Edi Love Letters

About Edi Love Letters

Single and r(EDI) to mingle?
A place for the hopeless romantics and the dirty lads & lassies to anonymously spread your message of love or lust!



MND, you are the love of my life, I wish we could spend more time together, but I guess we're just meant to be acquaintances. You're amazing and I wish you the best.


JA, I love the way you use your intricate hands on those models you make, I wish you could use them on me.. You cragging insta pics make me dance like billy ELLIOT, Don’t LEEave me on unread, Yours sincerely... M xxxoxoox
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Tall(?), dark haired & handsome boy on the 4th floor computers (6th May ) with the dusky pink t-shirt;
We keep making eye contact whenever I get up to procrastinate, is just cos I'm annoying or is it something more?
- Yellow jumpered gal on ur row xx


Ellen W
You’re lowkey the most sought after girl in pollock, you know who I am - messge me


PB from CU, you're cute.


Esther Gonzalez,
I think that you are the love of my life. I see you very often in the library and I believe that we would be very compatible to each other. I’d love to take you on a date.
Please give me a signal!!
... Secret admirer...
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MJ, please be my Arabian princess. I see you outside sucking a ciggy but I would much rather you suck my dicky


Joe B, I have a massive crush on you
if you’re ever into brunettes let me know xx


Any gay Texans out there? Come ravish me rn!


V, I'll buy 2 muffins when I go to Costa next, got to treat my gal right x B.


Cameron Wilson,
I know nothing about physics but gosh darn you're cute. Any chance you're single?
hmu x


JH, i like you way too much already. our time together is limited, make yourself available again sooner please?


To the NI girl who works in the pear tree, you are always so happy to serve me, but I'm always too nervous to give you my number, if you feel the same way why don't you take your break with me next time?? Love your not so secret admirer- Blue shirt, Thursday at 9pm xx


ZP, I wanted the main course and you gave me a kid’s portion. From a deeply unimpressed gal


To the mixed guy, 4th floor library, I see you doing maths every day - why can’t you calculate how to come and talk to me?


unpopular opinion - literally no one cares about who you think is the most beautiful person in pollock stop ranking people

More about Edi Love Letters

Edi Love Letters is located at University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom