Good Vibrations Reiki

About Good Vibrations Reiki

Reiki Practitioner and Aromatherapist In East Kilbride
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Good Vibrations Reiki Description

Information On Reiki

Reiki, pronounced Ray-Key, is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Energy “ in which a simple hands on system helps to restore the natural balance in the body.
Reiki promotes deep relaxation and brings a sense of peace and well-being
The Client sits or lies comfortably in a peaceful environment, while the practitioner places his or her hands gently on or over the client in a series of positions around the body.
Reiki is a non-invasive therapy, with clients remaining fully clothed throughout the session. Most people experience a warming, soothing and relaxing sensation.
Heat from the practitioner hands may also be felt. Reiki can never cause harm.

How Does Reiki Heal?
We are alive because life energy or Ki is flowing through us. Ki flows within the physical body through pathways called charkas, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. The free and balanced flow of Ki is the cause of health. It is Ki that animates the physical organs as it flows through them. Ki nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When the flow of Ki is disrupted, it causes diminished functioning within one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body. Therefore it is the disruption in the flow of Ki that is the main cause of illness.
Ki is responsive to thoughts and feelings. When we have positive optimistic thoughts we increase our flow of Ki and this causes us to feel better. However when we have negative thoughts our Ki is disrupted and diminished and we do not feel as good. When negative thoughts become lodged in the subconscious mind they create a permanent disruption of Ki. This happens when we either consciously or unconsciously accept negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and disrupt the flow of Ki. Various organs and tissues of the body can be affected depending on the site of the blockage. This diminishes the vital function of those organs and cells of the physical body and unless the blockage is released a person could eventually become ill.
When a person receives Reiki treatment, the Rei or God-Conscious part of the energy assesses where the person has blocks and then directs the healing energy to the block that is nearest the hands. Sometimes the energy will go to the block that is most important even if it is far from the hands. Once Ki is flowing Naturally the Physical organs and tissues are then able to complete their healing process.

What Can Be Treated?

Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In it’s long history it has aided in healing virtually every know illness and injury, including serious conditions like Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease, cancer, broken bones, headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia and many more. Reiki has also helped with skin problems and can aid in the healing of cuts and bruises. Reiki is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. Reiki works in harmony with all types of treatment.

Reiki Can Be Complementary

Reiki will improve the results of any medical treatment, acting to reduce the negative side effects such as those from chemotherapy, surgery and invasive procedures. It shortens healing times, reduces or eliminates pain, reduces stress and helps create optimism. It has been regularly noted that patients receiving Reiki leave the hospital earlier than those who don’t.

After a Reiki Treatment

1. Drink plenty of water for the next 24 hours
2. Avoid taking any alcohol
3. If possible relax for the rest of the day

More about Good Vibrations Reiki

Good Vibrations Reiki is located at 33 Bolingbroke, G74 3RH Glasgow, United Kingdom