Gleam Festival

About Gleam Festival

GLEAM: Glasgow Electronic and Audiovisual Media Festival - presenting a series of concerts, events and workshops on contemporary Electronic and Audiovisual Practices at the University of Glasgow.

Are you GLEAMing?

Gleam Festival Description

To honour the centenary of Scottish-Canadian filmmaker and artist Norman McLaren (1914-1987), the first annual GLEAM (GLasgow Electronic and Audiovisual Media) Festival will celebrate his lasting influence, situating contemporary works of ‘visual music’ within the current context of audiovisual practice and providing opportunities for cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration.

It is only fitting that the McLaren centenary celebrations should extend to involve the city of Glasgow. McLaren spent three years at Glasgow School of Art studying art and interior design and it was here that he first began to experiment with the moving image, and discovered the work of Oskar Fischinger, which was to influence him profoundly.

"Fischinger was one of the great formative influences in my life. Around 1935, […] in my student days at the Glasgow School of Art […] , I saw for the first time […] Oskar Fischinger's film done to Brahms' ‘Hungarian Dance No. 5’. […] . The experience made an incredible impression on me, […] , and was to have a profound, long-lasting influence on many of my films. " (McLaren, 1975)

The audiovisual relationships first explored by Fischinger and McLaren have continued to be developed by a wide range of audiovisual artists, much aided of late by increasingly inexpensive and accessible technologies. Computer graphics and visual music pioneer John Whitney anticipated the appeal of this medium in 1976:

"Even though this [spatio-temporal] art […] has been in the collective imagination […] it was a technological impossibility until the development of computer graphics. " (Whitney, 1976)

GLEAM 2014 takes McLaren’s work as a jumping off point from which to discuss and disseminate contemporary sonic and audiovisual work, both theoretical and practical.



GLEAM is BACK! Presenting a one-off night of live, improvised, audiovisual performance on Monday November 28th, 8:30pm. More details coming soon: tickets are FREE and can be booked here: ents-john-ferguson…


GLEAM is back for 2016! This time, it's co-curating Sound Thought at the CCA, 30th March - 1st April. All events are FREE and the programme is looking fantastic. See you all there!


GLEAM 2014 is over :( but don't worry, hopefully we'll be back next year - stay tuned...


GLEAM events today are already underway!
Come join us for our Lunchtime Concert at 1pm in the University Concert Hall, featuring brand new GLEAM student project works by current undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the School of Culture and Creative Arts, alongside work by current and former sonic arts students.
If you can't make it that, come visit us this evening for our FANTASTIC closing concert at 6.30pm. People Like Us are performing The Magical Misery Tou...r: "The Magical Misery Tour is sourced 95% from horror movies, with the content portraying not so much a scary nightmare but a journey through the underworld of everyday human experiences..." The concert kicks off at 6:30 too, meaning you'll still have plenty of hours in the evening left for post-GLEAM Halloween mayhem... Book your tickets here: 30326867
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GLEAM concert one - DONE!! Thanks to everyone who came along, and those who didn't you really missed out... But have no fear, there's still lots of GLEAM-based fun to be had tomorrow from 10am. (And just for note, we'll finish at 8pm tomorrow night (it's listed as 9:30 on some websites, for some reason)).


GLEAM 2014 kicks off today! And there are still a few tickets left: 30326867 Hope to see you all at 6:30pm in the University Concert Hall for the first concert.
Also, please note that tomorrow's symposium starts at 10am not 11am as advertised in some places.


At this point in the week, I bet you're all wondering what the best thing you could do for Halloween is. And the answer is, you should come to the GLEAM 2014 closing concert, featuring People Like Us performing The Magical Misery Tour: "The Magical Misery Tour is sourced 95% from horror movies, with the content portraying not so much a scary nightmare but a journey through the underworld of everyday human experiences..." The concert kicks off at 6:30 too, meaning you'll still have plenty of hours in the evening left for post-GLEAM Halloween mayhem... Book your tickets here: 30326867


Last few days to get your tickets! 30326867


The Thursday night concert features live performance works by nationally and internationally renowned artists, alongside fixed audiovisual works and performances by current music PhD students.
The Friday lunchtime concert features brand new GLEAM student project works by current undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the School of Culture and Creative Arts, alongside work by current and former sonic arts students.
... Friday evening features fixed media works by Bret Battey, Joseph Hyde, a world premiere of a new audiovisual work by yours truly (Try to contain your excitement!) and a very special performance of The Magical Misery Tour by People Like Us – a special, halloween-themed performance work featuring sound and image from a huge range of horror films. It promises to be hugely atmospheric and a real one-off.
Tickets available: 30326867
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Still some tickets available for GLEAM Festival events and concerts! Get your tickets below: 30326867


TWO WEEKS TODAY!! The very first GLEAM festival comes to The University of Glasgow (30th-31st October). Tickets for ALL events are FREE and available to book here: 30326867


Tickets are running out quickly! Get your ticket TODAY!
Are you GLEAMing? 30326867


Not long to go now until the very first GLEAM Festival! Make sure to grab your FREE tickets here: 30326867


Book your tickets here today for free!!

6:30PM - University Concert Hall
A concert of new fixed media and live audiovisual performances, including 8 Switches by Tim Wright, Construction in Kneeding by Ryo Ikeshiro and Moire by Mark Pilkington.

11AM - University Concert Hall
GLEAM symposium 2014.
Featuring papers on audiovisual composition and visual music, selected from an international call for submissions.

1PM - University Concert Hall.
Lunchtime Concert.
Featuring new works developed specifically for the festival by current students from within and outside of Glasgow University, responding to the work of Norman McLaren.

2:15PM - University Concert Hall.
Artists in Discussion: Vicki Bennett, Bret Battey and other artists discuss their practice and give an insight into their creative processes.

6:30PM - University Concert Hall.
Featuring Clonal Colonies by Bret Battey, Vanishing Point by Joseph Hyde, Pletten by Louise Harris (World Premiere) and a live performance of The Magical Misery Tour by People Like Us. y-tour/
Book your tickets here: mposium-tickets-13…
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More about Gleam Festival

Gleam Festival is located at 14 University Gardens, G12 8 Glasgow, United Kingdom