Disabilities Fife

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Disabilities Fife

We work to improve access to service and equality of opportunity for all disabled people in Fife.

Disabilities Fife Description

Disabilities Fife was formed in 1994, following Fife Regional Council’s changes of the equal opportunities consultative process. The first minuted meeting was in September 1994 (and it seems this was the first time the group came together as the Independent Disability Network).

The new process marked the end of the Disability Working Group, (which started in 1989 /90 and brought together disable people and staff of Fife Regional Council to discuss issues which emerged). There was seen to be a need for an Independent group, which would represent the views of, disable people throughout Fife and meet on a regular basis to discuss issues of common concern. The Independent Disability Network Group and other disabled people in Fife met together with an interest in such independent provision.

Sheila Henderson (Reid Howie Associates) was involved with the Disability Working Group when she was the Equal Opportunities Officer at the Regional Council. Following the establishment of Fife Independent Disability Network (FIDN), RHA provided support with organising the meetings, undertaking administrative work and preparing the minutes from the beginning in 1994 until the first worker was appointed in 1995.
After about a year it was suggested we formed our own group. Fife Independent Disability Network was born and the initial Management Committee consisted of:
Bill Gray: Chair
Elma Mitchell MBE: Secretary
Pauline Medd: Treasurer

We wanted especially Independent in the name as we did not want others dictating what our policies.
After many years of trying simply to get our name about, we are regarded as Fife’s main Disability Group. We have found that it is better we have a hands on approach since it is people like ourselves who are affected by wrong decision making. It is more cost effective if we are consulted in the beginning instead of after mistakes have been made.

We have been and are involved in:
Social Works - "Home Care including 2 reports"
Transport - "Advice on trains, buses and stations"

Access - "With October 2004 now enforced, all buildings including Schools, Hospitals, and Countryside should be accessible, we like to make sure they are. The three areas central, west and north east Fife are looked after by three representatives from FIDN who look over plans which are submitted to Building Control or Planning for acceptance. They make sure disable people’s needs are met at the planning stage".
Fife Independent Disability Network is a voluntary organisation and registered charity set up in order to provide a regular forum for raising issues relating to disability. People come together in an informal setting to share information, and discuss relevant issues, whether relating to discrimination service improvements or more general queries.
In 1997 the network received funding from Fife Council to employ a worker to develop and support the work of the network. This has proved to be a successful and valuable networking function for disabled people living in Fife.
In 2001 FIDN received funding from the Coalfield Regeneration Trust to employ a sessional worker to network in the West of Fife. This work lasted for 6 months and helped spread word of our work to the West Fife villages.
After producing a Work Plan in 2001, FIDN decided to produce Briefing Papers to inform people of issues. The first, on Transport was launched in November 2001. The second, on Home Care, was launched in July 2002.

Research and campaigning

FIDN recently listened to public concern about cuts to the Home Care Service. Following a Network meeting we consulted with the Manager of the Home Care Service in Fife and were able to give examples of the real effects on ordinary people. As a result £000s were added to this budget from the Scottish Executive. Then, we commissioned independent research to get a clear picture of this service.
Community action and consultation
FIDN listened to concerns from members of the public over transport issues in Fife. Volunteers from the Management Committee carried out research, produced a Transport Briefing Paper which informed every elected member (Councillors, MPs, MSPs) of the position. This information was also sent to relevant organisations (Railtrack, Stagecoach, etc) and was used to brief Fife Council's Transport Department. We also held workshops for disabled people to have an opportunity for their views on community transport to be heard. This led to meaningful consultation.
Committee Work
Members of the Management Committee sit on various committees in Fife Council, NHS, etc. In this way, we are kept up to date with issues and have our say. We provide feedback to members via Network meetings and through our quarterly newsletter.
For example, we have several members who represent Disabilities Fife on the Access Assessment Group in Fife Council. We work alongside the Planning and Building Control Departments. This means that often potential access problems are sorted out at an early stage. It also means that Disabilities Fife via AAG can put pressure on managers, owners of buildings who do not go far enough under the Disability Discrimination Act to ensure access.
Members from all over Fife come together several ties per year to discuss disability issues and raise concerns. Individual members are also involved in a number of consultative groups, generally with statutory bodies such as NHS Fife, Fife Council and even the Scottish Government.



Today is International Disabilities Day
The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face many barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, and education as well as social and political participation. See... https://www.awarenessdays.com/…/interna tional-day-of-perso…/


via ripl.com


Delighted to hear #YoungStart is reopening! #DisabilitiesFife has helped lots of young people like Jake and Amy to build their confidence and self-esteem, thanks to #YoungStart funding!


Young Carers Respite in Fife see video clip ... https://www.facebook.com/YoungCarersRespi teFife/videos/2243482985873277/


A tale about Young Carers story courtesy of BBC
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-448768 58


Young Carers - 2 hour Respite Breaks are available see https://www.facebook.com/2008295222725389 /posts/2216078018613774/


British Summer Time : Don't forget to put your clicks one hour forward tonight


Snow Red Alert : Council warns residents to heed safety advice and prepare for major disruption
Published: Wednesday 28 Feb 2018 by Fife Council A RED SNOW WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED for 15:00hrs today until 10:00hrs tomorrow, Thursday 1st March 2018. This is the most severe warning that the Met Office can issue, and it means significant snow will fall in Fife. The council will follow advice from Traffic Scotland and Police Scotland and urges all residents to do the same. Please... keep yourselves, your families and your neighbours safe.
All schools will remain closed and we expect widespread disruption to other council services and facilities such as customer service centres, halls and community centres. Fifedirect text/email alerts will be sent as schools re-open and you can check the status of facilities at www.fifedirect.org.uk/closures
Fife Cultural Trust, Fife Sports & Leisure Trust and Fife Resource Solutions facilities are closed. This includes: libraries, museums and galleries, leisure centres, recycling centres.
Non-essential appointments and visits are likely to be cancelled.
The council’s contact centre is operating an emergency service only, including the community alarm service. Residents are asked to go online to check for advice and ask questions. Only call a council number if absolutely necessary, to make sure the most vulnerable people and those in emergency situations can get through on the phone.
Meals on wheels managed to reach all clients today and will endeavour to do the same tomorrow.
Follow Fife Council on Facebook and @fifecouncil on Twitter. We’ll issue more updates and information as they become available.
Fife Council’s Chief Executive Steve Grimmond said: “We’re having to take unprecedented actions in the face of the red alert. Heavy and prolonged snow showers are upon us with the Met Office telling us as much as 20-30cm - even 40cm of snow could be lying in places by mid-morning Thursday.
“We have been gritting all day, and staff from a range of council teams have also been out clearing snow and laying grit. We’ll continue to run the gritting fleet as long as it’s safe to do so, but we cannot contend with recurring heavy snowfalls.
“I want to thank employees who have been out and about in freezing temperatures to do what they can to keep communities open and vital services, such as meals on wheels running.”
It’s important to note that according to the Met Office and the level of warning issued, the potential impact on the public includes: Long delays and cancellations on bus, rail and air travel could occur. Roads may become blocked by deep snow, with many stranded vehicles and passengers. Communities might be cut off for several days. Long interruptions to power supplies and other services such as telephone and mobile phone networks, could occur.
Steve Grimmond, Chief Executive Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 44 41 43 Contact Steve Grimmond online
See More


Young Carers Fife new flyer
Can you please share
See https://www.facebook.com/YoungCarersRespi teFife/posts/2109306119290965


Are you a young carer or know someone that is - then this message be for you:-
https://www.facebook.com/YoungCarersRespi teFife/posts/2108701842684726


Snow Forecast Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline for Monday evening and Tuesday
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?st ory_fbid=2072964186265262&id=1600085 600219792&substory_index=0


Busy period over prior Christmas info service now open Tuesdays 9:30 to 12:30 and Wednesdays 1 to 4 pm


Young Carers Respite officers are back at work after a Christmas Break see...
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?st ory_fbid=2102576076630636&id=2008295 222725389


Wishing all our readers and members a fun and fantastic year in 2018


Rural Transport Survey : Disability Equality Scotland
Is working with Transport Scotland to undertake research into Accessible Travel. In May 2017, we circulated a national baseline survey about disabled peoples’ experiences of travelling on public transport. This helped to identify some of the key issues for disabled people, which we would now like to explore in more detail.
One of the key topics was transport in rural areas. Transport in rural areas can be a lifeline fo...r many people. However, the frequency and cost of the transport service can also be a barrier for some.
We have designed a short survey about transport issues in rural areas. Feedback from this survey will be passed directly to Transport Scotland, although your personal details will remain confidential and anonymous.
The survey is aimed at disabled people who live or work in rural areas. If this is not you, please pass this survey on to others who might like to respond.
Complete the survey here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5GFRJDS< br> The survey will be open until 8 January 2018.
See More

More about Disabilities Fife

Disabilities Fife is located at West Bridge Mill, KY1 1TE Kirkcaldy, Fife
+44 1592 203993
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -