Fishing For Leave

About Fishing For Leave

Fishing for Leave - the grassroots fishermens campaign. Fighting to reclaim UK fisheries and rebuild the industry to benefit All communities & fishermen.



Most fishermen and processors are not unperturbed by any effect on trade when the UK leaves the EU.
1) There is global demand for a quality product. 2) Many species and products cannot be sourced elsewhere. 3) EU consumers prize UK seafood, it's a food staple to many.... 4)If the EU can't take half its catch from British waters they will need our supply of what they once caught more than ever. 5) If we repatriate the 60% of the fish in British waters aught by the EU and distribute it equitably to all fishermen then this £6-8bn industry outweighs any tariffs.
Project Fear is desperate to have us submit to staying in an federal EU project under the pretense of marginal trade disruption.
Businesses aren't buying it, neither should you. Out now if you please Mrs May!…/Brexit-news -vote-Leave-video-li…
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Seems the Tory grassroots have had enough!
Booing & slow clapping @Theresa may & the Remain leadership at Conference to hammer home exactly what they think of Chequers sell out.
Grassroots taking back control from the pro-EU PR men one boo at a time?
...…/brexiteers-t hreaten-to-boo-and-…/
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Economic arguments are an ever changing veil of imprecision worn by all Remainers to shield what the true objective has always been about - politics & a federal EU.
All advanced under the guise and pretense that we need political union for trade.
EU trade is around 8-12% of GDP & will incur an avg. of 4-5% tariffs under WTO. The tails is being shamelessly used to wag the dog.
... Would you allow neighbours to control your life, house, freedom and finances for the sake of a few pounds in every hundred?
Should we sacrifice our fishing, farming, courts, laws and military to EU control for a few percent of GDP?
Even when it is questionable if there is any effect at all from short term economic readjustment as we leave?
Remainers can't sell a federal EU and won't accept Britons don't want the EU project but a return to sovereignty that's worth more than a few pounds.
Many want freedom to work closely with our kin in the Anglosphere. Equating for 470million people, common language, culture, customs and economic output far above the EU.
Don't listen to Project Fear! Don't surrender to being an EU chequers vassal state. We can flourish great and free once again and have the courage that as a free nation we can do so.
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We would encourage all members and supporters to attend these CEFAS meetings on bass.
We hope to see implemented an Effort control with Flexible Catch Compositions pilot, allowing bass to be kept rather than discarded dead and unrecorded.
Vessels would be able to keep, land and record all bass caught in exchange for a loss of a value of fishing time equivalent to the value of bass caught above a percentage.
... A loss of time paid for by the value of the bass. All whilst avoiding having to catch and kill more fish, including bass, to find what can be kept, whilst incurring more time and expense.
Science would have accurate data & know that bass was unavoidably abundant rather than deliberately targeted due to there being a penalty of time for the 'crime' of catching bass.
Problem solved! Government could implement a pilot of such a system tomorrow if it had the gumption to do so. @CefasGovUK New Economics Foundation Michael Gove
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Owen Paterson Condemns Theresa May's Chequers plan as 'fatal' for UK fishing. Former Environment Secretary Owen Paterson slammed the Government’s Chequers plan for Brexit as a “disaster” for the fishing industry.
Mr Paterson warns “a lengthy transition phase under European rules would prove fatal” for fisherman as they will be obliged to follow EU rules, including a new discard ban coming into force 2019.
Fishermen say these rules will ban the symptom of discarding rather th...
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Scything piece by @OwenPaterson detailing why the Chequers plan will prove fatal to British fishing!
Why to end discarding 1million tons of fish whilst rejuvenating communities we must pilot & implement new discard free British policy asap Michael Gove


The EU mechanism of equal access and relative stability divides resources between member states directly.
Through this, although the UK provides half the waters and 60% of the catches, we only get 25% of the allocations.
... Additionally the EU four freedoms and the Factortame case allowed EU fishermen to register British companies and buy half of that 25% share from British fishermen struggling with the previous loss of the majority of what should have been ours.
Remain propaganda is contorting half a true story of 'British fishermen sold out' to suit an argument whilst missing why they were forced to do so because we'd already lost half.
Leaving with no deal means we automatically regain the original half lost directly to memeber states through relative stability which terminates on leaving.
Then, as we will be free of the 4 freedoms and the ECJ, we can then tighten up the economic link to make sure vessels are genuinely British and bring benifit to British communities
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Consenting to the Chequers Transition that means we keep obeying failed EU quotas that force the discarding of around 30 arctic lorries of fish daily is a disgrace!
Doing so when you know obeying the 2019 discard ban will stop and bankrupt the British fleet is betrayal!
A clean break and freedom to trial and adopt discard free effort control that can rejuvanate stocks and industry is essential!
... Get on with it! Michael Gove
Huge thanks to @OwenPaterson
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1 million tons of edible fish are thrown back dead into the sea each year. Discards are an inevitable consequence of disastrous quotas in the Common Fisheries Policy. We must move to a system of refined effort control post-Brexit 032986832991076352…


Read former @DEFRA Secretary Owen Patersons piece in @BrexitCentral on the disaster of the Common Fisheries Policy and the opportunity Brexit provides to rejuvenate coastal communities and improve the marine environment. equers-plan-will-…/


Brexiteers must not allow a transition for fishing which would be disastrous for what's left of Britain's fleet.
EU quotas which are out of line with stocks force fishermen to discard fish they don't have quota for and to keep fishing more to find what they can keep.
Transitipn means obeying EU 2019 discard ban only bans the discard symptom not the quota cause. Vessels will have to stop on exhausting their lowest quota with ruinous consequences.
... Allowing the EU to claim what we can no longer catch.
We must walk away, not adopt or mimic the failed CFP and revert to international law where we can implement our own discard free policy to rebuild a £6-8bn industry for communities.…/brexit-news -theresa-may-uk-fish…
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Great to see @OwenPaterson and Brexiteers condemning disastrous #Chequers deal and lengthy #transition.
It would allow the EU to flatten our fleet and continue an environmental and economic disastrous policy.
Vital we scrap CFP to regain a £6-8bn industry and free ourselves to implement decent discard free UK policy.
... #owp
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Greatest Brexit speech smashing Project Fear!
Principled Peter Shore as right about project fear in 1975 as now!
"Now the lies are exposed what it comes down to is Fear!... fear that we are so reduced as a nation that we can no longer totter about in the world on purpose own AND a constant attrition of our morale against not only what we have but what generations of Englishmen hv helped us to achieve"
... Brexit right then right now!
Try to cowe us with fear all you want Mrs May, the bulldog never backs down!
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, will get neither Liberty nor Safety" - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 - American Founding Father.
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Parliament may use 'Humble address' to Her Majesty the Queen to thwart No deal and walking away!
A humble address is a request from the Commons that the Queen perform a specific act. Not to do so would put the Crown and Commons in conflict
... SO Remainiacs propose using Her Majesty the Queen to thwart Brexit and put the Crown in direct conflict with subjects! #NoShameRemain
Remain miss that they can vote down No Deal everyday; It doesn't matter!
If the EU doesn't feel we have bent over far enough, and will not agree terms.
The treaties them cease to apply to the UK on the 29th of March, as per international treaty law, and we are out ready or not.
Squeal in parliament all you want, it won't change this fact.
We are up against fanatics who will do anything to thwart this country regaining it's sovereignty so they can ensure we stay subverted and locked into the EU.
Project Fear is in overdrive but to summerise, if No.10 communications personel are releasing Project Fear stories in order to garner support for Theresa May and her civil servant's discredited #ChequersPlan?
Logically, if the #ChequersPlan was any good, there would be no need to do this!
We've a humble suggestion to Her Majesty regards Remainers, and it involves a building next to Tower Bridge as project fear and thwarting Brexit is getting beyond a is bordering on sedition!…/d1b56b7c-93e5-11 e8-b67b-b8205561c3fe…
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Here we go again! The fishing industry had better stockpiling NZ Stormline oilskins and USA Caterpillar engines...... oh, wait.... they are imported under WTO rules just as EU goods will be when we become third country.
Of course taking back control of billions of resources will be no benefit!…/May-plans- scare-witless-No-Dea…


Massive moment this! EU blows Theresa May's idea to make UK an EU vassal out the water.
Will she flog a dead horse which no one wants to the bone (as she can't personally bare leaving) or put national interest first & prepare new independent policy for being free from the EU....
Michel Barnier, in rightly protecting his EUs integrity (which can't survive cherry picking), may just have saved Britain from its own Prime Minister....
... Bring on a clean Brexit and automatic repatriation of all our waters and resources for a £6-8bn windfall to let our coastal communities boom.
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A vital read to understand the machinations by a pro-EU jaunta that has hijacked democratic government in order to bludgeon Tory MPs & voters into capitulating to betraying Britain to being an EU satellite.
All our fates now hang on whether Tory MPs & members have guts to oust Threason May.
The proposed national Brexit White paper rides roughshod over the Brexit vote and renders any pretentions of the Fisheries White paper to leave the CFP irrelevant.
... Obedience to a common rule book (that is actually the EUs rule book) which includes agri-goods and is the same all encompassing terminology that was in the EU Treaty of Rome that allowed the CFP to be founded.
We are walking into a remain trap where although we may officially 'leave' the CFP we will surrender to running some mirror image as FFL has warned for over a year.
A policy that the Fisheries White paper already proposes to be broadly similar behind the Brexit lipstick applied to a remaining pig which they are going to try to con the public with.…/25/c hequers-steamrollers/
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George Eustice appearing before the EFRA Committee with the usual assurance that we are taking back control.
After Mrs May and the wider White Paper performance we have our doubts.
The continual reiteration if fair shares is welcome however what this government defines as fair and how this compares with most people's definition we suspect will be some distance appart.
... The UK categorically stating all waters and the sovereign exercise of complete control over them and shares based on repatriating the 60% of fish caught by EU vessels in UK waters is the bare minimum.…/8a1c3a0 5-3051-45e4-bfc7-fda…
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our fishing industry is in the national interest I want the royal navy patrolling our territorial waters with orders to sink any eu boat within 20 miles of our coast and beyond this the RAF patrolling too to keep out unwanted and criminal eu fishing boats to do this may needs to resign now she is doing nothing for this country but pamper to eu demands she is a bloody disgrace out means out!!!!!!!!!


good work my british brothers and sisters the european union are bitching how much money we o them lets give them the bill how much we spent on rebuilding europe after ww2 after germany starting it


Totally just cause! Not only will brexit bring back our fishing and all of our quotas, but it will create jobs in processing, chandelry, boat builders, marine hydraulics and ancillary services, harbour and landings, transportation and many more.


These fishermens’ lives have been ruined by our membership of the EU. They MUST be given the chance to recover their right to fish the waters of the UK.


It’s good to see people standing up for our United Kingdom. Looking forward to a thriving fishing industry again !


I understand your frustration and I accept the fishermen did more than their share to get us out of the EU. The deal on fishing until 2020 just shows how right we were to vote to leave that disgraceful EU. No to the United States of Europe.


I applaud your initiative and, with some of my folks having been Grimsby fishermen, and knowing some of what the EU (with scandalous UK gov compliance) has done to your industry and to our fishing communities around Britain, I wish you very well in your endeavour.

And I wonder ... if any from your ranks would like to come on the Daily Brexit to discuss this angle (no pub intended) of the Brexit debate, you have a platform and I would be delighted to discuss the matter, so please be in touch if you can.

The chat show airs week-daily at 6pm here on Facebook and elsewhere and you can judge for yourselves: facebook . com/dailybrexit. Guests have included those from not dissimilar groups as well as leading politicians and, most importantly, regular people.

We have to unite, all us Brexiteers, if we are to prevent BRINO. Please be in touch and come and meet some similarly-minded groups.

Here's to our liberty.


Excellent work. It is time to stand up to the EU and reclaim the fishing grounds for the UK.


Excellent there's a group working for fishermen of the UK �


Committed to the fight for the rights of UK fishers and coastal communities.


Briton and the British people first now won't that make a change!


What sort of idiots set fire to their own boats to make a point?


What a wash out, what kinda subhumans sell out others just because they want to land up with nothing? And if they think the Kippers are gonna help them achieve anything then you only have to see how the Kippers are now completly dried up and not even in the loop of anything.


We destroyed our own industry with overfishing and always gave away our fishing rights in exchange for trade long before we joined the EU.


These people seem to be totally self obsessed and not at all thoughtful to anyone else except their own little area - there is more to running a country than just fish, I mean I understand for you its a main issue but you must understand that for most people it really isn't as important - you have to learn the art of compromise and not be so bombastic in your approach, its very un-British tbh.


I don’t trust that Farage any more. He did nothing for fishermen when he could have. We woz conned.


Fish from other European countries isn't tainted with bigotry and so is a far better choice to have with your chips


Don't sacrifice our fishing communities for the banking elite of London. Stand up to the Euro-bullies.


Brexit is not going to help the fishing industry. We will still have to comply with international regulations and cooperate with our EU neighbours. The UK government is responsible for allocating our quota, so blame them, not the EU.

More about Fishing For Leave

Fishing For Leave is located at 60 York Street, G2 8JX Glasgow, United Kingdom