Gyt - The Glasgow Youth Theatre Archive

About Gyt - The Glasgow Youth Theatre Archive

Memories of the Glasgow Youth Theatre from the '70s. All contributions welcome. Leave a note on the page if you need anything digitised.



"...a lot o' mugs." - Rab Buchanan


"Working with the Youth Theatre gave me everything. It didn't just give me something; it gave me everything that I needed to be a film maker. I don't remember learning anything more, or other, than I learned in the few years that I worked with the Youth Theatre." - Bill Forsyth


I've been loving the process of interviewing for the documentary. It's been great meeting up with dear friends and basically just reminiscing about old times. However, disturbing themes keep turning up, especially one which involves multiple cases of petty larceny at a well-kent venue in the north-west of Scotland. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my disappointment with all those responsible and to implore you to ensure that such a thing must never happen again!


Sanny's tum tab


Night Nurse!


That's Bill's invaluable contribution to the video "in the can". This month will be very busy for me work-wise but nevertheless I'm going to try to get a few more interviews done. If anyone wants to make a contribution then please send me a private message - or declare it here to the world if you want. Please don't be shy - this is your history 😀


Hey folks. Feel free to tag yourselves or anyone you recognise in the photos. If you recognise locations then mention them in the comments. If you have any additional info or anecdotes then write them down.


Stand by for another deluge of photos - this time courtesy of Margaret Hughes (Maggie McTear).


Pics courtesy of Caroline Guthrie.


Stand by for a veritable deluge of pics from the GAS and One For The Album tours, courtesy of Caroline Guthrie. Be warned - the photo with Eichmann's arse is not for the faint-hearted. Pity me, for I had to retouch it. The photo, that is, not...oh, never mind.


A synopsis of GAS. Big 5 still has a script. Scanning it would have been a herculean task way beyond my patience so if you really want to read it again then you need help - either from Google, Amazon or a reputable psychiatrist.


"One reasonably respectable outfit". No, not a review of the company but a required item on the 1980 GAS tour kit list.


Tour dates for GAS.


And another wee gem, this time from "Big 5" - David Findlay. The cast list from GAS (1980), the last of the GYT summer touring productions. John Baraldi had moved on to Cumbernauld Theatre and Greg Giesakam took over as director.


The reverse of the OFTA programme.

More about Gyt - The Glasgow Youth Theatre Archive

Gyt - The Glasgow Youth Theatre Archive is located at The Dolphin Arts Centre, Glasgow, United Kingdom