F.P. Birnie Pet Shop

Monday: 10:00 - 14:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 14:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 14:00
Friday: 10:00 - 14:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About F.P. Birnie Pet Shop

Birnie's Pet Shop is a family run business, Est. 1950. We are true animal lovers, & pride ourselves in offering the very best service to our customers.

F.P. Birnie Pet Shop Description

We thrive on supplying Elgin and the surrounding area with the best quality products, and when possible, locally bred animals and birds. In the past 20 plus years we became Reptile Specialists as well as having the normal pets you would expect to find in any good Pet Shop.

We carry a wide selection of products for every aspect of keeping the following animals: Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, Rabbits, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Rats, Degu's, Jirds, Ferrets, Gerbils, Chinchillas, Chipmunks, Reptiles including Tortoises and Turtles!



Poor Vincent wants to know when he will get his peace and quiet through the days again? With @albert_the_wheaten_terrier and me being home all day every day, he‚Äôs getting a bit miffed, the face of a cat who does not like his routine messed with! Believe me, we‚Äôre both sick of this extended recovery too! #cabinfever Albert is on his last few days of his second lot of antibiotics, fingers crossed and providing it‚Äôs all looking well with his wee wound, we should be back in on Mo...ndayūü§ě He‚Äôll be glad to get back to normal, the blow up buster off, proper walks, and be allowed to leap here, there and everywhere again #wheatenproblems Open today till 5pm ūüĎć We just got some new animals in so over the weekend the... ‚ĚĆ ANIMAL ROOM WILL BE CLOSED ‚ĚĆ Allowing them time to all settle in, as ever - nothing will be for sale till we are happy, and all are feeding well. How long does that take? Varies from animal to animal. #patienceisavirtue We don‚Äôt reserve animals. And no you can‚Äôt just go through for a quick look. We have some Hamsters, Dumbo Rats, Gerbils, Fancy Mice, Budgies. Any serious enquires for any of our animals, please come in to the shop in person once they are available for sale, we won‚Äôt commit to any sales over the internet or phone, and please - do your research as we will ask questions. We want the best, caring, thoroughly researched, responsible, first class #foreverhomes only, for all our animals @ Birnie‚Äôs ūüĎć #responsibleanimalownership ūüźĺ #elginpetshop #petshop #independentpetshop #est1950 #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #fpbirniepetshop #birniespetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop #petsongplan #gplan #gplan6250 #blofeldchair #jamesbondchair #ivebeenexpectingyou #vincentfaebirniespetshop #straycattospoiledcat #cat #catsofinstagram
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Our delivery of FRESH BUGS are inūüĎĆ Crickets, locusts, mealworms, morios and wax worms in stock @ Birnie's ūüėä ¬£2.50 each or buy our SPECIAL DEAL of 4 tubs for ¬£10 and get a 5th tub for FREE! ūü¶āūüē∑ūüźúūüźłūüźĒūüź≠ūüźĻūüźį For lizards, spiders, scorpions, frogs, toads, preying mantis etc.... Mealworms can also be enjoyed by hamsters, rats, wild birds & chickens as an occasional treat. Into fishing? Get your wax worms from us ūüé£ We can also order in bulk bags of crickets, locusts, mealworms and morios. Live fish food (subject to availability), silent crickets, fruit flies, calci worms, fruit beetle grubs can also be ordered in special. #livefood #crickets #locusts #mealworms #morios #waxworms #reptiles #reptilefood #fishing #fishbait #waxwormsfishingbait #elginpetshop #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #birniespetshop #fpbirniepetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop
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Over the next wee while I will be sharing posters from Make Mine Chocolate! why? To get people to think before impulsively buying an ‚ÄúEaster Bunny‚ÄĚ! We don't sell rabbits in our shop, and haven't for years and years, and we certainly never sold any during the Easter period. We felt it was irresponsible with the growing amount of rabbits in the already full rescues, and them being one of the top animals neglected in the UK, a lot, sadly bought at Easter time ūüėĘ The novelty of h...aving them, for whatever reason, wears off. Parents quickly discover how big a commitment they are to keep and look after correctly - it is time consuming, come rain or shine for 10+ years - the buck ultimately stops with the parents - they will have to do it all, to ensure they are being fed, watered, and cleaned out. Some kids sadly get bored and no longer want to play with them as much, if at all. What happens next - many adds for bunnies all over Facebook pages, gumtree, free adds etc, or deposited at a rescue (who more than likely still have last years Easter Bunnies), and worse, some get dumped in the wild ūüėĘ This can all be avoided - PLEASE put the time and effort in to research their exact care, and what they need - do you have the time daily to do the necessary feeding, fresh food and water, cleaning, exercise and playtime, forage time - they need stimulation, NOT kept in their hutch 24/7 at the bottom of the garden. Taking on ANY animal should always be a long and thought out decision, not a whim or an impulse. If parents are fully aware and committed to caring for a rabbit, they do make lovely pets for the right people, emphasis on the right caring, crazy about rabbits and spend a lot of time with them, type people, anything less just isn't fair to them. If you do want to get a rabbit...we recommend 2 as they are sociable creatures that need their own company. PLEASE visit a rescue centre, preferably avoid Easter time completely, to show you're serious and committed...in a few weeks they will be inundated with 2019 Easter Bunnies all desperately looking for a forever home. #easteramnesty #makeminechocolate #norabbitsforeaster #noeasterbunnies #fpbirniepetshop #scotland #elgin
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Disappointed I‚Äôm having to do a post about this so soon after announcing Tommi‚Äôs retirement. Can we remind people AGAIN of Tommi‚Äôs sight impairment and eye issues. She has cataracts and is partially sighted. Please DO NOT put your brighter than the sun torches/flashes/cameras anywhere near her - or any of our animals. We have CCTV cameras covering all the shop, so we can see exactly what people are doing.... Do the right thing and just enjoy being in her company - before she retires home soon. Otherwise we will have no option but to impose an outright ban of any photography in our shop - I worked 13 years in the pub trade, I‚Äôve no qualms about removing people from the shop, believe me ūüĎ©ūüŹĽ‚Äćūü¶≥ With the schools being on holiday we do usually get more folk in, most behave impeccably, but unfortunately because of the behaviours we are witnessing of more than a few people, teenagers & adults I might add - we will be closing the animal room more often so Tommi and the animals can get a break. Polite words and support from parents with children and teenagers about this and behaviour whilst in the pet shop, would be most appreciated ūüôĆ ūüďĶ #dontmakebirniegrumpy ūüßĒūüŹĽ #noflashphotography ‚ĚĆ #noflashplease ‚ĚĆ ūüź¶ Tommi is #lightsensitive ‚ö†ÔłŹ #scaringanimalsforapicture is #notcool ‚̧ԳŹ #bekindtoanimals always ūüôĆ Link to previous post regarding Tommi‚Äôs retirement... https://www.facebook.com/163894573645805/ posts/2091114140923829?sfns=mo #elginpetshop #petshop #independentpetshop #est1950 #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #fpbirniepetshop #birniespetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop
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Sharing this early, some good info on dogs and their coats for over the warmer sunny months ahead ūüėé We‚Äôve already experienced comments about our Albert‚Äôs growing lovely Irish Wheaten Terrier coat... Apparently ‚Äúhe will be too hot‚ÄĚ and his fall which is the hair that comes over the front of his face, allegedly ‚Äúhe won‚Äôt be able to see soon!‚ÄĚ ūüôĄ Trust me, his coat will be fine, he‚Äôs kept well groomed by me at home and has regular visits with his amazing groomer at Julie's Pet Grooming, oh and he most definitely can see where he‚Äôs going, speedy wee hawk eye that he is ūüźē Edit - Forgot to add, Albert is lucky, Wheatens do not have an undercoat, so his coat does actually keep him cooler, likewise he feels the cold more in the winter because he doesn‚Äôt have an undercoat, so he has a wee jacket to keep him cosy when he needs it.


While our wee @albert_the_wheaten_terrier is recovering, Vincent is doing his bit to keep #kingstononspey safe ūüźĺ #rooftoppatrol ūüėā We are open till 5pm today ūüĎć #catonaroof #catontheroof #rooftopcat #cat #catsofinstagram #straycattohousecat #vincentfaebirniespetshop #elginpetshop #petshop #independentpetshop #est1950 #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #fpbirniepetshop #birniespetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop


New treats in, and a wee update on Albert ūüźē


#newinatbirnies ūüźĺ Barking Heads #applesnaffles Birnie sent me a message earlier showing me these new treats he‚Äôs ordered in, purely because they have the word ‚ÄúSnaffles‚ÄĚ... Long running joke, in fact, decades...he‚Äôs always joked about calling an animal ‚ÄúShnaaaaffles‚ÄĚ ūüėź Nope - no - not ever - will any of our animals be named that ūüėā... Literally every male we‚Äôve had, this name has been suggested #funnyguy is Birnie ūüßĒūüŹĽ So when he saw these, and with Albert still at home recovering, he ordered them in as a wee treat for him and to make me laugh ūüźē Peer wee lads developed a minor infection so on antibiotics now, he‚Äôs fine, but still no jumping, short walks only, which for him is hard, and no coming back to work till he‚Äôs healed properly. ūü§ěwhich is hopefully soon, as cabin fever has well and truly set in for us both! *human and dog #sigh ūüĎ©ūüŹĽ‚Äćūü¶≥ūüźē Now for the blurb on the treats - best do some work, and we‚Äôll see what Alberto thinks of them tonight... ūüźĺ Hand crafted with natural ingredients like apple, vanilla and cinnamon, baked in small batches in environmentally friendly wood burning ovens, apparently, sounds goodūüĎĆ ‚ÄĘ 100% natural ingredients ‚ÄĘ gluten free ‚ÄĘ vegetarian ‚ÄĘ free from artificial colours, flavours & preservatives. Pop in and let us know what your #houndsofmoray think of them, open till 5pm today ūüĎć #barkingheads #dogtreats #dog #glutenfree #vegetarian #naturalingredients #albertbirnstein #albertthewheatenterrier #albertfaebirniespetshop #petshopdog #dogsofscotland #irishsoftcoatedwheatenterrier #elginpetshop #petshop #independentpetshop #est1950 #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #fpbirniepetshop #birniespetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop
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A wee bit chuffed, someone just messaged me saying they‚Äôd spotted one of my pictures on the official G Plan Design Instagram account...our Albert & Jura with our G Plan 6250 ‚ÄúThe Worlds Most Comfortable Chair‚ÄĚ used in the James Bond Film You Only Live Twice (1967) ūüĖ§ #petsongplan Pic of Birnie‚Äôs interpretation of a bond villian in the comments ūüĎá Click on the link to read... https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUNnl0niJ9/‚ Ķ


Our delivery of FRESH BUGS are inūüĎĆ Crickets, locusts, mealworms, morios and wax worms in stock @ Birnie's ūüėä ¬£2.50 each or buy our SPECIAL DEAL of 4 tubs for ¬£10 and get a 5th tub for FREE! ūü¶āūüē∑ūüźúūüźłūüźĒūüź≠ūüźĻūüźį For lizards, spiders, scorpions, frogs, toads, preying mantis etc.... Mealworms can also be enjoyed by hamsters, rats, wild birds & chickens as an occasional treat. Into fishing? Get your wax worms from us ūüé£ We can also order in bulk bags of crickets, locusts, mealworms and morios. Live fish food (subject to availability), silent crickets, fruit flies, calci worms, fruit beetle grubs can also be ordered in special. #livefood #crickets #locusts #mealworms #morios #waxworms #reptiles #reptilefood #fishing #fishbait #waxwormsfishingbait #elginpetshop #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #birniespetshop #fpbirniepetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop
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When you‚Äôre stuck at home... Oh how I wish Albert could actually text ūüďĪ I laughed a little too much at some of these ūü§£


Well that was a long night ūüėī Yes, he‚Äôs on the couch but he has the mattress to minimally step up onto it, we quickly realised that the easiest and stress free thing for him was making a camp on living room floor so the option of leaping onto anything was taken away, and he settled better. The blow up collar was useless - he got his leg caught in it, totally works for some dogs, just nae Albert the contortionist ūüôĄ He was sore and whiney till after 1am then eventually went to ...sleep, we all had a pretty restless night, but he‚Äôs a bit brighter today, still whining, but got some tail wagging which made us smile instantly at stupid o‚Äôclock in the morning ūü•į Now comes the hard bit, trying to keep him from thinking he can do what he normally does! He‚Äôs still obviously sore, poor wee loon, hopefully he‚Äôll listen to his soreness and not overdo it ūü§ě Can highly recommend the MPS suit (Medical Pet Shirt) we got offered at our vets (Fochabers) for an extra ¬£15, totally worth it, without it we‚Äôd of been goosed last night! He‚Äôs being really good with leaving the area alone, and if he does, a quick ‚Äúuh-uh‚ÄĚ and he knows to leave be....but, minute the suit is tucked up for toileting, he‚Äôs straight at his wound, wee bugger, but thankfully he does listen when told to leave it! Obviously I‚Äôm home till his wound is healed as he can get a little too excited with some people in the shop, especially kids and other dogs, which will set his recovery back, so if you‚Äôre in, and Birnie‚Äôs a bit busy, your patience is most appreciated ūüôĆ #albertbirnstein #neutered #nomorenuts #albertthewheatenterrier #albertfaebirniespetshop #petshopdog #fpbirniepetshop #dogsofscotland #dogswithbeards #irishsoftcoatedwheatenterrier #softcoatedwheatenterrier #irishwheatenterrier #wheatenterrier #lovemywheaten #terrier #instadog #dogsofinstagram #wheatensofinstagram #terriersofinstagram #irishdogsofinstagram #scottishinstadogs #irishdogs #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ
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@albert_the_wheaten_terrier is home from his wee #nomorenuts op, afa sore, groggy and whimpering, my poor wee lamb. Currently laying on the floor with him snoozing ūüí§ Usual advice, keep him ‚Äúquiet‚ÄĚ ūüė≥ um, he may disagree once the anaesthetic wears off...he‚Äôs not allowed up steps, the couch or bed, has to be lifted, this will be fun! He got a surgery suit, never used to be offered these fandangled thingsūü§ěfingers crossed it works and keeps him away as he was straight on it in hi...s groggy state walking to the van, bless him, he‚Äôs always quite attentive to his teabags...I got him a blow up buster collar last week too if need be. 10 days to 2 weeks afore he can go back to shop for excitement/stretching his wound. Back in next Tuesday for check up. I‚Äôm just glad it‚Äôs all over, tonight could be a tiring one! #albertbirnstein #neutered #albertthewheatenterrier #albertfaebirniespetshop #petshopdog #fpbirniepetshop #dogsofscotland #dogswithbeards #irishsoftcoatedwheatenterrier #softcoatedwheatenterrier #irishwheatenterrier #wheatenterrier #lovemywheaten #terrier #instadog #dogsofinstagram #wheatensofinstagram #terriersofinstagram #irishdogsofinstagram #scottishinstadogs #irishdogs #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ
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Our @albert_the_wheaten_terrier always carries a wee bit of his #motherland around with him ūüźē ‚ėėÔłŹūüźĺūüíö To all his Ardnarhu Irish family in Northern Ireland, have a braw #stpatricksday ūüćĽ #bornandbredinireland #madeinireland #irishandproud #portrush #northernireland #livinginscotland #elgin #albertbirnstein #albertthewheatenterrier #albertfaebirniespetshop #petshopdog #fpbirniepetshop #dogswithbeards #irishsoftcoatedwheatenterrier #softcoatedwheatenterrier #irishwheatenterrier #wheatenterrier #lovemywheaten #terrier #instadog #dogsofinstagram #wheatensofinstagram #terriersofinstagram #irishdogsofinstagram #irishdogs #poshtags #mymcdawg


@albert_the_wheaten_terrier and Jura are sooooo not morning animals ūüí§ Open 10am-4.30pm, plenty live food for reptiles, NEW dog treats, toys and loads more ūüĎć . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . #albertbirnstein #albertthewheatenterrier #albertfaebirniespetshop #1yearsold #petshopdog #dogsofscotland #irishsoftcoatedwheatenterrier #juracat #jurafaebirniespetshop #siamese #siameseofinstagram #cat #catsofinstagram #elginpetshop #petshop #independentpetshop #est1950 #elginhighstreet #elgin #moray #elginmoray #scotland ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ #fpbirniepetshop #birniespetshop #supportyourlocalpetshop
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#TommiFans please read... Ahbody loves Tommi our #africangrey parrot, especially me, I adore her ‚̧ԳŹ If you‚Äôve seen our Instagram post, yes it‚Äôs true, Tommi is retiring from the shop soon. You‚Äôve maybe noticed her cataracts in her eyes are progressing which limits and blurs her vision, also her longstanding wart condition, which she‚Äôs had since a youngster, has become a bit more bothersome lately, but how do you tell a parrot to stop preening, which is the main cause of her re...
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Ahoy there, welcome to Birnie‚Äôs Pet Shop ūüėä
F.P. Birnie Pet Shop is a family run business, Est. 1950. We are true animal lovers, & pride ourselves in offering the very best service to our customers. We are a friendly shop ūüźĺ well behaved dogs welcome...miss behaving children ūü§® not so much ūüėú...
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Wonderful shop and staff are always extremely helpful and very knowledgable if you have any queries. Would highly recommend ūüôā


Wish I could get to you being down on the south coast we're a bit far :(

A friend has just posted up into a group what you did for her young un, service like that is rare these days n should be celebrated and recognised, fantastic wish more pet shops were more hands on.

When you reach your 100 years I for one will come up to help you celebrate, I do have friends up there when I do I'll be sure to visit <3 xxx


We were in buying dogs toys and other bits today. Great selection and very helpful staff. Honestly far better priced than the large brand pet shops. Will definitely be back shopping here its a gem of a place.


Was so welcoming to me and my dog today - offered great advice and she's enjoying her bag of goodies as we speak. Great to shop local in a family business.


Very happy with our baby budgie we just brought to Inverness from Birnies in Elgin. Kudos to the friendly staff who gave us a lot of very useful information and recommended everything the budgie would need (and everything she wouldn't!).

Only thing we wish would be for Birnie Pet Shop to be closer to us so we could visit more often! :D

Thank you very much!!


Sent my mother in for ligoncel before Xmas as I couldn't get through from Inverness myself, you were wonderfully helpful to a confused parental and to top it off supplied two bags each containing the perfect amount for a 3ft viv. Much appreciated and look forward to coming through in person.


Popped in on Thursday to pick up some puppy supplies for our new arrival and very pleased with the service. Think it was the owner we spoke with (sorry not sure?) But he was extremely knowledgable, gave me loads of good advice and tips to try with the new puppy! Much rather spend my money in here than big brand pet stores. Lots of choice and good prices :) see you soon !


Just got home with my new hammy and he's now having his own time to settle in to his new home. You can tell straight away that he's been well handled and looked after given that he went straight in to my hand from his carrier and into his cage no bother. Can't thank the friendly staff enough for being so helpful. ÔŅĹ


Great shop, friendly staff who offer great advice and service! This shop is one of the few who have stood the test of time and have been a part of the High Street and community for as long as I can remember and hopefully for many years to come too!


Great service, great people, great Pet shop! Amazing toys, amazing treats, everything you need for all animals. Dex loves getting his pigs lugs, sausages and doggy toys from here. Support your local Pet shop!!


Got my son his first pet hamster today and couldn't have been happier with the service and the obvious care & attention that all the animals receive!


Genuine and caring pet shop . Used Birnies since I was a child . Always excellent advice and after service is first class ! Use our local pet shop , must be one of , if not the longest surviving business of Elgin High Street !


Fantastic service that you can only get from an independent shop. Andrew and Kerry are a wealth of knowledge on all things pet. Can highly recommend their reptile boarding as well


Fantastic service and most importantly we purchased two cracking cockatiels!! Thank you !!


Fantastic pet shop :) Came through from Aberdeen last weekend for a new Budgie as a family pet as impossible to get in Abz, well worth the trip - excellent advice, prices, range, service and a fantastic wee budgie who's settling in well. Will stop in next time I'm on the way to Inverness for more supplies. One stop shop for everything, and much better than shopping at one of the chain pet stores :) Thanks again! :)


Collected our tortoise and Beardie from Chateau Birnieville today after they had been boarding since Thursday afternoon. Would highly recommend boarding your reptiles here if you don't have someone who is able to take care of their very specific needs. Was great to have peace of mind that they were getting everything they required whilst we were away, at a fantastic price! Definitely 5 stars! Thanks for everything!


Came over from Aberdeen to get a bidgie as there were no pet stores that we could see closer and glad that we went there. The chap seemed very knowledgeable and friendly. Very impressed. It seemed to be a good old fashioned pet shop which is rare nowadays but good.


Best pet shop I have been too ! Loads of choice ! Animals are healthy and happy and really cared for which is something you rarely see in pet shops anymore! Well worth the drive to Elgin !


Amazing pet shop with owners that really care. We were new beardie parents and the advice, answers to my concerns and questions were beyond 5 star and i can not thank them enough. I will remain a loyal customer and am very thankful for all their time given ÔŅĹ

Our bearded dragon is now at their boarding whilst we are away for a long weekend ..... fantastic place to leave your pet reptiles knowing they are looked after by experienced handlers.... thanks again birnies pet shop x


Wonderful shop and staff are always extremely helpful and very knowledgable if you have any queries. Would highly recommend ūüôā


Wish I could get to you being down on the south coast we're a bit far :(

A friend has just posted up into a group what you did for her young un, service like that is rare these days n should be celebrated and recognised, fantastic wish more pet shops were more hands on.

When you reach your 100 years I for one will come up to help you celebrate, I do have friends up there when I do I'll be sure to visit <3 xxx


We were in buying dogs toys and other bits today. Great selection and very helpful staff. Honestly far better priced than the large brand pet shops. Will definitely be back shopping here its a gem of a place.


Was so welcoming to me and my dog today - offered great advice and she's enjoying her bag of goodies as we speak. Great to shop local in a family business.


Very happy with our baby budgie we just brought to Inverness from Birnies in Elgin. Kudos to the friendly staff who gave us a lot of very useful information and recommended everything the budgie would need (and everything she wouldn't!).

Only thing we wish would be for Birnie Pet Shop to be closer to us so we could visit more often! :D

Thank you very much!!


Sent my mother in for ligoncel before Xmas as I couldn't get through from Inverness myself, you were wonderfully helpful to a confused parental and to top it off supplied two bags each containing the perfect amount for a 3ft viv. Much appreciated and look forward to coming through in person.


Popped in on Thursday to pick up some puppy supplies for our new arrival and very pleased with the service. Think it was the owner we spoke with (sorry not sure?) But he was extremely knowledgable, gave me loads of good advice and tips to try with the new puppy! Much rather spend my money in here than big brand pet stores. Lots of choice and good prices :) see you soon !


Just got home with my new hammy and he's now having his own time to settle in to his new home. You can tell straight away that he's been well handled and looked after given that he went straight in to my hand from his carrier and into his cage no bother. Can't thank the friendly staff enough for being so helpful. ÔŅĹ


Great shop, friendly staff who offer great advice and service! This shop is one of the few who have stood the test of time and have been a part of the High Street and community for as long as I can remember and hopefully for many years to come too!


Great service, great people, great Pet shop! Amazing toys, amazing treats, everything you need for all animals. Dex loves getting his pigs lugs, sausages and doggy toys from here. Support your local Pet shop!!


Got my son his first pet hamster today and couldn't have been happier with the service and the obvious care & attention that all the animals receive!


Genuine and caring pet shop . Used Birnies since I was a child . Always excellent advice and after service is first class ! Use our local pet shop , must be one of , if not the longest surviving business of Elgin High Street !


Fantastic service that you can only get from an independent shop. Andrew and Kerry are a wealth of knowledge on all things pet. Can highly recommend their reptile boarding as well


Fantastic service and most importantly we purchased two cracking cockatiels!! Thank you !!


Fantastic pet shop :) Came through from Aberdeen last weekend for a new Budgie as a family pet as impossible to get in Abz, well worth the trip - excellent advice, prices, range, service and a fantastic wee budgie who's settling in well. Will stop in next time I'm on the way to Inverness for more supplies. One stop shop for everything, and much better than shopping at one of the chain pet stores :) Thanks again! :)


Collected our tortoise and Beardie from Chateau Birnieville today after they had been boarding since Thursday afternoon. Would highly recommend boarding your reptiles here if you don't have someone who is able to take care of their very specific needs. Was great to have peace of mind that they were getting everything they required whilst we were away, at a fantastic price! Definitely 5 stars! Thanks for everything!


Came over from Aberdeen to get a bidgie as there were no pet stores that we could see closer and glad that we went there. The chap seemed very knowledgeable and friendly. Very impressed. It seemed to be a good old fashioned pet shop which is rare nowadays but good.


Best pet shop I have been too ! Loads of choice ! Animals are healthy and happy and really cared for which is something you rarely see in pet shops anymore! Well worth the drive to Elgin !


Amazing pet shop with owners that really care. We were new beardie parents and the advice, answers to my concerns and questions were beyond 5 star and i can not thank them enough. I will remain a loyal customer and am very thankful for all their time given ÔŅĹ

Our bearded dragon is now at their boarding whilst we are away for a long weekend ..... fantastic place to leave your pet reptiles knowing they are looked after by experienced handlers.... thanks again birnies pet shop x


Wonderful shop and staff are always extremely helpful and very knowledgable if you have any queries. Would highly recommend ūüôā


Wish I could get to you being down on the south coast we're a bit far :(

A friend has just posted up into a group what you did for her young un, service like that is rare these days n should be celebrated and recognised, fantastic wish more pet shops were more hands on.

When you reach your 100 years I for one will come up to help you celebrate, I do have friends up there when I do I'll be sure to visit <3 xxx


We were in buying dogs toys and other bits today. Great selection and very helpful staff. Honestly far better priced than the large brand pet shops. Will definitely be back shopping here its a gem of a place.


Was so welcoming to me and my dog today - offered great advice and she's enjoying her bag of goodies as we speak. Great to shop local in a family business.


Very happy with our baby budgie we just brought to Inverness from Birnies in Elgin. Kudos to the friendly staff who gave us a lot of very useful information and recommended everything the budgie would need (and everything she wouldn't!).

Only thing we wish would be for Birnie Pet Shop to be closer to us so we could visit more often! :D

Thank you very much!!


Sent my mother in for ligoncel before Xmas as I couldn't get through from Inverness myself, you were wonderfully helpful to a confused parental and to top it off supplied two bags each containing the perfect amount for a 3ft viv. Much appreciated and look forward to coming through in person.


Popped in on Thursday to pick up some puppy supplies for our new arrival and very pleased with the service. Think it was the owner we spoke with (sorry not sure?) But he was extremely knowledgable, gave me loads of good advice and tips to try with the new puppy! Much rather spend my money in here than big brand pet stores. Lots of choice and good prices :) see you soon !


Just got home with my new hammy and he's now having his own time to settle in to his new home. You can tell straight away that he's been well handled and looked after given that he went straight in to my hand from his carrier and into his cage no bother. Can't thank the friendly staff enough for being so helpful. ÔŅĹ


Great shop, friendly staff who offer great advice and service! This shop is one of the few who have stood the test of time and have been a part of the High Street and community for as long as I can remember and hopefully for many years to come too!


Great service, great people, great Pet shop! Amazing toys, amazing treats, everything you need for all animals. Dex loves getting his pigs lugs, sausages and doggy toys from here. Support your local Pet shop!!


Got my son his first pet hamster today and couldn't have been happier with the service and the obvious care & attention that all the animals receive!


Genuine and caring pet shop . Used Birnies since I was a child . Always excellent advice and after service is first class ! Use our local pet shop , must be one of , if not the longest surviving business of Elgin High Street !


Fantastic service that you can only get from an independent shop. Andrew and Kerry are a wealth of knowledge on all things pet. Can highly recommend their reptile boarding as well


Fantastic service and most importantly we purchased two cracking cockatiels!! Thank you !!


Fantastic pet shop :) Came through from Aberdeen last weekend for a new Budgie as a family pet as impossible to get in Abz, well worth the trip - excellent advice, prices, range, service and a fantastic wee budgie who's settling in well. Will stop in next time I'm on the way to Inverness for more supplies. One stop shop for everything, and much better than shopping at one of the chain pet stores :) Thanks again! :)


Collected our tortoise and Beardie from Chateau Birnieville today after they had been boarding since Thursday afternoon. Would highly recommend boarding your reptiles here if you don't have someone who is able to take care of their very specific needs. Was great to have peace of mind that they were getting everything they required whilst we were away, at a fantastic price! Definitely 5 stars! Thanks for everything!


Came over from Aberdeen to get a bidgie as there were no pet stores that we could see closer and glad that we went there. The chap seemed very knowledgeable and friendly. Very impressed. It seemed to be a good old fashioned pet shop which is rare nowadays but good.


Best pet shop I have been too ! Loads of choice ! Animals are healthy and happy and really cared for which is something you rarely see in pet shops anymore! Well worth the drive to Elgin !


Amazing pet shop with owners that really care. We were new beardie parents and the advice, answers to my concerns and questions were beyond 5 star and i can not thank them enough. I will remain a loyal customer and am very thankful for all their time given ÔŅĹ

Our bearded dragon is now at their boarding whilst we are away for a long weekend ..... fantastic place to leave your pet reptiles knowing they are looked after by experienced handlers.... thanks again birnies pet shop x

More about F.P. Birnie Pet Shop

F.P. Birnie Pet Shop is located at 200 High Street, IV30 1BA Elgin, Moray
Monday: 10:00 - 14:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 14:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 14:00
Friday: 10:00 - 14:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -