Crofton Church

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 10:00 - 11:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 10:30

About Crofton Church

We are the parish church in Crofton, Wakefield in the Diocese of Leeds. We have a number of thriving congregations but our main Sunday service is at 9: 30am.
We're also open on the first Saturday of every month for refreshments and prayer.



Apparently we weren't on telly this morning. We'll post once we know when the film is scheduled for. πŸ™„


This is the programme we'll be featured on this Sunday (16th) if you want to tune in or record it. The film we're in is about stand up comedy and the clergy. It might be fairly brief but it should be good.


What a busy day we've had today. The BBC filming in church this morning and a very busy church is now underway. Praise the Lord!


All prepared for our All Age service at 9:30 on Sunday morning. We're celebrating Pentecost and there'll be craft, songs and the usual silliness while praising God. It would be lovely to see you. πŸ’’β€πŸ˜πŸ˜œ


Absolute joy at the wedding of Mr and Mrs Hill on Saturday. The flowers from Lavenders in the village were gorgeous and everyone looked fabulous! #croftonweddings


Always good to be appreciated! Do you fancy learning to bell ring? If so get in touch.


Thank you to the diligent parishioner who saw the fire in the church yard this evening and for raising the alarm. All dealt with by the wonderful fire brigade and no one hurt as far as we know.


Our Easter celebration starts at 9:30 this morning. Come and join in the fun!


'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.'


Join us on Sunday at 9:30am for our Easter celebration. Plenty for children to do and a relaxed Holy Communion service too. Freebies at the end - everyone is welcome! πŸ˜β€πŸ™πŸ₯šπŸŽ‰πŸ’’


Fantastic celebration of Palm Sunday this morning. We had our very own Jesus (the beard was more ginger than we thought) and donkey (in fact we had three for the price of one!). It was lovely to see everyone. Steven may be traumatized for some time to come.


Yes it's THAT time of year again. 😎


Join us for our Spring Fair from 10am today. Lovely cakes, prizes to be has and... BACON BUTTIES! Don't miss out!


As many readers may already be aware, during the summer of 2018 All Saints Church suffered a burglary of lead lining from the gutters all around the church, behind the low parapet, leaving bare wood. Fortunately, the damage was discovered quickly during the summer dry spell, limiting the scope of internal damage that could have been caused. Despite the (illegal) re-sale value of the lead lining being only estimated at Β£400, the cost for the church to repair and replace what stolen amounted to a very costly Β£35,800. Although the materials lost were insured, the insurance only covered just under a quarter of the amount needed (amounting to Β£8430). After publicising the loss, a positive response from the congregation and the community of Crofton raised Β£10,660 and Β£3036 respectively, which will increase to Β£15,000 after Gift Aid deductions. In addition, we are very grateful for the hard work of our treasurer, Christine, in writing grant applications for additional funding and for the positive response received by the bodies who granted financially in response to these applications. Altogether this has raised Β£6350 (see breakdown). We are now pleased to announce that after receiving our final grant award of Β£2100 from Allchurches Trust we have now met our financial target, and have arranged for the necessary works to be carried out from the 14th January 2019 onwards. We will be replacing all the lead with stainless steel and re-lining all of the gutters. Additionally, we will be installing a roof alarm, fitted by one of our insurer’s (Ecclesiastical) approved suppliers. The alarm consists of motion detectors, video cameras and infrared lighting as well as 24/7 monitoring by a central surveillance service which will be able to quickly identify any future loss and notify the police accordingly. If any such materials should be lost by theft in the future, we will be protected for 100% of the cost of the loss. This ensures that the investment through all of the generous donations by the congregation and village, and the very much appreciated grants, are protected.
See More


Join us for out carol service with Crofton Silver Band at 6pm tonight. More festive than a reindeer wearing a Santa hat.


Just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who has given to our roof appeal so far by whatever method. Since it appeared in the Crofton Beacon lots more people have heard about the lead theft and have given very generously. We really do appreciate each and every donation and will keep you updated on the work when it starts. If you'd like to contribute you can either use our Just Giving Page or give cash or cheque personally in church. It's wonderful that so many people care.

More about Crofton Church

Crofton Church is located at Church Lane, WF4 1NE Crofton, Wakefield, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 10:00 - 11:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 10:30