Fior Cleanse

Monday: 09:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 09:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Fior Cleanse

Cleanse - Holistic Therapy Centre

Fior Cleanse Description

Cleanse is a Holistic Therapy Centre based in the centre of Edinburgh specialising in Colon Hydrotherapy, providing two treatment rooms dedicated to this popular therapy. The owner and Therapist Pauline Steyn has 6 years of experience in this field and is trained and worked as Registered General Nurses prior to training as a Colon Hydrotherapist. With her previous experience of working in a busy clinic, she decided to establish her own Holistic Therapy Centre and bring along her invaluable skills, gained experiences and knowledge.

Cleanse also offers a range of other holistic therapies, details of which can be found on our website. We ensure that the therapists practising these modalities are experienced, reliable and have a great reputation to ensure that your experience at Cleanse is an extremely positive one.

Our other treatments include Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, NLP as well different types of Massages and Facials, and also Reiki and Reflexology.



We are closing this Facebook account. You can email us at or call on 0131 332 2775. Follow us at Fior Clinic


Scar Tissue and It's Effects
Do you have scar tissue? It might be external or internal, from surgery or some other form of trauma. Is it causing you discomfort, affecting your posture or reducing your range of motion?
Did you know that Myofascial Release (MFR) Massage can help you to reduce the physical effects of scars, help to eliminate symptoms and often reduce the visible appearance of scars?
... What you see on the skin’s surface is only part of what’s going on with a scar.
Think of your skin as a piece of material that’s been sewn up, damaged or altered. What’s going on underneath?
Irregularities in one part of the skin tissue or internal tissue has a chain reaction effect on the rest of your body. It’s all connected.
It may cause adhesions which is when internal tissue binds together in abnormal places and can cause extreme pain, discomfort or alter your posture. This is particularly common after surgery and in cases relating to the stomach, may affect the bowel.
Surface scars can also restrict the movement or sensations of the skin or again, affect your posture.
As long as your scar is at least 12 weeks into the healing process, there’s no time limit as to how old a scar can be to be treated. It may even be 10 or 20 years old.
MFR massage is a very gentle, hands on form of treatment which works on the connective tissue that lies underneath the skin and exists throughout the entirety of our bodies like an internal stocking. An issue in one area can have a chain reaction effect on other parts of the body.
If you think a session with me could help you, please call Cleanse on 0131 332 2775 or email me with any questions you may have at elease.html

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What’s being grounded all about?
By Vicky McMurray
Are you finding yourself more tired than usual? ... Easily distracted? Find yourself often daydreaming? Confused in your thinking? Is it difficult to make decisions? Are you continually distracted by past events or worried about the future?
If you’re any of these things it could be because you’re not fully grounded. So what does “being grounded” mean? It’s being fully conscious and present in the NOW. It helps you to be balanced, centred and aligned with all aspects of yourself. It helps you to react in a more considered way. It’s being aware and connected to the earth and the energies within it. If something in you recoils at the idea of being more present then you might want to take a look at that. Why? What’s so scary about it? What’s the fear that’s attached to that? What could this fear be blocking? If you were to identify this fear, deal with it. Resolve it. Imagine what amazing things could then come into your life? What could your life look and feel like without this fear? So what can you do for yourself to be more grounded in your daily life?
Be aware of where you are, what’s going on around you. What does it feel, smell, sound, taste like? Take some time to consider these things when you feel you’re not quite present. One meditative method you can use is it imagine channels of light leading down through your feet going down through the centre of the earth and connecting with the energy at the centre of the earth. Draw that energy back up through those channels of light into your feet, into your body and feel that connection, feel that flow of abundant energy flow through your body.
If you make conscious grounding a part of your daily practice it will become instinctive and intuitive helping you to be more present, more alert, more in charge of what’s going on in your life, help you make clearer choices which are in alignment with your true self and what makes you truly happy and feel more energised.
If you’d like some assistance in making this positive shift in your life then book a Theta Healing® session with me by calling Cleanse on 0131 332 2775/email g-.html
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Who’s in control?
By Vicky McMurray
Do you have a condition or a life situation that’s defining you?
... Does it feel like it’s in charge of your life?
Do you want to take back that control?
In Theta Healing® we look at your subconscious self, at why you may be attracting these “situations” in your life or holding onto them. How you can change them, release them, cope or react differently whether that be behavioural, emotion or physical.
We look at what fears and beliefs may be preventing you from making alternative choices and taking charge of your life. If it’s time for you to move past what’s been holding you back and to move forward, call Cleanse on 0131 332 2775/email to book a Theta Healing session with me. g-.html
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Our talented therapist Dawn Thompson is holding a workshop to help you shine! Learn how to accept and love who you truly are and silence your inner critic - for good! The group will be very small to allow you to get the most out of the workshop, spaces are limited.


Why would I need to stretch?
By Vicky McMurray
Stretching improves your body posture, creates an awareness of what each movement and action does to our body, improves circulation, can increase energy levels, reduce stress levels and of course relieve pain and discomfort.
...Continue Reading


"For most of my life I have studied and worked with people, exploring philosophy and issues of health and mental health. In Acupuncture, I work with Physical health, fertility and assisted reproduction, musculo-skeletal problems, long term chronic illness, and I have worked with people who are experiencing the difficulties associated with cancer. And much more." Find out more about Acupunture with Quintus here: Call 0131 332 2775 to book in with Quintus at Cleanse.


How amazing are our bodies! I'm always amused at people's reactions to hearing I'm a massage therapist. Nearly every time, their hand goes straight to their neck or the part of their body that's sore. They unconsciously realise where their tensions, aches and pains are but hadn't really acknowledged it till that second - I'll bet they don't even realise they're doing it. I'm sure I do the same. We've got so good at ignoring the signs our bodies send us, become deaf to the me...ssages these aches and pains are sending. There's always a reason! It might be physical, it might be mental, it might be emotional but there's always a reason. Have we become too busy to listen? Our bodies are amazing! They take us from a newborn to a yappy, gurgling, smiling and exploring toddler to a challenging and boundary seeking teenager to an adult with responsibilities and opportunities to take on exciting adventures. And in that time we test our bodies, we sometimes break it or damage it but it does an amazing job of healing, bouncing back, carrying us through this journey, takes us places we thought we'd never go, helps us achieve ambitions we never thought we'd come to realise. Sometimes though it might need a listening ear or a little help along the way.
Do you know the best way to do this? Do you know others who could help you tune into these signals, aches and pains? Do you even know where to start?
It could be that your body just needs some TLC in the form of a massage or maybe someone to talk to who’ll help you make sense of the emotions and fears locked up in your body ready to be released. Look after your body, hopefully you'll need it for quite a while..... If you’d like a massage session with me, please call Cleanse on 0131 332 2775/email
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Is surgery my last option?
Do you have a physical condition which is causing you constant pain and discomfort?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to resolve this pain?
... Have you reached the point where surgery seems like your only option?
Maybe you need to try just one more thing…… surely it’s worth a go if it means avoiding surgery?
There’s an endless list of conditions the treatments I offer can resolve such as a frozen shoulder, chronic back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, slipped or bulging discs and jaw issues.
To book a session with me, please call Cleanse on 0131 332 2775/email
If you’d like to discuss whether or not I think I can help you with your condition, please email me at
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When do you book a massage?
- By Vicky McMurray
Do you find yourself booking a massage when you realise you needed it yesterday?!
... Do you have a job or hobby which is physically demanding? This could be sitting at a desk all day, working in a high stress environment, doing lots of heavy lifting, travelling a lot of the time, gardening, a sport activity or dancing?
You may be training for a physically demanding activity such as a marathon, a challenging bike ride, a trek or an Iron Man competition?
If you know this situation is going to continue, maybe you just need to keep in touch with your body and keep on top of the stresses and strains to prevent chronic and urgent conditions. A massage maintenance programme is ideal for us all if you can manage it and may mean less time away from that job or activity if it means your reduce the risk of injury.
A massage session could identify any issues in the body before they get to that high level and offer you advice on reducing the risk of injury, posture or self-help stretches.
For an appointment with me, phone Cleanse on 0131 332 2775 or email burgh.html
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John Ramsay offers the energy healing therapies Reiki, Karuna Reiki® and VortexHealing® which can help with many mind, body and spirit issues including stress, physical pain, depression, anxiety and depleted energy levels. msay


Have you ever wanted to learn how to practice Reiki?


Universal and Ayurvedic Reflexology are unique treatments to help with deep relaxation, fertility issues as well as menopausal problems. It may help you with back pain, blood pressure balance and many other issues. Also generally give you a sense of ease, compensating for dis-ease. To make an appointment, ring Cleanse on 0131 332 2775.
Click here to read more about Stéphane's work: e-jaeger-rouse


We still have a few of spaces left on Saturday 1st July for Indian Head Massage with the amazing therapist Carol Watson - special offer of £35 for a 1 hour treatment -
She is also offering a wonderful free Mindfulness session on Thursday 29th June. Call 0131 332 2775 to book your place.
... Find out more about Carol here: atson
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*Indian Head Massage Summer Promotion* Saturday 1st July 2017 Our therapist Carol Watson would like to offer a 1 hour treatment for £35 (usually £45). Bookings/enquiries; T.0131 332 2775 / #IHM #Cleanse #Edinburgh #SummerPromotion
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I've been going here for acupuncture for years now, and apart from the excellent treatment I get, I would also give three cheers to the reception staff, who are all, without exception, lovely.


I visited Cleanse for an appointment with Dawn Thomson. She took me through some pretty intense issues via EFT and it made *such* a difference! Dawn is so kind, warm and accepting that I felt completely comfortable letting go in her presence. The work we did together has helped me massively, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her.


I have been with Cleanse for many years from when Lisa was at MedicAlternative and tried many of their therapies. The building is relaxing and modern, the staff are always so very welcoming and helpful and the treatment range is every increasing. If you have any therapy needs I'd totally recommend trying Cleanse first. I have first hand experience of massage, Theta Healing and Colonic - all awesome as are the therapists. Give yourself a treat and try here first.


Great staff and treatments! Highly recommend!

More about Fior Cleanse

Fior Cleanse is located at 13 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge, EH3 5BA Edinburgh, United Kingdom
0131 332 2775
Monday: 09:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 09:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -