Edinburgh Garrison Sergeant Major - Gsm

About Edinburgh Garrison Sergeant Major - Gsm

HQ Edinburgh Garrison Sergeant Major, based in the Castle. Supporting the Military 'Firm Base' and delivering Scotland's State Ceremonial and Public Duties



In the Garrison we have two units of the SCOTS (2 SCOTS, 5 SCOTS and the SCOTS Band). Keep an eye out for this competition - we know it will demonstrate the values and standards of the regiment and the British Army, namely:
Courage - to enter the ring and face the opponent (there’s nowhere to hide in there).
Discipline - to strike in a very controlled manner and within the rules of the competition. Every boxer will go through weeks and months of training, which means early ...mornings, strict diet plans and attention-to-detail training sessions.
Respect for Others - our boxers knows how important each other’s safety is. They will not compromise on ensuring that both them and their opposition finish their bouts with their heads held high.
Total professionalism - our boxers are amateurs but they always conduct themselves professionally. They train hard, fight hard and it’s afterwards that they’ll look back with a huge sense of achievement.
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Well done to Cpl Joey Davies of 2 SCOTS from all in the Garrison. Joey is a member of one of our units and has represented his battalion, platoon and himself very well.
The standard of world piping has gone through the roof over the last 10-15 years and Cpl Davies has proven that he’s kept up with it.
Good effort and great achievement.


The Hibernian Community Foundation is bring Walking Football to Edinburgh! Want to enjoy playing a slower version of the beautiful game? Why not go along to their taster sessions? For further details contact The Hibernian Community Foundation.


Outstanding results from the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming (one of our Garrison Units).


One of our local businesses that has supported the Garrison for many years is at it again. Well done guys, I’m sure those that are assisted by PoppyScotland appreciate your efforts.




That’s Royal Week complete. It was an honour to welcome HM the Queen, HRH Prince William, HRH Princess Anne, the Princess Royal and HRH Prince Andrew to Edinburgh.
The week’s events included:
The HM’s arrival parade.... The Ceremony of the Keys. An Investiture at the Palace. The Royal Garden Party. The Scottish National War Memorial Service of Commemoration. The RAF Regiment’s Freedom of the City parade. Laying up of the RAF old Colours. The Thistle Service at St. Giles’ Cathedral.
The Royal Regiment of Scotland provided the Guard of Honour for HM’s arrival as well as ceremonial guards at Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Holyrood House and ushers at the Royal Garden Party. The Scots Guards furnished three out of the five ceremonial guards at both the Castle and the Palace. Musical support was provided by the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, Her Majesty’s Royal Marine Band of Scotland and the Pipes and Drums of the 4th Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
All done to the highest standards of professionalism, turn-out and bearing.
The Royal Regiment of Scotland 4 SCOTS The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland Royal-Marines Scots Guards
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Today’s Edinburgh Castle and Palace of Holyrood House Guards are furnished by F Company, Scots Guards who were led out by the Pipes and Drums of the 4th Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
The ceremonial guards are part of ‘Royal Week’ where Her Majesty the Queen spends time in Edinburgh and the wider area. We had the honour of welcoming HM yesterday at the arrival parade at the Palace.
The Royal Regiment of Scotland Scots Guards 4 SCOTS


HM the Queen’s arrival in Edinburgh was marked by a Guard of Honour at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
The Guard was furnished by the Royal Regiment of Scotland with musical support from their military band and 4th Battalion’s Pipes and Drums, and of course the regimental mascot, Cpl Cruachan IV, was on parade too.
Her Majesty inspected the Guard and found it to be in good order.
... (Video courtesy of @Treats for Troops)
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We had a great time at the Armed Forces Day event in Edinburgh. It was organised by Stephen Elliot of Legion Scotland with kind permission of Mr Frank Ross, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. The event was very well supported by many charities and veteran organisations.
The people of Edinburgh showed their support for the military, including our veterans by coming along and thanking us for our service.
The parade was huge with an excellent turn-out from our veterans who showed ...us ‘young pups’ that they’ve still got it.
It was an OUTSTANDING day!!!
The Royal Regiment of Scotland The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland

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Last night I attended the dine-out of a former (legendary) GSM. Capt Graham (Chalky) White is leaving the Army after 30 years service. Chalky made the role of GSM what it is today, he is highly regarded and respected by all our partners and friends in the Edinburgh area.
The photo shows four GSM (L-R):
Capt George Surgeon, Capt Chalky White, ex WO1 (GSM) Steve Walsh MBE and me.
... The Garrison would like to wish Chalky, Caroline and their family all the very best for the future.
4 SCOTS The Royal Regiment of Scotland Scots Guards
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It was with great pleasure that I attended a lunch, followed by a presentation by Maj Sandy Hennis in the Royal Scots Club earlier today.
Maj Hennis is part of the record breaking all female ‘Ice Maiden’ team that crossed the Antarctica on muscle-power alone. Her personal account of the team’s experiences was fantastic. She answered questions on everything from how they ate, slept and did the toilet to how the managed to battle through their tough psychological barriers.
Th...e team are very, very impressive!!!
Antarctica Ice Maiden
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Following in his very famous father’s footsteps - Piper Norrie Gillies was today’s piper for the Royal Gun Salute for HM the Queen’s Birthday.
Norrie’s late father was non other that Pipe Major Alasdair Gillies of the Queen’s Own Highlanders and later the Highlanders. Alasdair’s piping legacy continues to this day, throughout the world and closer to home with his son serving in the 4th Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 SCOTS).
Norrie also has an outstanding piping... pedigree having played for Ullapool and District Pipeband.
Piper Gillies wore the Governor of Edinburgh Castle’s pipe-banner during today’s Salute.
The Royal Regiment of Scotland 4 SCOTS
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Which Cruachan is best? Ben Cruachan, Argyll & Bute or Cpl Cruachan IV.
Both fantastic but I know my favourite!!!


We had a great time at the Armed Forces Day event in Edinburgh. It was organised by Stephen Elliot of Legion Scotland with kind permission of Mr Frank Ross, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. The event was very well supported by many charities and veteran organisations.
The people of Edinburgh showed their support for the military, including our veterans by coming along and thanking us for our service.
The parade was huge with an excellent turn-out from our veterans who showed ...us ‘young pups’ that they’ve still got it.
It was an OUTSTANDING day!!!
The Royal Regiment of Scotland The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland

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More about Edinburgh Garrison Sergeant Major - Gsm

Edinburgh Garrison Sergeant Major - Gsm is located at The Castle, EH1 2YT Edinburgh, United Kingdom