Dynamic Fitness

About Dynamic Fitness

Personal Trainer in Dundee. I'm all about using fitness as a means to be happy healthy and confident.
JustStrong @juststrongclothing ambassador - code is EKISH10 for discount on great workout gear!



Been a bit quiet recently as I've just started an exciting new job! I am now working as a Youth and Community Fitness Coach for Street League dundee!! Street league is the UK's leading sport for employment academy. We start an academy on the 9th of July for anyone 18+ who is NOT IN WORK. Please shoot me a message if you're interested and share this page as you never know who this might benefit. Thanks Erin X


So so good to be in the gym with Claire this morning!! After months of working together and writing programmes and studying, Claire's old injury has gone and we were able to get in and train together this morning! So proud to work and train along side such a passionate hard working lady 💪🏻 It's great to be able to push each other and support each other in our training and in our careers 😁💓


I have been training Sarah under Claire's guidance for the last few months and I am so proud of her results so far! Especially the gains in her glutes 🍑(not shown) she always brings 100% to our sessions and pushes herself to achieve. An absolute pleasure to train and I can't wait to see what we achieve from here 💪🏻


LIFE GETS IN THE WAY SOMETIMES - today was my first proper session back in the gym in probably 10 days at least. Between hospital appointments, new puppy, studying and packing to move house I just haven't had the time of day! It's vital when you start any kind of gym or exercise program to plan for, well life! Although I've not had time or the energy to go to the gym I've been making sure I've got out for walks with the dog or just been moving as much as possible on a fault b...asis. Missing the gym/exercise only becomes a problem when you then get into the mindset of 'well I've already missed a week I'm never going to get back on track now'. Allow yourself these breaks and learn not to feel guilty, none of us have super powers. We get tired, we have bad days, we are busy. The important thing is to acknowledge this and put plans into place to get you back into a routine when you can 💪🏻
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So....let's talk abs. Scroll down your Instagram feed and you will see silly amounts of posts offering 'lower ab' workouts to get rid of that wee tum that a lot of us have. Along side 'peachy bum in 7 days' these posts get my back up the most. I hate to break it to ya guys/gals bit there is no such muscle as 'lower abs' and therefore you cannot target it! Your core area is made up of a number of different muscles both deep 'stabilising' muscles and the more superficial muscles - rectus abdominus (6-pack) and external obliques. It's vitally important that you are doing exercises to strengthen both is these groups of core muscles for your overall wellbeing and especially your posture. Please be savvy when it comes to Instagram fitness posts - if it sounds too good to be true...it probably is!


Learnt sooo much today! Looking forward to putting it into practice 💪🏻🤰🏼


Feeling pretty happy tonight!


This about sums up my feeling's in two perfect lines. From now until summer you are going to be seeing the words 'beach body' 'bikini body' 'summer ready' etc etc everywhere! Well guess what?? Everybody is different, everyone has imperfections, but that is what makes us all pretty amazing! Body Confidence is the most attractive thing you can wear so stick that bikini on, look out that speedo and strut your stuff with confidence this summer, this winter and all the time!!


Here I am with Claire of Hard as Nails making our own homemade sauerkraut! Really good for getting your gut bacteria healthy again 💪🏻


Partner in crime Claire Scullion of Hard as Nails amazing bone broth recipe! Give it a shot! Super easy and super tasty and nourishing 🙌🏻 🍗 🍜


Meal prep for work tonight - homemade spag Bol with gf pasta and peas (I usually use quinoa but my delivery wasn't here in time) and then stewed apple and pear with cinnamon and honey topped with coconut yogurt and blueberries 🍯 there's a wee cream egg hiding out this photo but it's my treat for later!


Deadlifts tonight 💀 deadlifts are an amazing compound movement working your quads,hammies,gluteus maximus, erector spinae, mid trapezius and rhomboids!! If your not doing them, take a PT session and learn 💪🏻


Wee back day finisher from this week! Like to always add something a bit different to the end of each of my workouts to keep me on my toes 💪🏻


So January is over...who's still stuck to their resolutions? Me personally I don't make resolutions I just try to do better in even a small way in my life each day! Want to make this the year you start a sustainable healthy lifestyle? I'm now taking clients 💪🏻 I want to help you on your way to the best version of yourself, to be happy, healthy and confident!


Tailors your plan to your individual goals, super motivating and a genuinely lovely person. Passionate about fitness and overall health. Definitely would recommend!


Has a genuine passion about health and fitness, which is clear to anyone who knows Erin! Is friendly & easy to get on with it & is always really motivating 💪🏻💕


Tailors your plan to your individual goals, super motivating and a genuinely lovely person. Passionate about fitness and overall health. Definitely would recommend!


Has a genuine passion about health and fitness, which is clear to anyone who knows Erin! Is friendly & easy to get on with it & is always really motivating 💪🏻💕

More about Dynamic Fitness

Dynamic Fitness is located at DD2 4 Dundee