Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team

About Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team

Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to emergency situations in and around Dunoon and Cowal.

Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team Description

Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team (Dunoon CRT) are on call all day every day to respond to emergency situations in and around Dunoon and Cowal.
We have a team of 10 Volunteers who provide a valuable service to the local community.

This Official Facebook Page is intended to show you just a little more about what we do and allow an insight in to the work of HM Coastguard and more specifically; our team in Dunoon.





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Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team have been called out over the last 2 days to multi agency callouts.
We have worked with Police, Fire, Ambulance, MoD Police, RNLI, Rescue 199 (Coastguard Helicopter), and many other stakeholders (including local businesses) to help people who have found themselves in difficulty on or near the water.
... On Tuesday, our assistance was requested by the Ambulance Service, at a road traffic collision. We have no further information to share on this job, and we thank our partner emergency services for their support.
On Wednesday, we received multiple 999 calls reporting a ditched microlight in the Holy Loch, with one person on board. The team was paged (along with Helensburgh Lifeboat and Rescue 199) at 11:15 by CGOC Belfast Coastguard to assist. Many local vessels also responded to the “mayday relay broadcast”.
The pilot was given the all clear by the ambulance service, and the microlight went on to be recovered.

Below are some photos from the last couple of days.
Thank you to ALL who help keep our community safe - partner services, members of the public calling 999, local businesses offering help.
We are proud to work in a community which so frequently comes together to help those in need.
Remember: in any coastal, cliff or beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard.
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***Callout*** Dunoon Coastguard were alerted by Belfast Coastguard this afternoon to a sighting of “possible ordnance” on the beach.
Our team arrived at the scene and along with Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Police Division began to undertake the steps required for both public safety, and item identification.
... Once a control cordon had been set, we awaited further instruction from EOD (bomb disposal).
After identification of key characteristics by suitably qualified and experienced personnel, it was confirmed that the item was not considered explosive in nature, and that both Coastguard and Police were free to leave the scene.
For those of you who asked (on social media) what it was... It was considered most likely to be an anchor weight that had split and fallen apart.
The first call came in as a result of a post on social media. We would like to thank the individuals who spotted the item for alerting people to its presence.
In any coastal, cliff or beach emergency, please dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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***search assistance***
On 2nd January, Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team continued the search for a missing person in the Loch Long area. This is a continuation of our search from 31st December. (and is our 2nd callout of the year so far) In addition to other coastguard teams from Inveraray, Helensburgh, Kilcreggan, the search was being conducted alongside:... Police Scotland (please see Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Police Division page for updates on the search and for the most recent information), Police Mountain Rescue, volunteer mountain rescue teams, RNLI, Ministry of Defence Police (Clyde Marine Unit) and other agencies.
Dunoon Coastguard remain privileged to work with such professionals, and are on call 24/7, 365 to respond to any request for assistance.
In any coastal , Cliff or Beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for “coastguard”
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As the year draws to a close, many of the Dunoon team have just returned home from a callout, and while others party, our team remain on call right through the bells, and 24hrs a day, 365 days a year.
Our work would not be possible without the support of our colleagues, partner emergency services, employers and of course the community who call upon us for any beach, coastal or cliff emergency.
... Also; our families who support us when we miss meals, special occasions, disturb their sleep and disrupt their plans whenever we respond to our pagers or mobile phones calling us to a job.
Thank you all for your support.
We wish you a safe, happy and healthy New Year.
All the very best for 2019.
From all at Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team
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As some places close over the festive period, we wanted to remind everyone of our festive opening hours.
We are always on call, 24hrs a day, 365days a year.
Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team wish all our followers and the community a very merry Christmas.
... In a coastal, cliff or beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team is joining Coastguard Rescue teams, Emergency Service colleagues, all branches of the Armed Forces and members of the community all over the country to pay our sincere, deepest respects on Armistice Day.
Within hours of Britain declaring war on Germany, a huge number of Coastguards, who were experts in signalling, were called upon by the Royal Navy as reservists, and taken by train to crew naval ships, enabling them to go immediately to sea.
On ...20 September 1914, a single German submarine sank the cruisers 'Cressy', 'Aboukir; and 'Hogue' off the Thames. 1,400 men drowned - many of whom were Coastguards. Torpedoes sunk 'Hawke' in October and 'Formidible' in January, bringing Coastguard deaths even higher.
HM Coastguard suffered such heavy losses that the Admiralty decided to return the majority of Coastguard personnel back to their stations.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
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***Training Update***
In between a variety of callouts to boats, people, helicopters and more, we have also been undertaking training.
As part of an ongoing series of CPD (continuing professional development) events, Dunoon Coastguard (and therefore our community) now benefits from having even more skills within the team.
... In addition to the fantastic first aid (with additional skills) training which was undertaken earlier this year, we have more recently undertaken Off Road Driver training and Flood Response training.
Some photos below.
All this training is kept up to date so that we can help our community and partner blue light services in times of difficulty.
In Dunoon, we have a team of VOLUNTEERS who are on call 24/7 to help where we can.
Here is a little insight in to SOME of our recent training.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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***Training*** On Thursday night this week, Dunoon and Kames Coastguard Rescue Teams undertook training around Dunoon Pier, Breakwater and West Bay. Our Senior Coastal Operations Officer (the boss) delivered refresher training on water rescue, adding further elements of risk in order to keep our skills sharp. Using a live "casualty", we were challenged with a variety of scenarios, testing our water rescue, officer in charge, communications, problem solving and first aid skill...s.
In any emergency setting, it's so important to get the basics right. In the photos below, are some photos of stretcher work, casualty care and problem solving.
A fabulous, well run session by the boss, enhancing our professionalism to help the community where required.
In a coastal, cliff or beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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Runners and walkers are the group at most risk of accidental drowning in the UK - 77 people died in 2016 because they fell in the water whilst out for a run or a walk #BeWaterAware If you enjoy a walk near water take extra care after bad weather and make sure your route is still safe #BeWaterAware


This week we will be supporting @NFCC_FireChiefs Drowning Prevention Week and Water Safety Week. Look out for safety advice and information and #BeWaterAware


Dunoon Coastguard, and Kames Coastguard Teams this weekend successfully completed the next part of our continuing professional development.
The teams completed a custom designed first aid qualification for the Coastguard, allowing teams throughout the UK to undertake "primary pre-hospital medical care".
... The training has been designed to raise our skill level when dealing with medical emergencies, and the new processes learned will allow teams to continue to professionally work with other emergency services.
Our training included many types of first aid response, but specifically included the treatment of catastrophic hemorrhage, advanced airway management, use of suction, pelvic splint and immobilisation and professional patient handover.
The challenging scenarios put every team member under appropriate pressure, and tested the newly acquired skills, knowledge and approach which bring us in line with partner emergency services.
The weekend ended with all teams showing appreciation to the SCOO and COAC (our bosses) who both delivered a very intensive course exceptionally well, getting the key points across to all team members using a variety of styles, making the training both serious and particularly good fun.
As a team, we would not be able to undertake a full weekend of training without the help and support of our families, who allow us to volunteer for such activities, and who also support and understand, as we are on call 24/7.
In any beach, coastal or cliff emergency, dial 999 and ask foMaritime and Coastguard Agencyrd
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Dunoon Coastguard are currently in the Burgh Hall, Dunoon, as part of a community event showcasing community and voluntary organisations around Dunoon and Cowal. We are here for the next couple of hours. Please pop in and see us. You will be amazed by the number of volunteers that are found in our community!
Tonight, continuing with the community theme, the Burgh Hall is also the venue for a Cowal Fundraiser in support of the families affected by the recent Nancy Glen tragedy on Loch Fyne. Music, raffles and auctions later from 7pm with an admission charge.


***Snow Update*** So far today, we have assisted with getting a number of essential staff to hospital, ambulance station and surgeries across Dunoon.
We have also assisted in the delivery of essential medication.
... Currently having a well earned coffee after the first five hours before getting back out to help more people...
Stay safe.
In a coastal, cliff or beach emergency, call 999 and ask for Coastguard
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***Snow Response***
Dunoon Coastguard are currently out with our 4x4 response vehicle, working with the Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS Highland in a co-ordinated response to ensure that the right people get to the right places to allow for Dunoon to provide emergency care.
So far this morning, we have helped casualty staff and ambulance staff get to work, and we stand by to work with other emergency services and partner agencies throughout the day.
... We are out in this weather, and our strong recommendation: If you don't absolutely NEED to be out... don't risk it.
All schools in the area are closed (Cowal and Bute) and you can get more info on the council website.
We will post more as the day progresses.
At the Coastguard we do far more than just water rescue!
In any beach, coastal or cliff emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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***NICE CALLOUT*** (Post 2 of 2)
We returned our young seal pup to the water. Here is a brief video.
... In a coastal, cliff or beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard
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Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team have been called out over the last 2 days to multi agency callouts.
We have worked with Police, Fire, Ambulance, MoD Police, RNLI, Rescue 199 (Coastguard Helicopter), and many other stakeholders (including local businesses) to help people who have found themselves in difficulty on or near the water.
... On Tuesday, our assistance was requested by the Ambulance Service, at a road traffic collision. We have no further information to share on this job, and we thank our partner emergency services for their support.
On Wednesday, we received multiple 999 calls reporting a ditched microlight in the Holy Loch, with one person on board. The team was paged (along with Helensburgh Lifeboat and Rescue 199) at 11:15 by CGOC Belfast Coastguard to assist. Many local vessels also responded to the “mayday relay broadcast”.
The pilot was given the all clear by the ambulance service, and the microlight went on to be recovered.

Below are some photos from the last couple of days.
Thank you to ALL who help keep our community safe - partner services, members of the public calling 999, local businesses offering help.
We are proud to work in a community which so frequently comes together to help those in need.
Remember: in any coastal, cliff or beach emergency, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard.
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More about Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team

Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team is located at McArthur Street, PA23 7PL Dunoon