Elation Fitness Training

About Elation Fitness Training

Encouraging anyone to embrace change and improve their quality of life through education, training, nutritional advice and inspiration.

Elation Fitness Training Description

Graham Halliday, Glasgow
-- Level 2 Gym Instructor & ETM
-- Level 3 Outdoor Fitness Instructor (ie. Bootcamp)(Pending)
-- HNC Health, Fitness and Exercise.



Which would you rather? For most people looking to achieve Fat loss, spreading some low calorie tasty food throughout the day could help you achieve your goals. Especially when you're getting down to your final weeks of dieting. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ What's your must have food when dieting? #Elationfitnesstraining


@_cameronmcintosh going from A to B. Gaining muscle and managing body fat. Consistently coming back to training is how you get results, no matter how long it takes. #Elationfitnesstraining


Gazebo Madness 6 With my bro @michaelmckay93 @ Glasgow, United Kingdom


@toughmudder With @lewismackay1 - What a day for it ūüôĆūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ #Elationfitnesstraining @ Edinburgh, United Kingdom


@matthewagneww coming back bigger and stronger. Let's keep growing. Well done ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Consistency is key. Don't stop because you feel demotivated. Keep going for the long run and watch how your life changes. #Elationfitnesstraining


Big shutout to team member @gilmourboy1 for taking the 1st step of getting in touch to start learning how to weight train. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ It's all good taking an advance or intermediate lifter from A to B, but there's something special about seeing someone go from knowing nothing about weight training to progressing the way @gilmourboy1 has. Brilliant work over the last 2 blocks. Mindset is everything and you have proven that. ūüôĆūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüĎŹ ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ #Elationfitnesstraining


With all the plans out there, how can you pick which one works best? ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Short answer: Base it on how many days you can train. Next, choose your goal - get specific. The more specific, the better idea you'll have as to what sort of training structure you should be using. You'll also need to determine what sort of trainee you are (advance, intermediate, beginner).
‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ... Example 1: Weight loss and more focus on bum and thighs with 3 days per week to train, not interested in gaining upper body strength. Day1: Full body and cardio Day2: Legs and core Day3: Full body and cardio Reps and sets? 3 sets of 6-15 reps. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Example 2: Muscle gain - 4 days per week - wants to improve chest, back, arms and calves mainly. Day1: Upper- chest focus. Day2: Lower and core. Day3: Upper, back and arms focus. Day4: Lower and core. Reps and sets? 3 sets of 6-15 reps. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Example 3: Weight loss and overall definition - 4 days per week only. Day1: Full body squat and deadlift focus. Day2: Full body push upper focus. Day3: Full body back (pull) focus. Day4: Conditioning or Cardio and core focus. Rep range is varied. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Keep in mind, all of the above are just general guidelines, mainly for beginners. If you're sore for days after your workout and it's putting you off, maybe that's too much volume (exercises, sets, reps etc). Just reduce weight, sets or amount of exercises in one session until your body gets used to it. Ideally you want to just get in the gym, do what needs to be done and no more. More isn't always better. For an advance lifter, there is no evidence to support that 40 sets of per week on each muscle is better than 20 or 30. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ I have went on & on now, hope this helps. #Elationfitnesstraining
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1. Calories are calories. Eating healthy can make you fat, just like eating junk food gets you fat. You'll just not get the health benefits if you eat junk food. You'll also feel worse. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 2. Mindset is everything. Don't hold back on the foods you love (unless you can't control yourself). Don't get caught up on chicken and broccoli - if you don't like it, track your food, know what you're eating and have the stuff you enjoy - fit it into your daily cal...ories. Once you tell yourself you can't have something, you automatically want it. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 3. The gym is just a tool for shaping up. In the bigger picture what you really need is a structure to your life in general. 1 hour a day is good, and getting to the gym is an achievement (well done), but there's something else you need to utilise (NEAT) - non exercise activity thermogensis. This is everything you do that is non exercised based, commute to work, walking the dog, fidgeting etc. 1 hour training session 3-4x per week, then sitting all day might not get you the results you want, so if you have a sedentary job, maybe your goal should be to 1. Lower calories if not seeing results. 2. Walk or cycle to work. 3. Be more active on breaks at work. 4. Do more activity. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 4. Your weight will fluctuate daily and weekly. Overall you want the weekly average to be lower, some weeks it won't. This is due to the fact you have a life. You might have had a few pints or wines at the W/E so those extra calories might bump you up a few lbs until you get back on track with food etc. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 5. You can reach your goal. Even if you didn't last week, the week before or in the last 5 years. You will get there eventually, you just have to find the right tools for you. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 6. Progress is progress. 0.4lbs is better than none. Centimetres off your arms and 0cm off your legs is still progress. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 7. Don't blame others. Everything you do is down to you and your choices. Sometimes you just need to accept that you f**ked it today/This week/month and now plan ahead to move forward. #Elationfitnesstraining
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So you want to know what it really takes to get lean? ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 1. Build muscle. This goes for you girls too. If you want a big bum and small waist, sometimes you have to build the muscle before you try to lean out. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 2. Follow a plan. Pick something that you want to improve and stay consistent with it. If you don't want a big bench (heavy/strong chest press), don't focus on it just because everyone else is.... ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ 3. Track food. Use @myfitnesspal to track your food, or simply use the hand portion or eyeball method for judging the amount of food. This way you know how much you're eating and how many calories or how much of a portion you should be having. (Important when it comes to dropping body fat.) ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ #Elationfitnesstraining @ Elation Fitness Training
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@ryannblack who always feels like he's never changing, yet look how much muscle mass and how low his body fat has stayed with his time training with me.
It's normal to feel like things aren't happening, especially when the scales aren't changing. This is why using photos as a measuring tool is one of the best ways to keep track.
Well done Ryan. Always a pleasure ūüí™... #elationfitnesstraining
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@grantpaulgaddi I remember you used to bench press the 8kgs on the dumbbells. Now look at you, 36kgs per side. Work ethic and consistency is superb from you. It is a pleasure to work closely with you and your team. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ This didn't happen with ease, it did happen with a progressive training programme and a sustainable nutrition plan. #elationfitnesstraining


Big shutout to @jodiemccabexx for this amazing transformation. Stuck with the training and had a sustainable nutrition plan that she was able to follow. Well done Jodie. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Just under 2 stone down (2 stone was our goal), but a few lbs away and with the photos above showing a big difference, we weren't fussed about those few lbs. We can't get caught up on what the scales say, because you can be looking better than you ever have before, but you're that focused on the scales that you don't actually see what real changes are happening. If I look better in the mirror and my fitness/strength/work capacity is improving, then I'm happy. I personally don't care what the scales say. #elationfitnesstraining


Team member appreciation. Well done to Christopher Quinn who has found it hard over the years to gain 1lb of weight never mind 10.5kg. Fair play Chris, 10.5kg total weight gain. Looking brilliant. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Weight gain doesn't always mean it's bad. So don't get too caught up on the scales. Find a measuring tool that's best for you. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ #elationfitnesstraining


Swipe to see how @djs.13 looked before he began his training programme with @elationfitnesstraining ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Well done mate. ūüí™ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ @ Elation Fitness Training


@linsey24575 Hope you're having a good holiday. You deserve it. 1 stone down and trimming up nicely right on time. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ How did she do it? We worked out the calories Linsey needed to lose weight for each day. We then multiplied that by 7 and got the weekly calories. She liked a bit of bevy at the weekend, just like the rest of us, so she did the smart thing and reduce more calories throughout the week so she could have more at the weekend. Simple? Yes, but d...on't forget about the 4-6x gym sessions each week ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüėÖūüĎŹ #elationfitnesstraining @ Elation Fitness Training
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Holiday blues? Not a chance. ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ Back on the bikes every Sunday ūüöī‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ‚̧ @ryannblack @michaelmckay93 #elationfitnesstraining @ Elation Fitness Training


Playing some soccer at 35 degree heat in the sand. 2 games 5 minutes each felt worse than the marathon ūüėā‚öĹÔłŹ #elationfitnesstraining @ Riu Palace Pacifico Hotel


Some American professor and me. Shots of Bob Marley. Si. ūüėā‚ėÄÔłŹ #Mexico #elationfitnesstraining


Trained with graham for some weeks to lose weight and become stronger . Have had many PT through the last couple of years and graham is the best I've worked with. his knowledge is brilliant to inside and outside of the body . Gutted he left me (selfish) can't wait to work again with him when he returns !


Trained with Graham for 4 months. My fitness improved, and I managed to increase my strength more in that time period than I had in 2 years. Highly recommended.


Top PT, has knowledge on every aspect of health and fitness, is quick to answer questions and always available when u need him ÔŅĹ Somehow manages to get u up the gym even when u dont want too ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Started with Graham around June this year and have loved it! I was doing lots of classes and not seeing a lot of changes until he changed my diet and added proper weights into my program. Since then I have lost around a stone and have seen a difference in my shape. He’s approachable, realistic and is always on hand for any daft questions I may have. The food examples are simple and easy to prepare especially when I’m busy with work etc! Can’t recommend him enough!


Started training with Graham just over 3 months ago after never finding the motivation or discipline to stick at a gym routine for any length of time! Really wanted to try and put on some weight/size as well getting myself into a decent training routine - delighted with my results so far, weight has gone from 76.4kg to 83.1kg, never felt more motivated and determined to the results I want!! The guy is genius, couldn't recommend him enough


Started training with Graham a couple of months ago and can't recommend him enough. Great motivator and knows his stuff. If your looking for a PT you won't go wrong with Graham. Best in Glasgow by far.


Outstanding classes, great trainer, very patient with anyone from all fitness backgrounds. Coming from a self confessed fat guy that wants to change, it's the first class I've been to where everything was well explained and easy to execute. World class! Definitely going back!


One of the best PT's out there, can make amazing changes in such a short space of time!


My 6 weeks of training with graham has been both the hardest and the most rewarding weeks of my life, he is extremely hard working and passionate about every aspect of what he does and this played a big part in my fitness journey with him.

He made himself available to help and motivate me at any time I needed it, his sessions were both challenging and rewarding as he knew exactly what I wanted and he made sure I achieved it! The food plans are flexible and easy to follow with him taking on board what your preferences are which made it a lot easier to stay on track and achieve my goals.

I have had the best time training with Graham even with him pushing me to my limits and I would recommend him to everyone who wants to improve their fitness and get healthy.


Ive been training with Graham since October and ive seen a massive change in my fitness levels and weight! I cant thank him enough, he focuses 100% on his clients and their goals. I had never done PT before so was really nervous beforehand but Graham makes you feel completely comfortable and enjoy the whole experience. He knows exactly what hes talking about and is definitely one of the best in the business ÔŅĹ


I've been training with Graham for a while now and it's been fantastic every week. I've always had trouble sticking with a fitness routine and been intimidated with the huge range of exercises you can do / how to do them / when to do them as well as how to eat correctly. Graham is great in helping you keep going and breaks down the workout programmes into easy to follow chunks. I have seen a massive improvement in my personal health and well-being and that is a large part thanks to Graham. Thanks man, enjoy your holiday!


I did 8 weeks with Graham and got amazing results. Highly recommend! ÔŅĹ


Graham is such an amazing PT who really helped me starting off at the gym! He's great for keeping you on track and always there for motivation and encouragement! Whenever I needed any questions answered he was always there to help and still is now even though I've finished my block. Really helped improve my strength, posture and got me a step closer to my weight goalÔŅĹ


Graham is a fantastic personal trainer puts 100% into his clients and is always their when I am struggling or have any questions !!


Elation training was amazing and helped me get to a way where i was startimg to see small changes in my body every week:) graham was amazing so motivated and inspiring and under stood my goals and how to help me achieve them :)


Elation training help me transform myself from a fat unfit woman to a healthy fitter woman who is 3 months into her journey thanks to graham given me the confidence and self belief that I could do it and I am so proud of myself my mind is set and I'm going to be slim fit and toned from know on


Can't thank graham enough for the amount of effort he puts into his clients. Learning what works for each individual for maximum results. Checking in daily to see how your diet and training went and always available if you need to ask questions.


Brilliant personal trainer. Very patient & understanding of my fitness level, whilst encouraging me to try that little bit harder. Fast responses' when ever asked nutritional questions via email etc.


Been training with Graham since February and every week felt I was progressing. As well as my physical fitness improving, my knowledge of exercising and food has improved so much! I understand how important a good diet is so much now. Can’t thank Graham enough for all his help over the last 10 weeks - feel so much more confident within myself! If you want results, you want Graham!!


Trained with graham for some weeks to lose weight and become stronger . Have had many PT through the last couple of years and graham is the best I've worked with. his knowledge is brilliant to inside and outside of the body . Gutted he left me (selfish) can't wait to work again with him when he returns !


Trained with Graham for 4 months. My fitness improved, and I managed to increase my strength more in that time period than I had in 2 years. Highly recommended.


Top PT, has knowledge on every aspect of health and fitness, is quick to answer questions and always available when u need him ÔŅĹ Somehow manages to get u up the gym even when u dont want too ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Started with Graham around June this year and have loved it! I was doing lots of classes and not seeing a lot of changes until he changed my diet and added proper weights into my program. Since then I have lost around a stone and have seen a difference in my shape. He’s approachable, realistic and is always on hand for any daft questions I may have. The food examples are simple and easy to prepare especially when I’m busy with work etc! Can’t recommend him enough!


Started training with Graham just over 3 months ago after never finding the motivation or discipline to stick at a gym routine for any length of time! Really wanted to try and put on some weight/size as well getting myself into a decent training routine - delighted with my results so far, weight has gone from 76.4kg to 83.1kg, never felt more motivated and determined to the results I want!! The guy is genius, couldn't recommend him enough


Started training with Graham a couple of months ago and can't recommend him enough. Great motivator and knows his stuff. If your looking for a PT you won't go wrong with Graham. Best in Glasgow by far.


Outstanding classes, great trainer, very patient with anyone from all fitness backgrounds. Coming from a self confessed fat guy that wants to change, it's the first class I've been to where everything was well explained and easy to execute. World class! Definitely going back!


One of the best PT's out there, can make amazing changes in such a short space of time!


My 6 weeks of training with graham has been both the hardest and the most rewarding weeks of my life, he is extremely hard working and passionate about every aspect of what he does and this played a big part in my fitness journey with him.

He made himself available to help and motivate me at any time I needed it, his sessions were both challenging and rewarding as he knew exactly what I wanted and he made sure I achieved it! The food plans are flexible and easy to follow with him taking on board what your preferences are which made it a lot easier to stay on track and achieve my goals.

I have had the best time training with Graham even with him pushing me to my limits and I would recommend him to everyone who wants to improve their fitness and get healthy.


Ive been training with Graham since October and ive seen a massive change in my fitness levels and weight! I cant thank him enough, he focuses 100% on his clients and their goals. I had never done PT before so was really nervous beforehand but Graham makes you feel completely comfortable and enjoy the whole experience. He knows exactly what hes talking about and is definitely one of the best in the business ÔŅĹ


I've been training with Graham for a while now and it's been fantastic every week. I've always had trouble sticking with a fitness routine and been intimidated with the huge range of exercises you can do / how to do them / when to do them as well as how to eat correctly. Graham is great in helping you keep going and breaks down the workout programmes into easy to follow chunks. I have seen a massive improvement in my personal health and well-being and that is a large part thanks to Graham. Thanks man, enjoy your holiday!


I did 8 weeks with Graham and got amazing results. Highly recommend! ÔŅĹ


Graham is such an amazing PT who really helped me starting off at the gym! He's great for keeping you on track and always there for motivation and encouragement! Whenever I needed any questions answered he was always there to help and still is now even though I've finished my block. Really helped improve my strength, posture and got me a step closer to my weight goalÔŅĹ


Graham is a fantastic personal trainer puts 100% into his clients and is always their when I am struggling or have any questions !!


Elation training was amazing and helped me get to a way where i was startimg to see small changes in my body every week:) graham was amazing so motivated and inspiring and under stood my goals and how to help me achieve them :)


Elation training help me transform myself from a fat unfit woman to a healthy fitter woman who is 3 months into her journey thanks to graham given me the confidence and self belief that I could do it and I am so proud of myself my mind is set and I'm going to be slim fit and toned from know on


Can't thank graham enough for the amount of effort he puts into his clients. Learning what works for each individual for maximum results. Checking in daily to see how your diet and training went and always available if you need to ask questions.


Brilliant personal trainer. Very patient & understanding of my fitness level, whilst encouraging me to try that little bit harder. Fast responses' when ever asked nutritional questions via email etc.


Been training with Graham since February and every week felt I was progressing. As well as my physical fitness improving, my knowledge of exercising and food has improved so much! I understand how important a good diet is so much now. Can’t thank Graham enough for all his help over the last 10 weeks - feel so much more confident within myself! If you want results, you want Graham!!

More about Elation Fitness Training

Elation Fitness Training is located at 419 Balmore road, Parkhouse business park., G226NT Glasgow, United Kingdom