy at rest and during exercise. This is ideal for athletes that predominantly use fat as an energy source during their sport, the side effect being increased fat loss.
Most “diets” work, it’s what happens after that results in you staying the weight you are. On a final note, calories are the best base to use for tracking your intake of energy. As I say to many of my clients if you overfill a bucket it will overflow, underfill it and you won’t be putting out any fires. Put too many calories in and you will gain fat, too little eventually results in stunting of metabolism and daily tasks performance.
Jeff Cavaliere, Athlean-X
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Due to studies starting up, my availability will be changing. For successful appointments please give at least 48 hours to confirm your booking.


Hit the nail on the head. Don’t buy into all the fads that promise results from glazing over what you need to understand to make progress. I believe we as personal trainers should teach you all you need to become self-sufficient!


Should knee travel over toes be limited? This review by Timothy Rowland suggests that forward knee travel helps reduce the strain placed on hips and lower back. Results showed torque increased “1070%” in the hips and lower back when knee travel was restricted to the end of the toes. Interesting read. Just remember everyone is different i.e. lever lengths and most science works on averages. Happy reading.


Looking for a change to your program?? Here is a 3-day body weight program that will challenge your core strength and your ability to control your body weight. As some of these exercises place a strain on your shoulder joint I don’t recommend anyone that is new to resistance-based exercise and or that has a high body fat percentage. This style of training does not exclude anyone from taking part just needs to be regressed. If your are interested in body weight training that can be done at home with minimal equipment or at the gym feel free to contact me for more information.


In my experience with clients a very common mistake is positioning the bar to far forward causing more of a squat position when at the bottom of the lift. This is a great video for a visual aid for anyone looking to improve their technique. Just remember everyone is different and one doesn’t always fit all.


Workout Wednesday! A split workout to train both cardiovascular and muscular strength. Give it a bash, morning/afternoon run and night time quick strength session. 3 set of 8 reps, moderately heavy weight. Have fun!


I currently have four remaining 30 minute free consultations with myself in both Troon and Thornliebank, Glasgow. Please send through a message for more information if interested.


New challenge on the board! Give it a bash if you dare! Some example times will be posted soon! If your wanting to try it and set a time it needs to be viewed by a trainer in the gym. If you set a time try and beat it a few weeks later! Good luck and best wishes.


Few times recorded now! Try this out if you dare. A very tough workout but can be practiced to set a time!
Rules: Must be viewed by a coach in the gym, use correct technique on each exercise, take a break when or if you need it, bring water and a towel. Note: Not recommended for anyone with history of injury or health conditions especially heart.


More great progress on the snatch with Scott Jones and a buddy session with good friend Lee Conn. Keep up the good work guys!!!


I have been working with Scott for the past 5 or so weeks developing his snatch.Scott had never done snatch movements or a full snatch before training with myself, his progress and drive have been great. The end clip was his third attempt at a full snatch and he nails it with minor technical error. Also a big thank you to Scott being in the video. Keep posted for future videos.


Update: Availably changes for sessions will be changing shorty due to the start of my university course. An update of times slots will be posted soon.


Here is a short video from the workshop I deliver at Troon strength and fitness. I've been working regularly with Vinnie for a few weeks now and he is enjoying the program.


So I thought I would upload my personal progress and story. The top two pictures was from when I was in secondary school weighing 17 stone. I would get bullied because of my weight which in turn led me to comfort eat not helping my situation.
After leaving school I made some new friends who encouraged me to take up jogging and eating better leading to the new me in picture 3.
I then started exercising at a gym and began studies in health fitness and exercise. I passed these becoming a level 3 personal trainer. The last picture is my progress to date.


Had my first session with Conor today. Did all the fitness tests required and paper work to start more sessions and I felt very at ease and very comfortable. He is based in a Great gym with great facilities in the heart of Troon making it easy to get to. He is also well priced. Conor talked me through every step of the way with encouraging words and that is exactly what I'd say anyone needing a personal trainer should look for. I've know Conor a while and thought it'd be hard training with somebody I know so well but that actually helped alot. He understood my needs and my own personal confidence issues. He takes time and cares.

He is Skilled as well kind and genuine​ and somebody who cares about his clients needs and abilities. First Rate.


Had my first session with Conor today. Did all the fitness tests required and paper work to start more sessions and I felt very at ease and very comfortable. He is based in a Great gym with great facilities in the heart of Troon making it easy to get to. He is also well priced. Conor talked me through every step of the way with encouraging words and that is exactly what I'd say anyone needing a personal trainer should look for. I've know Conor a while and thought it'd be hard training with somebody I know so well but that actually helped alot. He understood my needs and my own personal confidence issues. He takes time and cares.

He is Skilled as well kind and genuine​ and somebody who cares about his clients needs and abilities. First Rate.

More about Conor Muir Personal Fitness Training