
About Dlr

DLR (Destiny Leadership Resources) is where to get your hands on biblical resources that will encourage and challenge you to grow in your walk with God.
Brought to you by Pastors Andrew & Sue Owen, founders of Destiny Ministries.



#ProductOfTheMonth for February - make the most of the special offer, only at destinyleadershipresources.com !
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/book-series-of-th‚Ķ/


This month, we are delighted to bring you a real treat! Since it's month number 2 of the year; we're bringing you 2 specials a limited time only.
... 1: Book of the Month is 'God of Miracles' by our own Senior Pastor Andrew Owen. This book is available on our website, at our bookstalls and on Amazon for £9.99, but you can buy it for just £7 - only in February!
2: Series of the Month is (also) 'God of Miracles' - a 7-part audio teaching series brought at Destiny Church by Andrew Owen, Sue Owen, Ivan Squillino and a message from our dear friend Peter Pretorius. Available by digital download for only £10.
AND we're not done there...
If you buy BOTH the book + the audio series, it will only cost you £15! This deal is only available at destinyleadershipresources.com
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/book-series-of-th‚Ķ/
#destinyleadershipresources #destinychurch #GodOfMiracles #BookOfTheMonth #SeriesOfTheMonth #FantasticFebruary
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Destiny Church Glasgow are now on day 2 of their week of Prayer & Fasting - taking the stance that we are sustained by God, He is our source, and when we fast while we pray, we sacrifice a desire of the body, for a time, in order that we seek God in a deeper way.
If you need fed and encouraged while you're fasting, why not tune into God's Word through the Media tab on the Destiny App. There, you can catch up on the previous Sunday's message, or go back to some of the older messages.
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..."


Secondly... I know you have all been desperately missing the podcast over the holidays - so to make January that little bit more abundant, today we've uploaded THREE new podcast episodes for you to all enjoy!
Allow us to give special emphasis to the 2-part message called "The Anointing Makes the Difference" - both parts shared by @pastorandrewowen this first Sunday of #2020. Check it out!


It's safe to say that Christmas & New Year are a great time to celebrate what God has done and continues to do in our lives - but it's also good to get back to our regularly scheduled programming :)
We at DLR took a serious break over the festive period, but are back with a punch to bring you some new stuff!
... Firstly, our audio series of the month for January is Point of Contact. This was a series within a series (Receiving Receivers) where we took an in-depth look at the true power and significance of communion. This series is available to purchase and digitally download from destinyleadershipresources.com
Secondly, stay tuned for the next announcement later today :)...
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Fully Functioning Faith is an excellent, faith-building audio teaching that will encourage you to exercise your faith like a muscle - Along with our Destiny Music albums (Volume 1 & Volume 2), this is our DLR Series of the Month.
Fully Functioning Faith & Destiny Music Vol.2 are available to buy and download via destinyleadershipresources.com and will make great Christmas gifts to bless someone with, and Destiny Music Vol.1 is available to stream on Spotify!
https://destinyl...eadershipresources.com /…/fully-functioning…/
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/destiny-music-vol‚Ķ/
https://open.spotify.com/album/2CxGvkz9JZ vISywRahMIYz…
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#ChristmasAtDestiny #WeAreDestinyFamily #BookshopAndCafeOpenNight ##ChristmasShopping #BeanTransformed #Cafe


2019 is far from over - there's so much still to happen in December! (not to mention the Bookshop & Cafe Night this Friday) Yet, it's safe to say that it has been a fantastic year on Spotify for the Destiny Church Glasgow Podcast!
Thank you to all of you who have subscribed already on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & through the Media Players on the Destiny App + destinyglasgow.com
... Getting the word of God out there and sharing it with as many people as possible; to lead the lost into a living relationship with Jesus and seeing the church grow spiritually and numerically - that is why we do this!
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God has given you faith as a gift, and nothing pleases Him more than when you use it!
This subject is the biggest thing to be learned as a believer – if you can take hold of it, it will totally transform and revolutionize your life.
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/fully-functioning‚Ķ/


When you look around you on a daily basis, you never truly know what battles someone has made it through to be standing in front of you.
The Diamonds Battle Winners audio package brings you a small selection of them - a collection of messages brought at Diamonds Conferences through the years. In their own ways, these women are our own examples of what Battle Winners can look like!
Never underestimate the power of the testimony you carry!
... https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/diamonds-battle-w‚Ķ/
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Along the hustle and bustle of December; Christmas shopping, party planning and Christmas dinner prep - taking an evening to sit in a bookshop, browsing books & little gift ideas with a café serving sweet festive treats just sounds like bliss to us.
DLR are thrilled to be hosting our first ever Bookshop & Café Open Night on Friday 23th December.


Nothing beats a #TBTuesday! Throwing back to 2007 when #DestinyMusic released their Destiny Music Volume 1! Check it out on @spotify üéß


The Diamonds Women's Conference has been blessed by some truly inspirational keynote speakers throughout the years. The Diamonds Guest Collection audio package is now available for you to download, a collection of messages from some of them: Debora Ong, Ann Pretorius, Pasteur Dorothée Rajiah, Carol Alexander, Nancy Goudie, Dr. Caroline Leaf.
... These ladies travelled far to bring us timely Words from God to equip us and strengthen us to make us all Battle Winners!
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/diamonds-guest-co‚Ķ/
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We humans have a longing sewn into us when we were made. A longing to know God, to relate to Him and to worship Him. The best way to truly know God is through His Word, which is a light in the darkness. His Word stands the test of time and when we choose to read it, study it and outwork it in our day to day lives; transformation happens. But do we prioritise it? Does it take first place in our daily lives? Or do we, generally speaking, undervalue the Word of God?
God had His... Word written down and made accessible for all. He also inspires and anoints everyday people with revelation, from the Bible, to be preached, taught and explained so that all who will hear it will know the Good News.
All ages, backgrounds and cultures need to hear it. We believe that the Word cannot and will not remain a secret. We need to get the Word out!
#GetTheWordOut #DestinyLeadershipResources #GodsWrittenWord #TheBible
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"Church-planters, church pastors, church members, individuals, families; breakthrough is coming!"
This isn't just any step by step message. This is a cosmic concept that isn't discussed much, but should be. @pastorandrewowen brings this 2 part message (Live at the @surgeconf 2019) that affects us all.
https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/breakthrough-is-c‚Ķ/
... #breakthroughiscoming #destiny #breakthrough
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New to Download!
Diamonds Conference 2019 Audio Recordings - for those who wither couldn't make it on the day, or want a reminder of the powerful messages!
Now available for only ¬£10!... https://destinyleadershipresources.com/‚Ä ¶/diamonds-2019-aud‚Ķ/
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More about Dlr

Dlr is located at 70 Cathedral Street, G4 0RN Glasgow, United Kingdom