Dj Alexander Property Sales & Lettings

Monday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



"Thanks for the helps from mr. Chris and other staffs. I kwon itŌĆÖs not easy to help a oversea student like me to find a property. I had lived in hotel for two months. During that dark two months, I had visitted dozens of properties. All the stuffs was making efforts to help me . My English is not good ,and all the stuffs have paid patiance to explain. When I visit the property in st Leonards street,I mistook the visiting time because of my poor English. I was very upset and hopeless. I canŌĆÖt help to call to agency and complain to the operator. unexpectely, the friendly operator had arrange me to visit it again after 30mins. Mr. Crave the maneger of Wyvern Park had console me after I was refused by a lot of landlords. I was desperated,hatred and nearly give up that moment, but you guys brought me hope and love. Thank you! I am deeply appreciate to mr. Chris. You save me. I canŌĆÖt image how hard it is to find a landlord who would accept me. I donŌĆÖt kwon how to express my gratful to you. Thank you for not giving up me!God bless you. I would like to write with my mother language to show my respect and grateful. µłæõ╗ÄÕģ½µ£łÕł░Ķŗ▒ÕøĮńĢÖÕŁ”’╝īõ╣ص£łÕłØÕ╝ ĆÕ¦ŗµēŠńÜ䵳┐ÕŁÉ’╝īÕŠłÕżÜõĖŁõ╗ŗķāĮķ£ĆĶ”ü Ķŗ▒ÕøĮµ£¼Õ£░ńÜäµŗģõ┐Øõ║║’╝īĶ┐ÖÕÅ»µäüµŁ╗µ łæõ║åÕĮōµŚČŃĆéÕÉÄµØźÕ░▒µēŠÕł░õ║åDj Alexander’╝īõ╗¢õ╗¼Õ«ČµÄźÕÅŚµŚĀµŗģõ┐Øõ║║ńÜ äõĖƵ¼ĪµĆ¦õ╗śµĖģµł┐ń¦¤’╝īõĖĆńø┤õ╗źõĖ║ĶāĮ õĖƵ¼ĪµĆ¦õ╗śÕ«īµēƵ£ēń¦¤ķćæńÜäĶ»Ø’╝īµ▓Īµ £ēµł┐õĖ£õ╝ܵŗÆń╗ØŃĆéń£ŗĶ┐ćõ║åÕćĀÕŹüõĖ¬µł ┐ÕŁÉ’╝īõĮåÕøĀõĖ║ÕŬĶāĮõĖƵ¼ĪÕÉæõĖĆõĖ¬µł┐ õĖ£µŖĢńö│Ķ»Ę’╝īµēĆõ╗źĶÖĮńäȵłæń£ŗõ║åõĖŹõ ĖŗÕćĀÕŹüÕżäńÜ䵳┐ÕŁÉ’╝īõĮåµĆ╗Õģ▒ÕŬµŖĢõ║ å4õ╗Įńö│Ķ»ĘŃĆéÕēŹÕēŹÕÉÄÕÉÄõĖĆÕģ▒ĶŖ▒õ║å1õ Ė¬ÕŹŖµ£łńÜ䵌ČķŚ┤’╝īÕ«×Õ£©µś»Õ┐āÕŖøµåöµé ┤õ║å’╝īµ»ÅÕż®õĮÅńÜ䵌ģķ”åÕŠłĶ┤Ą’╝īõĖ║õ║å ń£üķÆ▒’╝īµłæÕćĀõ╣ĵ»ÅÕż®µŹóõĖĆÕ«ČµŚģķ”å’ ╝īµ£ēµŚČÕĆÖõĮŵĘĘÕÉłÕżÜõ║║Õ║ŖńÜäķØƵŚģ’╝ īµ£ēµŚČÕĆÖõĮÅń¦üõ║║ķŚ┤ŃĆéń«Ćńø┤Õ░▒µś»õĖĆ µ«ĄÕāĄµó”’╝īÕøĀõĖ║ÕŠłÕżÜµŚģÕ║ŚĶĆüµØ┐ń╗Öµ łæńÜ䵳┐ķŚ┤ķāĮµś»µÜ¢µ░öõĖŹĶČ│’╝īķÜöķ¤│õĖ ŹÕźĮ’╝īõĮŹńĮ«õĖŹÕźĮńÜ䵳┐ķŚ┤ŃĆéķØÆÕ╣┤µŚģ ńżŠÕæ│ķüōķ插╝īµÖÜõĖŖÕŠłÕÉĄ’╝īķÆ▒Ķó½ÕüĘõ ║åÕćĀµ¼ĪŃĆéń«Ćńø┤µä¤ÕÅŚÕł░õ║åµĘ▒µĘ▒µüȵä ÅÕÆīµŁ¦Ķ¦å’╝īĶ┐ÖÕćĀõ╣ÄńŻ©ńüŁõ║åµłæÕ»╣Ķŗ▒ ÕøĮµēƵ£ēńÜäńŠÄÕźĮµå¦µå¼ÕÆīÕ»╣µ£¬µØźńÜäµ £¤µ£ø ŃĆéÕøĀõĖ║Õż®Õż®õĮŵŚģķ”åÕŠŚõĖŹÕł░ÕŠłÕźĮńÜ äõ╝æµü»’╝īµÜ¢µ░öõ╗ÄµØźõĖŹĶČ│’╝īÕż®Õż®ķāĮ µś»ńŚģµĆŵĆÅÕÆīńŚģµĆŵĆÅńÜäŃĆ鵳æÕćĀõ╣Äķ āĮµ▓ĪÕÄ╗õĖŖĶ┐ćĶ»Š’╝īµó”µā│ń”╗µłæĶČŖµØźĶČ ŖĶ┐£ŃĆéµ£ēµŚČÕĆÖń£ŗńØĆńłČµ»ŹÕ╣ĖĶŗ”µöÆõĖŗ ńÜäµ»Ģńö¤ń¦»ĶōäÕ░▒ÕÉīõĖ║µłæńÜäÕż®ń£¤Ķć¬õ ╗źõĖ║µś»ĶĆīĶ┐ģķƤÕćÅÕ░æ’╝īķāĮµā│Õ╣▓ĶäåõĖ Ćõ║åńÖŠõ║åń«Śõ║åŃĆéõĖĆÕ╝ĆÕ¦ŗÕł░dj AlexanderńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖ’╝īńø┤µÄźĶʤõ╗¢õ╗¼Ķ»┤õ║ åµłæķ£ĆĶ”üń£ŗÕō¬ÕżäÕō¬Õć║ńÜ䵳┐’╝īõĮåÕĮō µŚČķéŻõĖ¬ÕæśÕĘźĶʤµłæĶ»┤ÕŠłÕżÜµł┐õĖ£ķāĮõ ĖŹµä┐µäÅń¦¤ń╗ÖÕŁ”ńö¤’╝īÕŬµ£ēõĖĆõĖ¬Ķ┤ĄńÜ äÕŠłĶ┐£ÕÅłĶ┤ĄńÜäń”╗Ķ░▒ńÜäÕŁ”ńö¤Õģ¼Õ»ōÕÅ» õ╗ź’╝īÕĮōµŚČµłæµĢ┤õĖ¬õ║║Õ░▒µćĄõ║åŃĆéÕÉĵ ØźµłæÕ░▒µā│ńØĆÕåŹµēŠµēŠÕģČõ╗¢õĖŁõ╗ŗńó░ńó ░Ķ┐ɵ░öŃĆéõĮåķāĮµ▓Īµ£ēµēŠÕł░ĶāĮõĖŹķ£ĆĶ”ü µŗģõ┐ØÕ░▒ĶāĮń¦¤ń╗ÖńĢÖÕŁ”ńö¤ńÜäõĖŁõ╗ŗŃĆéµ ▓ĪÕŖ×µ│Ģ ,µłæĶĄ░µŖĢµŚĀĶĘ»ńÜäÕÅłÕø×Õł░õ║ådj AlexanderŃĆéńÜäńĪ«õ╣¤µś»’╝īÕćĀõ╣ĵ▓Īµ£ēµł ┐õĖ£µä┐µäÅń¦¤µł┐ÕŁÉń╗ÖÕŁ”ńö¤’╝īµłæÕ░▒Ķʤ µÄźÕŠģµłæńÜäÕ░ÅÕ¦ÉÕ¦ÉĶ»ēĶŗ”’╝īÕź╣ÕɼĶ»┤Õ ÉÄÕŠłÕÉīµāģµłæ’╝īń╗ÖµłæÕ▒Ģńż║õ║åÕŠłÕżÜµł ┐ÕŁÉ’╝īõĮåķāĮń”╗ÕŁ”µĀĪĶŠāĶ┐£’╝īµłæĶ»┤µłæ µÖĢĶĮ”ÕŠłõĖźķ插╝īÕź╣ńŖ╣Ķ▒½õ║åõĖĆõĖŗ’╝īÕ ░▒ń╗ÖµłæķóäĶ«óń£ŗõĖĆķŚ┤ń”╗ÕŁ”µĀĪÕŠłĶ┐æ’╝ īµł┐õĖ£ÕåÖµśÄÕŬµä┐µäÅń¦¤ń╗ÖÕ«ČÕ║Łµł¢µ£ē ÕĘźõĮ£ńÜäŃĆéÕź╣õ║║ÕŠłÕźĮ ’╝īµä┐µäÅń╗ÖµłæõĖ¬µ£║õ╝ÜĶ«®µłæÕ░ØĶ»ĢŃĆéõĖ ŹÕ╣ĖńÜä’╝īĶ┐ÖÕźŚµł┐ÕÅłĶÉĮń®║õ║å’╝īµł┐õĖ£ õĖŹµä┐µäÅŃĆ鵳æĶ¦ēÕŠŚµłæÕćĀõ╣ÄĶ”üÕ┤®µ║āõ ║å’╝īÕĖīµ£øĶČŖÕż¦µæöÕŠŚĶČŖńŗĀŃĆ鵳æµä¤Ķ¦ ēĶć¬ÕĘ▒Ķó½Ķŗ▒ÕøĮķ¬Śõ║å’╝īÕ┐āķćīõĖŹÕü£ńÜä µ£ēõĖĆõ║øµ×üń½»ńÜäµā│µ│ĢŃĆ鵳æÕćĀõ╣ĵ»Åõ Ė¬µś¤µ£¤ÕÄ╗õĖƵ¼Īdj AlexanderŃĆéõ╝░Ķ«Īõ╗¢õ╗¼ķāĮĶ«░ÕŠŚµłæõ║å’╝ īõ╗¢õ╗¼ń£¤ńÜäÕŠłõ║║µĆ¦Õī¢’╝īµłæõĖŹń¤źķüō Õ£©ÕģČõ╗¢ķüćÕł░Ķ┐ćÕżÜÕ░æõĖźĶ░©Õåʵ╝ĀńÜäĶ üīÕæśõ║åŃĆéÕ£©µłæń¼¼õĖēõĖ¬µś¤µ£¤ÕÄ╗õ╗¢õ╗ ¼ńÜäķéŻÕä┐’╝īõ╗¢õ╗¼ń╗Öõ║åń╗┐Ķē▓ķĆÜķüō’╝ī µ£¼µØźõ╗źÕēŹķóäĶ«óń£ŗµł┐Ķ”üńŁēÕŠłõ╣ģ’╝īõ ĖĆõĖ¬µś¤µ£¤µ£ĆÕżÜĶāĮń£ŗ2ķŚ┤µł┐Ķ┐Öµ¼ĪÕÄ╗µ ŚČŃĆéĶ┐Öµ¼Ī’╝īõ╗¢õ╗¼ń╗ÖµłæÕ«ēµÄÆõ║åń┤¦Õć æÕÆīµłæĶ»Šń©ŗĶĪ©õĖŹÕå▓ń¬üńÜäķóäń║”’╝īõĖĆ õĖ¬µś¤µ£¤ĶāĮń£ŗ4ŃĆü5ķŚ┤ŃĆéń¼¼õ║öÕæ©ń¼¼Õģ ŁÕæ©ÕÄ╗ńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖ’╝īõ╗¢õ╗¼õ║īĶ»ØõĖŹĶ»┤ńø┤ µÄźÕ£©õĖĆÕż®ÕåģķóäÕ«ÜÕ«īµłæµēƵ£ēńÜäĶĪīń ©ŗ’╝īÕŠłÕżÜķāĮõĖŹÕ£©õ╗¢õ╗¼ńÜäÕĘźõĮ£µŚČķŚ ┤ÕåģŃĆéĶ┐Öń£¤ńÜ䵜»µ╗Īµ╗ĪńÜäÕ¢äµäÅ’╝īÕŠł µä¤ÕŖ©ŃĆéµ£ēõĖƵ¼Īń£ŗµł┐ńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖ’╝īń£ŗµ ł┐ń╗ÅńÉåµēōńöĄĶ»ØĶʤµłæĶ»┤µłæµś»ÕÉ”ńĪ«Ķ« żµłæĶ”üµØź’╝īĶŗ▒Ķ»ŁõĖŹÕż¬ÕźĮ’╝īõ╝╝õ╣ÄÕɼ µ╝Åõ║åõ╗Ćõ╣łŃĆ鵳æÕł░ķéŻÕä┐ńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖ’╝īõ ╗¢µēōńöĄĶ»Øń╗ÖµłæĶ»┤’╝īńŁēõ║åµłæ15ÕłåķƤ õĮåµłæµ▓ĪµØź’╝īõ╗¢Ķ”üĶĄ░õ║åŃĆéõ╗¢ĶʤµłæĶ »┤µŚ®õĖŖĶʤµłæµēōńöĄĶ»ØńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖĶʤµłæĶ» ┤ÕźĮõ║åµŖŖµŚČķŚ┤µÅÉÕēŹ20ÕżÜÕłåķƤõ║åńÜäŃ Ć鵳æń¼¼õĖĆÕÅŹÕ║öµś»õ╗¢µś»µĢģµäÅńÜä’╝īµ░ öµÖĢõ║åµłæµēōńöĄĶ»ØÕÄ╗õĖŁõ╗ŗķéŻĶʤõ╗¢µŖ▒ µĆ©,ńĪ¼Ķ»┤µ▓ĪÕɼõ╗¢Ķ»┤Ķ┐ćĶ”üµö╣µŚČķŚ┤’╝ī ÕÉÄµØźµÄźń║┐ÕæśķéŻĶŠ╣Ķ»┤Ķ”üÕÉæń£ŗµł┐ń╗Åń Éåõ║åĶ¦ŻµāģÕåĄ’╝īńŁēõ║åÕģ½ÕłåķƤÕÉÄ’╝īµÄ źń║┐ÕæśĶ»┤µłæÕÅ»õ╗źÕåŹÕÄ╗ń£ŗķéŻõĖ¬µł┐ÕŁÉ 30ÕłåķƤõ╗źÕÉÄŃĆéµī║µä¤ÕŖ©ńÜä’╝īõĖĆÕ╝ĆÕ¦ ŗõ╣¤µ▓Īµā│Õł░Ķ┐ćõ╗¢õ╗¼õ╝ÜÕĖ«µłæĶ¦ŻÕå│’╝ī Õ║öõĖ║µ£¼µØźõ╣¤µś»µłæĶć¬ÕĘ▒ńÜäÕĤÕøĀķĆĀµ łÉńÜä’╝īµ£¼µØźµēōńöĄĶ»ØĶ┐ćÕÄ╗ÕŬµś»µā│ÕÅ æµ│äÕÅæµ│äŃĆéÕÉīõĖ║õĖĆńø┤Ķó½µł┐õĖ£µŗÆń╗Ø ’╝īÕ┐āķćīńÜäµĆ©µ░öĶČŖµØźĶČŖÕ»╣’╝īÕ┐āķćīµ £ēÕŠłÕżÜµ×üń½»ńÜäµā│µ│ĢŃĆé ń£ŗµ£ĆÕÉÄõĖĆÕźŚµł┐wyvern Park ńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖ’╝īń£ŗµł┐ń╗ÅńÉåcraveÕģłńö¤ÕÉæµłæ Õ╝ĆÕ»╝’╝īĶ»┤Ķ┐ÖÕ╣ČõĖŹµś»µłæõĖ¬õ║║ńÜäÕÄ¤Õ øĀĶó½µŗÆń╗Ø’╝īÕ╣ČĶʤµłæĶ¦ŻķćŖÕłåµ×Éõ║åÕŠ łÕżÜŃĆéµ£¼µØźÕ┐āķćīµ£ēÕŠłÕżÜµĆ©µ░ö’╝īõĖĆ õĖŗÕŁÉńā¤µČłõ║æµĢŻõ║åŃĆéµÄźÕŠģÕ░ÅÕ¦ÉÕ¦Éõ ╣¤Õ«ēµģ░µłæŃĆéÕÉÄµØź’╝īÕ░▒ķüćÕł░õ║åChris tuckerÕģłńö¤ŃĆéõ╗¢µś»µłæõĖēÕźŚµł┐ńÜäń£ŗµł ┐ń╗ÅńÉåŃĆéõ╗¢ķØ×ÕĖĖńÜäÕÅŗÕźĮńāŁÕ┐ā’╝īµś» ķéŻń¦Źµ▓Īµ£ēõ╗╗õĮĢÕüÅĶ¦ü’╝īĶ«®õ║║µä¤Ķ¦ēÕ ł░µś»ķéŻń¦ŹÕÅæĶć¬ÕåģÕ┐āńÜäń£¤µŁŻńÜäÕÅŗÕź ĮŃĆéÕĮōµŚČń”╗ÕŁ”µĀĪĶ┐æńÜäķéŻÕźŚµł┐ÕŁÉńÜä ń£ŗµł┐ń╗ÅńÉåõ╣¤µś»õ╗¢’╝īµłæÕĮōµŚČĶĄ░µŖĢµ ŚĀĶĘ»ńÜäĶʤõ╗¢Ķ»┤µłæµä┐µäŵŖŖµŖżńģ¦µŖĄµŖ ╝ń╗Öµł┐õĖ£’╝īõ╗¢µ▓ĪńÉåµłæ’╝īńÄ░Õ£©Õø×µā│ ĶĄĘµØźµłæÕĮōµŚČń£¤ńÜ䵜»Õż▒ÕÄ╗ńÉåµÖ║õ║å’ ╝īÕ╣ĖÕźĮõ╗¢µ▓ĪńÉåµłæŃĆéÕÉÄµØźõ╗¢µĀ╣µŹ«µł æńÜäµāģÕåĄ’╝īµēŠÕł░õ║åõĖĆõĖ¬µ»öĶŠāµ£ēÕÅ» ĶāĮµÄźÕÅŚµłæńÜ䵳┐õĖ£ńÜäŃĆéµöČÕł░õ╗¢ńÜäµ Čłµü»ńÜ䵌ČÕĆÖµłæń«Ćńø┤ńāŁµ│¬ńøłń£Čõ║å’╝ īńäČÕÉÄõ╗¢ķŚ«µłæÕÉīµäÅ12õĖ¬µ£łńÜäń¦¤µ£¤Õ ÉŚŃĆéń«Ćńø┤õĖĆńó░Õćēµ░┤µĄćõĖŖµØź’╝īµłæńÜ äķÆ▒õĖŹÕż¤Ķ┐Öõ╣łõ╣ģ’╝īĶĆīõĖöÕŁ”µĀĪÕŬµ£ē ÕģŁõĖāõĖ¬µ£łÕ░▒ń╗ōµØ¤õ║åŃĆ鵳æÕ┐āńü░µäÅÕ åĘńÜäÕÅæõ║åķé«õ╗Čń╗Öõ╗¢’╝īµä¤Ķ¦ēĶć¬ÕĘ▒ÕĘ ▓ń╗ÅÕ┐½µö»µÆæõĖŹõĖŗÕÄ╗õ║åŃĆéÕÉÄµØźķÜöõ║å õĖĆõĖ¬µś¤µ£¤’╝īõ╗¢ÕÅłÕÅæõ┐Īµü»ń╗ÖµłæķŚ«µ łæ8õĖ¬µ£łĶĪīÕÉŚ’╝īµłæµŚĀµ│ĢÕĮóÕ«╣µłæÕĮōµ ŚČńÜäÕ┐āµāģŃĆéÕ░▒ÕāÅÕźćĶ┐╣õĖƵĀĘ’╝īĶó½µŗ »µĢæõ║åŃĆéÕŬµā│Õ»╣õ╗¢Ķ»┤ÕźĮõ║║õĖĆńö¤Õ╣│ Õ«ēÕ┐āµā│õ║ŗµłÉŃĆé"


"We are extremely grateful that you took the time to complete our tenant satisfaction survey as it means a great deal to us when we receive such positive feedback."

Oh yes, all sweetness and light - until it came to check out and actually returning my deposit: at which time these nickel and dime merchants went from helpful to slanderous automatons, accusing me of being filthy, disrespectful, and deceitful, and after having paid almost ┬Ż6000 to this company, they decide they don't like my tone of voice.

What is it that makes DJ Alexander think they can treat customers with contempt?


The staff member that helped us is a credit to the DJ Alexander brand and was supportive, helpful, and knowledgable throughout the entire process. We were relocating to Edinburgh from London and this is naturally a very daunting experience but Blair was key to making this as smooth as it could be. Thank you very much.


Finding a flat was a daunting process but DJ Alexander made it effortless. With two people who don't live in Edinburgh nor even near each other to organise a viewing together, DJ Alexander handled our queries with surprising efficiency. Seemed too good to be true! But with the process taking just under a month from viewing to moving in, it was definitely a reassuring start to moving into a new city. Many thanks to Graham and Holly for helping us with the process from start to finish.


I was very pleased with the high level of professionalism within the company overall. The entire process was easy and pleasant. I would highly recommend DJA. I am fully satisfied with the service I received and I am confident that this level of excellence will continue on. DJA would be my first point of call going forward. Gratitude to Thomas Scott and all staff that dealt with the application process.


UPDATE: One year on and I can still give the 5 start rating. They have been responsive to both tenants and me and it has been a hassle free year from my viewpoint.

As a landlord, I handed over my flat and received great advice from the team about how best to improve the flat to get the most interest. They took care of a number of smoke and heat alarm system installations and certificate requirements. Once advertised they got interest quickly and a tenant signed up within 10 days. Early days of my experience with them, but so far I've been impressed.


I am writing this on behalf of my Dad who recently rented a flat through D. J. Alexander. Nick Hammond kindly showed him around multiple properties and was very helpful by answering all of his many questions/e-mails in a friendly and prompt manner. My Dad is very pleased with the property and the service provided by Nick and his colleagues. Thanks for all the help!


I would just like to say a big thank you to Ashley Cooper based in Edinburgh who helped me through a really hard time for me and my children, she kept in contact with myself and was always extra helpful, supportive and understanding even when I was phoning her countless times a day at one point. She was also fast at returning my calls and emails. Thanks again Ashley,


As a first time landlord I shopped around and chose D J Alexander as my letting agent. I was very impressed by Neill Bukes and he has delivered his promise of handholding right the way through the process from taking instruction to installing a tenant. A suitable tenant was found unbelievably quickly and all paperwork checks etc were completed by the D J Alexander team very swiftly so there were no delays for myself or the tenant. Everyone I have dealt with at the company so far has been knowledgeable, helpful and efficient. Based on my experience to date I'm very happy to recommend Neill and D J Alexander to prospective landlords.


The staff at the D.J.Alexander establishment in Edinburgh went above and beyond to help me and my partner into our new accommodation, even around a busy holiday period and working within time restraints. I would like to specially commend Graham Wilson, who helped us both immensely during our move.


I have been very impressed by the service provided by DJ Alexander. Particularly with Nick who went that extra mile. Nick provided great customer care and assistance from start to finish. He was very professional but made the whole process seem incredibly straightforward. He really is an asset to DJ Alexander. Laura was also very helpful and again was very happy to provide that extra level of care which makes a huge difference. I have had nothing but great service from DJ Alexander, many thanks to Nick and Laura.


As a first-time landlord, I have been very happy with the service provided so far by DJ Alexander. I contacted them as a new homeowner since I was going to be working overseas and needed the support of an agent to find tenants and manage the property while I was gone. Neill Bukes was my main contact. He was professional throughout, answered my many questions very clearly and promptly, and provided excellent advice on what else I could do to improve the property's marketability.

They found tenants within a week of the property going on the market and managed the entire process to get the property all the required installations, certificates, etc, and move the tenants in, in my absence and again in a very timely way. I have not had much reason to be in contact since then, but have been receiving monthly statements in a timely manner and with clear support for any additional charges, which have been reasonable.

I would happily recommend DJ Alexander to any potential landlord.


EDIT: DJ Alexander have asked me to remove this review because it is inappropriate for this page. Funny they didn't mention that when they called me up to ask me to edit my review, whilst telling me how 'reasonable' they were.

The most incompetent, utterly contemptible company I've ever had to deal with in my life, having just bought a property through these utterly useless, lying snakes. If I could leave 0 stars, I would!

We were told on a Sunday when we had our viewing that the house manager would be in touch on the Monday for a chat, so we wrote down a list of questions we had about the property, but no-one called.

After 4pm I decided I was just going to call them instead. The guy (not the house manager, who was on a call) literally didn't listen to me at all - first he kept saying the 18 ****** Place instead of 8, despite me correcting him.

Then I explained we'd had a viewing, I was supposed to get a call from the house manager, yadayadayada and then he said he could arrange something now. He asked me when I would prefer. I said "Well, now. I mean, I just want to speak to someone".

So he put me on hold and then came back and said he'd booked me in for a viewing in 20 minutes! I had to explain the entire thing again and that I just had a few questions. He then attempted to answer some of them but a lot of his answers were assumptions that things were working rather than confirmation of whether they were or not.

They also messed around our solicitor a lot, and for a while we didn't really know what was happening or even when the closing date was supposed to be! They told our solicitor there were "a few interested parties" when ours was actually the only formal note of interest at the time, so we were a bit suspicious about whether there was actually as much interest as indicated by them.

When we finally moved in, we found some of the things (doorbell, dishwasher, extractor hood) were in fact NOT working, the tap was leaky, some of the door handles weren't attached to the door properly, and one very dodgy hall light which works sometimes and others not. EDIT: These things were arranged to be fixed after we moved in, including a brand new dishwasher.

On top of all that, we only received ONE house key. We were told we'd find the others in the house when we got there, but no sign. We changed the locks ASAP, anyway.

Now, I've just heard that DJ Alexander are harassing my friend, who recently went to visit another of their properties. Now they keep calling, trying to get him to bid! The place stank of damp, so it's very obvious they are desperately trying to sell, and unfortunately he was polite enough to say he might place a bid during the viewing.

They told him on the day that they'd already received four bids, but why would they be harassing him if that were really the case? I'm very, very angry that they would have the nerve to do this.

EDIT: I got a call from DJ Alexander the morning after submitting this post, asking me if I was happy that things had been fixed (the answer is yes), and if I'd mind changing my review. They also asked for the name of the friend they'd been harassing. So, consider my review amended.

I'd advise anyone not to buy OR let from this company, just STAY AWAY!!!

More about Dj Alexander Property Sales & Lettings

Dj Alexander Property Sales & Lettings is located at 24 Dundas St, Edinburgh EH3 6JN, UK
+44 131 558 3000
Monday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM ŌĆō 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed