Gold Medal Personal Training

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Gold Medal Personal Training

Gold Medal Personal Training is a facility which specialises in small group personal training under the guidance of top class and vastly experienced personal trainers.



Just had this feedback from one of our new members who just completed our 30-day trial. Sums up exactly how we want Gold Medal to be.
“ No egos, no mirrors, no posers in vests or wearing little clothes and no selfies being taken everywhere. Just a family vibe and fun environment which is getting the best results from me. It really is a gym like no other.”
Sometimes you just have to take that leap, why not make that leap today!


Hands up if you’re ready for a big week of training!
Summer is coming and we know we can help you get in the best shape of you’re life.
We will even give you money back if you don’t like it or we can’t help you!
... for information on our 30-day trial.
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Abigail trying some new exercises we have added to her program. Big progress has been made in the 2 months since she joined up!


Love new program week! Always cool to unveil what we have in store for everyone for the upcoming weeks and what improvements are about to be made as we see what specific adaptations are needed for individuals.
It’s important to always refresh the training programs to ensure progress doesn’t stagnate and that boredom Doesn’t creep in.
... There is not a better week to start training with us than new program week. Everything is new for everyone so you don’t need to worry about knowing less than people who have already been training.
Details to sign up can be found in the bio or you can also message for more information!
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We love having a number of couples training as part of our small group program at the gym.
Along with our usual coaching role we enjoy being the casting vote in any arguments and setting up competitive challenges to decide who will be doing the dishes.
This picture sums up how couples training together tends to go, the males thinking they work hard when really they are watching the ladies working harder.
... If there are any couples out there looking for a place to train together slide into our DMs and find out how we can help you.
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A sneak peak at what a Gold Medal Personal Training session involves with @jillyisabella


1 stone dropped for Joe this past month. One of the hardest workers in the gym. Never misses any of his 4 sessions per week and always gives 100%. You get out what you put in!


When Scott came to the gym in January he set himself a target of losing 3 stone for his trip to Vegas in June.
So with 6 weeks still to go he is now 3 and a half stone down with 6 weeks remaining till he leaves. There is no secret to how he has done this. He has trained 3 times a week with us for 5 months, not missing one session he was scheduled for. Put in extra sessions at the gym on his own. Cleaned up his diet and with the help of tracking calories he has been in a calo...rie deficit which has helped the weight fall off.
No quick fixes or shortcuts, just hard work and consistency.
He has not lived like a monk either over this timeframe. There has been plenty of weekends with cheat meals and cheat days. Not to mention the multiple weekends he ended up on drinking sessions for Saturday and Sunday’s. I think there was even a Monday Club thrown in there at some point.
However, 90% of the time he has made the correct choices and the results have been clear to see. Looking forward to see what our next target is!
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It’s Friday and every single person in the gym has already hit some form of personal best in the gym this week. Consistency = Progress


Sometimes, when I speak to people, I feel they try and come up with more excuses for why they shouldn’t train than why they should.
People need to be more like Janet!
Janet is 69 years young and last year she suffered a really bad injury where she broke both her ankles. Due to the severity of this injury she was wheelchair bound for a decent chunk of time and struggled with moving around even when she recovered.
... Since coming to us the progress Janet has made has been incredible to see. We started off slow and gradually built up. Now she is squatting, lunging, using light kettlebells and dumbbells for various movements and boxing.
More importantly everyday tasks have now become easier for her which was our main aim.
Be more like Janet!
Inspirational stuff for us to see. What’s your excuse?
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Sun is well and truly out. Looking forward to a week of having the shutters open, enjoying the fresh air and getting everyone summer ready!


The Easter weekend is upon us but no rest for the wicked at Gold Medal.
Our normal timetable is in operation! Need to make sure we burn off extra calories for all the incoming Easter eggs.


One of our main goals is to help redefine the idea of what a personal trainer is. Many people still think a PT’s sole responsibility is to stand over you while you train and count reps, occasionally check their phone and continually look at the clock until that hour is over.
We aim to be so much more than this! We want to be with you every step of the way on your journey. Yes, we will definitely count your reps and make sure you’re training hard (although my counting gets q...uestioned on a daily basis) but we also want to keep you accountable via continued email support. Struggling with the diet side? We want to get a catch up in the gym with you and see what we can do to you help get back on top of things.
Need some programming for sessions when you’re not training in Gold Medal? We are more than happy to chat with you and supply these to fit your needs.
Most all, we just want to be there for our members should they ever need a friendly ear to listen to or have a rant at.
I am very proud of the community we are continuing to build and long may it continue.
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Ready to jump into the new week like...If you have any questions on how we can help you jump into your fitness journey slide into our DMs and we will tell you how we can help!


“That’s the most fun I’ve had in years in a gym. I’ve been training for 25 years and most of the exercises we have done this week I’ve never seen before. I just feel refreshed and km finally through my bored with training brick wall!”
This was the feedback from one of our new members last week.
When some people think of attending a gym or hiring a personal trainer it automatically gives them images of treadmills, steppers and fixed weight machines.
... We want to help put an end to the myth that training is boring.
Our sessions will never involve you being put on a stepper for 30 minutes or solely using a barbell for an hour.
You will constantly be doing varied and fun workouts using all the different kit we have in the gym. Most likely doing many new things you have never done before.
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Don’t worry if you didn’t make the gym yesterday or nail your diet. You have another 6 chances this week to put that right. Consistency will always overcome one bad day!


A fresh week begins tomorrow which means another week of over 50 scheduled classes at Gold Medal Personal Training.
Whether it’s 6 am or 8pm at night we have you covered with our timetable.
Our 30-day trial is always running for new members. If that still seems a bit daunting why not come in for your free movement session which lets you come visit the gym and see if it’s a good fit for you before you begin the trial.


Good improvements with Jilly after only 6 weeks training.
She is really enjoying supplementing her fitness routine we do with the addition of boxing.
We run boxing sessions as part of our timetable alongside our small group personal training program.

More about Gold Medal Personal Training

Gold Medal Personal Training is located at Block 3, Unit 4 Oakbank Industrial Estate, G20 7LU Glasgow, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -