Diet Chef

About Diet Chef

Diet Chef is the UK's leading home delivery diet company with over 100, 000 customers. We do all the hard work for you, allowing you to enjoy losing weight!

Diet Chef Description

We all know how hard it is to diet, but imagine how easy it would be if you had your own personal chef who planned your meals, measured out the portions and did all the cooking and calorie counting for you. That's where our meal plans come into the picture!

With Diet Chef, simply pick your favourite breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks from our website menus, and we’ll send you a hamper with four weeks worth of chef-prepared, portion controlled ready meals. Just stick the food in the microwave, add some fruit, vegetables and dairy, then sit back, enjoy and watch the pounds fall off!

*Social media disclaimer: *

The Diet Chef social media pages are places where we encourage interaction, discussion and information-sharing between customers, Diet Chef staff, and anyone else who has an interest in our products or brand.

The views and opinions expressed on the Diet Chef social media sites do not necessarily represent those of Diet Chef. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information posted by external parties.

Our aim is to reply the same day, or within 24 hours, to questions or comments posted on this site during our office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm), where possible. If your enquiry is published after 5pm or at the weekends, we may not be able to respond until after office hours have resumed.

*Community house rules*

We ask that you’re respectful when you engage on our Facebook page, Facebook adverts, and our other social media sites / ads. We reserve the right to remove any language or content we deem inappropriate, such as the following examples (though this is not an exhaustive list):

‚ÄĘ Abusive or personal attacks.

‚ÄĘ Language, content or other material that is unlawful, discriminatory, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other person or entity.

‚ÄĘ Content about / links to competitors / alternative weight loss solutions, or any information that is deemed irrelevant to our target audiences or harmful to our business / brand.

‚ÄĘ Third party advertising.

‚ÄĘ Chain letters or ‚Äėspam‚Äô.

We also reserve the right to block users who post such content.

For your safety, please never include your phone number, email, address or other personal information in a wall post or public comment, which are visible to all.

In addition to the above, we recommend you take some time to have a look over the Facebook terms of use.



In need of some #HumpDay motivation? ūüźę
Check out our Trustpilot page to read about our customers' experiences... ūüí™
Is Diet Chef making your weight loss journey easier? Feel free to leave us a review and let us know what you think ūüĎá
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It's that time of week again #MeatFreeMonday ūüĆŅ
What's for dinner tonight? ūü§Ē
Shop our vegetarian plan here ūüĎČ etarian/


Happy National Chocolate Milkshake Day!! ūüćę
Diet Chef is all about balance, therefore you can still enjoy chocolate milkshake whilst sticking to the plan - what more could you ask for? ūü§©
Click here to add yours to your next hamper ūüĎČ< br>


Read about how Angela from H&N Magazine found her first month of Diet Chef. She lost an impressive 10lb! ūüėĪ
We are also featured in the latest issue of their magazine.…/save-100-on- the-first-month-on-a…


Who's looking forward to watching MasterChef tonight? ūüćīūüĎ©‚Äćūüć≥
Diet Chef customers can sit down to watch it with their very own chef prepared meals. ūü§©
Sound like the perfect Thursday evening? Click here to shop our latest offers and begin your Diet Chef journey ūüĎČ


At Diet Chef our loyal customers matter to us.
To show our appreciation, for a limited time only we are offering any House of Fraser loyalty or gift card holders a special saving ūüėĪūüíį
Simply send us a private message quoting your order number with a picture of your House of Fraser loyalty or gift card, and in return we will take ¬£20 off your next hamper. ūü§©


It's #FrozenFriday in the Diet Chef offices! ‚ĚĄÔłŹ
Have you tried our new range of frozen meals? We're loving the flavoursome Keralan Cod Curry ūüėč
Order our Premium Plan to try out our new frozen meals here ūüĎČ mium/


It's #ThrowbackThursday! ūüĒô
What dieting or fitness tip would you have given your former self 5 years ago? Share them in the comments below! ūüí¨ūüĎá


Here's some #MondayMotivation from one of our many successful customers ūüí™
Tara lost 22lb with Diet Chef - "Diet Chef is simple to follow, and I don't feel I'm on a diet as the food is so tasty. Just three minutes in the microwave and you're done. Brilliant! There's so much variety with Diet Chef dishes that I'm never bored."
Do you have a dieting success story? Share it with us in the comments below! ūüí¨


We've got that #FridayFeeling in the Diet Chef office! ūüôĆ
What motivates you to stay on plan during a temptation-filled weekend? Let us know in the comments! ūüí¨


Great to hear you're enjoying our new frozen meals Mummy Mimi


It's #HumpDay! ūüź™
Do you struggle to maintain motivation mid-week?
Don't forget that our Diet Chef cheese & red onion potato snacks contain only 95 calories per pack compared to approximately 130 calories in leading brand cheese & onion crisps ūüėĪ
... Don't let a mid-week slump stop you from sticking to the plan ūüí™
See More


What's for dinner this #MeatFreeMonday? ūü§Ē
Order our vegetarian plan here ūüĎČ etarian/


Great to hear that Angela from H&N Magazine is enjoying our meals and already starting to see results! Keep up the good work ūüí™


Have you got that #FridayFeeling but still want to stay on plan at the weekend? ūü§Ē
With our Weekend Flex plan you don't need to! You can follow your Diet Chef plan 5 days a week to help you achieve your goals at a steady pace but still enjoy barbecue season every weekend ūüėčūüćĖ
Click below to order our Weekend Flex plan plus our other flexible options ūüĎá
... /
See More


Laura from Completing my Bucket List tried out Diet Chef last month and lost an amazing 8lb!
Click here to find out her thoughts on the plan ūüĎČ‚ Ķ/a-month-with-die‚Ķ/


Say hello to our brand new frozen range! ‚ĚĄÔłŹ
We listened to your feedback and have brought you more flavoursome fish options and one-pot meals. All under 350 calories but still full of flavour, you can enjoy our 8 new meal choices guilt-free.
Save 50% on your first order here ūüĎČ


Are you following our Weekend Flex plan but finding it difficult not to over-indulge at summer weekend barbecues? Try throwing some vegetable and chicken skewers on the barbecue for a filling, tasty low-calorie meal. ūü•ēūüėčūüćóūüćÖ
What other healthy barbecue favourites are you enjoying this summer? Let us know in the comments! ūüí¨
Shop our Weekend Flex plan here ūüĎČ< br>


Week 1 and I have lost 12 pounds (deck chair off the Titanic) !!!! Loving this diet!! My problem was being too tired on an evening to cook healthy meals so this takes all the planning and stress away. The dinners are amazing and if I bulk them up with plenty salad or steamed vegetables they are so filling. It's a great start and I don't expect to loose as much in the next week but I'm confident it will melt away. Feeling very motivated to keep it going.


The food as fantastic. All tastes great and it really works. I have lost 1 stone in 4 weeks.


So far I can't fault it. I ordered the 12 week plan and paid for the first 4 weeks (not sure why people are saying the website is misleading regarding price as it clearly states when looking at the plans that it is per week - /week).

I got a confirmation email straight away and then later on another saying I would receive everything the next day! Fab!

Everything arrived on time , very well packed and everything looks great. Can't wait to try it all and to loose those much needed pounds!


So I was gifted a 28 day box from my partner and was apprehensive at first, cause I am used to eating loads (not going to lie) and at the end of week 1, with no exercise other than my usual day to day movement with the kids, I have lost 12 lbs ÔŅĹ I nearly died! The meals I've had are delicious and easy to prepare and add to. I am motivated now to exercise along side my next three weeks diet and am looking forward to the results. Thanks Diet Chef ÔŅĹ


Love diet chef .. food tastes so nice .. lots great meals & snacks


Lost a stone in 8 days! Was walking and jogging also,

All meals I have tried have been great,

Not felt hungry I have been able to add other stuff to my diet but I have been calorie counting with an app to help along the way


Lost 8lb in my first week! Amazing diet. Carefully chose food that I would enjoy and so far it’s really easy and enjoyable


Lost 12lbs in 4 weeks and still have enough food for another week or so left. Really easy to follow. Couldn’t be happier. Hope the 44lbs left to lose comes off as quick! Thanks so much x


I started Diet Chef just over 2 weeks ago now. I wasn't sure what to expect as I didn't know anyone that had tried this. I gave it ago and lost 7lbs in the first week. I was so pleased not only that I lost the weight but how tasty the food is. There is such a variety and I'm trying foods I wouldn't have normally tried before. I never feel hungry either. I'm into week 3 now and I've lost 10lbs and 13 inches overall. I'm so impressed. My sister has now decided to give it a go too. Have been telling anyone that will listen about it xx


I had my first weigh in after starting diet chef I am so happy I lost 6lb in my first week. When I started i couldn‚Äôt believe how tasty the meals areÔŅĹÔŅĹ


First weigh in after 7 days and I have lost 13 pounds. My energy levels are starting to increased and I feel really positive. I have taken my first month as trial and error as far as food selection goes and have been modifying my choices for next month as I go. All in all im happy with the meals - I prefer the strawberry milkshake to the chocolate, the pea and ham soup is yummy and the paella is brilliant - thanks to diet chef, im eating more now than I did before but im eating regularly


Do you know what? For diet food... Diet Chef is incredible.

It's convenient and it's delicious.

I'm super impressed with the protein bars. I eat so many of them - and the cranberry ones... blimey, they're good. I have given my friends the soft cookies (breakfast) to try and they've even said they're better than even Millies cookies (which is astounding) and they did not know they were Diet Chef cookies at the time either. I've been using Diet Chef for many months now, and I've lost tonnes of weight. I've also used Diet Chef to maintain weight successfully as well. The only thing I would say, is that anything that has mushrooms in it is quite grim - but you know what? Try it. And if you don't like it, don't get it next time. That's my opinion and there's plenty to choose from. Can't recommend Diet Chef enough. Also, just to add... their Mac 'n' Cheese is literally the best in the world. Worth the money - Just make sure you read into the price properly before starting to avoid confusion.


Day 5 of diet chef so far it's been great! So easy to follow not having to count the calories or go to the supermarket where temptation lies. I love the variety, never felt hungry. The chocolate granola is lovely. Love the mains in a sauce like chicken chasseur and coq au vin easy to pair with veg. On work days I have it with microwave rice and and veg bag and on days off I made a ratatouille and boiled veg so I feel like I can still use my kitchen. Let's hope it helps loose the two stone I need!!


Awsome diet lost 7lbs week 1 and honestly not hungry food is great


I have been using diet chef since 2nd May and since then have lost 8.9kg which is 20.3lb so nearly 2 stone. This is with me being completely unable to exercise due to a disability.

Some of the food is good, other dishes like everything in life aren’t to my taste

Delivery was always on time and I think the cost is very good.

Now I’ve got my portion sizes under control I’m going to go it alone for my next 8kg and see how I get on but will definitely come back to diet chef if I need a boost.

Top tips:

- you can get a rice alternative made with konjac flour which I have used with dishes that would normally have rice - it’s only around 20-30 cal for a full portion.

- make sure you have a good selection of self contained meals and by that I mean the pasta bolognese, cottage pie etc as if you’re in a rush you can just whack them in the microwave and don’t need to worry about sides

- I don’t normally eat breakfast so found the cookies great


Having tried a Diet Chef 20 day with weekends off hamper from Wowcher at a bargain price, I can honestly say the food is actually not bad! I was hesitant about having prepacked meals but the soups and curries are quite delish! The snacks and breakfast bars are tasty and hit the spot! I've not felt hungry at any point doing the meals along with measured portions of rice or adding veg/salad. You do have to add your own veg/salad/rice/milk as that adds to balance the calorie intake and nutrients intake. The portion control and packaging makes it simple to follow and the best bit about it is I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. This was my goal in order to make sure I get into my wedding dress and anything more will just be a bonus! Recommended plan if you want to shift a few pounds but just not at the full price. Wowcher is my friend ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


diet is working so far been on it two weeks the reason for the two stars

i bought my 2 month plan for £150 for first month and £200 for the next month was fine with this until my husband got it for £19 2 weeks after i paid for my plan i do understand you run deals but just feel relay ripped off as this is £131 cheaper than what i paid for it the exact same plan wont recommend or use after the two month due to this as said i do get u do offers but this just seams like a huge drop in price in such a sort space of time would have loved to kept it going as well but not when i fell i have been ripped off on the first month sorry

anyone looking to get this sign into the sight add email address and wait a few weeks u will get emails offering a lot cheaper than what they offer online


Subscription agreement and £50 to cancel fee not made clear enough when doing an offer. Extortionate cancellation fee and blindsiding. Furious.


Mushroom soup is quite honestly one of the blandest things I have ever tasted. Its about as orally exciting as dirt and warm water, even lacks proper seasoning. I've tried a few of the dishes and honestly if you have an ounce of culinary prowess you can make them tastier, quickly, cheaper and just as healthy (if not more) at home.


Week 1 and I have lost 12 pounds (deck chair off the Titanic) !!!! Loving this diet!! My problem was being too tired on an evening to cook healthy meals so this takes all the planning and stress away. The dinners are amazing and if I bulk them up with plenty salad or steamed vegetables they are so filling. It's a great start and I don't expect to loose as much in the next week but I'm confident it will melt away. Feeling very motivated to keep it going.


The food as fantastic. All tastes great and it really works. I have lost 1 stone in 4 weeks.


So far I can't fault it. I ordered the 12 week plan and paid for the first 4 weeks (not sure why people are saying the website is misleading regarding price as it clearly states when looking at the plans that it is per week - /week).

I got a confirmation email straight away and then later on another saying I would receive everything the next day! Fab!

Everything arrived on time , very well packed and everything looks great. Can't wait to try it all and to loose those much needed pounds!


So I was gifted a 28 day box from my partner and was apprehensive at first, cause I am used to eating loads (not going to lie) and at the end of week 1, with no exercise other than my usual day to day movement with the kids, I have lost 12 lbs ÔŅĹ I nearly died! The meals I've had are delicious and easy to prepare and add to. I am motivated now to exercise along side my next three weeks diet and am looking forward to the results. Thanks Diet Chef ÔŅĹ


Love diet chef .. food tastes so nice .. lots great meals & snacks


Lost a stone in 8 days! Was walking and jogging also,

All meals I have tried have been great,

Not felt hungry I have been able to add other stuff to my diet but I have been calorie counting with an app to help along the way


Lost 8lb in my first week! Amazing diet. Carefully chose food that I would enjoy and so far it’s really easy and enjoyable


Lost 12lbs in 4 weeks and still have enough food for another week or so left. Really easy to follow. Couldn’t be happier. Hope the 44lbs left to lose comes off as quick! Thanks so much x


I started Diet Chef just over 2 weeks ago now. I wasn't sure what to expect as I didn't know anyone that had tried this. I gave it ago and lost 7lbs in the first week. I was so pleased not only that I lost the weight but how tasty the food is. There is such a variety and I'm trying foods I wouldn't have normally tried before. I never feel hungry either. I'm into week 3 now and I've lost 10lbs and 13 inches overall. I'm so impressed. My sister has now decided to give it a go too. Have been telling anyone that will listen about it xx


I had my first weigh in after starting diet chef I am so happy I lost 6lb in my first week. When I started i couldn‚Äôt believe how tasty the meals areÔŅĹÔŅĹ


First weigh in after 7 days and I have lost 13 pounds. My energy levels are starting to increased and I feel really positive. I have taken my first month as trial and error as far as food selection goes and have been modifying my choices for next month as I go. All in all im happy with the meals - I prefer the strawberry milkshake to the chocolate, the pea and ham soup is yummy and the paella is brilliant - thanks to diet chef, im eating more now than I did before but im eating regularly


Do you know what? For diet food... Diet Chef is incredible.

It's convenient and it's delicious.

I'm super impressed with the protein bars. I eat so many of them - and the cranberry ones... blimey, they're good. I have given my friends the soft cookies (breakfast) to try and they've even said they're better than even Millies cookies (which is astounding) and they did not know they were Diet Chef cookies at the time either. I've been using Diet Chef for many months now, and I've lost tonnes of weight. I've also used Diet Chef to maintain weight successfully as well. The only thing I would say, is that anything that has mushrooms in it is quite grim - but you know what? Try it. And if you don't like it, don't get it next time. That's my opinion and there's plenty to choose from. Can't recommend Diet Chef enough. Also, just to add... their Mac 'n' Cheese is literally the best in the world. Worth the money - Just make sure you read into the price properly before starting to avoid confusion.


Day 5 of diet chef so far it's been great! So easy to follow not having to count the calories or go to the supermarket where temptation lies. I love the variety, never felt hungry. The chocolate granola is lovely. Love the mains in a sauce like chicken chasseur and coq au vin easy to pair with veg. On work days I have it with microwave rice and and veg bag and on days off I made a ratatouille and boiled veg so I feel like I can still use my kitchen. Let's hope it helps loose the two stone I need!!


Awsome diet lost 7lbs week 1 and honestly not hungry food is great


I have been using diet chef since 2nd May and since then have lost 8.9kg which is 20.3lb so nearly 2 stone. This is with me being completely unable to exercise due to a disability.

Some of the food is good, other dishes like everything in life aren’t to my taste

Delivery was always on time and I think the cost is very good.

Now I’ve got my portion sizes under control I’m going to go it alone for my next 8kg and see how I get on but will definitely come back to diet chef if I need a boost.

Top tips:

- you can get a rice alternative made with konjac flour which I have used with dishes that would normally have rice - it’s only around 20-30 cal for a full portion.

- make sure you have a good selection of self contained meals and by that I mean the pasta bolognese, cottage pie etc as if you’re in a rush you can just whack them in the microwave and don’t need to worry about sides

- I don’t normally eat breakfast so found the cookies great


Having tried a Diet Chef 20 day with weekends off hamper from Wowcher at a bargain price, I can honestly say the food is actually not bad! I was hesitant about having prepacked meals but the soups and curries are quite delish! The snacks and breakfast bars are tasty and hit the spot! I've not felt hungry at any point doing the meals along with measured portions of rice or adding veg/salad. You do have to add your own veg/salad/rice/milk as that adds to balance the calorie intake and nutrients intake. The portion control and packaging makes it simple to follow and the best bit about it is I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. This was my goal in order to make sure I get into my wedding dress and anything more will just be a bonus! Recommended plan if you want to shift a few pounds but just not at the full price. Wowcher is my friend ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


diet is working so far been on it two weeks the reason for the two stars

i bought my 2 month plan for £150 for first month and £200 for the next month was fine with this until my husband got it for £19 2 weeks after i paid for my plan i do understand you run deals but just feel relay ripped off as this is £131 cheaper than what i paid for it the exact same plan wont recommend or use after the two month due to this as said i do get u do offers but this just seams like a huge drop in price in such a sort space of time would have loved to kept it going as well but not when i fell i have been ripped off on the first month sorry

anyone looking to get this sign into the sight add email address and wait a few weeks u will get emails offering a lot cheaper than what they offer online


Subscription agreement and £50 to cancel fee not made clear enough when doing an offer. Extortionate cancellation fee and blindsiding. Furious.


Mushroom soup is quite honestly one of the blandest things I have ever tasted. Its about as orally exciting as dirt and warm water, even lacks proper seasoning. I've tried a few of the dishes and honestly if you have an ounce of culinary prowess you can make them tastier, quickly, cheaper and just as healthy (if not more) at home.


Week 1 and I have lost 12 pounds (deck chair off the Titanic) !!!! Loving this diet!! My problem was being too tired on an evening to cook healthy meals so this takes all the planning and stress away. The dinners are amazing and if I bulk them up with plenty salad or steamed vegetables they are so filling. It's a great start and I don't expect to loose as much in the next week but I'm confident it will melt away. Feeling very motivated to keep it going.


The food as fantastic. All tastes great and it really works. I have lost 1 stone in 4 weeks.


So far I can't fault it. I ordered the 12 week plan and paid for the first 4 weeks (not sure why people are saying the website is misleading regarding price as it clearly states when looking at the plans that it is per week - /week).

I got a confirmation email straight away and then later on another saying I would receive everything the next day! Fab!

Everything arrived on time , very well packed and everything looks great. Can't wait to try it all and to loose those much needed pounds!


So I was gifted a 28 day box from my partner and was apprehensive at first, cause I am used to eating loads (not going to lie) and at the end of week 1, with no exercise other than my usual day to day movement with the kids, I have lost 12 lbs ÔŅĹ I nearly died! The meals I've had are delicious and easy to prepare and add to. I am motivated now to exercise along side my next three weeks diet and am looking forward to the results. Thanks Diet Chef ÔŅĹ


Love diet chef .. food tastes so nice .. lots great meals & snacks


Lost a stone in 8 days! Was walking and jogging also,

All meals I have tried have been great,

Not felt hungry I have been able to add other stuff to my diet but I have been calorie counting with an app to help along the way


Lost 8lb in my first week! Amazing diet. Carefully chose food that I would enjoy and so far it’s really easy and enjoyable


Lost 12lbs in 4 weeks and still have enough food for another week or so left. Really easy to follow. Couldn’t be happier. Hope the 44lbs left to lose comes off as quick! Thanks so much x


I started Diet Chef just over 2 weeks ago now. I wasn't sure what to expect as I didn't know anyone that had tried this. I gave it ago and lost 7lbs in the first week. I was so pleased not only that I lost the weight but how tasty the food is. There is such a variety and I'm trying foods I wouldn't have normally tried before. I never feel hungry either. I'm into week 3 now and I've lost 10lbs and 13 inches overall. I'm so impressed. My sister has now decided to give it a go too. Have been telling anyone that will listen about it xx


I had my first weigh in after starting diet chef I am so happy I lost 6lb in my first week. When I started i couldn‚Äôt believe how tasty the meals areÔŅĹÔŅĹ


First weigh in after 7 days and I have lost 13 pounds. My energy levels are starting to increased and I feel really positive. I have taken my first month as trial and error as far as food selection goes and have been modifying my choices for next month as I go. All in all im happy with the meals - I prefer the strawberry milkshake to the chocolate, the pea and ham soup is yummy and the paella is brilliant - thanks to diet chef, im eating more now than I did before but im eating regularly


Do you know what? For diet food... Diet Chef is incredible.

It's convenient and it's delicious.

I'm super impressed with the protein bars. I eat so many of them - and the cranberry ones... blimey, they're good. I have given my friends the soft cookies (breakfast) to try and they've even said they're better than even Millies cookies (which is astounding) and they did not know they were Diet Chef cookies at the time either. I've been using Diet Chef for many months now, and I've lost tonnes of weight. I've also used Diet Chef to maintain weight successfully as well. The only thing I would say, is that anything that has mushrooms in it is quite grim - but you know what? Try it. And if you don't like it, don't get it next time. That's my opinion and there's plenty to choose from. Can't recommend Diet Chef enough. Also, just to add... their Mac 'n' Cheese is literally the best in the world. Worth the money - Just make sure you read into the price properly before starting to avoid confusion.


Day 5 of diet chef so far it's been great! So easy to follow not having to count the calories or go to the supermarket where temptation lies. I love the variety, never felt hungry. The chocolate granola is lovely. Love the mains in a sauce like chicken chasseur and coq au vin easy to pair with veg. On work days I have it with microwave rice and and veg bag and on days off I made a ratatouille and boiled veg so I feel like I can still use my kitchen. Let's hope it helps loose the two stone I need!!


Awsome diet lost 7lbs week 1 and honestly not hungry food is great


I have been using diet chef since 2nd May and since then have lost 8.9kg which is 20.3lb so nearly 2 stone. This is with me being completely unable to exercise due to a disability.

Some of the food is good, other dishes like everything in life aren’t to my taste

Delivery was always on time and I think the cost is very good.

Now I’ve got my portion sizes under control I’m going to go it alone for my next 8kg and see how I get on but will definitely come back to diet chef if I need a boost.

Top tips:

- you can get a rice alternative made with konjac flour which I have used with dishes that would normally have rice - it’s only around 20-30 cal for a full portion.

- make sure you have a good selection of self contained meals and by that I mean the pasta bolognese, cottage pie etc as if you’re in a rush you can just whack them in the microwave and don’t need to worry about sides

- I don’t normally eat breakfast so found the cookies great


Having tried a Diet Chef 20 day with weekends off hamper from Wowcher at a bargain price, I can honestly say the food is actually not bad! I was hesitant about having prepacked meals but the soups and curries are quite delish! The snacks and breakfast bars are tasty and hit the spot! I've not felt hungry at any point doing the meals along with measured portions of rice or adding veg/salad. You do have to add your own veg/salad/rice/milk as that adds to balance the calorie intake and nutrients intake. The portion control and packaging makes it simple to follow and the best bit about it is I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. This was my goal in order to make sure I get into my wedding dress and anything more will just be a bonus! Recommended plan if you want to shift a few pounds but just not at the full price. Wowcher is my friend ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


diet is working so far been on it two weeks the reason for the two stars

i bought my 2 month plan for £150 for first month and £200 for the next month was fine with this until my husband got it for £19 2 weeks after i paid for my plan i do understand you run deals but just feel relay ripped off as this is £131 cheaper than what i paid for it the exact same plan wont recommend or use after the two month due to this as said i do get u do offers but this just seams like a huge drop in price in such a sort space of time would have loved to kept it going as well but not when i fell i have been ripped off on the first month sorry

anyone looking to get this sign into the sight add email address and wait a few weeks u will get emails offering a lot cheaper than what they offer online


Subscription agreement and £50 to cancel fee not made clear enough when doing an offer. Extortionate cancellation fee and blindsiding. Furious.


Mushroom soup is quite honestly one of the blandest things I have ever tasted. Its about as orally exciting as dirt and warm water, even lacks proper seasoning. I've tried a few of the dishes and honestly if you have an ounce of culinary prowess you can make them tastier, quickly, cheaper and just as healthy (if not more) at home.

More about Diet Chef

Diet Chef is located at 2 Rennie Square, EH54 9DF Livingston, West Lothian