Derek Wales Fitness And Nutrition

Monday: 16:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 16:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Derek Wales Fitness And Nutrition

1-2-1, Group and Online Personal Training that gets Results!

Derek Wales Fitness And Nutrition Description

I love helping anyone who wants to make changes to their current situation. I have a huge passion for helping people to not only reach and exceed their goals, but to see them become both comfortable and knowledgeable within the gym and with their nutrition.

I believe that consistency, hard work, structured training and sensible lifestyle choices are what is required in order to achieve long term success with your health and fitness. My approach is a blend between motivation and education. I want to (and I will) push you to work to the level you are capable of. However, I feel equally important is teaching you not only how to eat and train for your situation, but also why you are doing things in a specific way. It is this knowledge that will help and allow you to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle long after you finish doing PT.



Pre upper body workout warm up/activation πŸ‹πŸ» Warming up and activating the muscles that you're going to use in your workout can help with injury prevention AND improve the effectiveness of the work you do within the workout.
Generally, for people new to the gym I advise them to spend 5-10 minutes (or longer) doing some work that will raise the heart rate slightly. A lot of the work you'll be doing within your actual session will (should) be movements and exercises that will e...ventually become warm up exercises for you (movement patterns, body weight work, etc). For those who are slightly more advanced, I advise that you work on the movement patterns you'll be using throughout the workout and activate those muscle groups.
Any questions on warming up effectively just let me know πŸ‘
#warmup #strength #training #musclebuilding #fatloss #upperbody #activation #personaltrainer #paisley #hillington #glasgow
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If fitness and strength are going to be a focus for you after this week, concentrate on the important things rather than the fluff. Forget looking for the gym with the fanciest, all singing all dancing equipment or best jacuzzi. Instead, focus on finding your reason for training, the reason that is going to drag you out of bed to put the HARD WORK in and stick to the program!! Put the work in, get the result you want.
This mornings workout - push ups and band pull aparts 20 reps down to 10 reps
#workout #fitness #hardwork #getresults #mensfitness #fitdads #garageworkout


Fuelled by Pringles and chocolate coins...a quick blast with the kettlebells to get everything moving again after 2 days of doing not a lot! After a full body warm up, do 8 reps of each exercise, short rest then 7 reps and so on down to 1 πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
Overhead Press Sumo Deadlift Bent over Row... Split Squat
Give it a go if you want a quick, full body workout that gets the heart rate up and blows away the cobwebs!!
#kettlebells #strength #conditioning #workout #garageworkout #homeworkout #fitdad #fitparent #circuittraining
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Over indulged a wee bit over the last few days? Planning to get back in shape in January?
If you're a man over 30 who wants to get fitter, stronger, more mobile and generally look and feel better next year - this 12 week Bootcamp is for you....
... You'll be training alongside guys in a similar situation to yourself - ideal for support and motivation. You'll receive nutritional advice and help with tracking to maximise results. You'll work at your own level with no pressure to do anything you're not ready for.
If you want to train in an EGO FREE, supportive environment and get yourself back in shape in 2019, get in touch to book your place πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
12 week block starting 8th Jan 2019 Includes 12 week membership to Origins Gym, Hillington Tuesday/Thursday 8pm OR Tuesday/Friday 6am Total Price for 12 week block: Β£160 (can be paid in 3 instalments) Β£30 deposit secures place.
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A quick kettlebell complex on Christmas Eve πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ™‚ I don't want to be spending an hour away from the family on a day like this - 25 minutes in the garage was plenty to get the body moving, heart rate up and burn some calories πŸ”₯ 5 min warm up followed by: 5 reps per side, 5 rounds... Overhead press Squat... Row Swing Thruster
For rest period I used my #myzone strap/app, waiting til my heart rate fell to 70% before starting the next round πŸ’ͺ
Enjoy your Christmas Eve and try to get some movement in! #findaway #getitdone #kettlebells #complex #fitness #mensfitness #fitdad
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Enjoy you Christmas & New Year beers guilt in the knowledge that you'll be getting back in shape in January!
If you're a man over 30 who wants to get fitter, stronger, more mobile and generally look and feel better next year - this 12 week Bootcamp is for you....
... You'll be training alongside guys in a similar situation to yourself - ideal for support and motivation. You'll receive nutritional advice and help with tracking to maximise results. You'll work at your own level with no pressure to do anything you're not ready for.
If you want to train in an EGO FREE, supportive environment and get yourself back in shape in 2019, get in touch to book your place πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
12 week block starting 8th Jan 2019 Includes 12 week membership to Origins Gym, Hillington Tuesday/Thursday 8pm OR Tuesday/Friday 6am Total Price for 12 week block: Β£160 (can be paid in 3 instalments) Β£30 deposit secures place.
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Preparation and organisation are key to a decent nutritional strategy. Plan tomorrow's meals today. This is my 'go to' breakfast if I'm going to be pushed for time in the morning or out the door early for work. Takes minutes to prepare the night before and is waiting for me in the fridge when I get up....
200ml whole milk 1 scoop @phdnutritionuk whey protein powder 1 banana... 30g oats 15g peanut butter
Roughly 500 cals, 35g protein (Adjust quantities to suit your requirements)
#nutrition #breakfast #fitness #health #fuel
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As a PT, there are messages that put a smile on your face and validate your belief that you're doing a good job...and there are messages like this one that completely blow you away! Becoming healthier and fitter can change lives. Always a pleasure to be part of it. Job satisfaction βœ… #newmum #fitness #health #habits #personaltraining


Enjoy you Christmas & New Year beers guilt in the knowledge that you'll be getting back in shape in January!
If you're a man over 30 who wants to get fitter, stronger, more mobile and generally look and feel better next year - this 12 week Bootcamp is for you....
You'll be training alongside guys in a similar situation to yourself - ideal for support and motivation.... You'll receive nutritional advice and help with tracking to maximise results. You'll work at your own level with no pressure to do anything you're not ready for.
If you want to train in an EGO FREE, supportive environment and get yourself back in shape in 2019, get in touch to book your place πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
12 week block starting 8th Jan 2019. Tuesday/Thursday 8pm OR Tuesday/Friday 6am Total Price for 12 week block: Β£160 (can be paid in 3 instalments) Β£30 deposit secures place.
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Been an absolute pleasure training @youngstar84 over the past few months - has made some fantastic progress in a short space of time, dropping around a stone whilst getting much stronger in the gym! As a trainer, it's always a pleasure to help people towards achieving their goals, particularly when they are as eager to listen, learn and put things into action as Ian is! Looking forward to seeing the next stage of his progress in the new year πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ‘ #results #progress #fitness #strength #whathappenedtoyourteamtoday


Enjoy you Christmas & New Year beers guilt in the knowledge that you'll be getting back in shape in January!
If you're a man over 30 who wants to get fitter, stronger, more mobile and generally look and feel better next year - this 12 week Bootcamp is for you....
You'll be training alongside guys in a similar situation to yourself - ideal for support and motivation.... You'll receive nutritional advice and help with tracking to maximise results. You'll work at your own level with no pressure to do anything you're not ready for.
If you want to train in an EGO FREE, supportive environment and get yourself back in shape in 2019, get in touch to book your place πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
12 week block starting 8th Jan 2019. Tuesday/Thursday 8pm OR Tuesday/Friday 6am Total Price for 12 week block: Β£160 (can be paid in 3 instalments) Β£30 deposit secures place.
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Quite depressing reading this. In my humble opinion, we (adults) need to set the example. Parents, uncles, aunts, teachers. Set the example for kids and let them grow up seeing physical activity as normal behaviour rather than a chore to be dreaded. Speak positively about exercise and activity rather than moaning and groaning about it. In my short experience of being a dad, one thing I know for certain is that these wee folk are complete sponges and take everything in. Set the example folks, it's our responsibility to keep kids active and healthy πŸ‘


Loving this drill at the moment for mobilising the hips, shoulders and getting a good stretch in the hamstrings. Taken from a Mike Boyle routine, it's perfect as part of a warm up pre squat/overhead workout or just as part of a daily movement routine. 1 or 2 sets of 5-10 reps should be plenty πŸ‘
#mobility #mobilitydrill #warmup #dailymovement #movement #prioritisemobility


Love a message like this πŸ‘πŸ‘ @keldo has been smashing it in the Men's over 30s group over the last 6 weeks and is reaping the benefits away from the gym. Hard graft, a bit of structure and never fails πŸ’ͺ #fitness #football #mensfitness #mensover30fitness #personaltraining #gym


Since gaining this qualification I've been fortunate enough to work with a huge list of mums-to-be and new mums. As a parent, it's a part of this job that gives me massive satisfaction. I've another amazing new mum finishing up her training stint this week who is (quote):
- Feeling much more confident about her body - Looking forward to shopping for a Christmas party outfit - Feeling more energetic ... - Feeling stronger
Helping Mums to achieve these changes in what is, let's be honest, a very hard period of life is what makes turning up to work a pleasure every day.
#prenatalexercise #postnatalexercise #mumsfitness #fitmums #strongmums #personaltrainer
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6am Men's Group getting after it this morning! It's never easy dragging yourself into the gym at that time when it's -2 outside...but when you do you might as well make it worth it πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Great effort this morning @andyp119 @k3vmt @keldo @molloy.ian #mensgrouppt #personaltraining #mensbootcamp #strength #conditioning


If you're a footballer (or do pretty much any sport out with bodybuilding), and the phrases 'chest day' 'shoulder day' 'arm day' etc are an active part of your're doing it wrong and there is a far better way. Be efficient with your limited time in the gym. Focus on full body strength through multi joint compound movements, core stability, agility, mobility. Don't stress, you'll still look good come the end of season trip to Magaluf or wherever it is nowadays. But you'll be more likely to head off with a winners medal tucked away in your sock drawer ;)


The older I get, the longer my warm up seems to take. Sometimes feels like I'm up to a 45 minute warm up, 10 minute workout and 5 minute cool down! At this rate I'll just be missing out the workout part altogether in the next couple of years πŸ˜‚ Mobility has become a huge priority for me since I moved into my 30's (and edge closer to 40!!!). The aches and pains that I could just 'run off' in my twenties are all of a sudden not quite as easy to work through. Prioritise mobility work...those groans you've started making every time you get up out a seat aren't supposed to happen ;) #mobility #gettingold #prehab #habits #dailyhabits #over30sfitness #fitdad #fitparent #personaltrainer


The simplest of tips - bulk your meals up with extra veg. I always add veg into sauces like bolognaise, chilli, curry etc. It helps to keep you full for longer without adding loads of calories, adds extra nutrients to your meal...and is a handy way of 'hiding' veg from the kids (or adults!!) #food #nutrition #simplenutrition #diet #exercise #fatloss @ Houston, Renfrewshire


Started online training with Derek in February. Well on my way to where I want to be, and with his support I have lowered my resting heart rate, lost a stone in weight, gained muscle and am generally feeling in a much better place.

So easy to use the app (I am certainly not techy!) with videos and description of exercises which Derek adapts regularly to ensure I’m progressing. He monitors my activity levels and calorie/macros weekly and keeps in touch to ensure I remain focussed and accountable.

If you are ready to make changes then Derek is very passionate about what he does and can help guide you on your journey.


One of the best gifts I've ever received in my life. I started my 10 sessions in March and getting my pt sessions with Derek has been hard work but don't get me wrong enjoyable - we still manage to get a few laughs in especially when he checks if I am ok and I am about to burst ha. Since having my wee girl and being caught up in being busy I let my exercise and nutrition go out the window doing no exercise and grabbing food on the go. Derek developed an eating plan that suits my busy lifestyle and is so knowledgeable in regards to the nutrition side. He is a great support and gives real talk advice. I know that if I have any questions about nutrition and exercise that I can go to him and no question is silly or not valid.

Over the years my weight has been like a yoyo and I've tried all slimming clubs weight watchers, slimming world, Cambridge diet, juice plus and been a member of several gyms but throughout everything I've tried I've never experienced the one on one support like I have from Derek and from my personal experience that's what you need to make that difference.

I've lost nearly a stone since I started my pt sessions. I need to lose weight and get fit and I know that I can't a achieve my goals or do my new healthy lifestyle without the support and guidance from Derek.

Would high recommend! Thanks very much Derek


Loved my training with Derek and was great to see results so quick. Please move to London? Or set up Skype training sessions!


I've recently just finished an 8 week winter training plan with Derek and I've got to say it's the best decision I've made Ina long time. Derek is an excellent coach and delivered a training plan to cater for everyone's need. I would certainly recommend Derek and look forward to continuing to work with him over the next few months.


I've just finished a 12 week course with Derek and it was amazing. Every session was different and he tailored the full 12 weeks to suit me and help me achieve my goals. From changing my diet to helping me train harder and smarter and being flexible for when I could and couldn't train because of work and childcare commitments I can't thank him enough. Cheers again mate


I've been training with Derek for around a year now. In that time I've seen massive improvements in my overall fitness and strength, including getting a new deadlift PB of 115kg! My previous was 80kg. I am now 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby and still training. Derek has adapted my workouts week by week, taking into account my stage in pregnancy and that weeks pregnancy related complaints. He has found the balance of still making me feeI like I've had a good workout, without killing me! I think one of the best compliments I can give him is that he's a 'normal guy.' He understands that life (and children!) sometimes get in the way, and always takes time to get an idea of how you're feeling at the start of every session. I hope to keep up my training as far into my 3rd trimester as possible, and also to get back into shape once my baby arrives. Not looking forward to that bit so much, mind you!


I'm only into my 2nd week one on one training and would highly recommend Derek. He motivates you and keeps you focused towards your end goal. Every session is different which making it much more interesting. Can't wait to see what my end results will be!


I'm an Origins gym member, I help to run a local amateur football team, Rosehill Star.

I asked Derek if he could do some circuit training for the team and he was only too happy to help.

His circuits are excellent and they're football oriented too, working on the lads stamina and general fitness.

We're starting to see the benefits of the circuits on the park, and Derek has a lot to do with that.

The team enjoy it as do I and I'd recommend any team to try it.

Jamie Spiers

Rosehill Star AFC


I started training with Derek in March after finally deciding I had had enough of my lifestyle and the way I looked. I was terribly nervous when I went to meet him to discuss what it was I wanted to achieve but my nerves soon disappeared as he put me at ease straight away.

Derek not only focuses on training/fitness but he also puts so much time and effort in to making sure his clients are eating correctly and making the most of the hard work that goes in to training. It’s took me a while to get my head round the eating part but he has the patience of a saint and is always helping and giving ideas. Eventually everything fell in to place

Derek is fantastic at what he does and now I actually enjoy going to the gym and training.


I have been training with Derek since January this year and I am 2 stone lighter and a lot fitter & stronger. I wld definitely recommend Derek for PT οΏ½ Best in the business οΏ½οΏ½


I have always struggled with my weight and fitness and over the years have tried various fad diets and exercise programmes however I have never been able to really stick to any sort of regime. Since I started personal training with Derek I have never been so determined to succeed and could not have done it without his help. From day one he has encouraged me to maintain a healthy lifestyle by helping me with a food plan and intense work outs when I train with him three times a week. My fitness has greatly improved already in just a few months and now ten weeks on I am 10kg lighter.

Derek is a great support to me and encourages me each week to continue to do my best. He weekly motivates me to push further than my limits. I always seem to surprise myself at what extra I can do each week, wether it is a heavier weight during an exercise or just a couple of extra reps and I hope to continue to do this with his help.

Can't thank you enough Derek☺️ here's to the next 10kg!!!


Great personal training and excellent value for money. Would definitely recommend


Great half hour PT sessions Derek motivates and pushes you to do that extra rep!

It's amazing the workout you can do in 30 mins! Going for another 10 X 30 min sessions. Highly recommend Revo Fitness!


Fantastic personal trainer!! Great variety of workouts in an excellent gym. Derek keeps you challenged and motivated at all times and knows his stuff! - lots of hard work has paid off and I'm feeling great!! Could not recommend highly enough!!! Do it!


Derek put together a cycling specific program for myself and some friends from a local club. We wanted to work on our strength and balance throughout the winter. The way in which the program built throughout the sessions was great and it certainly tested us towards the end. Everyone is feeling motivated for the months ahead on the bike and we're looking to continue working with Derek on an ongoing basis. Great guy, easy to talk to and gives great advice.


Derek is a great trainer, really motivating and fab value for money. Could not recommend enough!


Derek is a fantastic trainer that will definitely get you well on the way to the result you want. I lacked confidence in going to the gym and felt demotivated following diet plans that didn’t work. After training with Derek I am now 2 stone lighter and much fitter and healthier than I have ever been. He teaches you how to realistically change your diet and fitness routines in order to get the results you want. Cannot thank him or recommend him enough! οΏ½


Can't recommend Derek highly enough. He has motivated me through a change in lifestyle, I am someone who loves cardio and running but has inspired me to the value of weightlifting and mobility. 20lbs lighter than when I started, fitter than I've ever been and now using weights to enhance my half marathon training. Don't hesitate to give it a go.

More about Derek Wales Fitness And Nutrition

Derek Wales Fitness And Nutrition is located at 22 Earl Haig Road, G52 4JU Paisley, Renfrewshire
Monday: 16:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 16:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -