Diamond Fitness Edinburgh

About Diamond Fitness Edinburgh

Private, exclusive training facility for all ability levels, providing private group sessions, one to ones and all other aspects of health and wellbeing.



Friday morning drop in class. #strong #stronger #lean #leaner #fit #fitter #dropinclass рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


вҳәпёҸ вҖңlegendвҖқ вҳәпёҸ


Drop in class at 0930 рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Yes @seanmckechnie83 рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Be responsible and accountable and know your numbers рҹ‘ҚрҹҸјрҹ’Һ


This is amazing. HeвҖҷs so good. Have a listen guys рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»р ҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Drop in classes today.
10am and 7pm рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


No 6pm drop in tonight.
I have sent PMs, emails or texts. Hope I have not missed anyone.


Wednesday morning drop in class. They hit 75 press ups and 75 leg raises this morning as well as circuits, punching and running drills. Lots of calories burned and people feeling good рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Drop in classes today at 0930 and 1800.


Go @maryohlndr! Resistance band sprints. Gets the heart rate up so much. Burns. ItвҖҷs fun. Works the band holder hard too. Good job @beckamackenzie18 рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Not enough weights on the sled for @ngkirk91 so had to use @meganleadbetter рҹҳӮ


Punching is fun. It makes all your muscles in your hips, core and upper body contract over and over again. It burns loads of calories. It opens up your lungs. It makes you feel good. #fun #fatigued #calories #feelgood рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Weight Loss.
When you eat fewer calories than you burn you create a calorie deficit, also called an energy deficit. You must create a calorie deficit to lose weight.
A calorie deficit is sometimes also called an energy deficit because calories are a unit of heat or energy. рҹ‘ҚрҹҸјрҹ’Һ


Tuesday morning drop in class. Every Tuesday at 10am рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Just a reminder to make sure guys taking on monthly standing orders are all set up for August.
If not, you will need to stick to block bookings until the standing order is set up for September.
Jamie рҹ‘ҚрҹҸјрҹ’Һ


Drop in classes today.
10am and 7pm рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Edinburgh drop in class. Every Monday at 1945 рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ


Private, exclusive training facility for all ability levels, providing private group sessions, one to ones and all other aspects of health and wellbeing рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’Һ
Address -... Diamond Fitness Edinburgh 14 Stewartfield Newhaven EH6 5RQ
See More


The best drop in classes ever. IвҖҷm 65 and have arthritis in my knees, but Jamie is amazing at quietly adjusting any circuit or exercise to accommodate me. If everyone is doing step ups on big boxes, he finds me a smaller one, so I never miss out or feel bad. Every class is different and I just love boxing! I always have a great work out, it just wasnвҖҷt easy in a big gym on my own to motivate myself and do a balanced programme. The drop in is the answer!


Thank you to Jamie for making exercising easy, I can turn up at the gym last minute depending on when I get finished work with no need to book classes or try to log in and cancel online if running late like other gyms. ItвҖҷs as simple as just turning up. Every session is different and it uses your time efficiently, as Jamie has everything organised no matter what size of group, ability, age or gender all work outs cater to everyone. HeвҖҷs so encouraging and approachable itвҖҷs a really simple way to get fit. Thank you!


My husband and I are both extremely unfit and unhealthy! Jamie has been amazing getting us focused and pushing us a little bit harder each and every time we go! We are learning new healthier attitudes and it's amazing! They gym it's self has everything you need and is well equipped :)


IвҖҷve been going to drop in classes for over a year now, and absolutely love them. The difference in my fitness and my body shape has changed, and I feel so much better for it. IвҖҷd never been to a gym class before as I was nervous, but every session always has such a friendly, positive group of people who encourage you to do your best! I find Jamie brilliant, his method is motivating and he always notices the small things. Best thing about the classes is that although there are loads every month, not one IвҖҷve been to has been the same so I never know whatвҖҷs coming so canвҖҷt put myself off! Very imaginative and highly recommend, bargain for the cost as well. Thanks Jamie пҝҪпҝҪ (mandatory diamond emoji)!


Iv been at JamieвҖҷs drop in classes for a few weeks now, and for someone who hadnвҖҷt done any exercise for years I was a bit nervous especially knowing how unfit I was. JamieвҖҷs classes are fantastic, you completely go at your own speed and pace. Every week is different with various circuits and exercises. Jamie is completely supportive and enthusiastic at what he does which makes exercising much more enjoyable. His classes are like no other. Keep up the good work Jam пҝҪ


If you haven't been to diamond gym you need to go and I promise you won't regret it!!!

Jamie's drop in classes are brilliant! Every class is different, which is great if like me you get bored of doing the same things at the gym! And also his classes target every area from toning to fitness! And no need to feel nervous about going as Jamie and everyone in the class makes you feel welcome and at ease no matter what level of fitness they are at!

Couldn't recommend Jamie enough пҝҪ


I've been going to these classes now for around 3 years, and can honestly say we've never ever repeated the same session twice. Jamie sums it up perfectly with the words: varied, effective and fun.

There are many sessions where, jeezo, it's a slog. But the camaraderie, knowing how good you'll feel at the end, and Jamie's support and encouragement get you through.

I've joined gyms many times before and effectively donated my monthly membership fee, because my appearances would be sporadic.

Not so at Diamond Fitness. Since very early on, I was hooked. And now regularly make it to at least 10 classes a month.

The improvement in my fitness and therefore confidence levels have happened at the same time as an increase in my own business' profile and success, and I feel that's absolutely no coincidence!

I'm trying to have a wider social impact through my own work, and I love that Jamie has that same ethos. He wants to be accessible to all and he's achieving it. The gym is inclusive regardless of size, shape, age, or income status.

He's supportive of his Diamond Team both in the gym and outwith. There are regular email and social media updates to keep us on track. His coaching doesn't end at the gym's front door, or at the end of an hour long class.

пҝҪfor this year's national fitness awards because he deserves industry recognition! пҝҪпҝҪ


I've been attending drop-in sessions since January 2016 after undertaking the bootcamp prior to that. As others have said, every session is different and varied, so no chance of boring routines. Costs of blocks of sessions are very economical. Jamie is extremely supportive and encouraging, never critical or negative. That's the key factor, and I find it to be a tremendous boost. Something for everyone at their own level. If it can work for a 62yr old like me who hadn't done any serious exercise for years, it can work for anyone !


I would highly recommend Jamie to anyone that is looking to loose weight, tone up or just to be fitter. I was never a confident person when it comes to the gym. Ive lost weight previously but my biggest problem was I never stuck to it. Since I've been working with Jamie in one to one and also in his PT classes, my confidence has grown so much, I have lost a lot of weight so far and learnt lots! I've still got abit to go but I've never been so determined to achieve something and this is down to Jamie he is great, straight to the point and just pushes me that little bit more! his drop in classes are also really good for people of all fitness levels always different each time and just fun to go to пҝҪпҝҪ


I use JamieвҖҷs gym for his drop in classes. He always makes them varied and challenging and I would hugely recommend training at Diamond gym Edinburgh!


I started the bootcamp hating exercise & honestly dreading it a bit (very unfit) but Jamie has been brilliant! He pushes you to try harder while being very aware of what your capabilities are. Each night has been different & actually lots of fun! The diet plan was easy to follow & he updates the Facebook page with ideas/meals. He is always on hand to answer any questions or give you points on how you can maximise your workout. Never thought I would enjoy it all this much & will definitely be going to his classes in future! пҝҪ


I only started with dimond gym on Thursday the 3rd Nov and went along to the Friday morning class,

I was very nervous!! But was made to feel very welcome and comfortable.

The class was really enjoyable and varied with different exercises,

I learned a lot from my first 1hr class and I have got the bug for exercise I just hope it lasts пҝҪ

Iam really looking forward to Wednesday morning for my next dimond gym class thanks so much Jamie пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I have been going down to drop in sessions for the best part of a year now after previously doing my own stuff. These classes have genuinely got me out the flat on nights that I would have stayed in. The best thing about them is that they are different every time, making you look forward to the next one. Jamie gets the balance so well of pushing you but at the same time letting you go at a comfortable pace if wanted! Couldn't recommend it more.


I first met Jamie in February 2016 when I saw a post on FaceBook about his Weight Loss Lottery. I enquired via FB and got an immediate response. I was quite overweight and totally unfit and very apprehensive about joining the group but knew I had to do something. After answering a few questions on FB Jamie made me feel at ease and assured me that although I would work hard I would never be asked to do something that would make me feel uneasy or embarrassed.

I joined the Weight Loss Lottery for the month of March. I went to all his drop in classes and followed his diet sheet. During that month my fitness increased in leaps and bounds and mainly due to Jamie's encouragement. Offering me to try new exercises but if unable to do them also giving me alternatives.

I ended up losing 21lbs of fat during that one month (over 10% of my body weight). By then I was hooked. I've attended at least one drop in class weekly since then and have managed to keep my weight at the same, this due to being a lot more relaxed with my diet!

Jamie is a very personable guy, helpful, friendly and has a great memory for people's names (I don't that's how I noticed that!). He mixes up his classes and I don't think I've ever done the same routine twice. He makes you want to work hard and bring on that sweat that you know is doing you good.

Even though his gym is a bit of treck from where I live I'll keep on going as I enjoy his classes so much. Pop along and join in at least one class, you'll be glad you did and will defo come back for more.


Having been on and off with Jamie's drop in classes for almost a year, it's always so easy to get back into it with no pressure to keep up with other people. Jamie encourages you along the way and makes you push yourself harder with every set. I've yet to go to a class that's the same as a previous one and that's with doing up to 3 a week recently. Even worth dragging myself out of bed for a 9am class on a Saturday! Amazing PT with the clients to match


Drop in classes with Jamie at Diamond Gym are excellent ... I have done 4 classes with him this week, each one different, each one well structured for all of us attending - including a class of 5 of us yesterday morning, and a class of 20 people tonight. Jamie is always motivating and encouraging for all class participants, regardless of age, shape, size, level of fitness. There is a great feeling of camaraderie and always a warm welcome


Can't recommend Jamie enough! I have just completed his 12 day bootcamp and the results were amazing 10.3lbs down a lot fitter and more confident than I was before I started. пҝҪ


Been going to Jamie's drop in classes for over a year now and still really enjoying them thanks to Jamie ensuring that each class is varied and everyone that attends is really friendly.

Would highly recommend the drop in classes to anyone regardless of fitness levels.


Been attending Jamie's drop in classes for only a week (3 classes) and I've lost 5lbs already пҝҪ each class has been completely different from the last but equally effective! There is always an easier alternative if you are new to fitness & exercise which makes his classes suitable for anyone. He also provides you with meal plans etc too if you need help with that. Completely different experience from any other classes/gyms I've been to! пҝҪ


The best drop in classes ever. IвҖҷm 65 and have arthritis in my knees, but Jamie is amazing at quietly adjusting any circuit or exercise to accommodate me. If everyone is doing step ups on big boxes, he finds me a smaller one, so I never miss out or feel bad. Every class is different and I just love boxing! I always have a great work out, it just wasnвҖҷt easy in a big gym on my own to motivate myself and do a balanced programme. The drop in is the answer!


Thank you to Jamie for making exercising easy, I can turn up at the gym last minute depending on when I get finished work with no need to book classes or try to log in and cancel online if running late like other gyms. ItвҖҷs as simple as just turning up. Every session is different and it uses your time efficiently, as Jamie has everything organised no matter what size of group, ability, age or gender all work outs cater to everyone. HeвҖҷs so encouraging and approachable itвҖҷs a really simple way to get fit. Thank you!


My husband and I are both extremely unfit and unhealthy! Jamie has been amazing getting us focused and pushing us a little bit harder each and every time we go! We are learning new healthier attitudes and it's amazing! They gym it's self has everything you need and is well equipped :)


IвҖҷve been going to drop in classes for over a year now, and absolutely love them. The difference in my fitness and my body shape has changed, and I feel so much better for it. IвҖҷd never been to a gym class before as I was nervous, but every session always has such a friendly, positive group of people who encourage you to do your best! I find Jamie brilliant, his method is motivating and he always notices the small things. Best thing about the classes is that although there are loads every month, not one IвҖҷve been to has been the same so I never know whatвҖҷs coming so canвҖҷt put myself off! Very imaginative and highly recommend, bargain for the cost as well. Thanks Jamie пҝҪпҝҪ (mandatory diamond emoji)!


Iv been at JamieвҖҷs drop in classes for a few weeks now, and for someone who hadnвҖҷt done any exercise for years I was a bit nervous especially knowing how unfit I was. JamieвҖҷs classes are fantastic, you completely go at your own speed and pace. Every week is different with various circuits and exercises. Jamie is completely supportive and enthusiastic at what he does which makes exercising much more enjoyable. His classes are like no other. Keep up the good work Jam пҝҪ


If you haven't been to diamond gym you need to go and I promise you won't regret it!!!

Jamie's drop in classes are brilliant! Every class is different, which is great if like me you get bored of doing the same things at the gym! And also his classes target every area from toning to fitness! And no need to feel nervous about going as Jamie and everyone in the class makes you feel welcome and at ease no matter what level of fitness they are at!

Couldn't recommend Jamie enough пҝҪ


I've been going to these classes now for around 3 years, and can honestly say we've never ever repeated the same session twice. Jamie sums it up perfectly with the words: varied, effective and fun.

There are many sessions where, jeezo, it's a slog. But the camaraderie, knowing how good you'll feel at the end, and Jamie's support and encouragement get you through.

I've joined gyms many times before and effectively donated my monthly membership fee, because my appearances would be sporadic.

Not so at Diamond Fitness. Since very early on, I was hooked. And now regularly make it to at least 10 classes a month.

The improvement in my fitness and therefore confidence levels have happened at the same time as an increase in my own business' profile and success, and I feel that's absolutely no coincidence!

I'm trying to have a wider social impact through my own work, and I love that Jamie has that same ethos. He wants to be accessible to all and he's achieving it. The gym is inclusive regardless of size, shape, age, or income status.

He's supportive of his Diamond Team both in the gym and outwith. There are regular email and social media updates to keep us on track. His coaching doesn't end at the gym's front door, or at the end of an hour long class.

пҝҪfor this year's national fitness awards because he deserves industry recognition! пҝҪпҝҪ


I've been attending drop-in sessions since January 2016 after undertaking the bootcamp prior to that. As others have said, every session is different and varied, so no chance of boring routines. Costs of blocks of sessions are very economical. Jamie is extremely supportive and encouraging, never critical or negative. That's the key factor, and I find it to be a tremendous boost. Something for everyone at their own level. If it can work for a 62yr old like me who hadn't done any serious exercise for years, it can work for anyone !


I would highly recommend Jamie to anyone that is looking to loose weight, tone up or just to be fitter. I was never a confident person when it comes to the gym. Ive lost weight previously but my biggest problem was I never stuck to it. Since I've been working with Jamie in one to one and also in his PT classes, my confidence has grown so much, I have lost a lot of weight so far and learnt lots! I've still got abit to go but I've never been so determined to achieve something and this is down to Jamie he is great, straight to the point and just pushes me that little bit more! his drop in classes are also really good for people of all fitness levels always different each time and just fun to go to пҝҪпҝҪ


I use JamieвҖҷs gym for his drop in classes. He always makes them varied and challenging and I would hugely recommend training at Diamond gym Edinburgh!


I started the bootcamp hating exercise & honestly dreading it a bit (very unfit) but Jamie has been brilliant! He pushes you to try harder while being very aware of what your capabilities are. Each night has been different & actually lots of fun! The diet plan was easy to follow & he updates the Facebook page with ideas/meals. He is always on hand to answer any questions or give you points on how you can maximise your workout. Never thought I would enjoy it all this much & will definitely be going to his classes in future! пҝҪ


I only started with dimond gym on Thursday the 3rd Nov and went along to the Friday morning class,

I was very nervous!! But was made to feel very welcome and comfortable.

The class was really enjoyable and varied with different exercises,

I learned a lot from my first 1hr class and I have got the bug for exercise I just hope it lasts пҝҪ

Iam really looking forward to Wednesday morning for my next dimond gym class thanks so much Jamie пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I have been going down to drop in sessions for the best part of a year now after previously doing my own stuff. These classes have genuinely got me out the flat on nights that I would have stayed in. The best thing about them is that they are different every time, making you look forward to the next one. Jamie gets the balance so well of pushing you but at the same time letting you go at a comfortable pace if wanted! Couldn't recommend it more.


I first met Jamie in February 2016 when I saw a post on FaceBook about his Weight Loss Lottery. I enquired via FB and got an immediate response. I was quite overweight and totally unfit and very apprehensive about joining the group but knew I had to do something. After answering a few questions on FB Jamie made me feel at ease and assured me that although I would work hard I would never be asked to do something that would make me feel uneasy or embarrassed.

I joined the Weight Loss Lottery for the month of March. I went to all his drop in classes and followed his diet sheet. During that month my fitness increased in leaps and bounds and mainly due to Jamie's encouragement. Offering me to try new exercises but if unable to do them also giving me alternatives.

I ended up losing 21lbs of fat during that one month (over 10% of my body weight). By then I was hooked. I've attended at least one drop in class weekly since then and have managed to keep my weight at the same, this due to being a lot more relaxed with my diet!

Jamie is a very personable guy, helpful, friendly and has a great memory for people's names (I don't that's how I noticed that!). He mixes up his classes and I don't think I've ever done the same routine twice. He makes you want to work hard and bring on that sweat that you know is doing you good.

Even though his gym is a bit of treck from where I live I'll keep on going as I enjoy his classes so much. Pop along and join in at least one class, you'll be glad you did and will defo come back for more.


Having been on and off with Jamie's drop in classes for almost a year, it's always so easy to get back into it with no pressure to keep up with other people. Jamie encourages you along the way and makes you push yourself harder with every set. I've yet to go to a class that's the same as a previous one and that's with doing up to 3 a week recently. Even worth dragging myself out of bed for a 9am class on a Saturday! Amazing PT with the clients to match


Drop in classes with Jamie at Diamond Gym are excellent ... I have done 4 classes with him this week, each one different, each one well structured for all of us attending - including a class of 5 of us yesterday morning, and a class of 20 people tonight. Jamie is always motivating and encouraging for all class participants, regardless of age, shape, size, level of fitness. There is a great feeling of camaraderie and always a warm welcome


Can't recommend Jamie enough! I have just completed his 12 day bootcamp and the results were amazing 10.3lbs down a lot fitter and more confident than I was before I started. пҝҪ


Been going to Jamie's drop in classes for over a year now and still really enjoying them thanks to Jamie ensuring that each class is varied and everyone that attends is really friendly.

Would highly recommend the drop in classes to anyone regardless of fitness levels.


Been attending Jamie's drop in classes for only a week (3 classes) and I've lost 5lbs already пҝҪ each class has been completely different from the last but equally effective! There is always an easier alternative if you are new to fitness & exercise which makes his classes suitable for anyone. He also provides you with meal plans etc too if you need help with that. Completely different experience from any other classes/gyms I've been to! пҝҪ


The best drop in classes ever. IвҖҷm 65 and have arthritis in my knees, but Jamie is amazing at quietly adjusting any circuit or exercise to accommodate me. If everyone is doing step ups on big boxes, he finds me a smaller one, so I never miss out or feel bad. Every class is different and I just love boxing! I always have a great work out, it just wasnвҖҷt easy in a big gym on my own to motivate myself and do a balanced programme. The drop in is the answer!


Thank you to Jamie for making exercising easy, I can turn up at the gym last minute depending on when I get finished work with no need to book classes or try to log in and cancel online if running late like other gyms. ItвҖҷs as simple as just turning up. Every session is different and it uses your time efficiently, as Jamie has everything organised no matter what size of group, ability, age or gender all work outs cater to everyone. HeвҖҷs so encouraging and approachable itвҖҷs a really simple way to get fit. Thank you!


My husband and I are both extremely unfit and unhealthy! Jamie has been amazing getting us focused and pushing us a little bit harder each and every time we go! We are learning new healthier attitudes and it's amazing! They gym it's self has everything you need and is well equipped :)


IвҖҷve been going to drop in classes for over a year now, and absolutely love them. The difference in my fitness and my body shape has changed, and I feel so much better for it. IвҖҷd never been to a gym class before as I was nervous, but every session always has such a friendly, positive group of people who encourage you to do your best! I find Jamie brilliant, his method is motivating and he always notices the small things. Best thing about the classes is that although there are loads every month, not one IвҖҷve been to has been the same so I never know whatвҖҷs coming so canвҖҷt put myself off! Very imaginative and highly recommend, bargain for the cost as well. Thanks Jamie пҝҪпҝҪ (mandatory diamond emoji)!


Iv been at JamieвҖҷs drop in classes for a few weeks now, and for someone who hadnвҖҷt done any exercise for years I was a bit nervous especially knowing how unfit I was. JamieвҖҷs classes are fantastic, you completely go at your own speed and pace. Every week is different with various circuits and exercises. Jamie is completely supportive and enthusiastic at what he does which makes exercising much more enjoyable. His classes are like no other. Keep up the good work Jam пҝҪ


If you haven't been to diamond gym you need to go and I promise you won't regret it!!!

Jamie's drop in classes are brilliant! Every class is different, which is great if like me you get bored of doing the same things at the gym! And also his classes target every area from toning to fitness! And no need to feel nervous about going as Jamie and everyone in the class makes you feel welcome and at ease no matter what level of fitness they are at!

Couldn't recommend Jamie enough пҝҪ


I've been going to these classes now for around 3 years, and can honestly say we've never ever repeated the same session twice. Jamie sums it up perfectly with the words: varied, effective and fun.

There are many sessions where, jeezo, it's a slog. But the camaraderie, knowing how good you'll feel at the end, and Jamie's support and encouragement get you through.

I've joined gyms many times before and effectively donated my monthly membership fee, because my appearances would be sporadic.

Not so at Diamond Fitness. Since very early on, I was hooked. And now regularly make it to at least 10 classes a month.

The improvement in my fitness and therefore confidence levels have happened at the same time as an increase in my own business' profile and success, and I feel that's absolutely no coincidence!

I'm trying to have a wider social impact through my own work, and I love that Jamie has that same ethos. He wants to be accessible to all and he's achieving it. The gym is inclusive regardless of size, shape, age, or income status.

He's supportive of his Diamond Team both in the gym and outwith. There are regular email and social media updates to keep us on track. His coaching doesn't end at the gym's front door, or at the end of an hour long class.

пҝҪfor this year's national fitness awards because he deserves industry recognition! пҝҪпҝҪ


I've been attending drop-in sessions since January 2016 after undertaking the bootcamp prior to that. As others have said, every session is different and varied, so no chance of boring routines. Costs of blocks of sessions are very economical. Jamie is extremely supportive and encouraging, never critical or negative. That's the key factor, and I find it to be a tremendous boost. Something for everyone at their own level. If it can work for a 62yr old like me who hadn't done any serious exercise for years, it can work for anyone !


I would highly recommend Jamie to anyone that is looking to loose weight, tone up or just to be fitter. I was never a confident person when it comes to the gym. Ive lost weight previously but my biggest problem was I never stuck to it. Since I've been working with Jamie in one to one and also in his PT classes, my confidence has grown so much, I have lost a lot of weight so far and learnt lots! I've still got abit to go but I've never been so determined to achieve something and this is down to Jamie he is great, straight to the point and just pushes me that little bit more! his drop in classes are also really good for people of all fitness levels always different each time and just fun to go to пҝҪпҝҪ


I use JamieвҖҷs gym for his drop in classes. He always makes them varied and challenging and I would hugely recommend training at Diamond gym Edinburgh!


I started the bootcamp hating exercise & honestly dreading it a bit (very unfit) but Jamie has been brilliant! He pushes you to try harder while being very aware of what your capabilities are. Each night has been different & actually lots of fun! The diet plan was easy to follow & he updates the Facebook page with ideas/meals. He is always on hand to answer any questions or give you points on how you can maximise your workout. Never thought I would enjoy it all this much & will definitely be going to his classes in future! пҝҪ


I only started with dimond gym on Thursday the 3rd Nov and went along to the Friday morning class,

I was very nervous!! But was made to feel very welcome and comfortable.

The class was really enjoyable and varied with different exercises,

I learned a lot from my first 1hr class and I have got the bug for exercise I just hope it lasts пҝҪ

Iam really looking forward to Wednesday morning for my next dimond gym class thanks so much Jamie пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I have been going down to drop in sessions for the best part of a year now after previously doing my own stuff. These classes have genuinely got me out the flat on nights that I would have stayed in. The best thing about them is that they are different every time, making you look forward to the next one. Jamie gets the balance so well of pushing you but at the same time letting you go at a comfortable pace if wanted! Couldn't recommend it more.


I first met Jamie in February 2016 when I saw a post on FaceBook about his Weight Loss Lottery. I enquired via FB and got an immediate response. I was quite overweight and totally unfit and very apprehensive about joining the group but knew I had to do something. After answering a few questions on FB Jamie made me feel at ease and assured me that although I would work hard I would never be asked to do something that would make me feel uneasy or embarrassed.

I joined the Weight Loss Lottery for the month of March. I went to all his drop in classes and followed his diet sheet. During that month my fitness increased in leaps and bounds and mainly due to Jamie's encouragement. Offering me to try new exercises but if unable to do them also giving me alternatives.

I ended up losing 21lbs of fat during that one month (over 10% of my body weight). By then I was hooked. I've attended at least one drop in class weekly since then and have managed to keep my weight at the same, this due to being a lot more relaxed with my diet!

Jamie is a very personable guy, helpful, friendly and has a great memory for people's names (I don't that's how I noticed that!). He mixes up his classes and I don't think I've ever done the same routine twice. He makes you want to work hard and bring on that sweat that you know is doing you good.

Even though his gym is a bit of treck from where I live I'll keep on going as I enjoy his classes so much. Pop along and join in at least one class, you'll be glad you did and will defo come back for more.


Having been on and off with Jamie's drop in classes for almost a year, it's always so easy to get back into it with no pressure to keep up with other people. Jamie encourages you along the way and makes you push yourself harder with every set. I've yet to go to a class that's the same as a previous one and that's with doing up to 3 a week recently. Even worth dragging myself out of bed for a 9am class on a Saturday! Amazing PT with the clients to match


Drop in classes with Jamie at Diamond Gym are excellent ... I have done 4 classes with him this week, each one different, each one well structured for all of us attending - including a class of 5 of us yesterday morning, and a class of 20 people tonight. Jamie is always motivating and encouraging for all class participants, regardless of age, shape, size, level of fitness. There is a great feeling of camaraderie and always a warm welcome


Can't recommend Jamie enough! I have just completed his 12 day bootcamp and the results were amazing 10.3lbs down a lot fitter and more confident than I was before I started. пҝҪ


Been going to Jamie's drop in classes for over a year now and still really enjoying them thanks to Jamie ensuring that each class is varied and everyone that attends is really friendly.

Would highly recommend the drop in classes to anyone regardless of fitness levels.


Been attending Jamie's drop in classes for only a week (3 classes) and I've lost 5lbs already пҝҪ each class has been completely different from the last but equally effective! There is always an easier alternative if you are new to fitness & exercise which makes his classes suitable for anyone. He also provides you with meal plans etc too if you need help with that. Completely different experience from any other classes/gyms I've been to! пҝҪ

More about Diamond Fitness Edinburgh

Diamond Fitness Edinburgh is located at 7 NORTH LEITH SANDS, EH6 6 Edinburgh, United Kingdom