Determination Fitness

About Determination Fitness

A page for tips, advice and links on things health, nutrition and fitness related.

Determination Fitness Description

Run by a local personal trainer, who used to be 70lbs heavier and always looking for the quick solution.

I never found it. Now I'm trying to stop others from wasting their time and money too.
Feel free to ask for tips on your current exercise plans, supplements you're considering, objects you've seen in the gym that you're not sure what they do, or any other aspect of fitness or nutrition you're struggling with .

To get in shape takes a little knowledge and a lot of determination.

REPs No. R0094324



Acceptance is a two way street

User…/feedin g-babies-vegan-diet-…

User…/getting-fit-in- 40s-50s-still-can-ad…

User ger/


I intuitively ate my way to obesity. Most people need more help and structure.…/eat-your-he art-out-diet-industry


I've never really understood targeting women with condescending product marketing 🤷‍♂️…/Stat s-revealed-Women-s-s…


Consistency is most important.…/when-it-c omes-to-exercise-les…


There is no perfect time to start making a changeThere is no perfect time to start making a change


Is meal replacements a good solution?


"Working out is the most effective way to transform your physical and mental health"


It's hard to believe this isn't satire, poking fun at some of the fitness articles that all promise the secret solution or "one neat trick" that solves all of their barriers; But it's sometimes true. Many people reach a point where one final straw is enough to finally convince them they need to change and it becomes an integral part of their change in lifestyle. They can keep it with them as a reminder how unhealthy and unhappy they will be if they drift back.
Sometimes, alt...hough seemingly less often, one realisation can help an individual finally realise where they have been going wrong or how they've been making things difficult for themselves. Sometimes it just clicks into place.
Perhaps we feel we are not all that lucky, and things don't just fall into place for us. We have no 'one big thing' that's a revelation to us. Or maybe we just don't perceive our problems or changes in such simple terms and we realise that it's all the little changes, or 'the journey' that is important and what works for us.
Keep going. Do the best you can. Be the best you can for you.
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