Dawn Petherick - Soul Alignment Guide, Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Dawn Petherick - Soul Alignment Guide, Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

As a 'woman on the edge' I know what it's like to be on the edge of a breakdown or a breakthrough! I offer support and guidance online & in person to mid-life women and beyond who are feeling stuck on their 'edge'. Join me on retreat in Argyll. Dawn x

Dawn Petherick - Soul Alignment Guide, Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Description

Learn to live soul-fully through times of change.
retreats, online programmes, training /workshops and experiences for your personal & spiritual development and growth



This is a great set of reminders :) Thanks to Sarah for posting on her timeline x


Whohoo! I'm very excited to bring you my first retreat in Scotland :)
Shamanic Drum Birthing Retreat You will be birthing your own shamanic drum in powerful ceremony under the expert guidance of Ansgar Küchle who joins me from Germany for this special weekend retreat.
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Shamanic Drum Birthing Retreat You will be birthing your own shamanic drum in powerful ceremony under the expert guidance of Ansgar Küchle who joins me from Germany for this special weekend retreat.
Ansgar is an experienced teacher having previously taught youth and adults for twenty years.
... After working with several indigenous teachers, he now shares his passion for working with nature through ‘wilderness-pädagogic’ – which doesn’t translate into English very clearly! Essentially, Ansgar re-connects people with themselves through the environment using ceremonies such as drum-birthing, smoke ceremonies, sweatlodge, fire-walking, survival techniques and cooking outdoors.
Spirit of the Drum Drums have been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples as an instrument for making music, for celebration and dance and for shamanic journeying, vision seeking and ritual.
Having a deep relationship with your own personal drum is transformational. As you use it and work with it you become the drum, the beat resonates with your heartbeat, you become one with your drum and are easily transported to non-ordinary reality from where you can journey to meet with your guides and receive healing and guidance.
The drum is Great Spirit’s favourite instrument, that is why we were given a heartbeat ~ Mano, Navajo Elder
The Drum Birthing Retreat During this residential weekend you will be birthing a 40cm/16inch (approx) frame drum covered with deer hide. You will also make a drum beater made of natural materials to accompany your drum.
You will be mostly working outside around the campfire – weather permitting! We will retreat to the bell tent if the weather (or midges) dictate.
Accommodation is at my home on Argyll’s Secret Coast in twin shared rooms with shared bathroom. Simple vegetarian food is included, e.g soup at lunchtime plus breakfast and evening meals. Drinks and snacks are included during the day.
Starting after dinner on Friday and working through to around 9:00pm is the preparation time. Breakfast is at 8:30am, giving you plenty of time for an early morning stroll on the beach. Then from 9:30am-5:30pm approx on Saturday you will be birthing your drum. On Sunday we rise early to inaugurate your newly created drum.
Date: Friday 26th July – Sunday 28th July
Timings: Gather at 5:00pm on Friday 26th July. Depart at approx 10:00am on Sunday 28th July.
Location: Innellan, Argyll PA23 7SP
Please bring with you: A scarf or blanket to wrap your drum in to take home. Towels and toiletries. Waterproofs and layers – it might be July but it is Scotland! Midge spray and any medication you may need if you tend to react badly when bitten.
Maximum number of places: 4
Early-bird Fee: £295 if deposit or full payment made by 30th May 2019. Full Fee: £325 Deposit: Non-refundable £100 Balance due by: 30th June 2019 to enable materials to be purchased. This is also the last booking date.
Tickets at dawnpetherick.com/shamanicdrumbirthing
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Being low in magnesium also causes several other issues in the body - it’s well worth investigating and doing your own research. This article cites published articles from medical journals x


Happy Earth Day 🌍


Morning 🙂 It’s a beautiful day up here in Bonny Scotland. I woke up early and have been down on the beach wrapped in my wolf blanket bathing in the early morning sun and the almost full moon - bliss. Listening to the gentle lap of the waves on the shore and the curlews chirping away. A perfect way to feel re-born 🙏
... Here are your week ahead card meanings.
Left: Grace & Gratitude - through gratitude, joy expands The secret to expanding joy is to cherish the preciousness of life and everyone and everything around you. It’s simple, easy, and so very powerful. Be grateful for as much as you can. Thankfulness is modern day alchemy; it can yield happiness, grace, and peace beyond imagination. Your entire life can transform when you take time to fully, deeply, and profoundly allow the grace of gratitude to fill you.
Middle: Uncovering Treasure - beneath the surface lies great bounty Look beneath the surface in your life and you’ll find treasure. Bounty is awaiting you in many forms. The secret is knowing that you deserve it and are worthy of it. Something that you thought was ordinary will turn out to be extraordinary. Take a second to look at the people and situations in your life. Sometimes receiving treasure is simply a matter of seeing life in a new way. The treasure was always there; you just didn’t see it. This card heralds a bountiful, prosperous, abundant time in your life.
Right: Miracles - Expect the woundrous to emerge Just around the bend, a miracle, and majestic wonders wait to unfold for you. Watch for them and embrace them. Some come in an unlikely form. Trust that all is unfolding for your highest good. Expect miracles in your life. Look at your life in a new way. Let go of fear and expectations, and allow the Creator to solve your challenges in mysterious and wondrous ways. Don’t limit the way you think miracles can appear in your life. All is well.
Have a great day folks, enjoy your Easter Monday - remember that this is a powerful time of re-birth so great for setting new intentions... or completely re-inventing yourself!
Dawn x P.s. Let me know if/how the cards help with a comment or emoji x
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Father Sun Mother Moon Bathe me in your light Energise my soul Nourish my roots & branches ... Support me to grow & expand Show me how to shine my light Aho 🙏
Nature Inspired ©️Dawn Petherick 22nd April 2019
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What are your goals or intentions for this week? Did you energise them with the light of the full moon on Friday?
Set them, choose them, and take inspired steps towards manifesting them and they’ll happen more quickly than you think 💗
... This week I’m using using Sacred Traveller cards by Denise Linn. Perfect for focusing on re-birth and your journey ahead.
Centre yourself, close your eyes and focus on your question. When you open your eyes one (or more!) of the cards will stand out for you. Post left, middle or right in the comments below and I’ll share the meanings in the morning.
Have a great week 😁 Dawn x
P.s. feel free to share or tag friends in the comments x
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Happy Easter everyone ☀️


I’ve just enjoyed a fabulous 121 yoga session with Lisa Satchwell Energetics as part of her yoga teacher training.
It was great to get personalised advice from Lisa on modifying some poses whilst my knees are still building up strength. Everything is possible.... you just have to keep taking small steps.
When I started yoga a few weeks ago there were lots of moves that I had to modify. With just 1 session a week I am already seeing great improvement which spurs me on to do ...more.
I’m loving feeling my body move again after many years of walking being my only exercise.
My intuition kept nudging me to go to yoga so once I’d moved house I found a class and made a start.
I’m not super bendy - I’ve never been bendy, even when aerobically very fit 😂 but I can get into modified versions of poses (where I need to) and do make progress each week.
My body and soul are both thankful that I’ve finally followed the message they’ve been giving me fir a long time! 🙄
Look out for classes coming to the Tutbury/Burton area when Lisa has qualified 🙂 xx
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This just came up as a Fb memory - doing my best to live up to it 😂😂


Just as I finished a full moon fire ritual, without any visible moon because I assumed it was too cloudy - up it popped! Right on cue as I opened my eyes.
Beautiful full moon rising above the Clyde earlier this eve at about 9pm.


I’ve been off exploring a new part of Argyll today with a friend who is staying with me for a week - Portavadie & Tarbert.
Tarbert is a picturesque fishing harbour which reminds me of Cornish fishing villages - great to visit when I need a ‘Cornwall fix’!
At Portavadie we enjoyed an afternoon in the outdoor infinity pool and jacuzzi and then as we were leaving we spotted these standing stones.
... They had a very calming, though direct, energy. Aligned East-West/West-East if felt to me as though they would have been used for ritual celebrations at Beltane.... though I’m struggling to find any information about them online to give me any more info! I’ll keep you posted 🙂
Dawn x
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It’s full moon today and also Easter Weekend. A powerful time for re-birth. You don’t need to be religious to tap into the re-birth energies which imbue this time of year, it’s all around you in nature too.
At full moon, seeds planted at the new moon may be showing signs of growth so it’s a great time to move ahead with projects and plans. It’s also a great time to start projects where you are reducing something, eg, a habit etc, as you’re supported by the shrinking moon.
So...ak up the moons rays this evening 😁💗 Dawn x
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Oops! This was a share or an article about Norwegian hospitals using cabins in woods/forests as part of the healing for children! .... looks like I somehow lost the link in the process 🙄
loving reading about this innovation in Norway - let’s have it here too please 🙂


Morning 🙂 Happy Monday! Remember to get clear on your goals/intentions for this week and plan out your week - it makes achieving them much easier 🙂
Here is the card reveal for the week ahead.
... Left: Vulnerability You may be feeling like you should withdraw. This is an opportunity to wait and regroup. You are in need of some rest and relaxation. You might even be feeling overwhelmed. Take some much needed downtime. Take in your surroundings. Notice the season and the changes that are taking place out in nature. Things are continually evolving. Allow yourself to connect with Mother Earth and nature in a deeper way. Align your rhythm with the heartbeat of the Earth and slow your thoughts and emotions down. Trust that everything will work out.
Middle: Breakthrough Feel confident that things are falling into place. Just as a seedling breaking through the surface of the earth, you too are going to experience emergence. The efforts of your hard work will become evident and you will begin to see the difference all of that labour and time you have invested has made. Count your blessings! You are gifted with a creative touch and the ability to generate new and wonderful things. Take a moment to feel proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished.
Right: Potential Gateway A new course or route is coming into your awareness. It is time to utilise your knowledge and complete the task at hand. As you finish one aspect of your life, begin thinking about what you would like to do next. This is part of your life’s journey - you are constantly shifting and developing. You may feel contentment, fulfilment and pride, because you have accomplished something. There is productivity and reward as a bonus for your efforts. The good fortune you realise is evidence that you are putting sufficient energy into your life’s journey to get out it all you desire.
Have a great week everyone and let me know how the cards help you.
Dawn x
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Interesting article on intuition, thanks to Bernardine for sharing on her timeline x


What are your goals or intentions for this week?
Set them, choose them, and take inspired steps towards manifesting them and they’ll happen more quickly than you think 💗
This week I’m using using Nature’s Whispers cards by Angela Hartfield & Josephine Wall. I love the imagery in these cards - I just wish they were a little bit smaller to shuffle!
... Centre yourself, close your eyes and focus on your question. When you open your eyes one (or more!) of the cards will stand out for you. Post left, middle or right in the comments below and I’ll share the meanings in the morning.
Have a great week 😁 Dawn x
P.s. feel free to share or tag friends in the comments x
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A really handy summary of trees in the UK :)


Yesterday I had the pleasure of being attuned to Reiki by Dawn. What a great day! It was relaxed, fun and Dawn had structured teachings to take me through step by step. I'm excited to start helping my friends and family with their aches and pains... please form an orderly queue! Thank you Dawn x


WOW what an amazing experience.

Dawn has thought about everything little detail. Such a wonderful workshop where I've truly felt at ease

Thank you I would highly recommend any workshop with Dawn


I recently visited Dawn for a 1:1 Shamanic healing session. I am an alternative therapist and intuitive coach so it's very important for me to be maintaining and improving my energy to ensure my clients are always getting me at my best. Treating myself is something I do regularly but every now and again it's great to sit back and just receive. I would not hesitate to recommend Dawn's service. I found her to be very profrssional. I don't use Shamanic Healing in my practice and often wondered what it could achieve. I am very satisfied with my session and will be returning as and when I feel lead to in the future.


I recently participated in Dawn's Autumn challenge and have found it really motivating. It was the kick start I needed to make steps towards my goals. Thank you Dawn and to everybody else.... Definitely go for it! :-)


I have just come off an amazing weekend retreat that Dawn hosted near Ashbourne. I can’t recommend Dawn highly enough. Her compassion, ability to hold space for myself and other participants to go through their stuff and come out the other side. Her understanding of what we all went though, as well as all the thoughtful preparations that went into organising and running the whole event, including fabulous high vibrational nurturing food was incredible. If you are looking to get rid of the daily struggles that stop you from living the dream without having to regurgitate it time and time again then I would definitely recommend talking to and seeing Dawn. Thank you Dawn x


I have been going to Dawns Shamanic Journey Group and have found it fascinating! The drumming and Dawns words take you to different dimensions where you can meet your animal guide and others who are there to protect and help you . For me who has a monkey brain the drumming stops me thinking of my shopping list or work, it helps me focus and stay in the moment. If you haven't done it before - give it a try !


I have been going to Dawn's monthly Shamanic Journey Group for 6 months now. I was drawn to it because I love animals and Dawn's very down to earth approach fits beautifully with Shamanic energy. If you have a very active mind and love animals then I would highly recommend coming along. We often loose touch with mother earth and this is a wonderful way to maintain that connection. Sat nam Nickyxxx


I did the Awesome Autumn Challenge with Dawn and I highly recommend it. Within 2 days I was changing old thought patterns. It was so inspiring �


Yesterday I had the pleasure of being attuned to Reiki by Dawn. What a great day! It was relaxed, fun and Dawn had structured teachings to take me through step by step. I'm excited to start helping my friends and family with their aches and pains... please form an orderly queue! Thank you Dawn x


WOW what an amazing experience.

Dawn has thought about everything little detail. Such a wonderful workshop where I've truly felt at ease

Thank you I would highly recommend any workshop with Dawn


I recently visited Dawn for a 1:1 Shamanic healing session. I am an alternative therapist and intuitive coach so it's very important for me to be maintaining and improving my energy to ensure my clients are always getting me at my best. Treating myself is something I do regularly but every now and again it's great to sit back and just receive. I would not hesitate to recommend Dawn's service. I found her to be very profrssional. I don't use Shamanic Healing in my practice and often wondered what it could achieve. I am very satisfied with my session and will be returning as and when I feel lead to in the future.


I recently participated in Dawn's Autumn challenge and have found it really motivating. It was the kick start I needed to make steps towards my goals. Thank you Dawn and to everybody else.... Definitely go for it! :-)


I have just come off an amazing weekend retreat that Dawn hosted near Ashbourne. I can’t recommend Dawn highly enough. Her compassion, ability to hold space for myself and other participants to go through their stuff and come out the other side. Her understanding of what we all went though, as well as all the thoughtful preparations that went into organising and running the whole event, including fabulous high vibrational nurturing food was incredible. If you are looking to get rid of the daily struggles that stop you from living the dream without having to regurgitate it time and time again then I would definitely recommend talking to and seeing Dawn. Thank you Dawn x


I have been going to Dawns Shamanic Journey Group and have found it fascinating! The drumming and Dawns words take you to different dimensions where you can meet your animal guide and others who are there to protect and help you . For me who has a monkey brain the drumming stops me thinking of my shopping list or work, it helps me focus and stay in the moment. If you haven't done it before - give it a try !


I have been going to Dawn's monthly Shamanic Journey Group for 6 months now. I was drawn to it because I love animals and Dawn's very down to earth approach fits beautifully with Shamanic energy. If you have a very active mind and love animals then I would highly recommend coming along. We often loose touch with mother earth and this is a wonderful way to maintain that connection. Sat nam Nickyxxx


I did the Awesome Autumn Challenge with Dawn and I highly recommend it. Within 2 days I was changing old thought patterns. It was so inspiring �


Yesterday I had the pleasure of being attuned to Reiki by Dawn. What a great day! It was relaxed, fun and Dawn had structured teachings to take me through step by step. I'm excited to start helping my friends and family with their aches and pains... please form an orderly queue! Thank you Dawn x


WOW what an amazing experience.

Dawn has thought about everything little detail. Such a wonderful workshop where I've truly felt at ease

Thank you I would highly recommend any workshop with Dawn


I recently visited Dawn for a 1:1 Shamanic healing session. I am an alternative therapist and intuitive coach so it's very important for me to be maintaining and improving my energy to ensure my clients are always getting me at my best. Treating myself is something I do regularly but every now and again it's great to sit back and just receive. I would not hesitate to recommend Dawn's service. I found her to be very profrssional. I don't use Shamanic Healing in my practice and often wondered what it could achieve. I am very satisfied with my session and will be returning as and when I feel lead to in the future.


I recently participated in Dawn's Autumn challenge and have found it really motivating. It was the kick start I needed to make steps towards my goals. Thank you Dawn and to everybody else.... Definitely go for it! :-)


I have just come off an amazing weekend retreat that Dawn hosted near Ashbourne. I can’t recommend Dawn highly enough. Her compassion, ability to hold space for myself and other participants to go through their stuff and come out the other side. Her understanding of what we all went though, as well as all the thoughtful preparations that went into organising and running the whole event, including fabulous high vibrational nurturing food was incredible. If you are looking to get rid of the daily struggles that stop you from living the dream without having to regurgitate it time and time again then I would definitely recommend talking to and seeing Dawn. Thank you Dawn x


I have been going to Dawns Shamanic Journey Group and have found it fascinating! The drumming and Dawns words take you to different dimensions where you can meet your animal guide and others who are there to protect and help you . For me who has a monkey brain the drumming stops me thinking of my shopping list or work, it helps me focus and stay in the moment. If you haven't done it before - give it a try !


I have been going to Dawn's monthly Shamanic Journey Group for 6 months now. I was drawn to it because I love animals and Dawn's very down to earth approach fits beautifully with Shamanic energy. If you have a very active mind and love animals then I would highly recommend coming along. We often loose touch with mother earth and this is a wonderful way to maintain that connection. Sat nam Nickyxxx


I did the Awesome Autumn Challenge with Dawn and I highly recommend it. Within 2 days I was changing old thought patterns. It was so inspiring �

More about Dawn Petherick - Soul Alignment Guide, Coach, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -