Highland Titles

About Highland Titles

Highland Titles - the Everlasting Gift of Scottish landhttp://www. HighlandTitles.com/

Highland Titles Description

We are proud to have given hundreds of thousands of people the chance to celebrate their links with Scotland.

Our Nature Reserve became an official 3* tourist attraction in 2014, attracting over 6000 souvenir plot owners to a remote area of the Highlands that year.



Shared from - Let's get MAD for wildlife 17 August at 22:05 · In the summer of 2017 a family of beavers had been discovered on the river Beauly, 2 adults, 2 sub-adults and 2 kits, and in line with their position on illegally released beavers the Scottish Government decided they should be captured and relocated to Knapdale. Unfortunately, in October the first three beavers captured all died within 2 weeks of captivity before they could be released (yes, they were in captivit...y for 2 weeks!).
SNH think that there are one, possibly two beavers left on the river. They’ve been asked by the Scottish Government to continue the efforts to remove these animals from the river, so trapping has recently resumed.
So, that's 4 beavers dead at the hands of the Scottish Government, when they were perfectly happy and healthy on the river Beauly...all because Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham is dragging her heels over giving Scottish beavers legal protection.
That, along with the issue of beavers being shot whilst they can be, this delay is literally costing lives.
See More


Nice photo from Glenfinnan Highland Games of Lochaber Pipe Band. We have sponsored the band for a few years now - the eagle-eyed amongst you will spot our logo on the big drum ;)


Attending the first Glencoe Swabian Whisky Day. With Highland Titles - Deutschland


Aubigny-sur-Nere Fetes Franco Ecossaises
Aubigny-Sur-Nere festivities Franco ScottishTranslated


Attending United Piper’s for Peace 1918 - 2018.


Closing ceremony. Thank you to all those who came by the stand. It was really nice to meet you all.


Here's the Nevis Radio tour highlights from the recent outside broadcast 😀


This is an important call to action. Please help.


Without immediate action from the Scottish Government, the tiny population of wildcats in Clashindarroch Forest – some of the last in Scotland – could be lost forever to make way for windfarms and toilet paper production. Sign the Petition. https://t.co/asuxTNB9Rm


Our App is back up and running! To everyone that wanted to use the App last week and over the weekend- sorry once again and thank you for your patience.


Having a great day at https://www.keltfest.nl/en/


Please help Save the Scottish wildcat by protecting Clashindarroch Forest! Just take a moment to sign the petition. Thank You. https://t.co/2qaWRvqNw8


Unfortunately our App is currently out of action. We have a team working on the issues and we are hoping it will be up and running again over the weekend! We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Please sign the petition to stop this awful destruction of this unique forest and the wildcats it supports. https://t.co/XQX1W2vVuz https://t.co/3i4DGod8AS

More about Highland Titles
