Curves Dunfermline

Monday: 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Curves Dunfermline

30 Minute full body workout just for Women! It works! ! !

Curves Dunfermline Description

Specially designed for women, featuring a complete body workout in just 30minutes, fun, fast & safe



Good morning to all!!вҳәпёҸрҹ‘ӢрҹҸј
Whatever you do today ladies make sure that the Curves Circuit is on the list! рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ҒрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷҶрҹҸ ҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ң
Everyone that has been in this morning has left here with a positive thought and smile on their face.рҹҘ°рҹ’• why wouldnвҖҷt you want to feel like that today and EVERYDAY! рҹҳҒрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
... Join us for all the fun and exercise here at Curves Dunfermline and let us help you on your way to your goals!!! It could be to.....
рҹ’ңmeet new friends
рҹ’ң Maintain or improve health and lifestyle
рҹ’ң inch loss
рҹ’ңweight loss
рҹ’ңrecovery of strength in post operative care.
рҹ’ң positive and comfortable environment to exercise.
Look no further ladies.... we got you!!
ItвҖҷs been a fab morning here as always ladies WELL DONE!!рҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺү
DONT MISS OUT!! Get in touch... spread the word, feel great look great!рҹҳҚ рҹ’ң рҹҳҚ рҹ’ң рҹҳҚ рҹ’ң
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We all know someone who needs to feel the benefits of our amazing Strength Training workouts but do you know someone who would make a fabulous CIRCUIT COACH????
If so, please share this post so they can contact us on Facebook or call us on 01383 621715 or email
... Once again our circuit was full of high energy and determination with our dedicated ladies aiming to complete another workout to the best of their abilities рҹ’ӘвқӨ
Who would like to join our team and help our amazing members reach their goals?
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We all know someone who needs to feel the benefits of our amazing Strength Training workouts but do you know someone who would make a fabulous CIRCUIT COACH????
If so, please share this post so they can contact us on Facebook or call us on 01383 621715 or email
... Once again our circuit was full of high energy and determination with our dedicated ladies aiming to complete another workout to the best of their abilities рҹ’ӘвқӨ
Who would like to join our team and help our amazing members reach their goals?
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After a very cold start this morning рҹҘ¶ our CURVES members soon warmed up after a great 30 minute workout, well done ladies рҹ‘ҚрҹҸ»
Our Winter Warmer Challenge is looking amazing! Our members walk in, work hard and gain stars towards winning that cash prize! but more importantly you guys are changing your body and mindset to a more positive energised attitude and that is AMAZING!!! рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Don't let the cold keep you in......come to CURVES and feel the warmth рҹҳҠрҹҳҠрҹҳҠ
... See you all later! we're open 3pm - 7:30pm
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Team work Tuesday рҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
LetвҖҷs start with a big congrats to the wonderfully dedicated Anne Mackie who for the month of January lost the most inches and pounds, how amazing!!! рҹ’Ғрҹ’Ғрҹ’Ғ And here she is celebrating with her work out buddy Shirley Donaldson!! We are all so proud, keep up the great work! вңҢпёҸвңҢпёҸ
... The ladder challenge for week 4 encourages team work where two members mirror and support each other with different exercises. рҹ’Ә Vicky Cameron Harper and Sharon Trotter were brilliant at showing lots of different exercises that could be done using the ladder. Together we worked hard, helped each other through and perfected our techniques рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Ң Go us!!! рҹҷӮ
Remember tomorrow we are open from 9am come and sweat and strengthen at Curves Dunfermline рҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
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вң… 30 minutes of Strength Training at Curves Dunfermline? вң…30 minutes of "me time"? вң…30 minutes to de-stress? вң…30 minutes of high energy levels? вң… 30 minutes of like minded women all reaching for healthy fitness goals?
... We love that our fabulous members have chosen to spend 30 minutes a day with us especially when life can be very demanding sometimes вқӨ No matter if it's only 2 workouts a week or our maximum 6 we know your health and strength is improving with every visit and we couldn't be more proud of your achievements so far рҹ’ӘрҹҳҚ Congratulations again to our wonderful camera shy Sandra Bell on achieving top attendance in January рҹ‘ҸрҹҸҶ We can't wait to see who else might join you later in the year рҹҳҒрҹҳү
Ladies of Dunfermline and surrounding areas come on in and see what we have been talking about! #strongertogether #only30mins #amazingbenefits
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Happy Pancake Day everyone рҹҳҒ


Life is a challenge! Lets tackle it together рҹҳҠ
We love a challenge here at CURVES and life IS about challenging yourself рҹ’ӘрҹҸ» so our Winter Warmer Challenges have been extremely popular! Our ladies are working hard, having fun and learning about what we can put our bodies through.
... Week 4 see's 'the ladder' great for cardio, strength and working on speed and balance, another great combination with our fab CURVES machines рҹ’ҒрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ and a wee element of fun which is ALWAYS allowed рҹҳҠрҹҳү
Well done to all tonight and to all our Zumba ladies рҹ”Ҡ you were AMAZING!! рҹҷҶрҹҸҫвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷҶрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Tomorrow is a new day with new goals.....lets smash em!!!!!! рҹ’ң
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рҹҷҶрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸWake upрҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸShow upрҹ’ҒрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸStep upрҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Our Dunfermline club members do not let anything stand in their way when it comes to working out on the Curves cuircuit!!! рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ң
рҹ’ҹ Nothing stops our ladies!!
... рҹ’ҹ They push past daily obstacles
рҹ’ҹ They make each Curves workout count!
Not only are they smashing their Monday circuitsрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ”Ҙ they are taking on the daily challenges in like champs!!
Never cease to amaze us ladiesвқЈпёҸвқЈпёҸвқЈпёҸ
Keep up this hard work and determinationрҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ’ң рҹ’ң
Stay safe and wrap up out there in the changeable weatherрҹҳҠрҹҘ°
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Today we forgot about the rain and wind and instead we trained hard! рҹ’Әрҹ‘ҚрҹҸ»
Sharon Trotter who loves to push herself and work to her full ability became the teacher and I became the student. рҹ‘©вҖҚрҹҸ« She shared some really effective exercises that she had learnt with the resistance bands. It was a great challenge and an even better workout addition! рҹ’Ғ
... These were then passed on to Elaine Souter who happily took on the task. Here she is demonstrating a leg extension with wonderful control. Good job рҹҳҳ
Stay safe and keep up the energy over the weekend, open on Monday again from 9am вңҢпёҸвңҢпёҸ
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What a week! рҹҳ… All our ladies finished the week in great form рҹ‘ҚрҹҸ» hard work done....Yes!!
Dont worry if your not done for the week, we'll see you tomorrow too рҹҳү
... As part of our Winter Warmer Challenge, one of our newer members Nasreen Kauser took some of our fab CURVES leaflets and placed them on the wall at her work....for this she received some well deserved вӯҗвӯҗвӯҗ thanks! рҹҳҒ
Well done to EVERYONE and have great weekend ladies рҹ’ң
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Happy smiling faces everywhere!!рҹҳҖрҹҳғрҹҳ„рҹҳҒGood morning and happy Friday to everyone. рҹ’•
We hope you are all having a great morning just like all of our lovely ladies are here on the Curves Dunfermline circuitрҹҳҚрҹҘ°рҹҳҳ
Great to see our lovely member Moira back on the circuit after some time away on her holibobsрҹӣ«рҹҳҒрҹӣ¬ you are looking amazingрҹ”Ҙand wasting no time gettin right back into it!! Smashing it!! Well done moiraрҹ’ңрҹ’ңрҹ’ң itвҖҷs great to have you back!!!
... ItвҖҷs been a fun packed week so far!! Ladies are all getting back and staying focused!! LetвҖҷs keep it going!вқЈпёҸвқЈпёҸвқЈпёҸ
You are all doing a fantastic job.рҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ
We cannot wait to see everyone back again this afternoon. вҡЎпёҸвҡЎпёҸвҡЎпёҸ
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рҹҢҹ Strong рҹҢҹ Independent рҹҢҹ Focused рҹҢҹ Fierce
... All of our fab members were in a great mindset today, they knew what they wanted and CURVES helps them get there! рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Guys! You are working so hard and your enjoying our challenge this month, it's great to see you all enjoying the resistance bands and giving that extra shot of strength trainingрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»keep it up рҹҳү
Thanks to everyone who braved the terrible weather, we loved seeing you all рҹҳҚ #keepstrong
We'll see everyone tomorrow....whatever the weather! рҹ’ҒрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
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рҹ’•Mindsetрҹ’•Focusрҹ’•Start intentions....... рҹ’•RESULTSрҹ’ң
We see this kind of attitude everyday from all the ladies on our circuit here at Curves Dunfermline.рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ңрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
We can see all of you progressing in all the best ways possible. рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
... рҹ’Ҙlots of energy рҹ’Ҙstronger & healthier рҹ’Ҙinches lost рҹ’Ҙweight loss рҹ’ҘHAPPY-SMILING LADIESрҹҳҚрҹ‘ҸрҹҸј
Just like our amazing member Tracey McNeil that has once again made every bit of her workout GREEN GREEN GREEN!!рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ You came, you did and you conquered!!! рҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸј fantastic effort we are all very proud of your efforts on the circuit Tracey!!! Well done galрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ’•рҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ’•
You are getting closer and closer to your goals every single day ladies. LetвҖҷs keep pushing forward and continuing to see these ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING results!!рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ
Have a great ready of the day!! See you all again soon!! рҹ’ң
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The end of another busy, energy filled afternoon/evening рҹҳҚ and our fabulous members have left once again feeling the amazing benefits of their Strength Training workouts рҹ’ӘвқӨ Everyone is continuing to create and maintain lean muscles, increase their metabolic rate and burn more calories (even when you are all resting, ladies) рҹҳҠ Fantastic eh?
Who's aiming for 4 workouts this week? We know our fabulous Jo Shearer now is рҹ’ӘрҹҳҒ Due to her very demanding job, Jo thought she could only manage 3 workouts this week. By making it in tonight it looks like she is on her way to 4 рҹҷҢрҹ‘Ҹ Remember ladies, last workout is 7pm Monday to Thurday. 6.30pm on Fridays. If you can't manage in at your normal time, why not try an evening workout? See you tomorrow xxxx

More about Curves Dunfermline

Curves Dunfermline is located at Unit 1b - Dewar House, Carnegie Campus South, KY11 8PY Dunfermline, Fife
Monday: 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -