
About Headstrong

HeadStrong specialise in helping extraordinary people make extraordinary changes to their lives. Btw you are one of those extraordinary people. Promise.

Headstrong Description

HeadStrong specialise in helping extraordinary people make extraordinary changes to their ives. Just in case you are wondering, extraordinary people includes you. Seriously. Did no-one send you them email to tell you?

This page is a simple wee place where we share the HeadStrong message. You will very, very rarely find this page publishing old quotes by Einstein or anything like that. We prefer to be unique, new and different.

Sometimes we might swear. Check us. We're big boys and girls now.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to come on one of our courses, one of our firewalks or organise a more personal chat, Geography is not an issue and the team work with people all over the world even through we are based right here in Sunny Glasgow : )



We’re feeling very generous this morning at Headstrong HQ so we are giving away ONE FREE SPACE at our almost sold out Personal Transformation Day!!
All you have to do to be in with a chance to win is...
📍Tag 3 mates... 📍Spread the love by sharing this post 🥰
Winner will be announced this Friday 18th January @ 5pm!
Get tagging and sharing folks - good luck!
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Brian and Mark spent their Monday morning @ Hillhead High School talking to their 6th year pupils about making good decisions, handling the scary parts of growing up, being resilient, dancing with fear and, of course... grabbing their bananas!!🍌
Mark is now very much looking forward to starting our 8 week “Stressed into Action” sessions with the group in a few weeks time ☺️


As promised, here’s a no BS video from company director, Brian, sharing his views on New Years resolutions 🧘🏼‍♂️
We would love to hear your thoughts and find out what you’re doing to ensure you don’t fall trap to the whole “New Year New You” hype? 🤔


New Year’s Resolutions... 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣🥳
Going by our recent polls on both Instagram and Facebook, most of you agree that new year’s resolutions, on the whole, are a load of bollocks!
Yes, this is a great time of year to implement change and shake off old habits that no longer serve you... But, is it just us or do you find it really annoying hearing all these positivity gurus talk about how they’ve set a whole load of HUGE goals for 2019? How they’re going to change X Y and Z...? And if you’re not doing that too then you’re a piece of s**t who mustn’t care about their life enough?
So, if you’re with us and want to learn about focusing on what’s important (being driven and ambitious, but at the same time making sure your life isn’t lost in a ‘making everything better’ whirlwind) look out for our video tomorrow covering just this very topic!
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New Year’s Resolutions...
We want to know, do you make them?


There was a recent debate as to whether this image is a sign to determine your stress levels, depending on how quickly it moves when you look at it... or if it is in fact just an optical Illusion?!?
We're not sure - but it is kinda cool! 👀
How are you seeing it? 🤔


Good evening facebookers 🙋🏻‍♂️💁🏼‍♀️
We have a shiny new Instagram this year and we would love for you to give us a follow for all up to date info and behind the scenes shenanigans at Headstrong HQ.


There's still some tickets remaining for our next Transformation Day on Sunday 3rd February.
Whether you want to be happy, positive, motivated, free, secure, up to date or even if you don't know what you want - you are just interested in this NLP thing and the power it has to change people's lives for the positive - this is a must attend seminar for you.
... As people who have attended the Personal Transformation Day in the past will know, it's hugely rich in content and an absolutely transformational experience during which you will learn all about the hidden power of your mind and how you can unlock it to become all sorts of awesome!
Here's some of what you'll learn on the day: - The 3 keys to Personal Transformation - Create personal change in yourself and others. - How to manage and influence your emotions. - Live a life with purpose and meaning. - How to reduce fear, stress & manage your emotions more effectively. - What NLP is and how it can be applied to various applications - How NLP can enhance your personal & professional lives.
Get your tickets booked quickly as this event has a habit of selling out fast.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Hello to all of our new and existing followers/clients 👋🏼
Welcome to HEADSTRONG. We are the home of one of Scotland’s leading and most inspiring teams of mental health and change professionals, using and teaching NLP, Hypnosis Coaching tools and the best in personal empowerment techniques to help get people exceptional results in everything they do.
Put simply, our team are dedicated to making change easy. Every. Single. Time. 🦋
... We believe that the simplest change starts by changing the way we think. It is a simple fact that if you can change the way you think then you WILL change the way you feel - and if you change the way you feel, you will act and behave differently in everything you do.
We are experts in changing the way people think. So, whether it’s for you, your team, a friend or family member, be sure to check out our website where we explain everything you need to know about Headstrong, Hypnosis and all sorts of other exciting things you can do to change your results today!
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Here’s a cheeky behind the scenes snapshot of our Brian signing off copies of his book “Cracking the Teen Code” for our Girls Day Out winners!!
Enjoy ladies 💅🏻
You can follow the link below to get your hands on your very own copy from Amazon!
... https://www.amazon.co.uk/…/d/190812721X /ref=tmm_pap_title_0…
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Thank you to everyone who entered our recent competition at the GDO event! We thought we would give you Christmas “off” before we announced our prize winners... New Year New You and all that jazz!
... So could your name be on these winning slips?!
Keep your eyes peeled for an email coming your way tomorrow if you’re one of the chosen few! 👀
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We are super proud to be sponsoring "The Amazing Women" awards again this year...
No.1 magazine celebrates everything that strong Scottish women stand for and they are creating a special night (on Thursday 7th March) to showcase all of the amazing achievements that women across Scotland have fought so hard for. From kind gestures to building empires, these women – our colleagues, friends and family members – are the backbone of our country and that’s why No.1, Scotland’s glamorous glossy, wants to recognise those women with a special evening of celebration!
Go check them out!!


Merry Christmas from all the Headstrong families, to you and yours 🎅🏼 We hope you have had a day filled with lots of love and laughter ✨


Merry Christmas From us all here at HeadStrong!
We hope you have enjoyed our 12 Days of Christmas if you missed any posts have a scroll back and you can see it all, feel free to sing along as you go!
All the best
... Brian, Liz, Emma, Mark, Magie, Karen & Jamie x
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🎵On the Twelfth Day of Christmas HeadStrong Gave to me 12 Changes Changing🎵
They say to make a change stick you need to turn it in to a habit, something that ends up becoming natural rather than you having to force yourself to do whatever it may be. For example, whenever I work with anyone on weight loss one of the first things I tell them is to forget dieting and eat the way they want to eat for the rest of their lives. Yes, it might take slightly longer to shift the pounds...
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🎵On the Eleventh Day of Christmas HeadStrong Gave to me Eleven Pracs a Practicing🎵
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP ) ....WOW ...now that’s a new life phrase that now I have found will never ever leave me.... as it has truly CHANGED MY LIFE .
Let me tell you a little of what it is , it is a methodology to understand and change human behaviour patterns , involving both your conscious and unconscious mind.
... Now I think differently, it allows me to declutter my mind , enhance my performance, keeps me focussed on achieving what I want in life, changed my behavioural patterns , and I now have control over my emotions.
The NLP Practitioner journey is one I didn’t want to end , it was exciting, it was amazing , it was more than I ever expected , it now transforms my everyday life , my business and professional life and I can now change life of others .
A journey of incredible change , a journey of discovery , a journey of learning , a journey of finding the best I could and can be .
It was and is a path filled with laughter, learning , change and final destination , bringing achievement, happiness, success, fulfilment and one with no desire to return to the old me .
I now have a mind sized map and compass as my guide and leading to my new life , I will follow it and never get lost .
Now I have my life badge and wear it everyday.
P - perceptual positions R - rapport A- anchoring C- communication models T - timeline intervention I - improve self esteem T- techniques I - identify achievable goals O - outcomes N - new code NLP E - even hypnosis R- realise yourself
If you can gift anything in life .....I say , start with gifting to yourself ....and this gift will change your life and that of everyone in it , it did for me .
Merry Christmas everyone , Love Liz x
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🎵On the Tenth Day of Christmas HeadStrong Gave to me Ten Toes a Toasting🎵
Some folk will do anything to get warmed up at this time of year.
Although walking on fire doesn’t just warm your feel, it warms your heart.
... Firewalking is about facing the unknown. It’s about creating order from the chaos of life. It's not about avoiding the darkness but being the light that courageously moves forward through it.
It’s about feeling your fears and then doing it anyway!!
Many things are going to evoke emotions within you at this time of year and life isn’t about avoiding your emotions.
Your emotions represent what you value and who you are so embrace them.
And remember Firewalk Scotland are here to help you spread a warm glow of love and light into 2019.
Thank you so much to everyone who’s Walked with us this year and to everyone of the charities you’ve help bring light too.
We hope you have a very merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Jamie Xxx
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🎵On the Ninth Day of Christmas HeadStrong Gave to me 9 Lives a Chancing🎵
My family have quite often compared me to a cat and before you cheeky lot say it, no its not because I’m fickle and like being scratched behind the ears but because they say that I always seem to land on my feet. Which, to a certain extent is true, I do agree that I tend to land on my feet with whatever I am doing but they usually miss the part that comes before that.
I always see posts about taking the ...leap and not waiting until you are ready to jump and by the way I do actually agree with what they say, I do think it is good to go for something even if you aren’t ready and work it out along the way as you go but you never see posts about what happens next, after you make the jump or take the leap!
I would actually categorise myself as a bit of a jumper (I like to take a leap and hope for the best) it’s something I have never had a problem with but in different situations what happens next can totally vary. My family have seen the part where I land on my feet but the part they often missed was the flailing mess on the way down before I got to that point! Just because I was brave enough to take the leap doesn’t mean it wasn’t a struggle having to learn and adapt and work some things out before I was able to land. Like I said though it can vary, there have been times when I have taken a leap and I have glided gracefully to the ground with little effort and other times where I haven’t even really landed on my feet but had to do a bit of a tuck and roll making it look like I meant that all along obviously!
Daring to jump doesn’t mean the fall won’t be scary, sometimes we need to adapt and learn before we can land on your feet but unlike cats we have an infinite amount of lives when it comes to taking opportunities and chances, even if we don’t land on our feet all we need to do is get back up an try again, there will always be options if you pick yourself back up and dare to jump again. Who knows you might even find that the more you do it the easier it will get!
Peace & Love
Emma x
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🎵On the Eighth Day of Christmas HeadStrong Gave to me Fake? Masks a Making🎵


The Breakthrough Weekend was an absolutely amazing experience. Thank you so much Brian Costello, it was life changing ��


Thank you for a fabulous breakthrough weekend... enlightening, empowering and awesome!


Thank you Brian, Jamie and Jamie for an incredible and transformational day!


Loved this!! I broke an arrow today on stage for my mission and I have never done anything like that! I’m usually just part of the av crew for the conference, we never get to take part but our amazing client invited us to take part, I also really enjoyed Brian’s presentation and stories.


Learned some great techniques that I now use not only in my personal life but also in my business. Highly recommend.


Just home after attending the Personal Transformation Day with Brian and Steven. What a great day! So powerful and a real thought-provoker. Looking forward to learning more about NLP. Thanks guys.


I just did a course with headstrong and it was amazing! So much knowledge and passion to help people make a difference to their lives. Dynamic, innovative and refreshing to be around! Absolutely recommend this company as one of the best out there xxx


I have just attended The Break Through Weekend run by Brian and his team.

It’s been an exhilarating, amazing, ground breaking, insightful, emotional, scary yet fabulous experience.

If you are feeling ‘stuck’ and want to knock down the walls that are holding you back in life, then this course will give you the power to do just that.

I can not recommend this course enough

Thank you


I attended the Break Through weekend. I met an amazing group of individuals including Pam (also reviewed) all with their own stories; some of us shared and others chose not to. I didn't know what to expect, but I can say, had I an expectation, it would have been met and surpassed.

With the help of Brian and his team we laughed, we challenged, we questioned, we learned, we swore, we faced and there were surprises. My eyes leaked (a lot!) but I stand tall again and I am Enlightened.

I had listened to Brian's podcasts and knew this was the help I wanted, but it still took me best part of a year to find the courage to attend a Break Through event and as always, I worried unnecessarily. I had been scunnered (good Scottish word) by touchy-feely overly happy "look I have MY life so sorted' Coaches promising to fix me. Brian led me to my own tool box, so I can fix myself.

Fabulous experience! I have a new calm today.


Great people, great NLP sessions, really helped me


Brian was brilliant with my daughter so friendly and welcoming - with his help she has not only got over her fear of dogs but has understood what made her afraid and how to alter her thoughts - just life changing for us as a family :-)

More about Headstrong

Headstrong is located at 102 Hope Street, G2 6PH Glasgow, United Kingdom