Dream Believe Achieve Ltd

About Dream Believe Achieve Ltd

Have a look through my personal blog and when you are ready to chase your dreams drop me a message.

Dream Believe Achieve Ltd Description

Don't choose between a Career or staying at home with your children. I have a solution to help you achieve both of these, working with a global multi-billion dollar company.

Over 38 years ago, a company called Forever Living embarked upon a journey to harness the power of nature to help others by offering the finest and healthiest products to the public, and to do it in a personal way. This exploration led to the creation of a unique family of nutritional and personal care products, and powerful business opportunities that benefit people with health, wealth and beauty.

Since then, the success of this idea has been so overwhelming that over the years, Forever has secured its own aloe plantations, world-class manufacturing plants and state-of-the-art distribution facilities, creating a supply chain referred to today as Plant to Product to You. Today, Forever is a multi-billion dollar business that spans the globe, employing over 10, 000 people worldwide, providing numerous income opportunities to more than 9. 5 million Distributors in over 150 countries and touching millions of households.

"At Forever, we believe our greatest legacy is what we do for others and how we do it. We adhere to sustainable practises that let us work in harmony with the earth, leaving a more promising future to our children. Working towards a brighter future is so much more than our duty - it is our pleasure. ”

Business Woman, Wife & Mother to 3 children, I have been running a very successful business with Forever Living for the last 19 months.
I love life and my passion is to help more individuals and families to create a flexible extra income working from home.



A little graphic I created a while ago and it couldn’t be more relevant now!
Let’s all ensure we have a Kick ass productive day!!


I’ve been quiet on here recently but thought I could share a little something that’s helping me get through things!
Anxiety , overwhelm, panic and fear are ALL things I’m feeling daily! Is anyone else?
I would call myself a “sensitive” which essentially means I’m massively effected by the energies of everyone around me and MAN alive I’ve never realised just how sensitive I was until now.
... Your mind is your most powerful tool! Your mind is what’s going to get you through this!
So let’s protect it!
♥️Let’s read the news but don’t allow it to consume you! Why not just once a day! ♥️ download some apps for meditation ♥️ schedule some time for yourselves in the evenings ♥️ Try switch up your language from that or fear to that of optimism - tricky I know in this climate but worth a shot! ♥️ exercise if you can ♥️ take a walk around your garden or outdoors (social distancing obvs)
Let’s reach out and help each other keep our anxiety levels low!
The most sensitive beings around us are kids and they sense every little bump in the road!
Stay calm and stay safe!
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👌 Do you understand the need for multiple income streams?
🙏 Do you feel like there must be more to life?
🔥 Are you tired of living for the weekends?
... 🙌 Do you know that you have more potential than your current job is encouraging you to reach?
If you answer YES to any of the above, comment with your favourite emoji and I'll send you very short overview that could change your life!
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The Dream Believe Achieve team are on the look out for high energy people! . Are you on social media at points throughout the day? . Do you like to talk to people? . Do you enjoy working with others? .... Are you looking to make an extra income every month? . Then drop me an emoji 👌below and I’ll send across some free no obligation information!
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"Nourish what you love" Take care of whats important and try hard not to drop those precious glass balls. #nourish #love #grow #develop #glassballs


5 years ago if you had told me I would be working from home and being a 'School gate mum', I would have laughed in your face.
My only career goal was to achieve the position of Branch Manager and after 17 years with HSBC Bank I was fortunate that I had finally achieved this.
... I had what I believed to be the perfect life. I had a great income, great husband, lovely growing family and worked with some incredible people.
Sadly overnight my life turned upside down when my mum was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer at the age of 54 and I heavily pregnant with our 3rd little bundle of joy!
I suddenly realised that my working life was missing something absolutely crucial - WORK LIFE BALANCE and time was quickly running out with mum!
They say that Multi Level Marketing FINDS YOU at a time you need it most and for me this most certainly was the case.
I have been able to build a successful business around my kids, be the school gate mum for some of my kids crucial years and was able to spend special moments with my mum in her last days with us and not sacrifice my income. Being able to take TIME when I wanted to be with her and not have to ask the boss for time was a treasure I will never forget!
I am truly grateful to Essens and what it continues to allow me to do and now I get the opportunity to show others how this can change their lives too.
Leaving my corporate career behind 4 years ago wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and having TIME to spend time with my loved ones is all that truly matters!
Money can't buy you happiness, BUT it CAN buy you TIME and that is the most precious thing in the world!
Take the chance, you have nothing to lose BUT everything to gain!
Kat x x x
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Here I am sitting in the car while my eldest daughter Ava plays football ⚽️.
Many people ask me how I find the time to run 2 successful businesses around 3 young kids.
Well the answer is simple!
... I make the best of the time I DO have and not worry about the time I don't have ⏰⏱
I talk A LOT about TIME (I know 🥱 🥱) but we all have the same amount of it in one day and by heavens I wish I had more sometimes!!
BUT, as I sit watching my crazy daughter running about in the pouring rain ☔️ (living her best life). I’m sitting watching from my car whilst I message clients/ team members/ prepare training materials and make some sales!
All from my phone with my heated bum warmers on! 😂
Many people complain of not having time! I certainly don't have time to find anymore but I certainly DO have pockets of time everyday.
Note - this is not a post to say look at me, boast brag, ask for pity.
Being a parent and just living is hard no matter how many kids, what their timetable is like and if you have a job to hold down as well. I simply want to show where MY time pockets are and answer the questions I get asked often!
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Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day.
Here at Dream Believe Achieve HQ we will all be trying to perform just one little extra random act of kindness today - a friendly gesture or hug for someone who needs it, a kind word or compliment, or maybe just a smile for no reason other than to generate a smile from the other person - will you join us?
#randomactsofkindness #dosomethingnicetoday #thedreamteam #theoriginals #dreambelieveachieve


I'll show you mine if you show me yours! 😂
How do we charge those batteries and get them firing on all cylinders first thing in the morning?
... One of the tips and techniques I will share with you will be Daily Affirmations!
Affirming to the world (and mostly yourself) that you are strong, powerful and capable of anything!
Mornings are such a brilliant time to do these as this is the ideal time to decide how your day is going to be. Set aside a few mins each morning and read these to yourself, out loud or write them down.
Some examples of my morning ones are:-
- I am happy, healthy and wealthy - I am grateful for every experience and moment in my life - I am worthy of living the life of my dreams - I am truly happy in all aspects of my life - I am beautiful just as I am - I am a confident business woman - I am a positive person unaffected by the negativity of others - My business and dreams are constantly manifesting - Abundance flows into my life with ease - I am technical whizz at all online shiz 😂
Now is time to start truly BELIEVING in YOU. Believe you DESERVE the BEST life you can ever imagine.
Let's share, grow and develop x
I know this isn’t for everyone so if no just scroll by x x
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The excitement is real!
I’ve been asked to do a guest speaker slot at our very first ESSENS UK 🇬🇧 Academy!
Excited, proud, anxious and most of all passionate about helping to make it a HUGE success!
... We truly have brought @essens_official to the UK 🇬🇧
“They May forget what you said but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel”
#bringiton #opportunity #guestspeaker #training #uk #essensofficial #essensuk @ Dream Believe Achieve Ltd
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This is just a small selection of the epic woman I’ve been fortunate enough to work with this week!
Their energies are infectious!
People often ask me “Kat what is it that you do?”
... I proudly say that I help to coach, connect and develop people and I genuinely bloody love it!
Best job ever!!!
#coaching #developing #helpingothers #mentoring #goals #dreams
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Be careful what you feed your mind as you might even start to believe it!
I trained my mind to believe that Jan was set to be one of my strongest months in retailing - which it was!
It certainly wasn’t a quiet one for my team and I.
... Now with over 2012 team members (Currently now 2025) and 163 new team members joining my team in Jan, we have proved that we are feeding our minds with a winning formula.
If you fancy joining us or are just curious about what we are doing drop me a wee PM.
#dreambelieveachieve Www.katcrawford.me
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“Kat why do you do what you do?”
Multi Level Marketing has been a life changer for me. I’m not motivated by material things (yes there are nice to have)!
What really motivates me and drives me to get out of bed in the morning is TIME. Since mum passed I realised how precious time really is! Time to be a school gate mum, time to listen to their chats and time to just BE!
... Yes it’s massively different from banking but hugely rewarding in so many ways.
Feel free to check out my story on
#time #timeisprecious #mlm #directselling #schoolgatemum #preciousmemories #beingamum
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With January we bring fresh starts and new beginnings.
Laser focussed goals and clear objectives!!!
We are a force to be reckoned with!
... These woman have clear focus and determination and I had to pleasure of spending time with them today to help them plan their businesses!
Our team pride ourselves on team spirit and support. You are never alone! X
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Reflecting on 2019 and thinking man alive what happened!!
It’s been a super busy whirlwind of a year but filled with some incredible achievements.
My biggest win will always be that I’ve worked my ass off to find balance and acceptance.
... Balance with my kids and work life. Always putting my kids and family before anything else. Being the school gate mum has been ticked for another year!
Going into 2020 with a clear mind, clear house, clean of debt and clarity over my goals.
My Essens business has sky rocketed at such a pace that I’ve not even been able to keep up myself. The momentum my team have generated is insane and with now over 2000 team members we are really starting to impact on other people’s lives.
I love what I do, I love the balance it creates , I love that I can earn a top class income and still be a school gate mum. I don’t believe you have to make sacrifices.
What’s your goals for 2020?
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❄️Merry Christmas one and all.❄️
I just wanted to take the time to wish you all a fantastic Christmas with family and friends.
This year has taught me to be humble, appreciative, grateful and most of all truly thankful for finding my new business Essens and all the crazy team members that have come along with it.
... The most important thing about this time of year is family. Appreciate the annoying granny who asks the same question over and over. Enjoy the idle banter of your inlaws and the fussy eater that is Dad. Relish the over excited kids who genuinely need torn from ceiling with excitement.
Life is short and your numbers around the dinner table will sadly diminish over time so create amazing memories that will live on forever!
Now crack open the bubbles, sit in your pants and try chill!
Cheers to an Amazing freakin Christmas people!!!
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More about Dream Believe Achieve Ltd

Dream Believe Achieve Ltd is located at Dunfermline, Fife