F.I.T. Functionality In Training

Monday: 07:30 - 21:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 07:30 - 21:30
Thursday: -
Friday: 07:30 - 21:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

About F.I.T. Functionality In Training

Professional individualised approach to your lifestyle, nutrition and exercise needs. Focusing on healthy change. Certified, registered and fully insured.

F.I.T. Functionality In Training Description

Certified Personal Training and Massage Therapy with a strong Focus on Body composition change through fat loss and muscle gain using Strength gains to facilitate Performance Enhancement in both daily and sport related activities. Using a goal driven and oriented approach to success we strongly believe that a healthy lean strong person is a happier person.

A focus on Nutritional and lifestyle strategies empowering everyone to lead healthy productive daily habits. Healthy is Strong, strong is Happy

I have been involved in the fitness industry now for over 15 years. I practice what i preach and am a great believer in primarily being healthy from which all else follows helping you lead your life to its fullest potential.

Currently i am part of the British Karate Squad and compete both Nationally and Internationally. So understand the benefits and pressure competition can put on ones lifestyle.

I am fully qualified and Certified PT through the NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine), NLP Coach, BioSignature Practitioner, Kettle-bell Instructor and Massage Therapist with A host of qualifications that i feel are the best in the Industry today. All of which can be viewed on my Web page.

I can organise and work sessions and goal planning around individuals specific needs, moving away from a "one size fits all” approach common to the industry and other trainers these days.

Initial Consultation usually consists of Structural balance test, BioSignature or other body compositional assessment giving a profile of your strength and movement patterns. From there we can work on establishing a training and nutritional program unique to you physiological strengths, weaknesses and hormonal profile. Working towards a healthier, stronger better you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!



💪🏼Healthy "weight loss" tip💪🏼
Stop counting calories and chasing weight loss, it is NOT health ... either emotionally or physically
... 1) calories do not "make" people fat, nor do they make people ill. Think about it logically, if you count calories you obsess with filling a number with another number. What do you think has more benefits 2500 calories from ice cream and sausage rolls or 2500 calories from meat veg and sensible carbohydrate sources? Calories do not give you diabetes, CVD or any other ailment associated with a high degree of body fat.
Remember loosing weight DUE to fat Low is healthy, BUT, one must be healthy to effectively loose fat. Seek the lean advantage.
2) there is a saying, "time spent wishing is time wasted" in all honestly think it should be "time spent weighing is time wasted".
Unless you need to fit in a weight class for an event, scale weight is the wrong thing to be measuring. Again think laterally, when you see a person with a good physique you do not think think to yourself, “ ooo! I wonder how much they weigh?" You appreciate the aesthetics of there form. This is due to a lower body fat, NOT a lower weight.
Chase health and you will get lean, chase weight loss and you will become ill, either mentally, physically or physiologically.
Educate and dominate. That is all.
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Doing here best to will the food of the plate. The old “Jedi mind trick...” #boundries #nutrition #fatloss #fitness #personaltrainer #onlinecoach #onlinetraining #nutritionalcoach


Why does your nutrition fail you?
Ever wonder why the nutrition program (PLEASE STOP CALLING IT A DIET) you follow is not working?
Chances are it was not made for you, does not suit you and does not factor in your requirements. It's a "cookie cutter" recipe. I.e. It's designed for a specific purpose that probably does not suit you.
... For me, it's best to have food choices that one does not only like but also that are the best choices to get you to where you want to be.
For me, being 46, my requirement for days and proteins is higher than my requirements for carbohydrates, also, as this is breakfast I have to take account of the hormonal cascade that is prevalent in my system at 0520 in the morning, so for me it's fats and proteins with some carbs coming from veggies.
Avocado, spinach, pickled onions and eggs, with a little spicy oil as I find the spinach leaves a bit bland.
#nutriton #nutritionalcoach #personaltrainer #perspective #karate #shotokan #strengthcoach #weightloss #fatloss
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Sundays deserve a little extra effort Avocado, ginger,turmeric and banana pancakes Black Kale hearts Maple smokes chicken breast 33g carbs... 30g fat 36g protein With only 9 grams coming from sugar in the banana. Nice even split of Macros to start the day.
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The idea that going past parallel with a squat is bad for the knees is a ridiculous and stupid thing for anyone to say.
Functional range of any motion has to be learned and "experienced" first. Then overload the pattern with weight and or some form of resistance.
If you overload bad technique you will get really good at doing something wrong.
... Quality before quantity .... most of the time.
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Part of the warm up this morning for one of my 1-2-1 clients, Dumbbell Goblet Front Squat.
Range of movement, Mobility, and Stability are awesome there is a very slight tail tuck at the bottom position, it is not excessive but something to be aware of so I can alter her training program with the goal of reducing and eliminating this.
In my opinion it is better to work towards as great a range that is the individual is physiologically capable of rather than over load a poor ...movement pattern or do partial reps (knee tremblers).
Partial reps have there place once a good foundation of movement has been established.
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Probably one of the best pitches of 2016.
The pyramid insert for cooking on allows an even distribution of heat across sweet potato fries and pretty much allows perfect cooking every time.
Cheap and cheerful.


This is the sort of attitude anyone and everyone should wish for ... Top client that will achieve her goals for sure.
"Oh my France!!!!!!! I've had the day from hell & been in hell. I actually can't cross my arms across my chest! ( which I do daily to apply meche in clients hair!) hair dryers feel like they are 30lb weights! Legs are broken, my thighs are bust and we only did a few squats as I was terrible at them 😔 looking forward to seeing you Monday, ha ha!"


Eating to excess and the consequent unhealthy weight gain is some thing that is always inThe media in some shape manner or form.
Some archaic trainers (and medical "professionals"), would have you believe it is as simple as eat less do more.
The urge to consume food should be a healthy balance of physiological, psychological and emotional queues, leading to us consuming what is right and required for our needs.
... Unfortunately, there is so much detachment from the "food" we eat now a days (and I use the word food in its broadest term) that we can no longer rely on taste or even what we are being told.
A step in the correct direction is hopefully underway with the removal of the word "diet" from many low calorie chemically created drinks. Thus removing the emotion and or thought that the beverage is in any way contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
http://time.com/3815125/diet-soda-labelin g/?xid=fbshare
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5 Tips to help you stay on Track
With the New Year rapidly vanishing into obscurity, the honey moon period for those health driven choices to change is just on the horizon. Please don't be one of the 92% that goes of track falling "off the wagon".
1) DO NOT skip breakfast! ... It is estimated that upwards of 75% of the people that loose weight and stay healthy eat a nourishing first meal, breaking the fast (breakfast) they had over night. Eat within the first hour of rising.
2) Eat real food as much as possible! Cook it yourself, pack it, take it with you. Meal preparation is the most taxing thing about following a new health regime, the gym is easy, turn up do your thing, go home, nourish. Go by the mantra "if it flew, grew, ran or swam, eat it!" When you do your food shop don't buy crap, if there's no crap in the cupboards, you can't put crap in your belly when the hunger pangs come calling you late at night.
3) Try something different. It's all about creating habits, if your gym session seems to daunting or you don't feel adequately rested from the previous session, try something else, go for a swim, brisk walk, take a class - could be Kettlebells, aerobics, martial arts. As my mum used to say "a change is as good as a rest"
4) Go the distance! Park slight.y further away from your destination, use the stairs anything that increases your NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermodynamics) in lay terms, just being more active. If you park 10 mins from you destination, you then, effectively have to walk 10 mins to destination and 10 mins back increasing activity by 20 mins that day.
5) Phone a friend. You are bound to know some one else that has embarked on the same journey as you, phone them, have a chat and see how they are getting on, they will no doubt be encountering the same things you are, they may have overcame them in a novel manner you never ought about, you could end up creating a small support structure helping you both (or more if you phone other) achieve the greater good.
Enjoy the experience and remember progress, regardless how small is progress
#bethechange #thenewnormal
As always thanks for taking the time to read these posts.
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Make the priority the priority!
When things or tasks need to be performed you usually tend to make some form of list, be it written or just in your mind. If this list becomes to big, the tendency is to try and shorten it by doing all the perceived easy or quick tasks first, shortening the list making things, overall less daunting.
To a degree, this is similar to your efforts with those New Year resolutions that are, now, probably starting to loose a little bit of momentum. S...it down and reassess, the following
1) what do you want ..... 2) why do you want ..... 3) how will you achieve .... 4) when do you want ....
For example if you want to shed a bit body weight by dropping X amount of body fat, then your priority should most defiantly be in the kitchen, sort out your eating habits first the gym (and this may sound counter to what you have been told) should be secondary. If you form good repeatable sustainable eating habits, this will work wonders in body compositional change. The fact that you are habit forming by attending at the gym or increasing your activity is good and your gym / activity can be addressed at a later date when you are happy with your eating patterns.
If you want, strength, size, shape of a muscle (group) or good technique at a certain exercise then prioritise that in your workout, there is no point in you picking up a generic cookie cutter training program from Muscle and Fiction as this will not have your goals in mind. Also if your goal is to increase arm size, don't just follow the dogma that arms should be trained after larger muscles, train arms first, or better still prioritise them in another workout. There is no point doing something you want to improve towards the end of a workout when you are tired or slightly more fatigued as you will not attain the results you desire.
Hope this has been helpful in some way.
#bethechange #thenewnormal
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Say what you mean?
Mean what you say!
After the Christmas Carb-up, many would be gym enthusiast are attacking the gym with new found vigour and determination.
... The down side is they don't identify what it is they truly "want", the mandatory "I want to loose" weight!" Statements can really be put into 1 of the 3 more realistic statements
1) I don't like how I look and want to loose FAT
2) I don't like how I feel and want to loose FAT
3) both of the above.
Remember healthy FAT (not weight) lose is approx 1-2 pounds a week. The extra timber you have put on your frame did not just get there over Christmas so it will take more than a few weeks to get back in shape and loose "the baggage"
The process will not be straight forward, linear or easy but rest assured it will be worth it.
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I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone that has entrusted me with there health and wellbeing over the past year, also all the people that have given me feedback, both positive and negative, allowing me to grow and improve the skills and service i bring to you all.
I really do appreciate it.
I do feel that some people within the industry i am passionate about take this small thing for granted, YOU are entrusting us to empower YOU with the tools to m...ake a bigger and better difference and change in more than just your appearance, what you can bench-press or how far you can run. The confidence and self belief we have the ability to give you should not be forgotten and should be treated with the power and respect it deserves.
Happy New Year to you all, carry on being Awesome, it is what you are good at.
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D-DAY is rapidly approaching. By this we mean the illogical and unfounded approach to New Years resolutions to "get in shape" by either "dieting" or "detoxing" (sigh!).
The New Years resolutions are going to be coming thick and strong very shortly, please please please do not fall into the trap that all the "health and wellness companies" out there will have you believe. That you need there product to loose the weight (fat) and get in shape.
It is purely marketing hype and ...all they are doing is praying on your insecurity and guilt, this type of marketing works because it targets the guilt people feel for eating foods they enjoy to excess. These companies play on a mindset based on fear and self-loathing and also the usual timely approach to weight loss and fitness this time of year brings about. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
These kind of approaches are neither effective nor sustainable and will get you burnt out at BEST and injured at worst. There is a much better approach, write these down and decide: 1) Where do I want to be 2) Why do I want to be (there) (very important) 3) What positive steps will I take to get me moving forward to this. No matter how small, remember progress is progress, small steps frequently and often Take the next small step. Also remember 1) Efficiency is superior to effort. 2) Consistency is superior to "the short cut, fast track approach commonly referred to as "hard core". 3) Do what is good for YOU. From a place of self love & desire to be a better version of you.
Finally the hardest part, do it DAILY
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More about F.I.T. Functionality In Training

F.I.T. Functionality In Training is located at 40 South William Street, PH2 8LS Perth, Perth and Kinross
Monday: 07:30 - 21:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 07:30 - 21:30
Thursday: -
Friday: 07:30 - 21:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00