Frank'S Shiatsu: Holistic Acupressure Massage

About Frank'S Shiatsu: Holistic Acupressure Massage

Frank Sargent MRSS

Frank'S Shiatsu: Holistic Acupressure Massage Description

I'm Frank Sargent MRSS
(Member of the Professional Register of the Shiatsu Society)
After 35 years in Traditional Martial Arts (Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate-Do)
(5th dan IOGKF); where Breath, Ki (life force), Hara (centre of being) and Tanden
(the root of the tree of life) have been the focus of my being.
These energies are now dedicated to my career in the healing arts of Shiatsu and Sei-Ki.

Post Graduate Education and Continuing Professional Development:

Post grad. education (Shiatsu): Bill Palmer MRSST; Movement Shiatsu – Postural and Skeletal Alignment – Harmonising Intention and Action. 25-26 February 2012

Post grad. education (Shiatsu): Akinobu Kishi Sensei; Sei-Ki “Life in Resonance” The secret art of Shiatsu: A unique approach to life healing, the opportunity to accept every situation that comes. 16-17-18 March 2012

Post grad. education (Shiatsu): Liz Arundel MRSST; Shin Tai – GV meridian and spine – Membrane release, facial unwinding, and gentle structural alignment. 6-7-8 April and 27-28-29 April 2012

Post grad. education (Shiatsu): Laura Davison MRSST; Shiatsu and joints. 19 May 2012

CPD 2012:

Tamsin Grainger MRSST: The Girdle Vessel:
Girdle Vessel has a special relationship with the pelvis and strength of the waist area.
For women it is especially related to the monthly cycle, pregnancy, the post natal period and menopause.
For men it is useful in treating the prostate gland.
The Girdle Vessel is also responsible for horizontal balance, maintaining your centre of balance both mentally and physically.
18 August 2012

Attendance at UK Shiatsu Society Congress at Lendrick Lodge, Brig O’ Turk Callender, Scotland, FK17 8HR.
Attending workshops and classes, (ref Congress details), networking with other Shiatsu people from throughout the UK, and Shiatsu exchange treatments with other delegates.
21-22-23 September 2012

Liz Arundel MRSST; - Shiatsu Shintai - Structural Alignment – improvement of energetic awareness – sensitivity and palpation skills – muscle energy techniques for the hips – hip and sacral evaluations and passive corrections for ileum, sacro-ileac joint, pubis bone, lumbar vertebrae and sacrum.
5-6-7-19-20-21 October 2012

Attend Chi-Gung seminar conducted by Peter Browne at The Shiatsu School Edinburgh.
Chi-Gung seminar giving insight into the connection with Chi, (life force), in self, others and the atmosphere in general.
11 November 2012

2013: Sei-Ki international workshop conducted by Keith Stuart MRSST:
Attend Akinobo Kishi Sensei’s Memorial Workshop
Norito, Kotodama and Sei-Ki practice. Shared memories of Kishi Sensei.
Workshop Theme: I SHIN DE SHIN
12-13-14 April 2013

2013: Sei-Ki workshop conducted by Keith Stuart MRSST:
Norito, Kotodama, Katsugen and Sei-Ki Soho undo practices
Workshop Theme: Harmonisation and sharing within the group of above practices.
08 June 2013

Attend Chi-Gung workshop conducted by Peter Browne
23 February 2014

2014: Attend Sei-Ki mastreclas conducted by Kyoko Kishi Sensei
Masterclass theme: Aei-Ki the formless treasure.
09-10-11 May 2014

More about Frank'S Shiatsu: Holistic Acupressure Massage

Frank'S Shiatsu: Holistic Acupressure Massage is located at The Healthy Life Centre 35-37 Bread St., EH3 9AL Edinburgh, United Kingdom