Gu Green Planet Society

About Gu Green Planet Society

Glasgow Univeristy Green Planet Society (GUGP) intends to raise awareness about climate change and environmental issues on university and local levels.



Do you want to know why coral reefs are disappearing at an unprecedented rate? Come and learn more about the topic by joining the Green Planet Society for a screening of the documentary Chasing Coral on Tuesday 12th of March at 7pm (Adam Smith Building, Lecture theatre 718). To help the Green Planet Society fund its projects, the event will cost £1 (at the entrance). We are hoping to see you there!


Hello! The Green Planet Society will be holding a Green Market in March for you to buy and sell old books and clothes to promote buying second hand to reduce our impact on the planet! The way it works: bring your items to us between 9 and 11am on either day with your chosen price tag (max £30) and come along at 5pm to collect your money or unsold item. To fund the event, the Green Planet society will take 10% of the profit. So if you’d like to sell some stuff, start collecting it now or if not pop along to see what bargains you can snatch!


Dear all, The Green Planeters wanted to thank all of you who came to our bake sale on Friday! It was a success as there were very few leftovers and we will be able to fund our projects thanks to your donations ☺ Thank you again! ☘


Hello! We’re having a bake sale to raise money for our society! Please come along to Fraser building on Friday!


Hello Green Planeters, If you're already an active member of GUGP or would like to get involved, don't hesitate to come to our first social of the year on Thursday evening! It'll be a great way to get to know each other better and be reunited before starting our semester's projects ☘


Hello, So most of you have voted to have the social on Thursday, so Thursday it will be! We will confirm the venue later in the week but at least you know which evening to save for Green Planet :) Also, don't forget our meeting in room 711 (Adam Smith Building) tomorrow at 7pm (homemade snacks included! Feel free to bring anything as well!) ☘ See you tomorrow!


Hello :) Next week's meeting will be held on Tuesday at 7pm in room 711, Adam Smith Building. We will be meeting every Tuesday until mid-February at this time and in this same room! If you want to get involved in the workshops we will be doing in primary schools, please try to come to next week's meeting (and/ or to our social) or send us a message/ an e-mail to let us know! Don't forget to answer to the poll regarding your preferred date for next week's social. Thanks! We h...ope to see you on Tuesday ☘
Also, don't forget to bring snacks for Tuesday's meeting 🙂🍪🍫
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Hello! So next week we’re going to have a wee re-fresher social at Dram! We’d love as many of you as possible to come, so would appreciate it if you could vote for the best day!


Hello Green Planeters, Yesterday we had our first meeting of the semester. We are really happy to see that some of you are excited for the workshops with children and the other projects we are planning! ➡️ To sum up yesterday's meeting: We have discussed many workshop ideas with the members who came and will decide which ones to do (and start with) next week so that we can start working on them on the following week. If you would like to get involved in the primary school pr...oject or if you have any ideas for the workshops, please try to come to next week's meeting or send us an email/ message to let us know :) We will also be organising a (vegan) bake sale (probably in two weeks time) and have started to think about the green market that we are hoping to be doing by the end of the semester. We will also put a poll regarding a social we would like to plan, hopefully next week! Let us know if you have any questions regarding this semester! See you next week (meeting on Tuesday at 7pm, room 711 Adam Smith Building) ☘
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Hello, Little reminder that our first 2019 meeting will be held tomorrow (Tuesday 8th January) at 7pm in room 711 in the Adam Smith Building. We hope to see you there 🙂


Hello Green Planeters! First of all, we want to wish you all the best for this new year! We are very excited with this semester's projects and are hoping to see many of you at our first meeting of 2019 next Tuesday! ➡️ We will be meeting in room 711 in the Adam Smith Building at 7pm on Tuesday 8th January to discuss about this semester's projects. The main project we will be running this semester will involve going to Hillhead Primary School a couple times every month (unti...l the end of the semester) to do workshops with children. We are very excited to have been given the opportunity to do these workshops which will require some planning and commitment from those of you who would like to participate :-) If you'd like to get involved, please try to come to our first meeting! We will also be doing the Green Market we were initially planning on doing in the first semester; but that will come later in the semester. Finally, we will be having a few film screenings, socials and a bakesale! We hope that this program interests you and that we'll see many of you on Tuesday ☘
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Join the Green Planet Society when we go to watch Becoming Animal at the GFT this Saturday. The film is:
'Shot in Grand Teton National Park, this immersive essay film draws together the distinct sensibilities of filmmakers Emma Davie (I Am Breathing) and Peter Mettler and philosopher David Abram to encounter the spaces where humans and animals meet. Moose clash antlers and a snail’s body becomes a vast landscape while the myriad sensory tools of cinema explore our complicity... with this “more-than-human world.”
Q&A with director Emma Davie and Svenja Meyerricks from the Centre for Human Ecology.'
If you'd like to come and join us, please book your tickets in advance online and we'll meet outside GFT at 5.50pm.
See you there!
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Hello Green Planeters, We were thinking of going to the Glasgow Film Theatre on Saturday evening to go watch the environmental documentary "Becoming Animal" (rather than screening our own!). If you want to join us, you can put a little "yes" on the poll below 🙂 We also have good news for next semester, so we could talk about that at the end too! Hope to see you there 🍀


Hello! Three of our members from the Green Planet Society has been invited by the Glasgow University Sustainability Team (GUST) to their Party for the Planet on the 21st of November from 5.30-7.00pm. If you would like to come with Mathilde and I, you can reply to this poll today and we'll pick someone at random :)


Hello 🙂 Thank you to everyone who attended our social yesterday evening. We've had a really nice time! Just a reminder that for those who worked on the Green Guide, you can let us know if you are not managing to access it. In that case, we'll send it back to you. Any suggestions and changes are more than welcome! Also, if you have ideas of the movie/ documentary we could screen as a pre-exam de-stress, that would be great too! Thank you for your help! Have a great day ☘


Hello Green Planeters, Tomorrow's meeting will be held in our usual Lab A (Adam Smith Building) at 7pm. We will then go out for dinner to talk about next semester's projects! If you could please reply to the poll on our previous post, it would help us organize. Thank you and see you tomorrow 🙂


Hello :) Next Tuesday, after our meeting (7pm in Lab A Adam Smith Building), we will be going out for dinner as a society to discuss about next semester's projects. If you'd like to come, please respond to the poll below! We are hoping to have more projects and be more active next semester ☘ Hope to see you then!