
About Hystool

Hystool - simple and hygienic stool sample collection kit for bowel cancer screening test and other medical conditions



Our dissolvable bags don't do this .. They dissolve in water.


If HyStool® were supplied in dispensers like this would it make the task of collecting stool samples from hospital patients simpler ? Simply use the bag then flush everything away.


Some complaints about the sound quality on the video so I have re edited it. Apologies if you have already seen this but worth seeing and sharing again to encourage more to do the test. Feel free to like the FB page too.


New video about HyStool. Please like and share. https://youtu.be/SNpjnM_Jy0o


I did not realise that in England they have not fully introduced the Faecal Immonochemical Test and still require to take 3 samples for bowel cancer screening tests. For that reason I have now created a 4 bag kit, which is currently selling on Amazon.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07FM7LHWB/re f=sr_1_2…


Worried about having to do a stool sample for bowel cancer, crohn's or other medical condition and can't find a strong enough container. Then have a look at hystool ....


I think we may be able to increase that percentage. HyStool is simple hygienic and it fits inside the test kit that the NHS send out...


Nice wee testimonial. "Cheap cheerful and all the mechanics worked out and neatly packaged for you. Just follow the instructions, could not be simpler, take what you need and send the rest of the offensive material onward to its usual destination along with the soiled receptacle, no unpalatable handling, no cleaning and no conscience issues about damage to the environment (or the plumbing). The only thing I cannot understand is why the idea has not been jumped on, it’s the obvious solution!"


First 5 star review on Amazon received for my bags. Hopefully the first of many more.


The 2014 Cancer Research UK Report "Saving lives, averting costs" states that Treatment for stage 3 and 4 rectal cancer costs the NHS nearly two and a half times the amount spent on stage 1 and 2 services. If more people were identified as having cancer at an earlier stage then the savings for the NHS would be huge. HyStool® provides a cheap, hygienic and simple way of doing the bowel cancer screening test. It can only serve to encourage more people to do the test and as a result could save lives and money ... ‪#‎jointhebowelmovement‬


Hystool bags ... Would easily fit into the NHS screening kit that is sent out too. ‪#‎jointhebowelmovement‬


My latest video explaining the potential benefits of Hystool. Please feel free to link and share. ‪#‎jointhebowelmovement‬

More about Hystool

Hystool is located at Luffness Gardens, EH32 0SH Aberlady