Edintelligence - Uoe Machine Learning Society

About Edintelligence - Uoe Machine Learning Society

We are EdIntelligence, the University of Edinburgh's
Artificial Intelligence / Data Science society.

Edintelligence - Uoe Machine Learning Society Description

Facebook group: https://www. facebook.com/groups /1492448401050643 /
Interested in Machine Learning? Want to learn more about it or meet people with the same interest?
Welcome to EdIntelligence! The society interested in everything Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science related.



Come along to the first Edinburgh School of AI meetup TONIGHT! The school of AI aims at bringing together students and professionals to network and learn more about AI. The first talk is by BigML CTO Jao on 'Machine Learning as a service'. Afterwards drinks will be served. The event is free. Only a very limited number of places remaining so sign up here: http://meetu.ps/e/FQS1f/GXptJ/d


Welcome to a new year at the University of Edinburgh! A huge welcome to our new members, it's amazing that you have already found us, we're happy to have you on board!
Please join us for our first (free) social of the year on Monday the 17th! Get to know each other, have fun and learn what plans we have for this year! You can even get involved with us if you like!
... Everyone, recurring or new, MSc, PhD, or enthusiast, is welcome!
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Amazing news: We got AMAZON to come to the AI Career Fair tomorrow for a limited time only! Catch them from 12 to 2 at their stand! If you are still undecided who to talk to or want to make a great impression on any company attend their talk!
We got tech talks, interview tips, workshops and more! Check out https://edintelligence.github.io/fair/sch edule.html for the full details!


Submit your CV, get on-the-spot interviews, participate in talks and workshops, meet leading AI companies such as FACEBOOK and MICROSOFT, welcome to EdIntelligence's AI Career Fair!
We've been working hard all year to be able to finally present you with the first ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAREER FAIR. Click on the event, check out the website (https://edintelligence.github.io/fair/)< br> Get your tickets while they last!


Submit your CV, get on-the-spot interviews, participate in talks and workshops, meet leading AI companies such as Facebook and Microsoft, welcome to EdIntelligence's AI Career Fair!
Do you use Artificial Intelligence techniques in your studies and think about working in the sector?
... No matter if you are doing a PhD in Physics, studying AI in your Masters or are a curious Bachelor student, we welcome everyone with knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, High-Performance Computing, Vision/ Imaging or anything related from all programmes!
At our career fair you can:
- meet companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Lloyds Banking Group, Five AI and Skyscanner ( for a full list see our website: https://edintelligence.github.io/fair/com panies.html) - submit your CV beforehand to have companies contact you and increase your chance to... - score an interview at the day through our on-the-spot interviews. - listen to talks and workshops that are held throughout the day. (You can find a provisional schedule at https://edintelligence.github.io/fair/sch edule.html) - simply explore the AI company space from startups to large companies!
If you are a student or recent graduate from ANY university and interested in AI get your free tickets as long as we still have some!
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Hi everyone, We hope you recovered from exams and now have some space for a bit of fun! Come along to our social tonight and ask us about the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAREER FAIR that we have managed to plan for you. Free tickets and a FB event with more info will go live TONIGHT and you can have a sneak at the companies who will be there on the website: https://edintelligence.github.io/fair/ (Registration will start working tonight). So, come to the social, ask us questions and celebrate Edintelligence's biggest event so far with us!


Edinburgh summer is here!
Join us this Friday to chat about AI, Dissertations and everything in between.


Our next event, mini-ICLR, is live! We have invited 3 faculty members to present their accepted papers to ICLR 2018. You get to hear their presentations before everyone in Vancouver.
Tickets last week sold out in 24 hours, so get yours before it's too late.


We are excited to announce our next event: mini-ICLR.
Similarly to mini-NIPS last semester, we have invited faculty members* to present their papers accepted to ICLR 2018.
Date: Monday, 16th of April, 14:00...
Continue Reading


Thanks for coming everyone!
We are still chatting in Doctors for anyone interested


We are hosting Google next week to speak about the latest in Tensorflow. Get your tickets on Eventbrite before they sell out!


Google is visiting us and holding a presentation on what happened at the Developer Summit last week. Join us to hear the latest on Tensorflow Eager Execution, Keras and Deeplearn.js. Venue is limited so get your tickets fast.


** School of Informatics Distinguished Lecture **
Professor Thomas G. Dietterich, Oregon State University, USA
Title: Steps Toward Robust Artificial Intelligence
... Thurs 15 February, 5pm in Appleton Tower LT5, followed by a reception in Appleton Tower
To guarantee a place PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP VIA THE EVENTBRITE LINK https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/distinguis hed-lecture-by-pro…
Admin enquiries to: Gareth Beedham
Abstract: AI technologies are being integrated into high-stakes applications such as self-driving cars, robotic surgeons, hedge funds, control of the power grid, and weapons systems. These applications need to be robust to many threats including cyberattack, user error, incorrect models, and unmodeled phenomena. This talk will survey some of the methods that the AI research community is developing to address two general kinds of threats: The "known unknowns" and the "unknown unknowns". For the known unknowns, methods from probabilistic inference and robust optimization can provide robustness guarantees. For the unknown unknowns, the talk will discuss three approaches: detecting model failures (e.g., via anomaly detection and predictive checks), employing causal models, and constructing algorithm portfolios and ensembles. For one particular instance of model failure---the problem of open category classification where test queries may involve objects belonging to novel categories---the talk will include recent work with Alan Fern and my students on providing probabilistic guarantees.
Dr. Dietterich (AB Oberlin College 1977; MS University of Illinois 1979; PhD Stanford University 1984) is Professor Emeritus and Director of Intelligent Systems Research in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University, where he joined the faculty in 1985. Dietterich is one of the pioneers of the field of Machine Learning and has authored more than 190 refereed publications and two books. His research is motivated by challenging real world problems with a special focus on ecological science, ecosystem management, and sustainable development. He is best known for his work on ensemble methods in machine learning including the development of error-correcting output coding. Dietterich has also invented important reinforcement learning algorithms including the MAXQ method for hierarchical reinforcement learning.
Dietterich has devoted many years of service to the research community. He is Past President of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and he previously served as the founding president of the International Machine Learning Society. Other major roles include Executive Editor of the journal Machine Learning, co-founder of the Journal for Machine Learning Research, and program chair of AAAI 1990 and NIPS 2000. Dietterich is a Fellow of the ACM, AAAI, and AAAS.
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Hi everyone, we hope you are having a great time! If you are looking for a challenge in the creative learning week (the one week in February without any lectures/assignments whatsoever) join us on our Kaggle inspired Machine Learning Hackathon! We welcome people from all levels as long as you are enthusiastic to learn about machine learning!
... Please pm me out site if you want to participate but are not a member of the University of Edinburgh we'll see what we can do!
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More about Edintelligence - Uoe Machine Learning Society

Edintelligence - Uoe Machine Learning Society is located at 11 Crichton Street, EH8 9LE Edinburgh, United Kingdom