Dall Lodge Country House

About Dall Lodge Country House

Dall Lodge is a Victorian country house offering excellent four star Bed & Breakfast accommodation in the picturesque village of Killin

Dall Lodge Country House Description

Das Dall Lodge Guest House ist ein Bed & Breakfast Guest House in viktorianischem Stil mit einem exzellenten 4 Sterne Bed & Breakfast Angebot (Unterkunft & Fr√ľhst√ľck). Es liegt inmitten der idyllischen schottischen Kleinstadt Killin. Das Haus bietet sch√∂ne, individuell und traditionell gestaltete en-suite Zimmer und einen grossen Wintergarten als Gemeinschaftsraum. Von den Fr√ľhst√ľcksr√§umen aus haben Sie einen wundersch√∂nen Ausblick √ľber den Fluss Lochay und auf das Bergpanorama - inklusive Ben Lawers, dem h√∂chsten Berg der Region Perthshire. Ein privater Flusszugang sowie ein Gartenanteil steht den G√§sten ebenfalls zur Verf√ľgung. Gesch√§fte und Restaurants im Ort erreichen Sie bequem zu Fuss.

Durch seine zentrale Lage ist Killin der perfekte Ausgangspunkt f√ľr eine Vielzahl von Aktivit√§ten: Sie k√∂nnen wandern, radfahren, downhill biken, golfen, reiten, auf dem Loch Tay kanufahren oder nach Lachs und Forellen fischen und tagesausfl√ľge zu den spektakul√§rsten Sehensw√ľrdigkeiten Schottlands unternehmen. Sportger√§te und Ausr√ľstungen k√∂nnen vor Ort gemietet werden. Das Dall Lodge Country House liegt am n√∂rdlichen Ende des Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park. Aufgrund der wundersch√∂nen Naturkulissen und der Besonderheit der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt ist es eines der beliebtesten Reiseziele Schottlands.

Wir, Roman & Monica, kommen aus der Schweiz und verwirklichen uns - und vielleicht auch Ihnen - mit diesem B& B einen langj√§hrigen Traum. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich bei uns wohlzuf√ľhlen, ein abwechslungsreiches Fr√ľhst√ľck aus regionalen Produkten zu geniessen und eine (ent)spannende Zeit zu erleben.

Unsere Zimmer:
- 1 Familienzimmer
- 5 Doppelzimmer
- 2 Zweibettzimmer
- 2 Einzelzimmer

Alle Zimmer sind en suite mit Badewanne oder Dusche

Wir freuen uns auf Sie! ! !



They have arrived ūüéČ - bluebells are here ūüĆŅūü§óūüĆŅ


Cooper, the house dog, helping me taking pics of the new rooms. Thank you, very helpfull ūüôĄūüėĄūüėČ


ūüõé Today we are opening for a new season here at Dall Lodge ūüéČ Here a little sneak preview to show, that we have not (only) been lazy during our winter break, but redecorated some rooms ūüé®ūüõčūüõŹ If you want to have a look at the finished product yourself, just ring, write, text or email us to check availability ‚ėéÔłŹūüď†ūüďüūüíĽūüĖä ūüõé


How about a visit to the rainforest.... In Scotland ūüėģūü§ó


Another brilliant shot taken by Roman ūü§ó


Just received this interesting post about Dall Lodge with some nice pics:
You might be interested in these. Two Norwegians, Brynjar Hammer and Tor Stenersen served as skiinstructors at Dall Lodge in early 1942. They were attached to the 3. Commando. Bot were killed in 1944.


ūü§ělet's hope this will turn out to be a good seasonūü§ěūüźüūüźüūüźü


Our new picture-postcard- collection has arrived. Most credit goes to Roman Inauen Photography for his breathtaking wildlife photography ūüėć


Well, well, well, once again exciting times ahead of us! Especially as filming seems to take place nearby... it sure is fairytale-beautiful around here ūü§©ūüßĚ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßö‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßô‚Äć‚ôāÔ łŹūüŹěūüé¨ūüé•


Happy New Year to all the lovely people out there! Hope to see you all well and happy in 2019! ūüéČūüćĺūü•āūüéČ




ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüēĮūüēĮūüēĮūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüū üĆü On this 3rd Advent we would like to take the opportunity to resume on our (business) year. Just crazy that another year has already passed... and with it our 4th season at Dall Lodge already. Running a Guest House day and night, day after day is hard work- but we do not regret our decision. This is, first of all, thanks to our wonderful guests, staying with us, being kind and interested and appreciating our offer. But it is also thanks to the wonderful village of ...Killin with its great people and its community spirit! And last but not least Scotland is such a brilliant country to live in... divers, friendly and social. We would like to thank everyone was involved in our lives in 2018. ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüēĮūüēĮūüēĮūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüū üĆü And finally a little "showing off": we are very pleased that we managed to keep a fantastic rating of 9.8 on Booking.com. We also cracked the three-hundred-review mark on Tripadvisor, again with brilliant ratings. And our guest book is filling up quickly with lovely comments from people from all over the world. ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüēĮūüēĮūüēĮūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüū üĆü As we are so grateful for our fortunate lives, we have decided to donate ¬£250 to the "Social Bite" charity in Edinburgh this year, rather than sending out Christmas cards. We hope that this will make other people happy (or at least happier) during the festive season. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas time with your family and friends and hope to see you all in the new year, happy and healthy! ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüēĮūüēĮūüēĮūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüū üĆü
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If anyone is heading to Scotland in search of their origin: here some tips ūü§ďūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß‚Äćūü϶ūüĎ•


Frosty days in Killin ūüŹĒ‚ĚĄūüƧ


Cooper fans! No more reason to be sad for not seeing our lovely "house dog" anymore: he just got his very own facebook page! The only problem: you will have to find him first ūüßźūüôÉ Have fun playing with our good boy!


We can't help it ūüėĖ... We also have to join the praise and share: autumn pics. And yes, it is a beautiful time, perfect for a trip to #scotland #killin #dalllodge #lochtay in 2019 maybe! ūüŹěūüŹ°ūüćĀūüćÉ #autumnoverload

More about Dall Lodge Country House

Dall Lodge Country House is located at Main Street, FK21 8TN Killin