Dance Mafia

About Dance Mafia

пҝҪпҝҪLocal Dance School with own Dance Studio space in the heart of Saltcoats вҖңMafia HQвҖқпҝҪпҝҪ




Jumping into show week like рҹ’ғрҹҸјрҹ’ҡ


OMG I honestly canвҖҷt even believe IвҖҷm writing this!!!! Our first ever UDO competition Scottish championships against the best of the best sections of 10& 11 teams!!!!!!!
LIL GвҖҷs under 8 3rd place!!!!!
The mob under 10 3rd place!!!!!
... Maniacs under 12 UDO SCOTTISH CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
Outlawz under 14 UDO SCOTTISH CHAMPIONS!!!!!!
WE ARE GOING TO WORLDSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! рҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ”Ҙр ҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ§Ўрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ§Ўрҹ§Ў< br> We came here not expecting anything but to be inspired and in owe of the talent!!!!
I honestly canвҖҷt even believe this 100% worth all the blood sweat tears sleepless nights and long practices!!!!
OMGGGGGGGGGG рҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯрҹҳӯ
Your local dance school is now home to not just one but two UDO Scottish champion teams!!!!
All teams qualified to represent our country at the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!
LetвҖҷs get behind our local kids showcasing there talent on a world stage!!!
рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡWe are DMF рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
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рҹ’”рҹ’” My friends wee baby Niece is really sick on the hunt for a stem cell donor рҹ’”рҹ’”
Any one who is eligible please register, could save a life xx
Link is in the post shared
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вӣ”пёҸTickets selling fastвӣ”пёҸDonвҖҷt miss outвӣ”пёҸwhen they are gone they are goneвӣ”пёҸ
Some balcony tickets available too but the green shows the available seating is now very limited.
рҹ’ҡDance Mafia Summer Show вӯҗпёҸ- Dare to be different рҹ’ҡ
... Tickets now on sale!! рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹҷҢрҹҸјвҖҰ
Box office number 01563 554 900
Best seats available get in fast. Link will go public soon and we are expecting a sell out.
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Amazing рҹҷҢрҹҸҪ our little competition dancer Leah рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ


To all the dads of our DMF family.
Hope you have the best day рҹ’ҡрҹ–Ө


Dance champ U.K. champions рҹҮ¬рҹҮ§рҹҸҶ
Scottish champions рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҶ
Overall highest scoring team at dance champs qualifying рҹҳұрҹҸҶ
... Overall best showmanship team вңЁрҹҸҶ
First place under 7 hiphop рҹҸҶ
Undefeated last season and this season so far рҹҷҢрҹҸҪ
Wow LIL GвҖҷS you guys are on FIRE рҹ”Ҙ
Go DMF babies рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡ
Picture missing a few team members рҹ’ӣ
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Still canвҖҷt quite believe yesterdayвҖҷs results itвҖҷs not till you see the pics your realise just how amazing they done!!! 1st places for days рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ wow well done guys hard work does pay off рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҸҶрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
We Are DMF рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ


Wow what another amazing successful competition day at DANCE CHAMPS UK рҹҮ¬рҹҮ§
Proud as punch canвҖҷt wipe the smile off my face рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡ
TodayвҖҷs results рҹҳұ
... вңЁPom teams вңЁ Mini mafia Elite 1st place рҹҸҶ Junior mafia Elite 1st place рҹҸҶ Senior mafia Elite 2nd place рҹҸҶ
вңЁhiphop teamsвңЁ Lil GвҖҷs 1st place рҹҸҶ The mob 1st place рҹҸҶ Maniacs 1st place рҹҸҶ Outlawz 1st place рҹҸҶ
Overall highest scoring team of the day out of every age group and genre LIL GвҖҷS!!!! рҹҸҶрҹҳұрҹҳұрҹҳұ
Overall best performance and showman ship award out of the full competition LIL GвҖҷs рҹҸҶ wow wow wow wow!!!! рҹҳұрҹҳұ
вңЁAll qualifying for the Grand final in Dundee вңЁ
вңЁHiphop solos вңЁ Literally taking every top 6 out of heats after heats heats!!!!
вңЁUnder 7вңЁ 1st Megan рҹҸҶ 2nd Leon рҹҸҶ 3rd Brooke рҹҸҶ 4th Mylah рҹҸҶ 5th Alea-jay рҹҸҶ 6th Murren рҹҸҶ 7th Aria рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 10вңЁ 1st Eva рҹҸҶ 2nd Evie рҹҸҶ 3rd Lucie рҹҸҶ 4th Dylan рҹҸҶ 5th Ollie рҹҸҶ 6th Mirren рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 13вңЁ 1st Calvin рҹҸҶ 2nd carlie рҹҸҶ 3rd Marnie рҹҸҶ 4th Connor рҹҸҶ 5th poppy рҹҸҶ 6th Chloe рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 16вңЁ 1st sam рҹҸҶ 2nd Gabrielle рҹҸҶ 3rd Ashlyn рҹҸҶ 5th Lloyd рҹҸҶ 6th Paris рҹҸҶ
Gabrielle Reid hiphop battle winner!!!! рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 7 duo вңЁ 1st Alea-jay & Leon рҹҸҶ 2nd LaCie-Leigh & mylah рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 10вңЁ 1st Eva & Arin рҹҸҶ 2nd Evie & Brooke рҹҸҶ 3rd Dylan & Leah рҹҸҶ 4th Ellie & Rosie рҹҸҶ 5th Megan & Keean рҹҸҶ 6th Devin & Ollie рҹҸҶ 7th kayden & aiden рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 13вңЁ 1st Lucy & Calvin рҹҸҶ 2nd Connor & Lucy рҹҸҶ 4th Marnie & Chloe рҹҸҶ 5th Harvey & Ava рҹҸҶ 6th poppy & carlie рҹҸҶ 7th Katie& Charlotte рҹҸҶ 8th Katie & Alissa рҹҸҶ
вңЁunder 16вңЁ 1st Chelsea & sam рҹҸҶ 2nd Gabrielle & Ashlyn рҹҸҶ 3rd lloyd & Yasmin рҹҸҶ 4th sinead & Erin рҹҸҶ 6th tiegan & inoa рҹҸҶ
вңЁAdult вңЁ 1st Aria & Louise рҹҸҶ
вңЁlyrical вңЁ Under 7 3rd Aria рҹҸҶ 4th Alea-jay рҹҸҶ 5th LaCie-Leigh рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 10 вңЁ 3rd Aimee
Wow what absolute outstanding results canвҖҷt quite believe it hard work defo pays off!! Seeing these kids do what they love and have the best time doing it is something money canвҖҷt buy!!! Feel like the Proudest coach on the planet right now!!!
Thanks Dance Champs for another amazing day we love your competition & well done to all other dancers today standard was amazing рҹҷҢрҹҸҪ
WE ARE DMF!!!!! рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
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Well second competition of the season done and dusted!! Another amazing day with outstanding results!!!! So so so proud of my amazing dance kids she much hard work and itвҖҷs defo paying off some sections had 6 heats to fight through! рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ todayвҖҷs results рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
Freestyle solo U16 Ashlyn 2nd place рҹҸҶ
... Under 16 duo Ashlyn & tiegan 3rdрҹҸҶ
HIPHOP вңЁUnder 7 вңЁ Jamie 1st place! рҹҸҶ Alea-jay 4th рҹҸҶ Megan 6th рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 10 вңЁ Ollie 2nd рҹҸҶ Dylan 4thрҹҸҶ Evie 5th рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 13вңЁ Angel 1stрҹҸҶ Calvin 2ndрҹҸҶ Poppy 3rd рҹҸҶ Connor 4thрҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 16вңЁ Sam 1stрҹҸҶ Gabrielle 2ndрҹҸҶ Lloyd 3rdрҹҸҶ Paris 4thрҹҸҶ Tiegan 5th рҹҸҶ Layla 6th рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 7 duo вңЁ 2nd Alea-jay & Leon рҹҸҶ 4th Megan & LaCie-Leigh рҹҸҶ
вңЁUnder 10вңЁ Ollie & Devin 1stрҹҸҶ Evie & Brooke 4thрҹҸҶ Ellie & Rosie 5th
вңЁUnder 13вңЁ Carlie & Dj 1stрҹҸҶ Lucy & Calvin 2ndрҹҸҶ Layla & Aimee 3rd рҹҸҶ Connor & Millie 4th рҹҸҶ Chloe & Marnie 5thрҹҸҶ
вңЁunder 16вңЁ Chelsea & sam 1st рҹҸҶ Sinead & Erin 2nd рҹҸҶ Yasmin & Lloyd 5thрҹҸҶ Tiegan & Aria 6th
вңЁover 16вңЁ Gabrielle & Ashlyn 1st рҹҸҶ
вңЁLyrical under 10 solo вңЁ Mirren 6th
рҹҷҢрҹҸҪTEAMS рҹҷҢрҹҸҪ
Under 7 Lil GвҖҷs 1st рҹҸҶ
Under 10 The mob 2ndрҹҸҶ
Under 13 Maniacs 1st рҹҸҶ
Under 16 Outlawz 1st рҹҸҶ
рҹҺүPOM рҹҺү
Mini mafia Elite 1st рҹҸҶ Junior mafia Elite 1st рҹҸҶ Senior mafia Elite 1st рҹҸҶ
Wow just wow canвҖҷt ask for much more so so proud we Are DMF рҹ’ҡрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡр ҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
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Today we are sending our prayers love and massive cuddles to one of our very special familyвҖҷs at this very hard time we love you all dearly рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ


Hope to see you all here today рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ


Bursting into comp season for our DanceMafiaFamily рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹҷҢрҹҸј


You are never to young to start and never told to stop рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ


Annual start of season PJ party рҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹҷҢрҹҸҪрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ


вӯҗпёҸPlease note the date has changed вӯҗпёҸ
We are particularly looking for under 10s and under 12s
... Do you love to dance? Would you like the opportunity to be a part of an amazing competition team & travel all over the U.K. to compete?
Now is your chance we have a few spaces opened up in some of our teams.
We would love to see you there on GOOD FRIDAY. (If you canвҖҷt make this date let us know by pm)
Please message this page to book or for more info. рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
All levels welcome & you do not currently need to attend Dance Mafia to audition
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More about Dance Mafia

Dance Mafia is located at 22 Green street, Saltcoats