Footy Stars



It’s the last week of Footy Stars and the kids have been great over the last 6 weeks! They have given loads of enthusiasm and energy at every class and hope they have all had plenty of fun!
We are at Greyfriars on Saturday and IF they score their winning goal there may be a special prize for everyone!
See you Saturday!!!
... ⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
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Just a reminder we are back at Greyfriars tommorow at the usual times! If anyone is still to pay they can do so either by cash or I can pass you bank transfer details tommorow!
⚽️ 🥅 ⚽️


Just a reminder this week we are back at St Nicholas church hall, Lanark (located next to Lidl). I don’t get access to the hall until just before 9am so please don’t arrive too early!
Hope the kids have their shooting boots on as at the end of each class it will be Croatia v France penalties mirroring the World Cup final! I wonder if they will all score 🤔
Special thanks to Blair Smith who drew me a brilliant picture last week of everyone playing football!!! Superb!
... Look forward to Seeing everyone Saturday!!!
⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
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Footy Stars back at the usual time this Saturday in Greyfriars hall! For those who are returning this week it was warm in the hall last week so bring plenty water! Also if anyone has said they were attending the block and for whatever reason can you let me know!
World Cup Saturday this weekend so expecting plenty of goals and penalties scored like England mid week! 😬
Looking forward to seeing everyone, footballs coming home... to Lanark!
... ⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
🦁 🦁 🦁
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Look forward to seeing everyone tommorow, remember to bring a drink as the hall can get quite hot!!!


Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and World Cup!!!Footy Stars is back on this weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again for plenty of fun football games!
The dates and times are as below....
Saturday 30th June (Greyfriars)... Saturday 7th July (Greyfriars) Saturday 14th July (St Nicholas) Saturday 21st July (Greyfriars) Saturday 28th July (Greyfriars) Saturday 4th August (Greyfriars)
The times being
2 year olds - 9 - 945 3 year olds - 950- 1035 4 years plus - 1040 - 1125
Hopefully everyone knows the time they are coming to. Any issues drop me a message.
The price is £25 for the block but again I know people are away on holidays just let me know and I will amend this to take into consideration missed classes.
The 2 and 3 year old classes are full however there is still spaces in the 4 year old classes.
Saturday is going to be really warm so please bring some water / juice for your child!
See everyone on Saturday!!!!
⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
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I’ve sent an email out regarding classes starting at Greyfriars church hall, Lanark on Saturday 30th June
2 year olds - 9-945 3 year olds - 950-1035 4 year olds - 1040- 1125
... and running for 6 weeks. If anyone hasn’t received this and is interested in signing up please drop me a message as the 3 year old class is nearly full. There are still a couple of spaces in both the 2 year old class and 4 plus classes.
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Can’t believe it’s the last week of Footy Stars already!!! Thanks to all the kids/parents and grandparents for their effort and enthusiasm over the last 5 weeks!
All the children have been working each week on their balance, agility and co-ordination with the small games helping them grasp the importance of teamwork and learning the fundamental football skills! Most importantly I hope they’ve been having fun!!!
I’ve had a few people asking about summer classes, depending on... interest and numbers I’ll pencil the following dates in, please let me know if you are interested. I understand there may be difficulties as this is the summer holidays!
Saturday 30th June Saturday 7th July Saturday 14th July Saturday 21st July Saturday 28th July Saturday 4th August
The price will remain the same at £25.
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Looking forward to seeing everyone tommorow at the usual times at Greyfriars Church hall! Shooting boots on!
⚽️ ☀️ 😎 ⚽️


Just a reminder there is no Footy Stars this week, but we return
Saturday 26th May 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark Saturday 2nd June 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark
... 2 year olds - 9am - 9.45 3 year olds - 9.50 - 10.35 4 year olds - 10.40 - 11.25
Over the next week or 2 I’ll be looking at the possibility of returning with another block over the summer!
⚽️⚽️⚽️ ☀️☀️☀️
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The last few weeks the footy stars have been working on their balance and co-ordination, teamwork and improving their footballing skills through control and improving their technique!
Hope they are all excited for more games this week and they have been practising their penalties!
See you all Saturday!!!
... ⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
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Looking forward to kicking off the bank holiday with plenty of footy action tommorow! Reminder we are at Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark and the times are below!
2 year olds - 9am - 9.45am
3 year olds - 9.50 - 10.35
... 3/4 year olds - 10.40 -11.25
If you can’t make it because of the holiday if you could let me know that would be great! See you there!
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Excited for this Saturdays classes! Really want to see some big celebrations from kids and parents IF they manage to beat the world class goalie that is Jordan Fraser on Saturday!
Just a reminder of times and that we are at Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark this week.
2 year olds - 9am - 9.45am
... 3 year olds - 9.50 - 10.35
3/4 year olds - 10.40 -11.25
See you there
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Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday for some football fun! Be great to see everyone returning and also some new faces!
Below is a reminder of the times and hopefully everyone knows which one they are going to! Any questions drop me an email or message on here and I’ll get back to you.
The first class is held in Lanark YMCA, I wont be able to access the hall until 850 am so try not arrive too early!!!
... 2 year olds - 9am - 9.45am
3 year olds - 9.50 - 10.35
3/4 year olds - 10.40 - 11.25
I have a space left in the 4 year old class so if anyone is interested please let me know, both the 2 and 3 year old classes are full however if you are interested get in touch and I’ll add you to the waiting list!
Excited to see plenty of goals scored for breakfast!!!
Adam Lawn
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Just a quick message to say for those who haven’t completed their sign up form if you could get that back to me ASAP that would be much appreciated. If you can’t complete the form online, not a problem just bring it on the day however if you could confirm your attendance prior to this that would be great just so that I can firm up numbers!
I’ll be in touch later in the week but this week the times remain unchanged and the classes for 1 week only will be held in Lanark YMCA!... Have a great week!
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Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, week 8 of 8, that's went fast! Everyone has done brilliant (parents and children) taking part in the games with loads of enthusiasm!
Anyone who is currently coming to classes and wants to return I have reserved a place for you, just let me know by email at
... Or just message me! The new classes will return on Saturday 21st April!
See you all Saturday!
⚽️ 🥅 ⚽️
🐣 🍫 🥚
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Just a quick update to say the 2 and 3 year old classes are now full. Everyone who I have messaged, their child has a space, for anyone still interested I can put your name down on a waiting list.
There are still spaces in the 4 year old class starting at 1040. Again if you can just message me if you are interested at
... Thanks to everyone for their interest!
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Footy Stars will be back for another block of 6 classes, including a new 4 year old class from Saturday 21st April!
2 year olds - 9am - 9.45am (limited spaces left) 3 year olds - 9.50 - 10.35 (limited spaces left) 4 year olds - 10.40 - 11.25
... Classes will be £25 for the block and dates and details are below...
Saturday 21st April 2018 - Lanark YMCA Saturday 28th April 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark Saturday 5th May 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark Saturday 12th May 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark Saturday 26th May 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark Saturday 2nd June 2018 - Greyfriars Church Hall, Lanark
For those already attending and have confirmed you will be back space is already reserved and ill be in touch over the next couple of days.
If anyone else is interested please drop me an email at
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What a brilliant 1st class ! Thanks so much for organising it and giving up your time to coach the boys Adam. Roll on the next 7 weeks... I'm we will be entering into a junior league by the summer 😂


Quinn had a great time, loved the games they played defo back next week.


Mckenzie loves this, wat u do for this kids is amazing Adam


Logan had a brilliant first week. The guys taking the class made it lots of fun and he can't wait to come back!


Great wee class. Rory had a fantastic 1st class. Excited for future classes. Thanks x


Great class for the wee ones, our 2 year old loves it and has come on leaps and bounds.


Fab classes! My child is loving it , great for introducing the kids to playing sports, team work and most importantly having fun!


What a brilliant 1st class ! Thanks so much for organising it and giving up your time to coach the boys Adam. Roll on the next 7 weeks... I'm we will be entering into a junior league by the summer 😂


Quinn had a great time, loved the games they played defo back next week.


Mckenzie loves this, wat u do for this kids is amazing Adam


Logan had a brilliant first week. The guys taking the class made it lots of fun and he can't wait to come back!


Great wee class. Rory had a fantastic 1st class. Excited for future classes. Thanks x


Great class for the wee ones, our 2 year old loves it and has come on leaps and bounds.


Fab classes! My child is loving it , great for introducing the kids to playing sports, team work and most importantly having fun!

More about Footy Stars

Footy Stars is located at ML11 9 Lanark, United Kingdom