Cristian Iannozzi'S - Super Mum Project

About Cristian Iannozzi'S - Super Mum Project

I help Busy Mums lose 20-30lbs without 'dieting' or needing to feel self-conscious about joining or working out in a gym



Are you struggling for motivation too?
Lacking energy?
... Focus?
Lockdown boredom killing you?
Me too.
I'm on a mission to get myself as fit as I possibly can in the next few weeks..
My girlfriend is about to give birth and I'm going to need all the energy I can get..
Don't know about you but I'm no use to anyone when I'm tired and every one just pisses me off..
I don't want to be that Dad who has no energy for his kids..
Or the grumpy git who spends his days complaining and whining about shit while sitting getting fat on the couch
Who's with me?
On MONDAY 20th APRIL we start a brand new 21 Day Challenge for MEN who have had enough of feeling like shit..
A 21 Day MAN MISSION ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ช
It's going to be a powerful 21 days..
โœ… Accountability so you can't piss about (I'd you do you'll be thrown out)
โœ… Live Exercise workouts designed to get you fitter, stronger and energised quickly
โœ… Daily tasks and habit forming routines designed to keep motivation high, lasered focus and in control of how you feel
โœ… Access to a group of men on a mission
โœ… And much more...
If you've been telling yourself that you need to give yourself a shake for a while then now the time has come..
No more false starts
No more false promises..
No more bullshit..
It's time you committed to yourself and started treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated..
If you're not going to fucking do it no one is going to do it for you ..
If not now..
You owe this to you ..
Be the man your kids look up to..
21 days isn't long enough to be a massive life style overhaul..
But long enough to build the foundations for new habits ..
After all our lives are as good as our habits..
And guess who is watching and learning habits from you right now?
If you've got kids you'll know, they copy EVERYTHING you do..
Nothing changes if nothing changes my dude..
You ready to join us on our 21 Day Mission?
Comment or DM me with '21 Day Man'..
And I'll get you the details
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Are you struggling for motivation too?
Lacking energy?
... Focus?
Lockdown boredom killing you?
Me too.
I'm on a mission to get myself as fit as I possibly can in the next few weeks..
My girlfriend is about to give birth and I'm going to need all the energy I can get..
Don't know about you but I'm no use to anyone when I'm tired and every one just pisses me off..
I don't want to be that Dad who has no energy for his kids..
Or the grumpy git who spends his days complaining and whining about shit while sitting getting fat on the couch
Who's with me?
On MONDAY 20th APRIL we start a brand new 21 Day Challenge for MEN who have had enough of feeling like shit..
A 21 Day MAN MISSION ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ช
It's going to be a powerful 21 days..
โœ… Accountability so you can't piss about (I'd you do you'll be thrown out)
โœ… Live Exercise workouts designed to get you fitter, stronger and energised quickly
โœ… Daily tasks and habit forming routines designed to keep motivation high, lasered focus and in control of how you feel
โœ… Access to a group of men on a mission
โœ… And much more...
If you've been telling yourself that you need to give yourself a shake for a while then now the time has come..
No more false starts
No more false promises..
No more bullshit..
It's time you committed to yourself and started treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated..
If you're not going to fucking do it no one is going to do it for you ..
If not now..
You owe this to you ..
Be the man your kids look up to..
21 days isn't long enough to be a massive life style overhaul..
But long enough to build the foundations for new habits ..
After all our lives are as good as our habits..
And guess who is watching and learning habits from you right now?
If you've got kids you'll know, they copy EVERYTHING you do..
Nothing changes if nothing changes my dude..
You ready to join us on our 21 Day Mission?
Comment or DM me with '21 Day Man'..
And I'll get you the details
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What I see in you, is me..
What you see in me..
Is you ..


Have You Gotten To Comfortable Too? ๐Ÿคจ -----
By avoiding discomfort we remain in discomfort
... I've realised that again lately and it gave me a powerful reminder
Let myself get far too comfortable recently
And as a result I've started falling back to shitty old belief and behaviour patterns
For me, it's been wine in the evenings..
One glass leads to a bottle, sometimes even two..
What about you?
What's been the thing you've been reaching for?
We all have a crutch..
And I don't believe there's anything wrong with that..
Unless it starts messing with your head..
Your energy levels, your motivation and so on..
Boredom is a killer isn't it?
So I figured if I'm to get off wine again I need to replace that boredom with something else
Something healthier..
So I've committed to dusk running / walking
After dinner I head out into the woods with my ruck sack and head torch
I live in the country side and last night was completely black out there
I'm sure I even heard a deer pass right beside me but couldn't see it
So that's what I'm committed to this week..
Don't let yourself become comfortable dude
Because we stop growing..
We stop getting new results..
Nothing changes if nothing changes
If you want new results to happen you need to keep taking on new behaviours..
Which is uncomfortable of course
But they will soon enough become comfortable
And when they do, it's time do get uncomfortable again..
If we avoid getting uncomfortable, we remain uncomfortable my friend ..
That's when we start blaming other people to make ourselves feel better
It's time you got your arse moving too maybe...
I've just launched a brand new 21 Day Man Mission to help MEN..
And I'm thinking about running a 21 Day Indestructible Mums Mission too..
Let me know if you're interested
#21DayManMission #IndestructibleMums
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Keep watering your plants ๐Ÿ”ฅ


I've realised I've made myself get far too comfortable recently..
As a result I've fallen back to shitty old beliefs and behaviour patterns..
Sitting being grateful without pushing yourself outside of you comfort zone will not cut it..
... Regardless of what the monks say..
We are built to move forward.
It's the only direction we can move..
Or you can sit on your arse wishing for things to change, blame people, blame yourself, behave with victim mentality..
^^^ cos that's what happens when you're not growing dude
^^^ a note to self here too..
Avoiding discomfort for the sake of comfort ensures you remain uncomfortable..
Nothing changes if nothing changes..
New results require new behaviour..
^^^Write that down
Dusk walking / running will keep me away from red wine at least.
Unless I carry a bottle with me..
Who knows
What one thing are you committed to doing differently this week?
#21DayManMission #IndestructibleMums
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Post dinner run โœ…
A) Stay home, be bored, eat shit, drink beer / wine, waste away in front of TV
... B) Get outside, breathe fresh air, move..
Don't let lockdown boredom kill you..
#21DayManMission #IndestructibleMums
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MEN & WOMEN on a MISSION ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ
We're just getting warmed up in our 21 Day MAN group..
21 Day challenge due to start next Monday drop me a message if you want to get involved..
... #21DayManMission #IndestructibleMums
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Hanging like a goose.. not drinking ever again. ๐Ÿฅบ


What are you committed to today to make yourself feel good?What are you committed to today to make yourself feel good?


The heat is rising ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


A pouch a day keeps the Doctor away ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜
Ask me how you can get your hands on this bad boy ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’


My Morning Routine ๐Ÿ˜ -----------
First of all I would like to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday dude
... Hope you have a superb day and lots of Easter Eggs..
I've just finished my morning routine
And I've had a few people ask me what this routine looks like
So here it is..
Obviously first things first..
I have a pee..
Then in this order:
1. Water
Slices of lemon and cocumber..
A little Hymalayan rock salt to get the minerals in
I add those to a water bottle with a filter..
The first thing we need to do is hydrate..
2. Fresh air and sunlight
I go outside
Breathe some fresh air
Get some natural light on my skin..
It's nice early on when there is no one about..
3. Movement
I Get the blood flowing and the body moving
Couple of stretches..
Maybe a quick walk round the block or in the garden
4. MOA
I take a sachet of MOA..
A powerful anti oxidant liquid supplement packed with 36 superfoods..
Full of natural minerals and vitamins
I also take Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin K
5. Gratitude
I always start the day with gratitude
I write down 3 things I'm grateful for
Things like my health, my family, my house, being alive...
Things we often take for granted..
6. Execution
I write down what I hope for the day and 3 things I will achieve
Things like I hope for more energy and happiness
And things I will achieve like go for a walk, reach out to someone, do some exercise, play a game with my son..
Really simple isn't it?
But a powerful way to start the day
Takes me 10 minutes..
And I start off owning my day
In charge of how I feel
With a load of positive momentum on my side..
Why wait for motivation to show up?
We don't need it to..
Just do your 10 minute morning primer..
Hope that helps dude..
Of course, the key is doing this every day and being consistent..
These simple habits done consistently add up to big results..
Better health, habits and happiness...
It's what we're about..
It's got to be simple too or we'll make excuses..
Our future tomorrow can be predicted by our habits today..
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User id=2049392965207012&id=1000040898472 21


I am seriously in love with this stuff ๐Ÿ˜
Can't recommend it highly enough ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿš€


The journey of progression is never ending...
There is no end..
Only benchmarks...
... Focus on progress, not perfection
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Adjust your focus...
Control how you feel..


What's been your favourite part this week? ๐Ÿค”

More about Cristian Iannozzi'S - Super Mum Project

Cristian Iannozzi'S - Super Mum Project is located at Haddington, Haddington, East Lothian