David Ryan Dog Expert

About David Ryan Dog Expert

David Ryan is a certificated clinical dog behaviourist providing consultations and expert witness services in canine behaviour in civil and criminal cases.

David Ryan Dog Expert Description

David has twenty-six years’ experience as a Home Office accredited police dog instructor, trainer and handler, and is a former Chair of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (2009-12).

Skilled in dog assessment, the "type" and behaviour of allegedly dangerous dogs, and specialising in interpreting all aspects of dog behaviour for both civil and criminal litigation, David is ideally placed to offer expert witness services to solicitors and their clients.

David has been an independently vetted member of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses since 2008 and is consequently well versed in the latest requirements of the Civil and Criminal Procedure Rules in relation to expert witnesses.

In 2002 he completed a postgraduate Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling, with distinction, from Southampton University, an internationally recognised centre of excellence for animal behaviour studies.

In 2008 he was Certificated as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist by the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, the highest possible independent accreditation, recognised by both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the British Psychological Society.

In 2010 David wrote the RSPCA’s definitive guide on dealing with aggression in dogs, and presented “Guidance for handling dogs and the use of equipment to ensure the health and safety of handlers, others and the welfare of dogs” for the RSPCA at the National 2012 Status Dogs Summit.

In 2011 David oversaw the production of training for Local Authority Authorised Officers on behalf of the Scottish Government in preparation for the introduction of the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010.

In both 2011 and 2012 David was an invited contributor to the PDSA’s Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report.

In 2013 David produced and continues to present a module in canine behaviour to Police Officers attending Dog Legislation Officers Courses.

An author of five books, David presents seminars to dog trainers and behaviourists in the UK and Europe.

More about David Ryan Dog Expert
