Genes & Genealogy

About Genes & Genealogy

Genes & Genealogy offers a global professional family history and genetic genealogy service combining DNA detective work with traditional research methods to solve all manner of unknown ancestor mysteries

Genes & Genealogy Description

Genes & Genealogy is a professional family history and genetic genealogy research service based in Scotland and run by Michelle Leonard.

I am a professional genealogist, genetic genealogist, researcher, speaker, writer and historian. I have considerable experience both as a traditional and a genetic genealogist. I specialize in the use of DNA testing for genealogical purposes and, in particular, solving adoption, unknown parentage, NPE, illegitimacy and other unknown ancestor mysteries. I also use DNA testing in conjunction with paper trail research to confirm and grow family trees and break down brick walls.

Additionally I take on traditional family history research work, tracing of long lost family members, documentary and television research, article writing, tutoring and speaking engagements.

I spent several years working on the ground-breaking Fromelles Genealogy Project tracking down appropriate DNA donors to help identify WWI soldiers buried in a mass grave in France. I also served as the Genealogical Consultant on the official documentary about the find and have given talks on it, as well as on other topics, at major genealogy events like Who Do You Think You Are? Live and Genetic Genealogy Ireland. I regularly work on new WW1 and WWII soldier cases when battlefield remains are found and DNA testing takes place or when new identifications from previous burials come to light.

I hold an M. A. in English and Modern History from the University of St Andrews and a PgCert in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde. I am a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and adhere to their code of ethics. I am also a member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG), the Scottish Genealogy Network and the Society of Genealogists. I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 (Registration Number ZA256420).

I am also the official genetic genealogist #genesgenie of ancestryhour. co. uk - join us on Twitter every Tuesday evening 7-8pm for lots of genealogy chat #AncestryHour

Please see my LinkedIn Profile for further details on the services I offer and get in touch if you'd like to commission any work!