Fenton Sports Injury Clinic

Monday: 09:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 09:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 19:00
Sunday: 09:30 - 19:00

About Fenton Sports Injury Clinic

Blackburn clinic offering Injury Treatment and Sports Massage appointments to help clients live more active and pain free lives.



Sports massage can relieve pain and soreness in tight muscles.ūüí™ To feel the benefits for yourself book your appointment today ūüďĖ
Sports Massage £25 (1 hour)
Injury Consultation £35
... ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment (¬£10 deposit required at time of booking)
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Today marks 2 years since opening the clinic.
This past year has seen many more new and interesting clients walk through my door with a variety of problems for me to treat, be it with sports massage or physical rehab.
I would like to thank all those who have chosen to spend their time and money putting their trust in me to help them with their physical ailments.
... I hope that I have done a good job in treating you and helping you get back to living a happy and active life, and I will do my best to have the same result with all new clients.
It's only onward and upwards from here.
Thank you
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It's not too late to get that last minute gift to ease your friends aches and pains ūüéĀ Order now at: https://www.fentonrrr.com/produ‚Ķ/sports -massage-gift-voucher


If you are suffering from sore or tight muscles and feel full of knots then book in for a deep tissue sports massage and feel like new ūüí™
Sports Massage £25 (1 hour)
Injury Consultation £35
... ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment (¬£10 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking)
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ūüéĀGift vouchers for Sports Massage are now available.ūüėÉ
If want a gift for your friend who's struggling with muscle knots and tightness then head over to: https://www.fentonrrr.com/produ…/sports -massage-gift-voucher


Massage to treat chronic low back pain
A study from July 2017 looked at the effect of massage on patients suffering from chronic low back pain and found significant improvements physically and mentally after 12 and 24 weeks after starting treatment.
The study involved 104 participants that had been referred from 18 practices to participate in the study, all of which had pain in the lumbar/sacral region of their back and have had the pain for at least 3 months and hadn't been ...receiving any massage treatment over the past 6 months.
The massages included techniques such as: Swedish massage, active isolated stretching, myofascial techniques, lymphatic drainage, movement, trigger point therapy, neuromuscular therapy, cranialsacral therapy, reflexology, Reiki, acupressure, and positional release
Participants underwent 10 massage sessions over the 12 week time frame of the study, then measures were taken after the 12 week treatment plan and than at 24 weeks as a follow up. Outcomes were measured using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the SF-36v2 health survey which consisted of a physical component summary, mental component summary and bodily pain domain.
Of 104 enrolled patients, 85 and 76 completed 12 and 24 weeks of data collection, respectively. At 12 weeks the mean scores improved across all measures and at 24 weeks SF-36v2’s Physical Component Summary and Bodily Pain Domain were still significantly improved with 55.4% and 43.4% improvement at 12 weeks and 46.1% and 30.3% at 24 weeks.
Additionally of those with clinically improved disability at 12 weeks, 75% were still clinically improved at 24 weeks (P < 0.01).
Also noted was that adults older than age 49 years had better pain and disability outcomes than younger adults.
Study: https://academic.oup.com/painmedicine/art icle/…/1394/3069964
Reference: Elder, W. G., Munk, N., Love, M. M., Bruckner, G. G., Stewart, K. E., & Pearce, K. (2017). Real-world massage therapy produces meaningful effectiveness signal for primary care patients with chronic low back pain: results of a repeated measures cohort study. Pain Medicine, 18(7), 1394-1405.
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Sleep loss makes you fatter and weaker!
A study from August 2018 showed how even a single night of sleep loss can negatively affect our bodies by changing the way your body produces energy
The study took 15 healthy participants (aged 22.3 ¬Ī 0.5 years) and split them into two groups, one with a full nights sleep and the other a night of sleep loss.
... The sleep loss group where sleep loss resulted in 148 significant differentially methylated regions (DMRs) which alter gene pathways and can change the way our bodies function.
The end result of these changes was a difference in fuel selection i.e. the body started to use fatty acids over glucose for energy leading to a break down in skeletal muscle (sarcopenia) and weight gain.
The lack of sleep also serves to disrupt the core circadian clock which disrupted anabolic vs catabolic homeostasis, putting the body in a more catabolic state meaning there is more breakdown than reapairing occuring. The increased catabolic stress was accompanied by an uptake in inflammatory-related pathways in skeletal muscle and increases in several immune-, injury-, and stress-related genes (such as NNMT, CXCR2, LRRK2, and FCGR3B).LRRK2 is the most commonly mutated gene contributing to Parkinson’s disease.
All the more reason to get a good night's rest. ūüėī
Study: http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/4/ 8/eaar8590…
Reference: Cedernaes, J., Schönke, M., Westholm, J. O., Mi, J., Chibalin, A., Voisin, S., ... & Lind, S. B. (2018). Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans. Science advances, 4(8), eaar8590.
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Being sat at work all day can make your neck, back and shoulders painfully tight. ūüėę
Book in for a sports massage and feel your muscles loosen and your pain disappear ūüôā
1 hour Sports massage ¬£25... Injury consultation ¬£35 ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment (¬£10 deposits are required at time of booking)
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Appointments still available for this weekend
Book in for a releiving sports massage £25
Or get treatment for your injuries with a consultation £35
... ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment

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Exercise to fight depression!
A meta-analysis from 2018 compared endurance exercise to neuromuscular exercise in terms of reducing depressive symptoms.
The endurance exercises were exercises that focused on cardiovascular fitness e.g. walking/jogging and neuromuscular exercises were those focussing more on strength or coordination e.g. yoga and resistance training.
... The study looked at 27 trials totalling 1,452 clinically depressed adults. Depression among participants was measured using several questionnaires including HRSD, MADRS, GDS, PHQ-9, CES-D and HAM-D.
The study found that both types of exercise were effective in treating depression and found the best evidence pointed to higher intensity exercise as being more effective whilst also emphasising that exercise prescription should be based on an individuals preferences, goals and barriers.
Depression is a terrible thing and there are all manner of causes and factors going into it but exercise could be the turning point and the first step on the road to a healthier mental state.
Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles /PMC6060256/
Reference: Nebiker, L., Lichtenstein, E., Minghetti, A., Zahner, L., Gerber, M., Faude, O., & Donath, L. (2018). Moderating Effects of Exercise Duration and Intensity in Neuromuscular vs. Endurance Exercise Interventions for the Treatment of Depression: A Meta-Analytical Review. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9.
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Sports Massage reduces pain and increases range in tight muscles. ūüí™
So if you're suffering from muscle knots, stiffness or tightness book your appointment and feel the benefits. ūüôā
Sports Massage £25 (1 hour)
... Injury Consultation £35
ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment (¬£10 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking)
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If you can't wait for a doctor's appointment about your pain and don't want to take painkillers all day to function.Try booking a consultation and finding out why you're in pain and how to fix it!
Consultation £35
Sports Massage £25
... ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment (¬£10 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking)
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If you're wondering why your ______ hurts and how to fix it ūü§Ē book in for a consultation for a full examination and treatment plan to get you back to your normal, pain free self. ūüôā
ūüďĖ Call or message to book an appointment
Consultations are £35... Sports massages £25 £10 deposits are required at time of booking
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The door to this clinic is open to all those in pain for effective treatment and a professional service.
You will walk out with less pain and more knowledge.
ūüďĖBook an appointment for Sports Massage or an Injury Consultation by calling or texting 07490661007 or messaging the page.
... #health #fitness #massage #injury #treatment #Blackburn
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We've reached 200 Likes! ‚úÖ Thank you to all 200 who have liked the page so far Please invite your friends to like the page and share it to spread the word, let's get Blackburn fit and healthy ūüí™ūüėÄ


The competition is now over, and the winner is.... ūüéČ Julie-Anne Root ūüéČ Congratulations Julie please message to book your appointment and thank you to everyone who entered. Keep a look out ūüĎÄfor the next competition and another chance to win


WHEN you eat may be just as important as WHAT you eat!
A study published in 2012 showed the effects of a time-restricted, high-fat diet compared to a high-fat ad lib diet (eating frequently through the day and nigh) on mice.
The mice on the time-restricted diet showed better energy metabolism and were protected against weight gain despite eating the same as the ad lib group. They also experienced improved liver function which decreased blood glucose levels. The time-restricte...d group also had decreased inflammation, liver damage and glucose intolerance while improving motor function ūüí™.
The reasoning for these differences seems to be that the constant eating disrupts metabolic pathways which in turn could lead to obesity and metabolic disease.
I also participate in time-restricted eating and have never felt better and it's easy to try, just choose your feeding window for the day (around 8 hours long) and experience the benefits for yourself. ūüėÄ
Study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/‚Ķ/artic‚Ä ¶/pii/S1550413112001891
Reference: Hatori, M., Vollmers, C., Zarrinpar, A., DiTacchio, L., Bushong, E. A., Gill, S., ... & Ellisman, M. H. (2012). Time-restricted feeding without reducing caloric intake prevents metabolic diseases in mice fed a high-fat diet. Cell metabolism, 15(6), 848-860.
#health #eating #diet #disease #obesity #fasting #diabetes
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It is with regret that I am posting this, but due to recent no-shows appointments will now require a non-refundable £10 deposit at the time of booking.
The money lost isn't the only issue with no-shows, I put in time and effort to properly prepare for each appointment to provide a quality service and for them then not to show up is very demotivating.
The majority of you do show up to appointments and I thank you for that but I must do this to ensure the success of this busine...ss.
Thank you for your understanding Dom
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The service I recieved here was just brilliant. Nobody has been able to sort my pain out but Dom managed to find where my pain was coming from within minutes.He knows exactly what he is talking about and managed my appointment around exactly what was needed. I walked out with the least amount of pain I have had in months!


Really good back and shoulder massage really sorted out the pain i had. Would 100% recommend.


I visited Dominic at fentons recently with a very painful leg problem, he was very thorough and professional and diagnosed the problem straight away, the follow up treatment and exercises sorted the problem very quickly, I would highly recommend fentons


I ve been seeing Dom for 6 months for treatment of a previous shoulder break injury and it‚Äôs hugely improved my range of movement and general maintenance! Good value , I would recommend ÔŅĹ


I highly recommend Fenton relax , repair and rehabilitate .

Professional, very informative , and a lovely relaxed atmosphere. Thank you xx

Will be booking in for a massage soon


I can't thank Dom enough. For so long I've struggled with my lower back and shoulders. After one massage my lower back pain has gone and my shoulder tension has eased. I'm very picky with massages but I will definitely be coming back!

Can't recommend him enough! Thanks Dom x


Great treatment. Dom very informative and knows his stuff. Relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Definitely visiting again.


Fantastic service, value for money. Good, genuine bloke.


Dominic is very knowledgeable and can explain about the body in an easy to understand way. He is professional and accommodating to meet my needs.

I was in acute pain when I first met Dominic and went on the off chance he’d see me - he actually left the gym to fit me in and he massaged the acute pain away and I now see him regularly as he really helps with my back.

I would recommend Dominic to everyone.


After putting off having a massage for about 12 months I finally took the plunge today. I am so glad I did for the first time in a couple of years my back is pain free. Don't put if off like I did I will be back very soon

More about Fenton Sports Injury Clinic

Fenton Sports Injury Clinic is located at 23 Fleming Square, BB2 2DG Blackburn
Monday: 09:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 09:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 19:00
Sunday: 09:30 - 19:00