Entrepreneurial Spark

About Entrepreneurial Spark

We have developed a proprietary methodology centred around the mindset to accelerate both intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs.
www. entrepreneurial-spark.com
Twitter: @ESparkGlobal

Entrepreneurial Spark Description

Entrepreneurial Spark is the world’s largest free business accelerator for start-up and scaleup businesses.

Our vision it to inspire and enable positive social change through the action of Entrepreneuring®

Do you have a great idea and the #GoDo attitude required to make it a reality? Don’t waste time thinking about ‘what if’, find your nearest Hatchery location and apply for our next intake online to see where your Entrepreneurial Spark journey will take you – visit entrepreneurial-spark.com




No.6: Innovation doesnt have to be a traditional invention. It can simply be a more efficient process. If you and your team have the right mindset, then you could create wonderful things. ---> https://goo.gl/78ZkGN #MindsetRevolution #GoDo #Creativity #Innovation


Fantastic cause. Its the least we could do. 👍


What would happen if your Leaders worked amongst entrepreneurs??? Find out more in our latest blog post. https://goo.gl/A8Yk6U


Read more about the building blocks of a successful innovation project. Build an innovative culture and deliver a sustainable future for your organisation. ----> https://goo.gl/6pNxVx #mindset #innovation #intrapreneur #entrepreneur #leadership


The Innovation Pyramid. Build all of the blocks to develop a culture for the future in your organisation
#Culture #Mindset #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Intrapreneur


How do we get out of or own way when innovating? @riatucker explores the thinking errors of #leaders in our latest guest blog. https://goo.gl/6v6KvH #innovation #mindsetrevolution #mindset #GoDo


COMMS: In the final part of our guest piece by Mike Stephens, we look at why communication is key to building the foundations towards an entrepreneurial #culture. Remove the silos and start communicating! See more here > https://goo.gl/6oyLbq #Mindset #MindsetRevolution #GoDo
Jeremy Ambrose


FREEDOM: If you really want to build an entrepreneurial culture you need to give your team time. In the third part of our guest blog we explore why giving freedom to your team is key to #culture. See more here ---> https://goo.gl/6oyLbq #Mindset #MindsetRevolution #GoDo


TRUST: Behind every successful entrepreneurial #culture is a backbone of empowerment. In the second part of our focus this week, we look at how trust can build an entrepreneurial culture. see more here ---> https://goo.gl/6oyLbq #Mindset #MindsetRevolution #GoDo


Want to develop an entrepreneurial culture in your organisation? Find out how in our guest blog this week, as we build the foundations to create a successful #innovative culture. Read more here ---> https://goo.gl/Aij55q #intrapreneur #entrepreneur #innovation #culture #mindset


There are many benefits of championing #entrepreneurial skills in larger organisations. Displaying #entrepreneurial behaviours leads to significant & relevant change in your company. #MindsetRevolution #Innovation #LeadershipSkills #GoDo https://goo.gl/ZjYiF6


We are proud of the results we had last year, working with some amazing #Entrepreneurs. We are now taking what we have learnt in to #corporates and #innovators to help them build their business. #MindsetRevolution #GoDo Could we help you?? see more at https://goo.gl/ZjYiF6 🧐🧠


Do you agree that #corporates will need to think and act differently to stay ahead, stay relevant and #innovate? Check out our latest blog to find out why hiring for #entrepreneurial skills will stand your organisation in good stead for the #futureofwork https://goo.gl/W1eaKP


Do you need a little more #creativity to get the #innovative juices flowing? Need that spark to power your next move? Download our #creativity "how to guide" here https://goo.gl/q1iUiN #MindsetRevolution #GoDo


After working with large multi-nationals, its interesting to see how different cultures approach #innovation: Kaizen (continuous improvement) is a long-term approach that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in process, reducing #risk. #Mindset


In a recent @corp_rebels article, they talk about the Iceberg of Ignorance. This reflects the grey hair approach that corporates are facing when trying to #innovate. You need to bring the execs to the same level as the rest of the team. It all starts with a #MindsetRevolution


A good question to ask yourself & your colleagues Do you have what it takes to innovate with resilience and tenacity?? Find out what more we can learn from entrepreneurs in the latest Spark post https://goo.gl/GserBj #MindsetRevolution #GoDo


There is a lot of talk about the #Futureofwork & skills you may need, but do we overlook one important skill?? In the latest Spark article we look at why thinking and acting like an entrepreneur is a crucial #21stCenturySkill 🧠👉https://goo.gl/gL6pFz #MindsetRevolution #GoDo


Last week we looked at the 7 Deadly Sins of innovation. We also #collaborated with some really forward thinking #changemakers in Italy. Find out more on staying ahead of the innovation curve & how you can be a part of the #MindsetRevolution 🧠👉 https://goo.gl/nKes4F


We joined the Belfast Hatchery in February and since then, the team have shaped us as entrepreneurs and helped us develop the mindset to get our business on a professional footing. After almost 6 months of learning, pitching, validating and GoDo-ing, we are gearing up for launch and I can honestly say we wouldn't be in the position we're in without it. The support from Enablers, Sponsors and Chiclets has been immeasurable.


We entered the Entrepreneurial Spark hatchery 18 months ago and have had rapid growth thanks to the team continously challenging us. We have now been quoted the UKs most successful start up enterprises and have secured multi million pound contracts nationally. Thanks Entrepreneurial Spark for all your guidance


So far so great, last week bootcamp, this week acting on what was learnt, the collaboration is inspiring and very healthy, thank you


Loved bootcamp and so excited for induction on Monday! Great team of people who have delivered an amazing 2 days in Leeds!


Im loving the ESpark experience....being accepted is helping motivate me and introducing me to all kinds of like minded people..that I would never meet in my office in Kirkham..!!! Excellent team of enablers that are helping me reach my ultimate goal...."World domination by Woofins"!!


I've been part of it for the last few months and I love it! Great networking environment and awesome opportunities to grow ur business!! #GoDo!!


I joined the Manchester Hatchery in August and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. We're an established business, and although the classes can be quite low level, the opportunities, external speakers and the doors they can open for your business are limitless. If you don't think it was for your business then you haven't made the resources work for you.


I have just finished 2 days at the Entrepreneurial Spark Bootcamp Cardiff Hatchery and WOW it has opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. The energy in the room was electric and the Staff, key partners and fellow entrepreneurs were simply amazing! I'm so excited about the future of The Obstacle HOUSE and am ready to #GoDo. I would definitely recommend this programme to anyone who thinks they have what it takes to succeed in business. Your life is what you make it. Take the opportunity, apply and OWN it!


I am so happy I applied and proud I got on the programme. I urge anybody with a business or even the idea for a business to apply promise you will be glad you did! The support network begins from the minute you enter, people want to see you succeed, I believe it is the catalyst entrepreneurs need. We work hard but have a laugh too. You get back what you put in, so what are you waiting for.. just #GoDo it!


I am part of the Birmingham hatchery and have been for the last 3 months and love it. We were trading 9 months so for me it was perfect timing to join and learn. It is not for everyone but for those to say it's rubbish and you are not wasting your time is absolutely crazy. Yes there's workshops, and mandatory events but why shouldn't there be you are getting so many things and opportunities for free why shouldn't you join in the activities, it's for your benefit after all. It's give and take not take take take!! And btw it should not fit around your business, it's an accelerator focusing on the entrepreneurial leader not the business. They state that enough times. If you don't get in it wont be because of your business it will be because you think you know it all, are a closed book and not ready to learn and take advantage of the great opportunities they provide. So stop complaining it's your own fault!! It's about developing your mindset so if they think it cannot be developed why would they waste their time when so many people who have the right mindset want to get in!!


I am In the Birmingham Group. Absolutely fantastic team and support! I cannot recommend it enough! Do not worry about the 1 stars well worth your time and it is FREE! Thank you NatWest and entrepreneurial spark! ☺❤


Great start to the programme thanks to the team from Natwest


Great programme and amazing support available to businesses all over the UK. Results speak for themselves. Can't thank RBS/Natwest enough for powering the revolution. Apply now!


Fantastic free accelerator program. So much good stuff for free it's too much to list here.

I see a few 1 star reviews saying it was a waste of time - read that as their business was flawed and they didn't like being told that and left in the huff.

This is suitable for businesses of all levels, from concept to established company.


Awesome place seemed like it could help any business to be fair hope a get in just had me interview & looks like a great way to expand your business


All good things come to an end! It was my final night at Entrepreneurial Spark Spark tonight (other than the much anticipated and infamous awards ceremony - can't wait!). An amazing opportunity to develop me and my business. An insiprational bunch of talented people dedicated to helping local business people achieve their dreams through hard work, tears, laughs and determination! I would recommend them to anyone who wants to accelerate their business. Thank you E-spark, you’ve been inspiring and that was one journey I will never forget. x Jacqui de Jager. The FAB Practice Milton Keynes.


Good idea but we didn't get in. I really dont think we would have had time for mandatory lessons anyway. An accelerator should really fit around a business. I wish everyone the best of luck in the various hatcheries but for me i guess i will Go Do! And mentor myself ;)


Really disappointed after the Manchester interview. I didn't get accepted through after my speech. The thing that frustrates me after applying and working hard on my pitch (which by the way was completely out of my comfort zone and something I really struggle with! ) was the fact I did not get feedback as to why I was not accepted. It is extremely valuable to get feedback especially for new business owners who are trying to find their way and have no help or guidance from anyone. I am willing to learn and I am open minded because as you can tell I want the feedback so I can learn and I am constantly on courses to learn and push myself!


Was turned down for the Birmingham Hatchery. Yes, you may see this as bitter but there was no reason I could see for being turned down. I already run my new startup full time, don't really need your help as what you didn't know is I ran a similar business to this successfully for years before I had my family. Helping startups in the U.K? Don't make me laugh!!!

More about Entrepreneurial Spark
