Glasgow University Earth Science Society - Guess

About Glasgow University Earth Science Society - Guess

The posts on this page will be related to social and academic events, appropriate opportunities and vacancies that are related to the Earth Sciences @ UofG

Glasgow University Earth Science Society - Guess Description

Welcome to Glasgow University Earth Science Society! All posts on this page will be related to social and academic events, along with appropriate opportunities and vacancies that are related to the Earth Sciences.

Twitter: @Guearthsci
Instagram: @gu_earthsci

Any queries message the page or email us!
Committee for 2017 /18 is as follows:

President - Ann Scarr

Vice President - Christopher McMahon

Secretary - Aimée Coultas

Treasurer - Vacant

Social Convenor - Kyle Watts
Social Convenor - Calum McKeown

Academic Convenor - Ross Mowbray

Trips & Expeditions - Holly Harland

Publishing & Media - Emma Barrie

Sponsorship & Fundraising - Laura Holliday

4th Year Rep. - Vacant
3rd Year Rep. - Xander Brown
2nd Year Rep - Matthew Staitis



Get down to Hive next SATURDAY!!! The more people we bring the better!!!
£200 could be won for the society, so get your dancing shoes on and join in on the chance to get drunk and win some money for the society!!
Big love GUESS


Hi everyone, just a reminder that we have some talks tonight provided by members of staff from Wardell-Armstrong. If you’re interested in a career in mining or environmental geology, or would just like to explore post-uni options - please come along and join us from 6pm!

User posts/3112340912115407/


Just incase anyone hasnt seen the following statement of University of Glasgow, it is very important to stay safe out in the streets, especially with many of these terrible actions carried out around the Gregory building! Please if possible travel home with a friend or talk on the phone to someone or even let flatmates know when you’re leaving so that they can expect you home! We as a society and subject take this very seriously and we want everyone to feel as safe as possible walking home at night, so please if you feel in danger or know anything that is happening please do not hesitate to call the following numbers.

User 050/?ti=as

User /posts/2826052540772165/?sfnsn=mo


Great talk and possible networking opportunity coming up for those interested in the mining industry 9841690/permalink/2204570516508356/?sfns n=mo


Hi everyone,
Tomorrow is our first GeoBeers event of the year with a few short talks being given by Jacobs. If you're interested in what there is out there following university or can't quite make up your mind - come along for an insight into possible careers and the opportunity to direct your questions towards specialists in the engineering geology and environmental industries!
Talks will start shortly after 6pm in the L1 lab (Room 229) and refreshments will be available. We hope to see you there!


For those interested in pursuing a career in the Geothermal sector, this event may be of interest! An insight into the industry and a networking opportunity in the Gregory lecture theatre on Thursday 14th of November from 7.30pm.
***Update: Networking will begin at 7pm in room 306, followed by a talk at 7.30pm.


GUESS COMMITTEE 2019/20: 1. Co-President: Lara Dingley. Lara is a final year Geology student and has been a member of the committee for 2 years now. Interests include: rocks 2. Co-President: Chloe Quinn. Chloe is a final year Earth Science student and outside of being locked away in the Gregory, time is spent 50/50 between the pub and usually hills... 3. Vice-President: Matty Knowles. Matty is also in his final year of studying Earth Science and in true VP fashion enjoys wearing terrible shirts and doing not a lot 4. Secretary: Sam Perry. Sam is also a fourth year Earth Scientist. This year he is on hand to be our super savvy note taker and is on the ball with a lot of the society’s general organisation. 5. Treasurer: Genna Stewart. Genna is a final year Geologist who also just can’t get enough of those rocks (see pic). Interests include: Cash 6. Social Convenor: Jack Watson. Jack is a fourth year Geologist who has just rejoined us after spending a year in Canada! (Unfortunately his prior Scottish alcohol tolerance has not) 7. Academic Convenor: Hayley Lowe. Hayley is also a fourth year Geologist and this year is in charge of co-ordinating our GeoBeers and industry networking events. I’m sure she will do a great job with it and hopefully get us all jobs in the end 😀 8. We also have our lovely year reps: Jack McGarrigle (1st year) and Lauren MacKenzie (2nd year) on hand to deliver feedback to us from all year groups.
This year we are all on hand to assist with any queries our members may have (Geology or non-Geology related). So don’t be scared to come find us (usually in the Gregory) or pop us over a message if you have any questions/suggestions/feedback.
We are looking forward to what we hope will be a great year ahead!
GUESS Committee xxx
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User ofg-on-ecosia…
Hey guys, please take two minutes out of your day to participate in this revolutionary petition to make a climate friendly search engine the default of the university, where we would follow the footsteps of the likes of Oxford and Sussex.
Ecosia vows to donate 80% of its profits to reforestation. With your help we could be part of this climate revolution that is happening right now. It would help the planting of thousan...ds of trees from just our university.
Glasgow has initiated changes in the past few years such as reusable cups, cost of knives and forks for encouragement to bring your own, and placement of recycle bins all over campus, so why not sign this to make sure that we in the Gregory do our bit too and have your say in the climate revolution on the small scale.
Thanks for reading, and get signing!
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More about Glasgow University Earth Science Society - Guess

Glasgow University Earth Science Society - Guess is located at Gregory Building, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, United Kingdom