Dynamic Organics

About Dynamic Organics

Dynamic Organics is a 3 acre market garden producing a variety of spring, summer and winter vegetables grown using biodynamic principles



Well grown chard should have blistered, rippled and crisp leaves - not flat and floppy ones. That means growing one plant per space, keeping it well weeded, well watered, removing dodgy and dead leaves/stems and picking it early in the morning! It's nutritious, delicious, beautifully looking and productive! And I've picked over 60kg of the stuff this week for COFCO!


Spring onions - love them so much


I know this is the unbelievably exciting and earth shattering news you've all been waiting for but the beetroot and the peas in the poly tunnels are coming along swimmingly and looking bang tidy (small beetroot a starting to form) and I've got some different lettuces, rainbow chard, cucumber, calendula and cornflower seedlings waiting to be planted when the time is right. Check out the photos!


some photos from the beginning of the summer


first season . . . vertical learning curve . . . all good