David Munn Smart Fitness

Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About David Munn Smart Fitness

1-1 Personal Training
Group Coaching
Online coaching
Nutritional guidedance

David Munn Smart Fitness Description


With the dark nights upon us again I've just been having a wee think back. . . . . and this time last year i was in a bit of a rut! whilst i didn’t reaaally think i was particularly unfit, i was eating rubbish and drinking lots of wine. . aherm
I umm'd and aahh'd about sorting myself out for a few months before i made the decision to look for a PT. . . Eventually i took the plunge at the end of January this year. . . . and i can honestly say best decision i ever made! . . . Altho, i wont lie , after my first session i ached all over for a full week. . but it was the reality check i needed! ! !
Since then, i have lost a stone in weight, lost three inches pretty much all over, dropped 2 dress sizes, totally changed my diet and am a much happier person now. . Yay. . . . its not a quick fix. . . . its a lifestyle. . . sounds cheesy. . . but its true. . . . so for anyone who's thinking about it. . . . i would definitely recommend it! !
Thanks david . . . for making ever session fun, helping me to achieve the goals i set and motivating me when i am fed up . . . so. . . whats my next target. . hhmmmm. . . . . . am thinking Tough Mudder next year. . . but i am sure i will bust some smaller goals before then! ! Lesley Elliot

avid Munn training is AWSOME ! I work super hard at each session I go to, I can honestly say I have enjoyed (if you could say that ) each session I have done with him ( language might say otherwise).

I am an fitness instructor / personal trainer also it is hard to go to someone else without them thinking you are 'stealing ideas' and there was never any question if this! I have been going to Davidtwice a week and it is great to have a different plan to work off instead of your own ( as you always go easy on yourself! ) in addition to this David also adds in challenges physically that I wouldn't do on my own and is a great motivator.

Most of all I never stop talking and David listens the whole session but keeps me working hard! I would consider David as a friend also as well as a personal trainer! Personal circumstances have stopped me from training last last few week and I have missed it !

If I was thinking of going to a personal trainer to achieve my goals, be pushed and also to work on my technique ( or just a friend to train with) I would definitely choose David
Claire Houston
It's been 6 months since I started training with David, for the first 2 months it was just bootcamp sessions but after a long hard look at myself I decided to make the jump and book my first PT session and I can honestly say it has been the best thing for me. My first session was a killer, in fact every one is, I was put through my paces but don't let that put you off as you always feel better for it. . . . I had to take 6 weeks off training due health stuff so it was at that point the diet advice came in to play and what a shock to the system that was but it was much needed advice. It was also very helpful to have the support there while I couldn't train, there was more than one occasion where I got a message to give me the kick I needed and keep me positive and on track. I soon realised how bad my eating habits were but it's all change now and the healthy eating has became part of my new healthier lifestyle. . . . . . Since starting I have lost over 2 stone and 7 inches off my waist, I'm happier, healthier and most importantly my negative attitude that was holding me back is gone. . . . . If you are thinking about it I would definitely recommend it! ! ! !
David thank you. . . . for keeping me motivated when I want to give up and mainly for helping me get to the point where I am actually happy in my own skin
Lynseyann nicol

More about David Munn Smart Fitness

David Munn Smart Fitness is located at New street, Stevenston
Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -